¡Clase Alfa Gradúa!

To read this update in English, please visit this website:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/2/17/alpha-class-graduates.html

Danlí, Honduras – El día de viernes, 11 de febrero, 2011 fue un día muy especial para el Instituto Bíblico de Honduras (IBH).  Tres estudiantes, la Clase Alfa, llegaron a ser los primeros graduados del instituto, una extensión del Instituto Bíblico de Bear Valley en Denver.  Yoni González, Oscar Morgan y HéctorViera cumplieron con éxito el programa de dos años de estudio y continuarán haciendo grandes cosas en el reino de nuestro Señor.   

Oscar Morgan es de la mayor edad de los tres graduados, está casado a Mirian y tiene tres hijos:  Karlina es de la mayor edad y ella tiene 15 años; los dos hijos varones son Erlín Esau (11) y Alan (5).  Oscar ha estado trabajando sobre el último año y medio en la pequeña congregación en Jicarito, cerca a la ciudad de Tegucigalpa.  Cuando comenzó a trabajar con esta congregación había un solo miembro.  En el tiempo en que Oscar ha estado trabajado allí, la congregación ha crecido a siete, sin contar a Oscar.  Oscar planea a buscar trabajo secular para cuidar a su familia.

L-R: Oscar Morgan Yoni González, y Héctor VieraYoni González no comenzó sus estudios en el IBH al mismo tiempo que lo demás, pero no perdió tiempo en alcanzarlos y ha hecho muy buen trabajo.  Yoni ha trabajado como estudiante con otro graduado en la Villa Santa, no muy lejos de Danlí.  Ahora que ha cumplido sus estudios, planea a continuar su educación secular y trabajar con la congregación de El Carmen en la ciudad de El Paraíso, capital de la región de El Paraíso.  El padre de Yoni predica en la comunidad del campo La Unión en la congregación allí.

Héctor Viera es nuestra tercer graduado.  Héctor es el hijo de nuestro director del IBH, Nery Irías.  Hector, junto con Yoni Gonzalez, ha estado trabajando con la iglesia en Villa Santa y planea a continuar a evangelizar esta pequeña comunidad y trabajar con la congregación de El Zarzal, ayudando a su padre quien sirve como evangelista allí.  También, buscará trabajo secular para su apoyo.

¡Estamos muy orgullosos de estos hombres y oramos que Dios les bendiga ricamente!L-R: Luis David Argenal, Nery Irias, Jesus Paguaga, Oscar Morgan Yoni González, Héctor Viera, Donnie Bates

Posted on February 17, 2011 .

Alpha Class Graduates!

Para leer este informe en español, haga clic en este sitio de web: /donnie-bates-reports/2011/2/17/clase-alfa-gradua.html

Danlí, Honduras – Friday night, February 11, 2011 was a very special night for the Bible Institute of Honduras (IBH).  Three students, making up the Alpha Class, became the first graduates of the institute, an extension school of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.  Yoni Gonzalez, Oscar Morgan and Hector Viera all successfully completed the two-year program of study and will continue to do great things in the kingdom of our Lord. 

Oscar Morgan is the oldest of the three graduates, is married to Mirian and has three children:  Karlina is the oldest and she is 15; the two boys are Erlín Esau (11) and Alan (5).  Oscar has been working for the last year and a half in the small congregation Jicarito, not far from Tegucigalpa.  When he began helping this congregation there was only one member.  In the time Oscar has been working there, it has grown to seven, not counting Oscar.  Oscar intends to find secular work to support his family.

L-R: Oscar Morgan, Yoni Gonzalez, Hector VieraYoni Gonzalez did not begin his studies at IBH at the same time as the others, but made up for lost time very quickly and has done good work.  Yoni has worked while he was a student with another graduate in the village of Villa Santa, not far from Danlí.  Now that he has completed his studies, he plans to continue his secular education and work with the El Carmen congregation in the city of El Paraíso, capital city of the region of El Paraíso.  Yoni’s father preaches in the rural community congregation of La Union.

Hector Viera is our third graduate.  Hector is the son of our director, Nery Irías.  Hector, along with Yoni Gonzalez, has been working with the church in Villa Santa and he plans to continue to evangelize that small community and work with the congregation in El Zarzal, helping his father who is the evangelist there.  He will also be finding secular work for his support.

We are very proud of these young men and pray God’s richest blessings upon them!L-R: Luis David Argeñal, Nery Irías, Jesus Paguaga, Oscar Morgan, Yoni Gonzalez, Hector Viera, Donnie Bates

Posted on February 17, 2011 .

Edmond, OK - February 17, 2011

Day 17 – February 14 – Today was mostly a free day.  Bob and I walked around the neighborhood of El Zarzal some and then passed by the church building where we met with Hector and left a copy of the pictures Bob had taken during his time here.  While we were there, Oscar came into the office and informed us that his nephew had been murdered in San Pedro Sula, in the northern part of Honduras.  No details were known at that time concerning what had happened.  Our hearts and our prayers are certainly with Oscar and his family.  Later in the morning we did some shopping in the central part of town.  The day ended with a staff meeting and dinner at a local restaurant.  Tonight, we pack for our return tomorrow.

Day 18 – February 15 – Today is the Day!!  We were picked up a little earlier than expected at the hotel for our trip into Tegucigalpa and our flight, so we arrived at the airport around 10:30 a.m.  This gave us time to get checked in and relax a bit before the flight.  I had called Howard Norton yesterday and given him our schedule so he met us at the airport and we had a nice visit before catching our plane.  My flights were uneventful and I arrived home a little past 9:00 p.m.  I want to thank everyone for their prayers for my safe trip and my family in my absence. 

God bless you all,

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 17, 2011 .

Danlí, Honduras - February 13, 2011

Day 15 – February 12 – Today was a day to relax.  A lot of weight seems to have been lifted with the completion of the graduations ceremony.  Bob and I walked into town and looked at a few things before walking back to the hotel to spend the hot part of the day in the hotel.  At 6:00 p.m. we had another class taught by brother Nery who, as usual, did a good job.  Tonight, Bob’s son Chase spent the night in our hotel room.

Day 16 – February 13 – My last Sunday at El Zarzal on this trip.  I have come to feel that this congregation is my home congregation away from my home congregation.  They are a great group of brethren.  Bob preached this morning and one of our graduates, Hector Viera, translated for the first time and did a good job.  After church, we filmed an interview with Hector who told what Bear Valley has meant to him and his classmates for the last two years.  I hope to have more news about that later when we decide how and where we are going to make that available.  It’s been another good day!

God Bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 13, 2011 .

Danlí, Honduras - February 12, 2011

Graduation Day!!  The day began with the final exam for the class in Hermeneutics, which took about an hour to complete.  Afterward, Nery took Bob and I to look at potential property sites for the future of the Institute.  Later, Nery and I ran errands in preparation for the graduation ceremony tonight.  The ceremony itself was a great success!  We are so proud of our graduates!!  Congratulations to Oscar Morgan, Yoni Gonzalez and Hector Viera.  We wish them well and pray God’s richest blessings on them in their future work in His kingdom.  As for me, I am tired but very relieved that things went well.  Now for some rest.  Thank you all for your continued interest, prayers and support.

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 12, 2011 .

Danlí, Honduras - February 11, 2011

Day 8 – February 5 – Jesus Paguaga and I headed to Tegucigalpa and the airport this morning at about 10:00.  Denny Petrillo’s flight was due in at 1:12 p.m.  We arrived just in time to greet him as he came out of the Customs area.  We arrived back in Danlí and the hotel shortly after 6:00 p.m. and after dinner in the hotel’s restaurant, retired to the room.  It’s been a long day of driving (including a long wait in a traffic jam caused by an accident involving a large truck).  We were ready for lights out.

Day 9 – February 6 – Today I am half way through my stay here on this trip.  It is Sunday and Denny and I headed over to the El Zarzal church building for worship and Bible Class with the brethren there.  Brother Nery preached a powerful sermon and afterward taught a great class.  After church, we walked over to a nearby strip mall and got some lunch, as well as, took advantage of the free wi-fi there and caught up on some email.  We then returned to the hotel to get some rest.  This may surprise some of you, but we are able to watch the Super Bowl here, even though the play-by-play is broadcast in Spanish.  Tomorrow, Denny starts his class on Hermeneutics.

Day 10 – February 7 – Denny Petrillo began his class on Hermeneutics today.  I was a little intimidated to begin with because brother Cesar, who is Denny’s translator, was not there.  When we finally got in touch with him, he said he was on a bus headed our way but stuck in traffic…still in Tegucigalpa!!  And the only person who could possibly fill in was…gulp…me!  Well, I told the class to help me and Denny to go slow and we made it just fine.  Cesar arrived sooner than I expected and things continued to go well.  The students (and visitors) are really enjoying the class.  After class, just like last Monday, we loaded up and headed to Jacaleapa for a soccer match.  A good time was had by all.  We were pretty tired when we got back to the hotel room, ready for a good night’s sleep.

Day 11 – February 8 – Today, after chapel at 7:30, I left Denny with the class and I came back to the hotel to get some work done here.  I returned to the class around 10:00 and was with them the rest of the day.  Today, there were approximately 10 in the class, counting the visitors.  After class, we returned to the hotel.  We learned of the very serious condition of Denny’s mother-in-law and he has made arrangements to fly back two days early to be with his wife.  Our prayers will certainly be for their family.  Tonight, we had our regularly scheduled class.  Yonis Gonzalez taught a class on Acts 6; there was good participation.  After class, Nery and I discussed some of the details concerning the feeding of the 5,000…er, the 80, that we expect for graduation Friday night.  Denny stayed at the hotel so that he could prepare the final exam for the students, since he is leaving tomorrow.

Day 12 – February 9 – The last day of classes!  Denny was able to finish his material.  Everyone has been very pleased with this class and very appreciative of the opportunity to be involved.  We have had visitors every day, with three teenagers being there every day.  Prayers are continually being offered on behalf of Denny and the Roberts family in their time of grief, as well as, a safe journey for Denny.  This morning early, Nery and I headed out to put a down payment on the food we will need Friday night.  On our way to getting dollars changed into Lempiras, we ran into car problems.  After trying to get it going again on our own for about 35 minutes, we called for help.  Luis came and took me to the bank and Nery waited for the mechanic.  Fortunately, all went well at the bank and the problem turned out to be a condenser, so no major repair bills.  For dinner, I scheduled our regular staff meeting at a local restaurant (Ovi & Ser) which serves quite a delicious menu.   We were joined by three of our teachers.  We presented these three with a nice portfolio from Bear Valley (that matches one the graduates will receive, but they don’t know that, so don’t tell them).  We also talked about the future of IBH.  I expressed my appreciation for the work they have done over the past two years.  I also told them that the teachers who have come to this school over the past two years from the United States have told me how impressed they are with the Institute and that we must do what we can to continue.  Denny added his appreciation for these men and their work in the kingdom of God, and told them that this is a very important part of the Bear Valley Extension program, that the students and faculty of the Institute in Denver pray regularly for IBH.  For their part, the teachers expressed their appreciation for the confidence that Bear Valley has shown in them and that they are determined to continue and working with us together to make this a success for the cause of Christ.  We returned to the hotel around 7:45.  This has been a good day!

Day 13 – February 10 – Today was Denny Petrillo’s last day in Honduras for this visit.  He, Jesús, Cesar Tábora and I left Danlí about 9:30 a.m. and headed to Tegucigalpa and the airport.  Denny’s flight was later than the arriving flight of Bob and Chase Turner so he was able to see their plane land before heading through security.  We were sorry to see him leave early, as was he, but we understand he needs to be with his family.  His class was well attended and very profitable for the students.  Bob and Chase had a good flight down from Houston and after lunch we headed for Danlí.  Cesar stayed in Tegucigalpa.  We arrived back in Danlí around 4:00 p.m.  We were able to see the school some (from the outside) before heading over to the home of one of the members of the congregation for the Thursday night class.  It has been another good day!

God Bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 11, 2011 .

Danlí, Honduras - February 4, 2011

Day 5 – February 2 – After class today, Nery and I met with the management of the hotel here to see about renting a room for the graduation ceremonies.  There are a couple of options open to us; the facilities here are very nice.  Afterward, we went looking for someone Nery knows who could cater the meal for us.  We were not able to find him (he has moved), so the search continues.  The days continue to be warm and dry.

Day 6 – February 3 – Today we finished the material for our class.  The students have the rest of the day to prepare for the Final Exam tomorrow morning.  One student, Yonis Gonzalez, will take it this afternoon so that he may get a head start on the weekend and travel to his hometown.  Tomorrow, Denny Petrillo arrives, Lord willing.  I’m anxious for him to see the institute here.  I learned today that the wife and daughter of one of our teachers, along with a co-worker, were robbed at gunpoint in Tegucigalpa this week.  They are fine, but lost their money.

Day 7 – February 4 – Finals today!!  There were five in class today to take the final exam; one student took his yesterday and one of the teachers who has attended the class will take his Monday.  There is not much else going on today, except that I will be meeting with the students at a local department store to look at suits for their graduation.  Brother Denny Petrillo, president of Bear Valley, was due in today, but his flight was cancelled.  So, he won’t be here until tomorrow.  More later.

Posted on February 4, 2011 .

Danlí, Honduras - February 1, 2011

Reports on Trip to Danlí, Honduras – January 29 – February 15, 2011

Day 1 – January 29 – The flight to Tegucigalpa was the best kind; uneventful.  The weather in Honduras is beautiful right now, with temps in the mid to upper 70s and the nights are cool.  I was met at the airport by three of our teachers: Nery Irías, Jesús Paguaga and Cesar Tábora.  After a nice lunch at a restaurant near the airport, we headed toward Danlí.  We didn’t get far, however, before getting stuck in a huge traffic jam.  Brother Cesar was close enough to his home to get out there.  We were finally able to move after about a half hour delay and the rest of the trip to Danlí passed without incident.  I arrived at the hotel about 4:20 p.m.  After unpacking I was able to rest for a bit before Bible Class at 6:00 at the El Zarzal church building.  After many greetings and a good class, I returned to the hotel for a good night’s sleep.

Day 2 – January 30 – Worship at El Zarzal begins at 10:00 a.m. Sunday.  I was blessed to be able to preach again for these good brethren.  After worship services, the congregation divided into their various classes and brother Nery did an outstanding job with the adult Bible Class.  After worship services and class, I returned to the hotel and grabbed my computer and headed off to get some lunch at my favorite fried chicken restaurant here (Chester’s Fried Chicken); I like the food that workers there know me by now, but it’s also a place that has free wireless internet.  On the walk over, I did have a bit of an adventure.  I was walking along when I heard a motorcycle getting closer behind me and before I knew it, he had pulled up beside me from behind and I heard a male voice say, “¡Manos arriba!” which, of course, means “Hands up!”  It was one of my students this week.  I rested much of the rest of the afternoon, preparing for tomorrow, the first day of classes.

Day 3 – January 31 – Today was the first day of our class on Revelation.  With the introductory material to cover, we had a long day, dismissing class just before 4:00 p.m.  I was invited to watch a soccer match after class, so I immediately returned to the hotel after class to drop off my books and pick up my camera and await my ride.  We drove to the nearby town of Jacaleapa where the match was to be held.  I learned that this was part of a program of working with the young people of the area.  There were, in total 25-30 people present and two full teams of 11 each were fielded.  The game ended just about the time it was too dark to see and we loaded up and those who lived in Danlí headed back in this direction.  Just before we reached the city, however, we came upon a serious accident.  It seems a car had hit a motorcycle and on the motorcycle was a family of three.  I understand that the mother and little girl (I do not know how old) had broken bones (I think the girl had a broken leg).  The man was still lying on the pavement at the side of the road.  The only thing I heard about his condition was that he was still alive.  I could see him moving some, but I could not see much else.  There was quite a bit of damage to the car (I did not see the motorcycle).  It is definitely not safe driving a motorcycle here at night.  As a matter of fact, I had just been thinking how dangerous it was to be out since we passed two bicycles on the hills with no lights and it is very dark here outside of the city.  Assured that the police were on their way (and there was a huge crowd of people already gathered to render aid, we continued on into town. I am now back at the hotel typing this report and will soon lay my head down for another night’s sleep.

Day 4 – February 1 – Another good day of classes today.  I let the students and visitors (we’re having about 7 – 8 in class each day) go a little early today.  The temperature is about 90, so everyone was agreeable to that.  We have a Bible Class tonight at 6:00 and one of the students will be teaching, so I’m looking forward to that.  I learned a little more about the accident from last night.  Apparently there were only two on the motorcycle, a father and his 9-year-old daughter.  Both had broken bones, but will survive.  We are thankful for that.

Posted on February 1, 2011 .

January 2001 Newsletter

Last month I began by asking where 2010 went.  This time I’m wondering the same thing about the first month of 2011.  I didn’t believe it as a child, but time really does go by faster as you get older.  As I write this, I am finalizing my plans to travel to Danlí, Honduras.  I will be leaving, Lord willing, Saturday, January 29.  My plans for the trip are to teach Revelation the week of January 31 - February 4.  Denny Petrillo, President of Bear Valley, will arrive in Honduras on Friday, February 4 to teach his class on Hermeneutics the next week.  At the end of that week (February 12) our first class of the Bible Institute of Honduras (IBH) will graduate.  As I have said before in this newsletter, I am very proud of these men and the work they are doing and will do in the kingdom of the Lord.  I am glad to call them brethren and friends. 

For the graduation, Bob Turner, Director of Extensions at Bear Valley will also travel to Danlí, with his son Chase.  The sponsoring congregation for IBH, the Hillcrest church of Christ in Neosho, Missouri, will also be represented by some of the elders.  I am very excited about this trip and I ask your prayers that all will go as planned (or better).

I plan to return home on February 15, but the Spring schedule seems to be filling up.  I will be home for a little over two weeks before heading to Guatemala to teach a short course.  Graduation is scheduled for the Latin American Theological Institute there the first weekend of April (more on that in a later issue).  For now, let me thank you all for your continued support of this work. 

Noma and I are doing well.  It has been a mild winter here in Central Oklahoma so far, although temperatures have been pretty low a few times.  We are thankful that no crises have arisen.  Noma is busy with her teaching and studying in her night classes and I continue to teach the Early Bird class on Wednesdays at the North MacArthur congregation. 

If you would like any further information about our work, I encourage you to contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.  You may also find information specifically dealing with the extension program by visiting the blog:

http://extensiontraining.wordpress.com .

You may contact me at: 

2013 Rushing Meadows

Edmond, OK 73013

Cell Phone:  (580) 326-1914

...praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ... (Colossians 4:3). 

Thank you and God bless you all.

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 27, 2011 .

Una Sorpresa para ITL

La Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala – Acabo de recibir las noticias siguientes de Byron Benítez y Hawatthia Jones, misioneros en la Ciudad de Guatemala y directores del Instituto Teológico Latinoamericano (ITL).  Tratare de poner los fotos tan pronto como posible.

Donnie Bates


Martes, 18 de enero, 2011

¡¡¡Saludos del Sur!!!

Oramos que este mensaje les encuentre bien y disfrutando este nueve ano.  Estamos bien aquí en Guatemala.  Llegamos de nuevo a Guatemala tarde en la noche, el 10 de enero.

El martes pasado fue un tiempo muy emocionante para el Instituto Teológico Latinoamericano (ITL).  De veras, toda la tarde fue llenada con emociones como acercábamos a los eventos de la noche.  Como ya saben la mayoría de ustedes, hemos estado recaudando fondos para comprar transporte para el ITL.  ¡Ahora lo tenemos!  El Señor nos bendijo para que pudiéramos recaudar la mayoría de los fondos para comprar un NUEVO Nissan Urval diesel de 15 pasajeros.

Permítanos, por favor, que les digamos un poco de la noche.  Primero, todos los maestros, estudiantes y sus familias fuimos a un restaurante local para la cena.  Después de la cena nuestro presidente presentó insignias de solapas a los maestros.  Esto fue la primera presentación de estas insignias a nadie.  Después de la presentación de las insignias, hicimos lo que SE TIENE que hacer en cada reunión oficial:  ¡avisos! J  Y, después de los avisos, todos fueron invitados afuera para una excursión corta.

Esto fue muy emocionante como todos fuimos afuera y al otro lado de la playa de estacionamiento hubo un nuevo camioneta hermosa con un arco rojo gigante en el frente.  Y, cuando acercábamos, hubo una señal magnética en la camioneta con el nombre y logotipo del instituto.  A este punto no había duda que la camioneta perteneció al ITL.  Un par de los estudiantes empezaron a llorar.  A nuestro conductor de camioneta del ITL, Francisco Ramos, le produjo una conmoción y no sabía lo que debe decir.  Los estudiantes y sus familias andaban alrededor de la camioneta, la tocaron y dijeron cosas como, “¡Mírelo!”

El presidente presentó la llave de la camioneta a Francisco Ramos.  Se había decidido que como él, por más de un ano y medio, había conducido nuestro poco fiable camioneta del ITL (en realidad, es la camioneta de Francisco), el sería el primero que conduce la nueva camioneta al instituto.  También, fue decidido que nuestros estudiantes y sus familias serían los primeros pasajeros como la camioneta fue por primera vez al ITL.  Por supuesto, todos estaban listo para salir para experimentar una conducción cómoda a casa hasta que entendieron que postres les esperaban en el restaurante.

Volvimos adentro donde un pastel grande de zanahoria con la palabra “felicitaciones” en letras grandes, y helado nos esperaban.  Alguien comentó que esto sería una prueba verdadera para la camioneta con una carga completa de pasajeros llenados de pastel y helado. J  Después de los postres fuimos afuera de nuevo.  Los sentimientos todavía estaban altos.  Andaban alrededor de la camioneta.  Subieron y bajaron de la camioneta.  Tocaron la camioneta para ver si era real. J  ¡Que bendición de Dios!  Después, todos subieron y fueron a casa.  Byron recibió el privilegio de conducir la camioneta vieja a case y NADIE ofreció acompañarlo. J

¡GRACIAS por el amor e interés en la obra de Guatemala.  Les enviamos un GRACIAS especial a todos los que contribuyeron fondos para ayudar hacer este momento una realidad para la familia de ITL.  Sin gente generosa como ustedes, dispuesto de permitir que Dios les ayude en esta manera, no nos hubiera gustado una noche como esta.  ¡Gracias!  ¡Gracias!  ¡Gracias!

Como cerramos, permítanos informarles que busquen otros mensajes de nosotros viniendo pronto.  Uno será una invitación de venir a Guatemala para ser parte de nuestra primera graduación de ITL.  El evento de la graduación será combinado con nuestra Segunda Conferencia Anual de ITL.  Entonces, será una buena oportunidad de “experimentar Guatemala.”  Las fechas son el jueves, 31 de marzo hasta el domingo, 2 de abril.  Si Dios quiere, deben recibir todas las detalles muy pronto.  POR FAVOR, ¡¡¡¡hagan planes de estar con nosotros!!!!

¡Que el Dios del cielo les inunde Sus bendiciones a cada uno de ustedes!  ¡Los amamos!  Disfruten los fotos que siguen.

Con amor en Cristo,




If you would like to read this newsletter in English, click on this link:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/19/a-surprise-for-itl.html

Posted on January 19, 2011 .

A Surprise for ITL

Guatemala City, Guatemala - I received the following news from Byron Benitez and Hiwatthia Jones, missionaries in Guatemala City and directors of the Latin American Theological Institute (ITL).  I will try to have the pictures posted as soon as possible.

Donnie Bates


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Greetings from the south!!!

We pray that this message finds you well and enjoying this brand new year. We are doing fine here in Guatemala. We arrived back to Guatemala on late Monday night, January 10. 

Last Tuesday night was a very exciting time for the Instituto Teológico Latinoamericano (ITL). In fact, the entire afternoon was filled with emotions as we led up to that night's events. As most of you know we have been raising funds to purchase transportation for ITL. Now we have it! The Lord blessed us to be able to raise most of the funds to purchase a BRAND NEW diesel 15 passenger Nissan Urvan.

Please allow us to tell you a little about the evening. First, all the staff, students and their families went to a local restaurant for dinner. After dinner our president made lapel pin presentations to the local teachers. This was the first presentation of these pins to anyone. Following the lapel pin presentations, we did what HAS to be done at every official gathering: announcements! :-) And, following the announcements, everyone was invited to go outside for a quick outdoor excursion.

This was very exciting as we all stepped outside and on the other side of the parking lot was a beautiful new van with a giant red bow on the front of it. And, as we got closer there was a magnetic sign on the van with the institute's name and logo. At this point there was no doubt that the van belonged to ITL.  A couple of the students began crying. Our ITL truck driver, Francisco Ramos, was in shock and did not know what to say. The students and their families walked around the van, touched it and made remarks like “wow - look at this!”

The president presented van key to Francisco Ramos. It had been decided that since he, for more than a year and a half, had driven our somewhat dependable ITL truck (really, it was Francisco's pickup), he would be the first to drive the new van back to the institute. It was also decided that our students and their families would be the first to be passengers as the van went for the first to time to ITL. Of course, everyone was ready to leave to experience a comfortable ride home until they heard that dessert awaited everyone back in the restaurant.

We returned inside where a carrot cake with a big “congratulations” on it and ice cream awaited us.  Someone commented that this would be a true test for the van with a full load of passengers all full of cake and ice cream. :-) After dessert we went back outside. The sentiments were still high. They walked around the van. They got in and out of the van. They touched the van to make sure it was real. _ What a blessing from God! Afterwards, everyone loaded up and headed home. Byron got the privilege of driving the truck home and NO ONE offered to ride with him. :-)

THANK YOU for the love and concern for the Guatemala work. We send a special THANK YOU to all who contributed funds to help make this moment a reality for the ITL family. Without generous people like you willing to allow God to use you in this way, we would not have enjoyed an evening such as this. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

As we close let us inform you to be on the look out for other messages from us coming soon. One will be an invitation for you to come to Guatemala to be a part of our first ITL graduation. The graduation event will be combined with our 2nd Annual ITL Lectureship. So, it will be a great time to “experience Guatemala.” The dates are Thursday, March 31 through Sunday, April 2. Lord willing, you should receive all the details very soon. PLEASE make plans to be with us!!!!

May the God of heaven shower His blessings on each one of you! We love you! Enjoy the pictures that follow.

Con amor en Cristo,




Si prefiere leer este boletín en español, haga clic en este enlace:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/19/una-sorpresa-para-itl.html

Posted on January 19, 2011 .

IBH Informe – Los Maestros Nombrados

Danli, Honduras – En el último informe, introducimos a los estudiantes del Instituto Bíblico de Honduras (IBH).  No queremos omitir nuestros maestros muy capaces.  Hermano Nery Irías sirve como director del instituto.  Se junta por Jesús Paguaga, Luis David Argeñal y Cesar Tabora.  Hermano Cesar también sirve como traductor para los Norteamericanos que enseñan nuestros cursos cortos.  Agradecemos profundamente el trabajo que hacen estos hombres en capacitar a hombres a predicar el evangelio y oramos que Dios les bendiga a todos.

If you would like to read this newsletter in English, click on this link:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/10/ibh-update-faculty-listed.html

¡Que Dios les bendiga a Uds., también!

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 10, 2011 .

IBH Update – Faculty Listed

Danlí, Honduras – In the last update, we introduced the students of the Bible Institute of Honduras (IBH).  We do not want to neglect our very capable teachers.  Brother Nery Irías serves as the director of the institute.  He is joined by Jesús Paguaga, Luis David Argeñal and Cesar Tábora, who also serves as translator for those North Americans who teach our short courses.  We deeply appreciate the work these men do in training men to preach the Gospel and pray God bless them all.

Si prefiere leer este boletín en español, haga clic en este enlace:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/10/ibh-informe-los-maestros-nombrados.html

God bless you, as well,

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 10, 2011 .

ITL Update – Second Year Schedule Released

Guatemala City – The new class schedule for the Latin American Theological Institute (ITL) has been released.  Classes will begin for the second class of ITL on April 18, 2011.  Lord willing, Graduation Week and Ceremonies will be March 23-31, 2013.  Two years of study lie before the new students. We pray God’s richest blessings on the new students in their studies.

As stated earlier, the current students are scheduled for graduation on April 1-3, 2011.  We are proud of the work these men and women have done.  We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the students and faculty of ITL.  Missionaries Byron Benitez and Hiwatthia Jones are joined by Anibal Ramirez and Darvin Alvarez as instructors at ITL.  The current students are:  Wilder Ordoñez and his wife Marlene, Edras Tista and his wife Aries, Francisco Ramos and Abner Ramos.   We also pray for God’s richest blessings on these students and their teachers alike.

Si prefiere leer este boletín en español, haga clic en este enlace:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/10/informe-de-itl-plan-de-estudios-del-ano-segundo-estrenado.html

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 10, 2011 .

Informe de ITL – Plan de Estudios del Ano Segundo Estrenado

La Ciudad de Guatemala – El plan nuevo de clases del Instituto Teológico Latinoamericano (ITL) ha sido estrenado.  Las clases comenzarán para la segunda clase de ITL el 18 de abril, 2011.  Si Dios quiere, la Semana de Graduación y Ceremonias será 23-31 de marzo, 2013.  Dos años de estudio están en el futuro de los estudiantes nuevos.  Oramos por las bendiciones más ricas de Dios para los estudiantes nuevos en sus estudios.

Como dijimos anteriormente, los estudiantes actuales tendrán su graduación el fin de semana 1-3 de abril, 2011.  Estamos orgullosos del trabajo que han hecho estos hermanos y hermanas.  Quisiéramos tomar esta oportunidad de introducir a los estudiantes y maestros de ITL.  Los misioneros Byron Benitez y Hiwatthia Jones se juntan por Anibal Ramirez y Darvin Alvarez como maestros de ITL.  Los estudiantes actuales son:  Wilder Ordoñez y su esposa Marlene, Edras Tista y su esposa Aries, Francisco Ramos y Abner Ramos.  También, oramos por las bendiciones más ricas de Dios en estos estudiantes y sus maestros igual.

If you would like to read this newsletter in English, click on this link:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/10/itl-update-second-year-schedule-released.html

¡Que Dios les bendiga!

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 10, 2011 .

“Boletín” Informe

En el aviso anterior, introducimos un nuevo boletín acerca de las escuelas extensiones en Latinoamérica.  Es posible que “boletín” no sea la manera mejor de describir esta herramienta de información, pero ojala servirá.  En vez hacer una edición regular por fecha, pondremos al corriente la situación de cada escuela como haya noticias de poner.

Otro cambio (ojalá para el mejor) es que todavía no enviaré mis informes por email, los cuales en este momento envío en forma de pdf.  Pondré al corriente my blog “Donnie Bates Reports.”

If you would like to read this newsletter in English, click on this link:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/10/newsletter-update.html?SSScrollPosition=516

¡Que Dios les bendiga!

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 10, 2011 .

"Newsletter" Update

In the previous post, we introduced a new "newsletter" concerning the two extension schools in Latin America.  "Newsletter" may  not be the best way to describe this informational tool, but it will hopefully serve.  Rather than having an regularly scheduled issue posted, we will be posting updates on each individual school as there is news to post. 

Another change (hopefully for the better) is that I will no longer be emailing my monthly reports, which I am currently sending in pdf format.  I will continue to update my blog "Donnie Bates Reports."

Si prefiere leer este boletin en español, haga clic en este enlace:  /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/10/boletin-informe.html

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 10, 2011 .

A New Newsletter

Greetings in the blessed and beloved name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  Welcome to a new newsletter about the Extension Centers Studies program of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.  It is a newsletter that I hope will serve as an instrument of communication to those who support and also to those who have interest in the work of training men to preach in Latin America.

At the moment, there are two institutes in Latin America in which we are training men to preach the Gospel.  Both institutes began their classes on the same day, April 13, 2009.  Since Bear Valley’s program of study is a two-year program, these schools are already about to graduate their students.

The Bible Institute of Honduras

As I said, the Bible Institute of Honduras (IBH), located in Danlí, Honduras, began its work of preparing faithful men so as to be able to teach their own people, April 13, 2009.  They have studied faithfully for almost two years and are already working in preaching and evangelizing in the area around Danlí.

At the moment, there are three students at IBH.  Their names are:  Oscar Morgan, Hector Viera and Yonis Gonzales.  They have worked hard and are about to complete a rigorous program.  The date of their graduation is February 10 (or 11) (I’m still working on that).  I have much confidence that they are going to have much success in the work of the Lord in the future, mainly because they already have had success, not just in their studies, but in working with several congregations in campaigns and each week also.

The plans that we have for IBH include changing the curriculum a little so that it compares better with the curriculum used at the Denver campus.  Also, we must recruit more students for the second class.  It is necessary that we have more than three students enrolled.  Because of this, we are going to wait until the month of August before we begin the second class.  This plan will give us time to recruit more students and, since we have to find another place where new married students can live with their families, it gives us more time to find a house we can rent and also time to raise the necessary funds.  The truth is that we need more funds to support the students with families because they will be studying and will not be able to provide for their families while they study.

For the immediate future, the students are completing their last quarter of long courses, which end the 28th of this month.  After the long courses, they will have two weeks of short courses.  I will teach the course on Revelation the week of January 31 – February 4.  Brother Denny Petrillo, president of Bear Valley, will teach the class on Hermeneutics the week of February 7-11 and, as I said at the beginning, we will have the graduation the evening of the 10th (Thursday) or the 11th (Friday) of that week.

The Latin American Theological Institute

The Latin American Theological Institute (ITL), located in Guatemala City, as you already know, began its classes April 13, 2009.  Also, the students of this institute have worked in faith and very hard and are about to graduate from their studies.

The last quarter of long courses ends February 18, 2011.  Brother Ken Dawdy, of Denver, Colorado, will travel to Guatemala to teach the first short course (February 21-25) over the books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.  The next week (February 28 – March 4) brother Wesley Walker will teach the course over the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  In the third week of short courses (March 7-11) I will teach the course over the Minor Prophets, Nahum – Malachi.  The date of the graduation of ITL is the weekend of April 1-3.

In the next edition, I want to share more information about ITL.  The brethren over this institute are doing a very good work in the name of the Lord.  In future editions, I would like to relate more news and information about the institutes that we already have and, also others that, Lord willing, we will have in the future. 

Si prefiere leer este boletin en español, haga clic en este enlace: /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/6/un-nuevo-boletin-de-noticias.html

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 6, 2011 .

Un Nuevo Boletín de Noticias

¡Saludos en el bendito y amado nombre de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo!  Bienvenido a un nuevo boletín de noticias del programa de Los Estudios de Extensiones del Instituto Bíblico de Bear Valley en Denver.  Es un boletín que quiero que sirva como un instrumento de comunicación a los que soportan y, también a los que tienen interés en el trabajo de capacitar a hombres para predicar en Latinoamérica.

En el momento presente, hay dos institutos en Latinoamérica en que estamos capacitando a hombres para predicar el evangelio.  Ambos institutos iniciaron sus clases el mismo día, el 13 de abril de 2009.  Como el programa de estudio de Bear Valley es un programa de dos años, ya viene las graduaciones de los estudiantes.

El Instituto Bíblico de Honduras

Como ya les dije, el Instituto Bíblico de Honduras (IBH), ubicado en Danlí, Honduras, empezó su obra de preparar a hombres fieles para que puedan evangelizar a su propia gente, el 13 de abril de 2009.  Han estudiado fielmente por casi dos años y ya están trabajando en predicación y evangelización en la región alrededor de Danlí. 

En este momento hay tres estudiantes en IBH.  Sus nombres son:  Oscar Morgan, Hector Viera y Yonis Gonzales.  Han trabajado duramente y están por cumplir un programa riguroso.  La fecha de sus graduación es 10 (o 11) de febrero (todavía estoy planeando).  Tengo mucha confianza que van a tener mucho éxito en la obra del Señor en el futuro, mayormente porque ya han tenido éxito no solamente en sus estudios, sino que en trabajar con varias congregaciones en campañas y cada semana también. 

Las planes que tenemos para el IBH incluyen cambiar un poco el plan de estudios para que parezca más como el usado en el instituto en Denver.  También, tenemos que reclutar más estudiantes por la segunda clase.  Es necesario que tengamos más de tres estudiantes matriculados.  Por eso, vamos a esperar hasta el mes de agosto antes de que empezamos la segunda clase.  Este plan nos dará más tiempo para reclutar más estudiantes y, como tendremos que buscar otro lugar donde nuevos estudiantes casados pueden vivir con sus familias, nos dará mas tiempo para encontrar una casa que podemos alquiler y también los fondos necesarios.  La verdad es que necesitaremos más fondos para soportar a los estudiantes con familias porque van a estar estudiando y no podrán cuidar sus familias mientras estudian. 

Por el futuro de inmediato, los estudiantes están cumpliendo su último trimestre de cursos largos, que terminarán el 28 de este mes.  Después de los cursos largos, tendrán dos semanas de cursos cortos.  Yo enseñaré el curso sobre Apocalipsis la semana del 31 de enero al 4 de febrero.  Hermano Denny Petrillo, el presidente de Bear Valley, enseñará la clase Hermenéutico la semana del 7 al 11 de febrero y, como les dijo al principio, tendremos la graduación en la noche del 10 (jueves) o el 11 (viernes) de esa semana.

El Instituto Teológico Latinoamericano

El Instituto Teológico Latinoamericano (ITL), ubicado en la ciudad de Guatemala, como ya saben, empezó el 13 de abril de 2009.  También, los estudiantes de este instituto han trabajado en fe y duramente y están por graduar de sus estudios.

El último trimestre  de cursos largos termina el 18 de febrero.  Hermano Ken Dawdy, de Denver, Colorado viajará a Guatemala para enseñar el primer curso corto (el 21 al 25 de febrero) sobre los libros de Esdras, Nehemías y Ester.  La próxima semana (el 28 de febrero al 4 de marzo), hermano Wesley Walker enseñará el curso sobre los libros de 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses.  En la tercera semana de cursos cortos (el 7 al 11 de marzo) yo enseñaré el curso sobre los libros de los Profetas Menores Nahum a Malaquías.  La fecha de la graduación de ITL es el fin de semana del 1 al 3 de abril.

En la próxima edición, quiero compartir más información del ITL.  Los hermanos sobre este instituto están haciendo un muy buen trabajo en el nombre del Señor.  En ediciones futuras, quisiera relatar más noticias e información acerca de los institutos que tenemos ahora y, también otros que, si Dios quiere, tendremos en el futuro.  

If you would like to read this newsletter in English, click on this link: /donnie-bates-reports/2011/1/6/a-new-newsletter.html

¡Que Dios les bendiga!

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 6, 2011 .