January 2001 Newsletter

Last month I began by asking where 2010 went.  This time I’m wondering the same thing about the first month of 2011.  I didn’t believe it as a child, but time really does go by faster as you get older.  As I write this, I am finalizing my plans to travel to Danlí, Honduras.  I will be leaving, Lord willing, Saturday, January 29.  My plans for the trip are to teach Revelation the week of January 31 - February 4.  Denny Petrillo, President of Bear Valley, will arrive in Honduras on Friday, February 4 to teach his class on Hermeneutics the next week.  At the end of that week (February 12) our first class of the Bible Institute of Honduras (IBH) will graduate.  As I have said before in this newsletter, I am very proud of these men and the work they are doing and will do in the kingdom of the Lord.  I am glad to call them brethren and friends. 

For the graduation, Bob Turner, Director of Extensions at Bear Valley will also travel to Danlí, with his son Chase.  The sponsoring congregation for IBH, the Hillcrest church of Christ in Neosho, Missouri, will also be represented by some of the elders.  I am very excited about this trip and I ask your prayers that all will go as planned (or better).

I plan to return home on February 15, but the Spring schedule seems to be filling up.  I will be home for a little over two weeks before heading to Guatemala to teach a short course.  Graduation is scheduled for the Latin American Theological Institute there the first weekend of April (more on that in a later issue).  For now, let me thank you all for your continued support of this work. 

Noma and I are doing well.  It has been a mild winter here in Central Oklahoma so far, although temperatures have been pretty low a few times.  We are thankful that no crises have arisen.  Noma is busy with her teaching and studying in her night classes and I continue to teach the Early Bird class on Wednesdays at the North MacArthur congregation. 

If you would like any further information about our work, I encourage you to contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.  You may also find information specifically dealing with the extension program by visiting the blog:

http://extensiontraining.wordpress.com .

You may contact me at: 

2013 Rushing Meadows

Edmond, OK 73013

Cell Phone:  (580) 326-1914

...praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ... (Colossians 4:3). 

Thank you and God bless you all.

Donnie Bates

Posted on January 27, 2011 .