Danlí, Honduras - February 12, 2011

Graduation Day!!  The day began with the final exam for the class in Hermeneutics, which took about an hour to complete.  Afterward, Nery took Bob and I to look at potential property sites for the future of the Institute.  Later, Nery and I ran errands in preparation for the graduation ceremony tonight.  The ceremony itself was a great success!  We are so proud of our graduates!!  Congratulations to Oscar Morgan, Yoni Gonzalez and Hector Viera.  We wish them well and pray God’s richest blessings on them in their future work in His kingdom.  As for me, I am tired but very relieved that things went well.  Now for some rest.  Thank you all for your continued interest, prayers and support.

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 12, 2011 .