Danlí, Honduras - February 1, 2011

Reports on Trip to Danlí, Honduras – January 29 – February 15, 2011

Day 1 – January 29 – The flight to Tegucigalpa was the best kind; uneventful.  The weather in Honduras is beautiful right now, with temps in the mid to upper 70s and the nights are cool.  I was met at the airport by three of our teachers: Nery Irías, Jesús Paguaga and Cesar Tábora.  After a nice lunch at a restaurant near the airport, we headed toward Danlí.  We didn’t get far, however, before getting stuck in a huge traffic jam.  Brother Cesar was close enough to his home to get out there.  We were finally able to move after about a half hour delay and the rest of the trip to Danlí passed without incident.  I arrived at the hotel about 4:20 p.m.  After unpacking I was able to rest for a bit before Bible Class at 6:00 at the El Zarzal church building.  After many greetings and a good class, I returned to the hotel for a good night’s sleep.

Day 2 – January 30 – Worship at El Zarzal begins at 10:00 a.m. Sunday.  I was blessed to be able to preach again for these good brethren.  After worship services, the congregation divided into their various classes and brother Nery did an outstanding job with the adult Bible Class.  After worship services and class, I returned to the hotel and grabbed my computer and headed off to get some lunch at my favorite fried chicken restaurant here (Chester’s Fried Chicken); I like the food that workers there know me by now, but it’s also a place that has free wireless internet.  On the walk over, I did have a bit of an adventure.  I was walking along when I heard a motorcycle getting closer behind me and before I knew it, he had pulled up beside me from behind and I heard a male voice say, “¡Manos arriba!” which, of course, means “Hands up!”  It was one of my students this week.  I rested much of the rest of the afternoon, preparing for tomorrow, the first day of classes.

Day 3 – January 31 – Today was the first day of our class on Revelation.  With the introductory material to cover, we had a long day, dismissing class just before 4:00 p.m.  I was invited to watch a soccer match after class, so I immediately returned to the hotel after class to drop off my books and pick up my camera and await my ride.  We drove to the nearby town of Jacaleapa where the match was to be held.  I learned that this was part of a program of working with the young people of the area.  There were, in total 25-30 people present and two full teams of 11 each were fielded.  The game ended just about the time it was too dark to see and we loaded up and those who lived in Danlí headed back in this direction.  Just before we reached the city, however, we came upon a serious accident.  It seems a car had hit a motorcycle and on the motorcycle was a family of three.  I understand that the mother and little girl (I do not know how old) had broken bones (I think the girl had a broken leg).  The man was still lying on the pavement at the side of the road.  The only thing I heard about his condition was that he was still alive.  I could see him moving some, but I could not see much else.  There was quite a bit of damage to the car (I did not see the motorcycle).  It is definitely not safe driving a motorcycle here at night.  As a matter of fact, I had just been thinking how dangerous it was to be out since we passed two bicycles on the hills with no lights and it is very dark here outside of the city.  Assured that the police were on their way (and there was a huge crowd of people already gathered to render aid, we continued on into town. I am now back at the hotel typing this report and will soon lay my head down for another night’s sleep.

Day 4 – February 1 – Another good day of classes today.  I let the students and visitors (we’re having about 7 – 8 in class each day) go a little early today.  The temperature is about 90, so everyone was agreeable to that.  We have a Bible Class tonight at 6:00 and one of the students will be teaching, so I’m looking forward to that.  I learned a little more about the accident from last night.  Apparently there were only two on the motorcycle, a father and his 9-year-old daughter.  Both had broken bones, but will survive.  We are thankful for that.

Posted on February 1, 2011 .