Edmond, OK - February 17, 2011

Day 17 – February 14 – Today was mostly a free day.  Bob and I walked around the neighborhood of El Zarzal some and then passed by the church building where we met with Hector and left a copy of the pictures Bob had taken during his time here.  While we were there, Oscar came into the office and informed us that his nephew had been murdered in San Pedro Sula, in the northern part of Honduras.  No details were known at that time concerning what had happened.  Our hearts and our prayers are certainly with Oscar and his family.  Later in the morning we did some shopping in the central part of town.  The day ended with a staff meeting and dinner at a local restaurant.  Tonight, we pack for our return tomorrow.

Day 18 – February 15 – Today is the Day!!  We were picked up a little earlier than expected at the hotel for our trip into Tegucigalpa and our flight, so we arrived at the airport around 10:30 a.m.  This gave us time to get checked in and relax a bit before the flight.  I had called Howard Norton yesterday and given him our schedule so he met us at the airport and we had a nice visit before catching our plane.  My flights were uneventful and I arrived home a little past 9:00 p.m.  I want to thank everyone for their prayers for my safe trip and my family in my absence. 

God bless you all,

Donnie Bates

Posted on February 17, 2011 .