Challenging courses in Accra

End of October Report, Accra

Report on programmes and activities held from the beginning to the end of month, October, 2020.

Glory be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ for His providence throughout the month.



Class activities are effectively ongoing. Currently, all Instructors are continuing with their courses as given to teach (the New Testament Church 2, Book of Acts, Personal Evangelism 2, Old Testament 3, English and ICT).

Brother Steven also took the Bible Geography with the students as part of the short courses. Furthermore, the bachelor’s class came on successfully for four (4) days on Basic Greek, which was taught by brother Steven Ashcraft with a class number of twelve (12) men. Though, it was challenging for the previous meeting but gradually the students picked up.

Students Received their Bibles

Each student received a Bible, i.e. Dickson Teacher’s Bible as a gift to enhance their studies. These were presented by brother Steven.

Students Visitation to churches

All the students visit assigned churches every Sunday being part of their training activities.

Number of Students for full-time class

We have on our record twelve (12) students for the Diploma class. Formerly, they were ten (10) in number whereas two (2) were recently admitted making up twelve (12) in total. Currently, the challenge facing on the attendance is that three (3) have not yet reported since they left for the lock down break. These men have been contacted and the response is that “we will come.” We are patiently waiting on them now and whenever they wish to come. The number for the class now is nine (9).


The administration and her staff are actively advertising for more students who may have the desire to come. We are doing this through the means of visiting the old and new students’ churches, our local congregation and other programmes.

We have been confronted by three (3) media stations who desire that we come and advertise the school. It is in the plan of the administration to check on its possibility.

Student’s Profile

Brother Philip Abruquah is one of our students in Accra who has been appointed as the students’ representative. He is a young man of age 42. He is the evangelist to the church of Christ at Doryumu after his father’s sickness in bed. As he was charged with this responsibility, he started the school in the middle of 2019. He has been one of the active students in class. His church is one of the supporting congregations, which supplies food stuff to the school especially, tilapia, lettuce and tomatoes. According to him, “he had loved the school and its instructors and the sound doctrine held. My prayer is that this continue until the end of the world”


Marriage Ceremony

The school was blessed as the Lord joined couples together in marriage, a male student and a female staff. These were Samuel Arhin Joas and Christiana Adziaka on 24th October, 2020. All the present and past students with Kojo, Daniel Adjei Mensah and I, Samuel Sasu Ntim (reporter) were present. We were grateful that everything went on successfully.


We once again appreciate what the Lord has done in our aid for all these times. Glory be unto Him.

Keep praying with us. Stay blessed

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Graduation upcoming in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

 Greetings from this part of the globe. It is amazing for us to be alive to praise His holy name. God is faithful to us, and we are happy to be by His side. If we look around ourselves and see the things that are happening, we will see that we have no hope for the future. But God is helping us, in every step we make.

We do hope you are doing good with whatever is entrusted in your hands. We keep you in our prayers. Please pray for us.

The week that has just passed went on well in Wotutu. Many are still busy with their farm work as it is the season for tomatoes. Our Bible students are still busy writing end of course research and many other things that will qualify them for leaving the school of preaching and getting into the desert. Keep them in your prayers that they will have good health and wisdom.

Evangelism on house to house, village to village, is still top on our weekly agenda even though with lots of difficulties and stress. We must preach the gospel and we are pushing forward towards the goal to make Jesus known to the world and especially to those in our communities.

Our students will graduate on the 10th of December. We have done our part to make our graduates self-supporting in agriculture, with crops, the keeping of animals, and birds. The big challenge will be for them to have a little bit of capital to get them started.


Weekend evangelism continues, as well as our daily morning program which is also evangelistic.

The Annual Lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon comes up on the 26th to 29th of November 2020. Please keep us in your prayers as we go there to help evangelize that area.


God bless you for all you do and for all of your thoughts towards the work here. God sees and will reward in due season.

Elangwe and family.

By the grace of God.

Director BVBIC-Wotutu



Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Back on track in India

Reporting letter for the month of September -2020

We greet you in the most holy and precious name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you good health and doing well. By the grace of God and your prayers we all are doing well. We thank you so much for your love , kindness, concern and encouragement that you provide for the smooth function of our spiritual educational project Bear Valley Bible Institute in India, we treat it as a great blessing of God for the young people in India to train them up for the sake of great commission of our lord Jesus Christ .

Due to covid-19 Indian government has not permitted to run the classes for few months but by the grace of God we were permitted to conduct the classes from the month of September -2020 onwards,  after restarting our classes we could able to complete five courses from our Bear Valley Syllabus(O.T History -balance books  2 Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah and Ester ), Personal Evangelism, Life of Christ and Book of Hebrews ). All the teachers have done their level best in teaching more effectively and all the students could able to keep the punctuality for attending to the daily classes , performing well in writing their class room notes, memory work, writing their daily assignments and appearing for the week end examinations.

 We are happy to report you that We could able to send some of the students to neighboring local churches for Sunday preaching . We have sent Mr.Kranthi Kumar to Gudur church of Christ, Mr.Praveen kumar to Vidyanagar church of Christ, Mr.Chittibabu preached at Tirupati church of Christ ,Mr.Rajesh Kumar preached at west Godavari-district and etc…the response was so good from the local churches where ever we send our students  for the practical work.

Regarding the benevolence service we have received some fund from Dr. Damon Vincent, we were able to provide Covid-19 ‘s pandemic relief food supplies to 15 blind families and 14 poor families who are belong to our local church.

Regarding our Agriculture Vegetable garden the second time crop has been completed, indeed we enjoyed excellent organic vegetable , we are about to remove the plants and plan for third  time plantation. We are thankful to Healing Hands International for supporting for the establishment of this demonstration garden.

We share with you that ever since we have began our classes all the students and staff members are safe from the virus, we follow the guidelines of covid-19 as per the rules of Indian government for the safety of the students and staff members. We humbly request your continual prayers and encouragement.

Prayer request: The owner of the Bear Valley Institute ‘s building  has announced  building for the sales , if any local man comes  forward and purchase the building we would like to get the building from the new  owner and continue the program in this same building itself by paying the monthly rents as do right now. We need your prayers for these arrangements. In fact this building has been located 25 minutes travel from the Air port, 20 Minutes travel from Railway station, 15 Minutes travel from the Bus station and close to the university  and near to the four line national high way. All the students feel much comfortable concerning this accommodation. We are hoping that even a new owner comes they may allow us to continue the program, we are just living by faith , we need your continual prayers.

Thanking you

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa , yours co-workers behalf of BVBI-Tirupati, India

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Making progress in Ukraine

Dear brethren, congregations and families,

The Bible Institute has a fall break currently. And we will resume the classes on the 9th of November.

This time we were actually able to run a few evangelizing events, and some students were quite encouraged by them. We had planned some street evangelism and made it happen. From the very start it was obvious that it would be extremely difficult to contact people. Many just hurried up when outside and didn't intend to stop and visit, and others, willing to have a conversation, had experienced discomfort visiting with the masks on.

In addition to this effort our student Marianna was very active in a congregation in Kiyv where they were planning on hosting a few young group meetings untied by certain topics.

And one more exciting event took place as well. Our graduate Alexander Rodichev hosted a wonderful youth conference. These kind of happenings are extremely rare this year while the young people need them so badly.

As for our home congregation, we have some good news. A young couple Alexey and Alesya were baptized for the remission of their sins. They have 2 children and one more is on the way. Their way to church is a very interesting story. As a child Alesya was brought up in a boarding school for children from dysfunctional families. Our sister in Christ Tamara would visit her as a teenager and tell her about God. Later on they lost the connection and wouldn't see each other for quite some time. And just recently they reunited again. Alesya and her husband started coming to church. The good news touched their hearts and they decided to make a covenant with the Lord. Just as that, we never know when the seed we are currently planting will come up and bring good fruit. We hope this story will be an encouragement to some evangelists who don't see immediate results of their preaching.

In October our students had Christian Ethics (Instructor Viktor Semikoz) and Intertestament Period (Dennis Sopelnik). In November and December, we are engaging Ukrainian Instructors again but in 2021 some American instructors have plans of joining our program.

We are very appreciative of your care and support. May God keep all of us safe!

Our students and teachers send their greetings and their love.

Your brother and co-worker, Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

More souls saved in Tanzania!

Grace and Peace to you friends.

Ready for a distraction from all of the election chaos? Let me share with you some news from the Lord's work in Tanzania. This will be much more pleasant to think about! Recently I've heard news of at least 19 baptisms and 17 restorations from our brothers in Tanzania. That's the kind of counting that is edifying to do! Some of those baptisms came at the brand new congregation in the Mesarani village. For those of you who have visited Tanzania, Mesarani is the area where the Snake Park is. The Kisongo church has helped to plant this new congregation, and their members have been making weekly efforts at evangelizing this neighboring community.

Meanwhile, the students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching continue their studies. The first-year students are just finishing up a course on the Intertestimental Period, that 400-year period of scriptural silence after the close of the Old Testament that forms the background and setting for the events of the New Testament. Next door, the second-year students are wrapping up a course on The Preacher's Work, which is a very practical study that plays an important role in preparing an effective evangelist. Speaking of students, let's turn our spotlight to let you meet one of our second-year students who will be graduating soon.

Student Spotlight - Isaya Fredy Mwainyekule
Isaya was raised in a family from a charismatic denomination. From the Kyusa tribe, he was one of seven children in his family. An ACSOP alumnus taught Isaya the gospel in 2012, and forever changed his life. Now Isaya dreams of being a church planter as he serves God with the rest of his days.

Here's what Isaya wants to say to you, "Knowing the pure doctrine was my dream, and now it has been fulfilled. So I really thank all who support this school from the deepest part of my heart, and I pray that God will continue to fill you, with spiritual and physical blessings according to His will."

I join Isaya in being thankful to all of you who give of your resources and through your prayers to make the mission work in Tanzania possible. If you would like to hear an in-person report about the work, then reply to this email and let me know. I would love to come and visit your congregation!

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Evangelism in Enugu


Enugu Study Centre, Enugu State Nigeria


Bear Valley Bible Institute, Enugu Study Centre resumed on the first week of June 2020 after the relaxing of lockdown caused by COVID-19; 15 students have resumed despite the economic changes after the lockdown.

From the month of June to August 2020, the students have studied and written exams on 3 courses.

The centre had their evangelism by the month of September 2020 to practicalize what they have learnt and the outing was successful; Douglas Street Church of Christ where the BVBI is situated had newly baptized members through the effort of the outings of the students.

We appreciate BVBI of Denver coordinators and resource persons/churches for their great efforts and supports financially, morally and spiritually to all the study centres globally. Also to resource person/persons in Nigeria, we say thank you.

May the good Lord bless and keep you as you continue in this good work in Jesus name Amen.

Report submitted by

Bro. Patrick Makwe

Enugu Study Centre coordinator.

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

60+ students in Port Harcourt, Nigeria



Permit me to begin this report with a profound appreciation to Bear Valley Bible Institute founders and management for their foresight and efforts made to sustain the institution over the years.

The idea of the part - time extension program is a great idea. The extension program had made preachers training possible in the areas like Port Harcourt Rivers state Nigeria. In our area, men and women had been desiring to be trained and equipped to preach the gospel for a long time, due to the absent of a Bible college, congregations in our area resulted to appointing people among them to become preachers without any form of training. This method brought some men and young men who are not properly trained into the pulpit. Untrained preachers had caused a lot of problems to many local congregations in the state due to ignorance of the scriptures and ignorance of preaching ethics.  


Our dream of having a Bible college came true when we met Bro. Chad Wagner and Bro. Keith Kasarjian. The connection to these men came to us through Brother Mike Udam. Our discussion with the mention people led to the approval of our centre on the month of October 2019. When we wanted to start, we had a large number of applicants who wanted to be trained, due to the large number of applicants we were advised to have two centres in Rivers State which we did. And on November 2019, we started at the two centres. One of the centres is located at the Port Harcourt metropolis and the Rumuokwuta Church of Christ in Port Harcourt is our host. The other centre is located in Ahoada which is about 65km from Port Harcourt town. The church of Christ Ahoada is our host in the Ahoada centre.


In Port Harcourt centre, we started with 33 students but after the Corona Virus 3 month’s lockdown some of our students dropped. Currently, we are having 30 active students in this centre. We had successfully taught and written exams on the following courses:

1.    Life of Christ

2.    How we got our Bible

3.    Christian Evidences

4.    Acts of the Apostles

5.    Homiletics

6.    Personal Evangelism

7.    Hermeneutics

8.    Old Testament (Book of the law)

9.    New Testament Church

In Ahoada centre, we started with 28 students but after the corona virus lock down, we lost one of our students and few others dropped. Presently, we are having 24 active students in Ahoada centre. We had successfully taught and written exams on the following courses

1.    Life of Christ

2.    Acts of the Apostles

3.    Christian Evidences

4.    How we got our bible

5.    Hermeneutics

6.    Homiletics

7.    Old Testament (Book of the law)

8.    New Testament Church


Our students are very active in Evangelism in Rivers State. We have participated in various Evangelism programs organized by the local congregations. On the month of March 2020, we located a large community where there is no existing congregation; we mobilized all our students from the two centres and went to the community for two days Evangelism outreach. After the intensive house to house and open air Evangelism, we discovered some members of the church who are living in the community without any congregation to attend and so we started a congregation in the community which is presently growing. After establishing the new congregation, we encouraged one of our students who is living in the community to work as a minister of the new congregation. The young man is doing his best to sustain the congregation. We are appealing to anyone who cares or group of brethren to take up the support of the student preacher who has been working hard without any support. The new congregation need a support also.

On the month of October 2020, our attention was drawn to a large community known as Ogbogu in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni local government area in Rivers State Nigeria. We were informed that the community is very large and have a new congregation which was planted late last year. We were also informed that one of our students in Ahoada centre is struggling to keep the congregation going. On Saturday 31st October 2020 we mobilized all our students from the two centres and some members of nearby congregations in the area to the community for a mega Evangelism outreach. The mandate given to our students by the director before sending them to house to house Evangelism was “go and come back with souls for Christ”. The students went out to houses, streets and market squares, fishing for Christ. After an intensive Evangelism in the community, our students came back with 3 souls, 2 male and 1 female who gave their lives to Christ and they were baptized and added to the church.

As at the time of this report, our students are still rejoicing and celebrating the success of this Evangelism outreach on 31st October 2020.

Bear valley bible institute in Rivers State is marching on unto greatness. We thank all the supporters of the institute for all their support.

This Report is from Anthony Ejike Oluria (Director of studies -  BVBI Port Harcourt and Ahoada centres)    


Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Temporary setbacks in Zimbabwe



October was a  month filled with several events in the school even as things slowly get back to normal in the country regarding COVID19. Despite one notable setback, a number of activities took place in the month. These are reported below.


Online classes have been progressing, though at a slow pace. The pace will pick up soon as students are set to come physically on campus from the 5th to the 20th of December and then  resume again normally in early January. The December session would be to cover issues that could not be covered by the online classes. Outstanding examinations will be written in early January


2.1 Evangelism

This class continued with its evangelism efforts. These efforts saw 21 souls being added to the church whilst 2 were restored. This is according to reports from the field. The locations of these students are covered in 2.3 below.

Baptism at Shackleton

2.2 Graduation

This class was supposed to graduate on the 3rd of October, however, due to the present challenges induced by the COVID19 pandemic, the event has to be postponed. The new date is now 13 February 2021.

2.3 Where are they?

Besides the following, there are three others, not listed, who are yet to complete their coursework;

·         Isaac Mupanduki- Isaac is currently working with Bro. George Muhura in Kadoma. A new congregation was recently started at Waverly. This is the second in the town after Rimuka. Beginning in November, Isaac will officially be working with the Waverly congregation as its preacher.

·         Virimai Gandiwa-Currently at Manyame, his home congregation under the tutorship of his preacher, Godwin Marandure. He is yet to be engaged.

·         Takudzwa Chikuni-Currently serving as an associate minister at the Maware congregation in Chikomba District, Mashonaland East.

·         Khulekhani and Thandikile Dube-Besides working with Sipaba congregation in Esigodini, Matebelaland South, the couple is also working with Zimbabwe Missions.

·         Batsirai Tengurachepa- Batsirai  is now the preacher at Redcliff church of Christ, a new congregation that began last year during the school’s field program.

·         Blessing Tiyani- Blessing is currently at his home but working with Mashayamvura congregation in Manicaland.

·         Matthew Adrian Phiri- Matthew is at Alaska, Chinhoyi. He is currently working with his home preacher at Alaska and other congregations. Brother Donivert Khata (the local preacher) works with several congregations which includes Alaska, Shackleton, Mhangura and Piringani among others.  

·         Gray Ndoro-Gray is currently working with the Plasworth congregation. This is the congregation that was recently started at the school’s permanent site. Gray is available for full time engagement anywhere.

·         Charles Muzambi-Charles has is now the resident Minister at Warren Park in Harare.


Whilst there was progress on several fronts, we lost solar panels and the control unit to thieves on the 25th of October. This is a major setback to the plans the school was having. These were fitted to a borehole which was providing water to the community for consumption and their livestock. Both the school and the community have been affected greatly. Prior to this event, plans were at an advanced stage to put them on top of the hostel. The matter is now in the hands of the Police and is under investigation. On a positive note, the incident has increased our determination and resolve to increase our presence at the site besides the security system we had put in place.


Part of BVBIZ’s values includes transparency and stewardship. To enhance these, the schools books are audited annually. We want to the thank the Board for making this possible. The books were then audited by Brother Brighton Raradza. This report and the recommendations are attached.  


5.1 Poultry

BVBIZ targets to have broilers, layers and free range (road runners) as part of its poultry  projects. As reported in our last report, we started a broiler project with 50 birds. This batch was a success. The market was also good. On the 16th of October, we got a batch of 200. This is partly being sponsored by the first batch. This batch will be ready towards the end of November. 

5.2 Maize and beans-land Preparation

As reported in the last report, the school has been offered close to ten (10) hectares for use during this coming planting season which is set to begin in November. If resources were available, we would want to make use of all the available hectares. This will indeed be a game changer in the school as there is a prediction of good rains this season. The vision is to reduce the food budget significantly by planting maize, beans, sunflower and other crops. Maize and sunflowers will also be key to our poultry project. In October, we were able to prepare 2 hectares of land at a cost of US$170. The total needed is $4770 if the school is to make maximum use of the available land.


There was great progress in the month of October towards preparations for the construction of the teachers house. 21000 bricks are now on site. 5000 more bricks are still needed. The plan for the house has already been drawn and work is expected to commence around mid-November. Earlier on, the projection was to commence work in January, but since we have received some funds from various sources, work can commence. We appreciate the following donations (both locally and internationally) that have been made so far for this effort.  The following is the list so far;

1.      Chipendo Family $20

2.      Chirenda family $250

3.      Mpofu family $64

4.      Gwena family $20

5.      Nyahada family $100

6.      Woodland Oaks congregation $3000


Despite the loss of solar panels, we praise God for the stage that the school reached in the month. BVBIZ could not have reached this far without the unwavering support we have been receiving. Thank you for your moral, spiritual, financial and material support. Together, the world will be won to Christ. We remain grateful to you all. To God be the glory!

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Utilizing technology in Peru

Our warmest regards,

As the singer Juan Manuel Moretti says "Things are running their course" dear brothers, things have gotten very difficult in recent months, but we keep moving forward, and that is the path that the Lord Jesus has put us ahead to walk. , and the best of all is that in the middle of whatever comes our way, there he is with us, by our side, encouraging us, strengthening us, extending his hands to hold us when we feel faint and that we can no longer advance more. The lord is good!

One more month has gone, approaching the end of this year 2020, leaving us many troubles, and disappointments, but also many gratifying moments, which continue to encourage us and give us reasons to continue.

As planned, BVBI PERU continues with its activities and events, we have successfully concluded the Church History course, which has been presented by Abraham Alata, our co-director and teacher. Here are a few words from Abraham Alata regarding his Church History class:

"In the course I could see the interest and also the amazement of many to understand what the church was like in its early years and how the changes arose as time passed that contributed to the formation of many doctrines that we contemplate in churches today and how the effort was made to go back to the origins. It was a great experience to be able to share knowledge with the students about the course of Church History".

We have had 3 new students in the course and although their interest has only been for this course, as free students, we are convinced that there are many possibilities that they will decide to enroll in our curricular program. If not, we believe that the experience you have had in this course will result in very good recommendations on your part, to other brothers who are looking for a biblical training center.

We started our webinars through which we try to awaken the interest of people in the classes and the program that the institute offers, as a result of our first webinar we have new students registered in our program, I mean Israel Avendaño, Jerson Chura , Humberto Gonzales, Bartolomé Trujillo, Gerardo Muñoz.

We are ready to start a new course, the speaker this November will be Yens Nima, we will present the course "Paul's letter to the Galatians."

Thank you for taking the time to read these notes on things here at BVBI PERU and stay safe and secure.

Juan Abanto

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Agriculture education in Liberia

Greetings Brethren,

It has been a great privileged and blessings to be part of God workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom here in this part of the world. We are so very grateful for this opportunity to serve. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their willing sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom. So far, all has been moving very well since the reopening of the school after the Corona Virus Pandemic.


Our classroom activities continued smoothly through the month of September which was a very very busy month for everyone, both the instructors and the students had lots to do to cover up for the lost time created by the corona various sickness. Among what the students had to do included the following:

  1. Group works

  2. Research work

  3. Individual Assignments and presentations

  4. Daily quizzes and memory works ( Practical and theory).

    5. Cleaning the campus etc

    6. Agriculture practical

    6. Weekend visitations to congregations outside Ganta for practical teaching and preaching experiences etc


* Life of Christ – Bro. Nathan Tears

    • Advance Hermeneutics- Bro. Robert P. Dahn, Jr

    • Advance Homiletic- Bro. Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

    • The Book of James- Bro. Joel Weah

    • Church History – O.D.K. Zakamah

    • Old Testament IV (Major Prophets)-Bro. Robert P. Dahn, r.

This quarter ended successfully on the 15th of October.


On the 25th of September, our students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Liberia was taken out on a one day life changing agriculture field trip by their agriculture instructor and some of the staffs to see the farm and set up of Liberia International Christian College (LICC). When they returned, they were made to write a report individually on their field trip experiences and what they wrote melts my heart and I am so thankful for allowing them to go on that trip and to have the experiences they wrote about. At LICC agriculture department, they are seriously involved into animals husbandry and crops productions on a little larger skill.

From the reports written by our students, many of them had not seen live animals before. They were privileged to be taken around the farm by the farm manager of that college. He showed them them all the animals they have there with explanations on how to keep the animals. Our students had the opportunities to have seen animals like the monkeys, snakes, rabbits, pigs, different kind of chickens, different kind of birds, turkeys, crocodiles, different kind of goats, geese, and many more. They were also taken to seen different fish pools and had a lecture on how to create a fish pool and a pig pan. They were also taken to the crops farms and plantations to see how many different crops are planted and maintained. They also saw the Bee farm and were taken through the process of Bee keeping for the honey. Their field trip ended with a running race among them and student Winston Carrick won the race and was given a bottle full of honey. This was truly a life changing experience for our preacher students and I am so happy for them. Meanwhile, they have started practicalizing some of the things they learned from the field trip in the school.


We are truly grateful to everyone who supports the work of the Bible school here in Liberia. We are sincerely thankful for every dollar you continued to sacrifice for the sake of Christ in Ganta Liberia. Thank you very much.

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Graduation in Fiji

Another academic year has come to a close. We have had our third graduation at the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa. On Saturday, 31 October, 2020, we honored six students who have successfully completed a rigorous program consisting of 48 classes covering every book of the Bible. Their studies also included several classes on Bible related subjects like Greek, Christian Evidences, Backgrounds of Early Christianity, Hermeneutics, Scheme of Redemption, and Critical Thinking, etc. This year’s graduates are:

Moira Lyn Lee

Irava Etika Mesulama

Movono Rokotuivalu

Nanise Carol Tera Sailo

Jacinta Saurara

Lesio Soko Saurara

With covid19 travel restrictions, we were not able to get any guest speakers from the U.S. But thanks to the marvels of modern technology we were able to have video presentations by Terry Pafford, an elder in Midland, TX, Keith Kasarjian, director of international studies at Bear Valley Bible Institute International, and Dr. Denny Petrillo, President of Bear Valley Bible Institute. These all gave timely and encouraging charges to our graduates, students, and staff. Also, Lesio gave a very encouraging message on what the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa means to him.

The services were well attended by the families and friends of our graduates. Sharon Nakabea, a student in our night program, donated a beautiful cake that was served at a reception held in honor of our graduates.

To God be the praise and the glory!

Rocco Pierce

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Full swing in Malawi!

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni – Malawi

October, 2020 Report


It is always great joy to be part of the team that wins souls to Christ. The government commanded the schools to be reopened on the 7th of September, 2020. So, we did reopen the following week after the 7th which was on the 14th. Since then, we have finished teaching 6 courses. We also had a preaching campaign at the end of the month of October to the beginning of November. God has brought into the Kingdom of His son many souls! This month of November our students will be gone for a rainy season holiday, to give them the opportunity to cultivate their subsistence farming fields.

Teaching and Preaching

The pandemic has brought in a big threat throughout the world, but the report of the souls saved during the holiday we had from March to August, 2020 is outstanding. We have just recently received reports from the 19 congregations where our students, individually, are coming from. After adding the totals of the souls saved during the pandemic holiday, the total number has reached 166 baptisms, and 26 souls restored! We, the teachers of BV Ekwendeni school were shocked when we received the reports, but this has encouraged us greatly that our students are really attending the school for the purpose of winning souls and becoming faithful servants of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Despite our program this year being distracted with the Covid – 19, but the teaching work has been well achieved. We wish we could do more, but we accept the challenge. We have managed to finish 11 courses this year. The courses completed are as follows; Acts, Writing skills, Scheme of Redemption, Godhead, Pentateuch 1, Isaiah, Person Evangelism, Church Planting and Development, Homiletics and the Gospel of John.

Practical work for the students within the school campus!

The students have shown great zeal! They have been preaching every Wednesday and on Saturday. Because of this effort, the Lord has saved 3 souls! We thank God that the reputation of the school is beyond Ekwendeni. We thank God that we have such hard working students. Keep praying for them and their families.

We are very grateful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for the support they are giving us, which makes this mission possible. We pray that God bless and be with all who support this great work. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your fellow workers in Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

A new intake in Zambia

October 2020


It is a great privilege once again to report to you concerning the activities of the school during the month of October, 2020. We are truly thankful to God for according us this rare opportunity of working in His Vineyard.

The month of October has been a month of sad and good news. Prior to the reopening of the school thieves broke in twice. They stole the water pump system, school television, and other electrical appliances. They broke and came through the perimeter wall.

The new intake started on 5th October 2020. There have been some anxieties of receiving new students and starting a new class. We also expected to have eight (8) foreign students but due to some Covid -19 restrictions from the government still in place we opted to cautiously start this new in-take with the locals only. We are thankful to God that the new students have started reporting we currently have ten students in class. When all have reported we are so glad that they will represent almost all the Provinces of Zambia. In the meantime we have told those brothers from other countries who wanted to come to hold on until the next in-take. We expected foreign students from Namibia, Angola, Congo DRC, Malawi and Tanzania who would want to come and study with us Zambia.

The 2020 graduating class was expected to have its graduation ceremony during the month of October 2020. But due to restrictions of Covid-19, the school deferred the ceremony to a later date in February of 2021. According to how Covid-19 evolves, it would be a good time for us to have Brother Donnie Estep come over. We would want him to “kill two birds with one stone”. That is teaching one of his short courses and be the Guest of Honor during the convocation of the graduation. If God allows we would love to see one or two brethren from our supporting congregation Woodland Oaks Church of Christ to come and grace the occasion also.

As always our new students have started on a positive note with Brother Cephas Mwamba involving them in evangelism and so far we have witnessed two souls (Muntinta and Museka) put on Christ on 17th and 24th of October respectively. We also on Wednesday 28th had Brother Kennedy Mukuka and Cephas Mwamba travelled to Chingola on a mission strip and had Andrew Longa baptized on this day.

On the other hand we have maintained our contact and preaching through our alumni, they have schedules full of activities in fulfilling the great commission. Five (5) people were baptized on 10th and 11th through Austin Musonda and eight (8) were restored back to the Lord during the Sunday service and Saturday Bible study on the dates above. A week hardly passes without hearing someone obeying the Gospel. Hornbye Mupengu is stationed in Ndola and on 25th October we had 6 people put on Christ through baptism and 4 were restored to the fellowship of the Lord. So far we have had 13 souls added and 12 souls restored back to the sheepfold.
Indeed the institute is well represented in this proclamation of the word of God. Nelson Sikazindu is in Mpongwe District working with a new and old congregations and is calling on the Institute to help him with a bicycle to help him in his movements. He is doing a great work there.

With this good tidings we keep thanking God.

We are truly grateful to Woodland Oaks for the financial support given each month to the school. We are also thankful to you, brethren, for all your prayers and every encouraging word given for the work here in Zambia.

May God richly bless all of you and please stay safe and healthy!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Much good done in Nigeria


Dear fellow ministers of God.

Grace and mercy be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from our Lord and Field Commander, Christ Jesus.

Here is our October 2020 field report:

i- First Semester classes and tests concluded

ii- Students now in four weeks Vocational Studies and....

iii- Weekend Evangelism in progress

iv- Report from fellow WBSFUW


As scheduled, our first session classes and tests came to an end on October 16,2020 with fifteen students in year one and thirteen in year two.

The evening chapel of October 16 was led by Bro. Andrew Adeolu while Bro. Kayode Eniafe gave a 20 minutes words of encouragement to the students. The announcement and closing prayer was led by me, Bro.Makinde Ebens.


All our year one students are now in four weeks Vocational Studies in Oyo,Osun, Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria. The four weeks Vocational Studies commenced on October 17 through November 13,2020. They are expected to assist the local churches nearest to their training centers during this four weeks.

As for the year two students, they have all embarked on a four weeks preaching trips to Oyo, Osun,Ogun,Kwara, Ekiti,Abia and Akwa Ibom States. The year two students are expected to return to school on November 16,2020.


The staff and students evangelized the following towns/villages: Ajia,Egbeda, Jago, Elewura,Fasade,Asejire and Butubutu on October 1,2020 and weekends of October 3 , 10,17 & 24 and our joint effort was blessed with two souls. Bro. Andrew Adeolu and Bro. Dele Shotola baptized a Muslim priest, Alfa Kasimu Wahab in Fasade and Adebayo Ayodele was baptized in Butubutu village by Bro.Kayode Eniafe on October 1,2020.

In spite of the short Vocational Studies/ preaching trips, our weekend Evangelism/campaign in the six centers continue. Bro.Andrew Adeolu and Bro. Peter Orterga are working with the brethren in Jago and Butubutu village for weekend Evangelism. Bro. Dele Shotola and Bro.Adedoyin Rotimi are working with two of our year two students in Ajia,Badeku and  Fasade. I, Bro.Makinde and one of our graduates,Bro.Denis Okpachui are working with Egbeda congregation while Bro.Kayode Eniafe is working with two of the students in his area ,Asejire -Osun State.


i- Bro. Kayode Eniafe and Bro.Dele Shotola visited five schools in Ikoyi ,Osun State  and a guest house to share the WBS correspondence course and also collect the completed lessons from the  students of Precious International College,Pillar of Destiny,Anthony College, Vine Model Schools, Immaculate College and Fortress Hotel & Guest House in this month of October.

ii- Bro.Adedoyin Sola Rotimi visited Ola David Compressive College, Badeku and City of Peace College, Oluwa -Ibadan for recruitment.

iii- Bro.Godwin Emmanuel visited Methodist Compressive High School, Aye-Ekiti,Ekiti State and Anglican Girls College, Iludun-Oro in Kwara State to recruit and collect the completed WBS correspondence lessons from students.

iv- Bro. Olorode Samuel visited two schools in Ajagba and Irele of Ondo State, while

v- Bro. Andrew Adeolu extends the preaching of the gospel to Iju-Jago Community Junior School and Ogidi Community Junior High School, Ona-Ara Local Government Area,Oyo State .He was able to recruit over 100 students from this two schools for free Bible Correspondence Courses.


Bro. Ajayi Oluwafunmiso Jeremiah is one of our year two students. A native of Omun-Aran in Kwara State. Converted in 2016 during a WBS seminar held in Omun-Aran congregation. Born to Bro. & Sister Jeremiah in the year 2002. His mission is to become one of the missionaries in the Northern part of Nigeria and beyond after his tertiary education.


With the help of the Almighty God coupled with the partnership of our American brethren, we were able to embark on molding of 1,800 blocks for the construction of the auditorium of the Church of Christ in Ajia town, Ibadan on October 24,2020.


We are very grateful to you all for your great contribution toward the growth of the Lord's Church in Africa, Nigeria in particular.

May the Lord keep on blessing our work together in Jesus Christ name, amen.

Sincerely His & yours,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (The Chief servant of BVBIN & SWSE,Ibadan And  WBSFUW)

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

School resumes in Kenya

This is KSOP students' report as from March__ October 2020, during Corona Virus Pandemic. We are back to the school with nineteen students who have reported already. This is second year, quarter 3 of 4th intake students 2019__ 2021. Only one quarter remains after this to their graduation, for they could have graduated this August of 2020, had it not been for the Covid 19 infection. Prayers on their behalf as they strive to complete the remaining required training.

This time, local instructors will both teach regular and short courses. These facilitators are Charles, Elias, David and Nixon. Charles is teaching Greek III and Denominational Doctrines. Elias is teaching Minor Prophets I, Minor Prophets II, and the book of Revelation while Nixon the Scheme of Redemption. David will teach, in the last week of the quarter, 1&2Timothy and Titus.

Even though Covid 19 has made it difficult at times to perform church and school activities, much good has been done by the current students at their home congregations and beyond. They had preached at local and sister congregations, had evangelized in gospel campaigns, had converted believers, edified the saved, restored many souls/congregations back to Christ and planted new churches as well. 49 souls have been baptized, 4 new local churches planted, two congregations restored  to the sound doctrine of Christ and 31 individuals restored to fellowship with the Lord and the churches.

Three current students have been involved especially in the said restoration, Koskey, Korir and Atema. Koskey had invited Atema to go help him teach, for 5 days, in his home congregation. After he had finished his given theme John4:23-24, some few members who clung to hand clapping and women leading prayers in the assemblies stopped.

Korir being affected badly by tribal land clashes, had escaped with his family to a safer place far away from the fights and rented a house close to a church building of a liberal congregation. He attended that church, introduced himself and family and later was allowed to teach and preach, which he did patiently for Sundays, correcting the errors he saw (2Tim.2:24-26). They accepted the sound teachings. Now, the members have allowed him to live in a house within the church compound instead of renting one outside. Atema from Western Kenya, had visited with Korir and had witnessed the restoration of this congregation. They had stopped partaking Lord's Supper, claiming that it had ended with the cross.  Thanks to Dr. Michael Reese for the monetary support he has  been giving to Korir and his family which has enabled him to move for his safety from Nakuru county to Kericho. Korir is both relieved and  encouraged by his (Reese) help.

Former students work:

We would like to bring also to your attention reports of labor of some KSOP former students, especially those in Bomet, Kericho and Nakuru counties (regions). These graduands have restored 6 liberal congregations to sound ones as from March to October this year 2020. These are; Jeremiah Bor, Philip Langat, Tonui William, Bett Simon, and Sammy Langat. Two instances of such work happened when two preachers from liberal congregations invited these former students to go speak in their seminars. They went and spoke in such a manner that the host preachers were convinced and refused apostasy that was evident in their assemblies. But this did not please all members. Majority opposed the host preachers and disfellowshipped them disfellowshipped for their stand against liberalism. Therefore the host preachers together with their respective minority members who responded positively,  had to plant 2 (two) new sound congregations. One of them being Michira Central Church of Christ and Kipseonoi congregation. In these two new congregations 17 (seventeen) souls had been baptised and added to them. (The two host preachers will join KSOP in next intake). In this manner, 4 other new churches have been planted by these sound active KSOP former students totaling 6. It is good to remind you brethren that in these regions from where these former students come, are very many unsound churches(of Christ) and much effort should be employed here for restoration of some. Other former students in Western Kenya (Joseph Omondi and John Paul) had as well conducted 5 (five) baptisms. In summary, work by former students had been 6 restored churches, 22 baptisms and 6 newly planted congregations!

Thanks for your continued prayers and support for the Lord's work in Kenya Africa. May He bless you all,

Your brother and fellow worker,


Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Classes continue in Cambodia

Cambodia Update


We continue to study God’s word without dangers of COVID-19. Our country has not suffered as much as the rest of the world and so we are taking advantage of that and continuing to meet and grow in God’s word.

Some of our students have had to go home and help out with their families during this time, but we hope they will be able to return soon. One of our young lady students had her motorbike stolen right here at the school, but the church and staff and student body has helped her to pay for the lost bike - she owed over $2,000. We are a family so we help out one another in everything.

Our school classes currently involve the Major Prophets and Lesson Development. We also have special classes taught in the evenings for the new students who need some foundational building blocks before taking the more advanced classes.

Zoom chapels continue on Wednesday mornings with the Bible School at Battambang. Brother Wes and both staffs rotate speaking lessons to the men while sister Teri teaches the ladies on Women of the Bible. On Friday mornings we zoom with Brother Wes for another chapel lesson.

The staff meets on Friday evenings with brother Wes and we discuss interesting Bible questions and pray for our families and the students and their needs.

We are involved in Service Days where we go and help the other small churches and their neighbors with anything they might need. Encouraging, feeding and praying for them. It is a good thing for us to be involved as it shows us how to serve and it show the Buddhist people how Christians act.


As the ministry of Religion has banned all the churches in Cambodia worship in small groups during COVID-19, we decided to meet up in two groups. After the pandemic decreased in spreading, we decided to meet up in the church building with all the church members.

The nutritional program has been put on pause since COVID-19 has happened, so the organizers decided to save three months budget to buy some food such as rice bags, noodles, hygiene products, and also some cooking ingredients. Most of the church members and IBISR families have joined this special charity event. We not only provided this food for Christians but also for the unbelievers. We have worked with the village chiefs to coordinate and so far we have helped out about 120 families.


We need your prayers for these things:

• Recently we have had terrible flooding throughout our country and it has taken lives, food, and jobs away from the people.

• Our students who have many questions about God, the Bible and their souls.

• Our school and church leaders who must take care of all our needs and lead in a Godly way.


We could do nothing without your support. We have the same Lord who always strengthens us.

Servants of Christ in Cambodia,

Piseth - Co-Director

Darat - Co Director

Pros - Staff

Posted on November 23, 2020 .

Back in full swing in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

 Greetings from this end. Thanks for your prayers we are praying for you and we do know you are praying for us.

COVID-19 is very much present in the world but we are thankful to God that no single case has ever been to Wotutu. Activities are back to normal and schools have all resumed for the past two weeks. Please keep our students and staff in your prayers. We now do a lot of washing of hands and hand sanitizer. Face- masks are now in use all the time and we do maintain social distancing. We shall also start using the electronic thermometer in all of our campuses in the weeks ahead.

Our students are busy with weekend evangelism. They are not leaving any stone unturned as they prepare for full time ministry. I was impressed when I paid a visit to the YATO congregation. It is a congregation we revived. It was almost dead as the congregation was characterized with Nigerian brethren who decided to go back to their homes. The few Cameroonians who were left could not handle the congregation, so we are sending students there now. They worship around 18 souls.


We are on the move and we are not looking behind but looking forward to our weekend evangelism. The Mudeka congregation has invited the entire Bible Institute for a three-day house to house evangelism and indoor lectureship. They have asked me to present three different lessons. Pray for us as we shall be there this Friday October the 22nd.



Many thanks to you for all your help and prayers. Please continue and do not faint because your reward will be given to you when the Lord returns to pay His people. Please, a sister through a brother, has donated 15 of the megaphones for our upcoming graduates.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on October 20, 2020 .

Safety protocols in place in Accra





Praise be the Lord God who has demonstrated His lovingkindness for the entire quarter. Throughout this period, we say to the Glory of God that we have not recorded a case for this COVID. We continue to pray that none of us and all brethren should be affected. We thank the Lord for this great protection. It is our prayer that this disease will end.

The Director and the entire students express their profound gratitude for all the brethren who have been supporting the school in prayer and in giving. Stay bless.


The students of Nsawam school with her Instructors are doing well. As I reported in my previous report, the Lockdown order, the school went on brake. God willing, we resumed in July and classes began. Everyone is doing well.


During the classes we had challenges on the attendance. Few were attending class for the fear of the virus. Other contemplate on why school resuming so early, we ought to have waited for some time. Further explanations were given and the necessary measures we have put in place for our safety. However, as time go on the number keep increasing.


Classes are ongoing with the total number of students. In this quarter (July, August, September), three courses where completed as assigned to Instructors. In July, Sammy taught Bible Geography, August and September, E.O. Larbi taught Counselling, the Epistle to the Romans by Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah.


The following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s) were received: Veronica Bucket with Stand, Hand Towel, Thermometer Gun, Liquid Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Nose Masks and Fumigation exercise taken place respectively. We were also grateful to receiving Hand Sanitizer from one of the students, who works with this Sanitizer Factory, one for each other, to help curb the spread of the virus.


As per the order of the government, the director of the school saw to it that all protocols be observed to prevent the spread of the virus. As we carry on safety measures and piece of advice, students and instructors wash their hands, Social Distancing and temperature is taken and recorded for future reference.


The above activities as per the quarter, were completed by the grace of God.

Glory be unto Him. Forever and ever. Amen

Posted on October 20, 2020 .

New books in Ghana




We have to continue to be grateful unto our creator for all the blessings He bestows unto us to be able to serve in His Kingdom and to obey the Great commission of bringing the whole world into His kingdom. May He continue to bless us with all the blessing to be able to do just that!

We had most of the students attending class with Bro Emmanuel Ammo-Gyimah teaching the Life of Christ 1 – 4. There was no class for September 4 and 5. We went to bury Brother Solomon Adjei at his hometown of Akaa Buem in the Oti Region of Ghana. He left five children.

We have taken delivery of the books (The life of Christ 1 and 2) and we are going to put them to good use. We pray and hope such tools could be sent to enable the students to begin to build their library for use. Also the school is grateful to you for sending us the laptop that we requested for. It will be put to good use.

We have planned to go back to preach the second time at where we preached last year. There is a very small congregation there that we want to help with their evangelistic programme.  We plan doing it in the second week of December.

It is our prayers that our sponsors would be blessed so as to continue to support us do more in the kingdom.

Kwabena Gyan-Mante

Posted on October 20, 2020 .

20 students in Kasoa, Ghana


3rd Quarter Report

July August September 2020

The Lord has been good to us. None of us nor anyone who is nearer to us in relationship has been affected by the virus. We are keeping ourselves safe by obeying the protocols.  May the Good Lord richly bless you, your work and that for Him.


Kasoa is a big village, it is highly populated. It houses people from all over Ghana. It is nearer to Accra, the capital city of Ghana. Because it is nearer to Accra and the land there is cheaper as compare to Accra, many people rush there to buy land, build houses and stay there. It is growing to be the town with the highest number of the Church of Christ. Currently, there are over forty (40) congregations there.


The school meets in the church premises of Papaase Number 2 congregation where their average attendance is 200. The church pays for the light bill and gives us free use of its facilities. We are most grateful to the church there.


Currently we have 19 students. We have one lady who is a Sunday school teacher for the Children. She also teaches in the Ladies’ Bible Class. Averagely, we have 17 students attending weekly. All are leaders in their congregations and they all preach as fill in, whereas 10 of them are working as preachers in their congregations.


All the students participated and all have so far passed all the exams. Whereas Kojo Acquah Beenyi is the director, Roger Asante is the other instructor and he has done much work in the School. He comes from Eastern Region, takes three different transportation in one and half hours on the road to get there weekly to teach. He is the product of the School in Accra and is currently doing his Masters. He is graduating in January, 2021.


Because of the prohibition of mass gathering, the students did two-one week house to house teaching and preaching in two villages. Many tracts were distributed and many heard the Gospel. It resulted in 11 baptisms.

Thanking and Praying that God will continue to be kind to us, guard us, guide us, bless us, protect us and keep us safe for His Use in this hard times which is messing our lives.

Posted on October 19, 2020 .