Back on track in India

Reporting letter for the month of September -2020

We greet you in the most holy and precious name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you good health and doing well. By the grace of God and your prayers we all are doing well. We thank you so much for your love , kindness, concern and encouragement that you provide for the smooth function of our spiritual educational project Bear Valley Bible Institute in India, we treat it as a great blessing of God for the young people in India to train them up for the sake of great commission of our lord Jesus Christ .

Due to covid-19 Indian government has not permitted to run the classes for few months but by the grace of God we were permitted to conduct the classes from the month of September -2020 onwards,  after restarting our classes we could able to complete five courses from our Bear Valley Syllabus(O.T History -balance books  2 Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah and Ester ), Personal Evangelism, Life of Christ and Book of Hebrews ). All the teachers have done their level best in teaching more effectively and all the students could able to keep the punctuality for attending to the daily classes , performing well in writing their class room notes, memory work, writing their daily assignments and appearing for the week end examinations.

 We are happy to report you that We could able to send some of the students to neighboring local churches for Sunday preaching . We have sent Mr.Kranthi Kumar to Gudur church of Christ, Mr.Praveen kumar to Vidyanagar church of Christ, Mr.Chittibabu preached at Tirupati church of Christ ,Mr.Rajesh Kumar preached at west Godavari-district and etc…the response was so good from the local churches where ever we send our students  for the practical work.

Regarding the benevolence service we have received some fund from Dr. Damon Vincent, we were able to provide Covid-19 ‘s pandemic relief food supplies to 15 blind families and 14 poor families who are belong to our local church.

Regarding our Agriculture Vegetable garden the second time crop has been completed, indeed we enjoyed excellent organic vegetable , we are about to remove the plants and plan for third  time plantation. We are thankful to Healing Hands International for supporting for the establishment of this demonstration garden.

We share with you that ever since we have began our classes all the students and staff members are safe from the virus, we follow the guidelines of covid-19 as per the rules of Indian government for the safety of the students and staff members. We humbly request your continual prayers and encouragement.

Prayer request: The owner of the Bear Valley Institute ‘s building  has announced  building for the sales , if any local man comes  forward and purchase the building we would like to get the building from the new  owner and continue the program in this same building itself by paying the monthly rents as do right now. We need your prayers for these arrangements. In fact this building has been located 25 minutes travel from the Air port, 20 Minutes travel from Railway station, 15 Minutes travel from the Bus station and close to the university  and near to the four line national high way. All the students feel much comfortable concerning this accommodation. We are hoping that even a new owner comes they may allow us to continue the program, we are just living by faith , we need your continual prayers.

Thanking you

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa , yours co-workers behalf of BVBI-Tirupati, India

Posted on November 23, 2020 .