A new intake in Zambia

October 2020


It is a great privilege once again to report to you concerning the activities of the school during the month of October, 2020. We are truly thankful to God for according us this rare opportunity of working in His Vineyard.

The month of October has been a month of sad and good news. Prior to the reopening of the school thieves broke in twice. They stole the water pump system, school television, and other electrical appliances. They broke and came through the perimeter wall.

The new intake started on 5th October 2020. There have been some anxieties of receiving new students and starting a new class. We also expected to have eight (8) foreign students but due to some Covid -19 restrictions from the government still in place we opted to cautiously start this new in-take with the locals only. We are thankful to God that the new students have started reporting we currently have ten students in class. When all have reported we are so glad that they will represent almost all the Provinces of Zambia. In the meantime we have told those brothers from other countries who wanted to come to hold on until the next in-take. We expected foreign students from Namibia, Angola, Congo DRC, Malawi and Tanzania who would want to come and study with us Zambia.

The 2020 graduating class was expected to have its graduation ceremony during the month of October 2020. But due to restrictions of Covid-19, the school deferred the ceremony to a later date in February of 2021. According to how Covid-19 evolves, it would be a good time for us to have Brother Donnie Estep come over. We would want him to “kill two birds with one stone”. That is teaching one of his short courses and be the Guest of Honor during the convocation of the graduation. If God allows we would love to see one or two brethren from our supporting congregation Woodland Oaks Church of Christ to come and grace the occasion also.

As always our new students have started on a positive note with Brother Cephas Mwamba involving them in evangelism and so far we have witnessed two souls (Muntinta and Museka) put on Christ on 17th and 24th of October respectively. We also on Wednesday 28th had Brother Kennedy Mukuka and Cephas Mwamba travelled to Chingola on a mission strip and had Andrew Longa baptized on this day.

On the other hand we have maintained our contact and preaching through our alumni, they have schedules full of activities in fulfilling the great commission. Five (5) people were baptized on 10th and 11th through Austin Musonda and eight (8) were restored back to the Lord during the Sunday service and Saturday Bible study on the dates above. A week hardly passes without hearing someone obeying the Gospel. Hornbye Mupengu is stationed in Ndola and on 25th October we had 6 people put on Christ through baptism and 4 were restored to the fellowship of the Lord. So far we have had 13 souls added and 12 souls restored back to the sheepfold.
Indeed the institute is well represented in this proclamation of the word of God. Nelson Sikazindu is in Mpongwe District working with a new and old congregations and is calling on the Institute to help him with a bicycle to help him in his movements. He is doing a great work there.

With this good tidings we keep thanking God.

We are truly grateful to Woodland Oaks for the financial support given each month to the school. We are also thankful to you, brethren, for all your prayers and every encouraging word given for the work here in Zambia.

May God richly bless all of you and please stay safe and healthy!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 23, 2020 .