Graduation upcoming in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

 Greetings from this part of the globe. It is amazing for us to be alive to praise His holy name. God is faithful to us, and we are happy to be by His side. If we look around ourselves and see the things that are happening, we will see that we have no hope for the future. But God is helping us, in every step we make.

We do hope you are doing good with whatever is entrusted in your hands. We keep you in our prayers. Please pray for us.

The week that has just passed went on well in Wotutu. Many are still busy with their farm work as it is the season for tomatoes. Our Bible students are still busy writing end of course research and many other things that will qualify them for leaving the school of preaching and getting into the desert. Keep them in your prayers that they will have good health and wisdom.

Evangelism on house to house, village to village, is still top on our weekly agenda even though with lots of difficulties and stress. We must preach the gospel and we are pushing forward towards the goal to make Jesus known to the world and especially to those in our communities.

Our students will graduate on the 10th of December. We have done our part to make our graduates self-supporting in agriculture, with crops, the keeping of animals, and birds. The big challenge will be for them to have a little bit of capital to get them started.


Weekend evangelism continues, as well as our daily morning program which is also evangelistic.

The Annual Lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon comes up on the 26th to 29th of November 2020. Please keep us in your prayers as we go there to help evangelize that area.


God bless you for all you do and for all of your thoughts towards the work here. God sees and will reward in due season.

Elangwe and family.

By the grace of God.

Director BVBIC-Wotutu



Posted on November 23, 2020 .