Appreciation expressed


To God be the glory for granting us a successful trip to and fro Ghana republic. We also thank all that have made the two weeks spiritual exercise a big success.

Thanks to our able instructor Bro. Jerry Bates who subsidized our cost of feeding during this period. Thanks to bro Steven Ashcraft for paying part of our transport fare for the period of four years program in Ghana. Thanks goes to Bro. Chad Wagner and Bro Doug M. Wheeler for connecting us with the Bear Valley Bible Institute International in USA. Thanks to Bro Seth Larbi family and Sarpenman congregation for their brotherly love and cares throughout our four years program. Thanks to the new local director of BVBI-GHANA, Bro Kojo for his determination for Excellency.

Lastly we thank you all for your partnership since the inception of SWSE-IBADAN in august 2003. The SWSE-IBADAN will be celebrating her 15years anniversary with a special theme on “restoring the church of the bible”.

May the Lord keep on blessing our joint effort in Jesus Christ name amen.

I remain yours in His Grace as Servant......Makinde Ebens 

Posted on August 28, 2018 .