Campaign success in Malawi!

What a POWERFUL God we are serving! His love is manifested in our lives and in many ways. Just recently, we went back to our preaching campaign. Preaching campaign is part of the BVBI-Malawi practical work. We are very excited to report that God opened the hearts of His people and keep serving those who obeyed the Gospel.

For sure, the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few! We went to a village where many houses did not be visited, we still continues asking for your many prayers and support that can help to train more laborers to go in the fields and harvest. This time, the Lord has saved 65 souls! We thank God for giving our students a spirit to work hard in class as well as a spirit of feeling pity and merciful to for the lost souls.  

Classes and Teaching

The teaching work is going on well and very great enthusiasm from the students for studies. The time table is well followed and many lessons have been covered. More than ten courses have been covered. We are glad that working as a team makes the work easier.

God brought Joy when we worried about our lives

Every time we have campaign, we divide our students into two groups. This time some went to Kafukule the Northern region of Malawi and some went to Kasungu the Central region of Malawi. I went with the Kasungu group, and guess what? We found no good houses to be accommodated in; no doors and roofs, and we started worrying with our safety during the first day. It was cold and good accommodation was need for our nice sleep. The Lord reminded us that same first night, the reason why we went to Kasungu. As we were just chatting with few people who came to greet us that night, we didn’t withhold the saving message into our hearts and started preaching, in that first night, the Lord added to His church 4 souls and we went to baptize them around 9:30 Pm. With this, everyone was happy and recognized the reason we went there – preaching and winning souls to Christ not looking for nice accommodation☺! However, we wish we could have two tents for our students

Preaching in Kasungu ended with 27 souls baptized and 18 souls restored, while at Kafukule 10 souls were baptized and 10 souls were restored.  Once again, without your support and prayers nothing would have been achieved. “……..He who wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30), Think Souls!

Prayer Request

One of our Bear Valley student lost his dad when we were at the preaching campaign. Please remember his family in your prayers!

On-behalf of Bear Valley Staff,

Ephron Vincent Mbano (Director BVBI-M)

Posted on August 28, 2018 .