More conversions in Guinea

A number of different activities occurred during the month of July 2018 at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. Here are those events in brief summary under various sub titles:

Classroom: All courses of the second quarter were completed, but by 17 of the 19 students with an acceptable class average performance. There are 2 of the average students whose performance is excellent. Two others were unable to go through as a result of illness on the part of student Nestor and some weakness by student Nfaly who has been warned and later disciplined. Due to these problems, we are now considering that this class is left with 17 students.

Evangelism: In the home village of a student of our school and where we had preached and converted 5 souls during our May campaign, a follow-up work has resulted to another 9 conversions.

Our radio program is making an impact in the minds of several persons in and around Gueckedou. We will be preparing to visit a nearby sub-prefecture where one of our short course staff visited and made some contacts for possible evangelism. Guinea-Conakry is about 90% Islamic dominated and therefore quite difficult to bring people to Christ. There are those who are interested, but for fear of persecution from their Islamic family members and friends, they hesitate to confess Christ.

Campaign: We had 3 days of gospel campaign in the month under review. One of our regular staff members, Philippecould not participate because he has been very ill and taken to Conakry, the capital for proper attention. The rest of the staff and students were divided into 4 groups for 4 different areas in and around Gueckedou. In my group we converted one soul who was very bold coming out of the crowd to confess his faith publicly. The other 3 groups had no conversions, but some of the people in one of the groups in a nearby village have started coming to visit at our Sunday worship in the congregation at the school premises. It is our prayer and hope that conversions will follow sooner or later.

Temporal construction projects: Through the help of brother Steven who made appeals to Bear Valley and certain ones, we were able to put up a temporal kitchen, dining and generator shelters enough to accommodate other things such as motor bikes as well.

Transportation assistance: Also bro Steven sent and instructed us as per our appeal to get a motor bike needed to facilitate some minor transportation cost and to run other school errands and services. A standard TVS motor bike has been purchased. It has begun and certainly, will be of great service to the institute.

Computer class equipment : Still further, with the funds sent for the purpose, we were able to purchase 8 next-to new desk top computers for our students to be trained in that area. Necessary accessories such as voltage regulator and extension cords for the computers are being bought so that installation is done to begin the training soon.

 Our copier has been repaired and is now working. However, our library shelves are empty and we will appreciate any literature and Bibles.

Our copier has been repaired and is now working.

Conclusion: I am thankful for the spiritual, moral and academic improvement of our students and the few souls being snatched from Satan. We are very grateful to Steven and to all Bear Valley supporters for these projects and for all other support gear toward training Guineans to save their countrymen.


Posted on September 6, 2018 .