56 more baptisms in Zimbabwe

The Great commission seeks men and women who avail themselves so that it can be achieved. Students and staff at BVBIZ did just that. They successfully did their practicum and are back in class. In this report, we shall give the final report of the filed program and several other activities that took place in the month of September. In all this, God has been wonderful.

After taking a short break from their practical, students are now back in class. All succeeded to come back. School resumed on the 26th of September. They shall be sharing their experiences from the field. Where challenges were encountered, they shall be assisted accordingly.

Two opportunities arose this month to make people aware of the presence of BVBIZ in the country. At these occasions, congregants were made aware of next year’s May intake. The first was at the Annual Men’s Lectureship at Ruwa while the second was at the Uzumba lectureship. We want to thank brother Charles Jokonya, our ambassador for Mashonaland East who stood on behalf of the school at Uzumba.

This year’s field program came to an end on the 10th of September 2017. This was an 8 week program. A lot of experience has been gained by the students. The seed was planted. We praise God for the souls that have been added to the church and those that have been restored. Members were left edified while 3 congregations were started. We appreciate congregations and individuals who took care of our students. Among other results, there have been 56 baptisms since July 15.

At the end of every month we look back with gratefulness to what God would have done through us. We look back with thankfulness everyone who also played a part in getting us this far. Thank you for your moral, spiritual, material and financial support. It is our prayer at BVBIZ that God continues to bless you. To God be the glory.

Mathew Muchingam, Director BVBIZ

Posted on October 12, 2017 .

More graduates in Chimala


The 2017 graduate Swahili Program students began school in January 2016 at CBI with a number of 22, however, five of them quit after the first semester.

Their school program was that seven weeks they were in class and one week they were out doing evangelism campaign. Until now five congregations have asked five graduates to be their preachers, because they have seen how great job they a doing. This schedule was followed throughout their entire school program.  Plus one entire month of evangelism campaign with WBS – Gospel Chariot

During these campaigns they would visit several villages to work with congregations.  Their work involved door knocking, handing out lessons, visiting the sick and those who fallen away.  The purpose for all these was to equip the students with knowledge from formal sources (books) and to train them how to do the actual job of an evangelist in a actual environment.


In every congregation where they have worked, the students have left a great impact. First on the church by stimulating the spirit of evangelism because theywould usually use the local church members to walk around with them.  Second, to the village whom they preached to because apart from the great numbers of baptisms that have resulted from these campaigns. The message of Christ has reached more new ears, like in a village called Maninga -- a place in Mbozi where they never knew the church existed, have heard the good news.  Others are Utambalila, Bara, Ikonya, Isakajoni in Shinyanga, Matamba Tukuyu all these are new churches due to these efforts.

In previous years a two year campaign normally resulted in 400 baptism to 500 baptisms but for 2016 – 2017 more then 1000 souls where added to the church.  In 2016 alone, 720 souls were added due to campaigns and seminars which were held monthly.

Joseph Haonga, 

Director, Chimala Bible Institute

Posted on October 11, 2017 .

Agriculture seminar in Nigeria

Dear fellow soldiers of Christ, 
Greetings from BVBIN and SWSE,Butubutu, Ibadan and fellow WBSFUW team in South West Nigeria. 

Bro. Ebenezer Udofia of Healing Hands International, Kenya arrived Ibadan by 11:30am for Agriculture Seminar on Wednesday, September 27,2017 and was picked up at Ibadan Air Port by the School director, Bro. Makinde Ebens and reached the school main campus some minutes later for the business of the day.

The seminar was held in Bro. Doug Wheeler Event Hallfor over two hours. Bro. Kayode Solomon Eniafe served as the moderator while Bro. Ebenezer Udofia taught extensively on animal husbandry and animals nutrition.  The program was attended by the students and some of the instructors. 

In conclusion, one of the students named Bro. Andrew Adeolu gave vote of thanks on behalf of the school with closing prayer by Bro. Ebenezer Olugbenga Ojo by 5:00pm.
Brethren, we appreciate so much the present of Bro. Ebenezer Udofia in our school for the short time. May the Lord of blessings continue to bless all our efforts in Christ 's name, amen. 

Your fellow soldier of Christ..... Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies & Chairman of Administrative Council, BVBIN & SWSE AND WBSFUW COORDINATOR)

Posted on October 11, 2017 .

Prayer request for Liberia

Hello Brethren,

We bring you greetings once again from the Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia. As we await the coming of our Lord, we pray that He continue to shower His many wondrous blessing upon you and your families for your partnership in the gospel as we work together in this part of the world.


After a short break, our students returned in full on August 6 to begin the first quarter in their final year and things had been going very well by His grace. They are all in high spirit and are doing very well with zealous approaches to the lessons.


The students were blessed to have two souls baptized during the course of August and six baptism in this September and our new brothers and sisters are very happy to be added to the church. Please keep them in your prayers.


Two of our students are faced with death problems in their families. Student Arthur Jacob lost his mother last week and just last night news came that one of the son of student Harris Wonlah, the school prefect , died on the farm as a result of snake bit. Its not easy on the both brothers, please keep them in your prayers...


The school ( Bear Valley Bible Institute -Liberia) now has five computers of our own from a $1000 donation made through a generous donor. It is truly a blessing to have our students train in basic computer knowledge that will help them in their research, lesson preparation and others opportunities ahead. We thank the person that have made this possible and many thanks to brother Steven also. 


In 14 days my country Liberia heads to an election to select one president, one vice president out of 20 presidential candidates and 20 vice presidential candidates and 73 Representatives out of 976 Representative aspirants. Brethren, this little poor country has gone through so much already. A very brutal civil war that took away (killed) over 1.5 million lives and a very deadly Ebola that took (killed) over 2000 lives and many more unaccounted for. Please pray for my country that God Himself will guide the process and peace will continue even as we struggle to live.

Many thanks to all of you for your continue services in the Lord. May God our loving father richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L


Posted on September 27, 2017 .

A new partnership in Trinidad!

The Trinidad School of Preaching, located in San Fernando, Trinidad, has been training preachers for over 40 years. In an effort to make the program even better, TSOP and Bear Valley are joining hands in a partnership that will benefit all. We are excited about this! You can see the most recent report from Director, Dominic dos Santos by clicking HERE

Posted on September 27, 2017 .

Preparing for graduation in Togo

Evangelism in the Kloto Region has seen a lot of improvement since the Gospel Chariot came in a little over three years ago. We are reaching more people with the gospel and several have been led to Christ. As a result, we have been able to plant more congregations in the region.

Activities of the gospel Chariot include, gospel campaigns, tract distribution exercises, dawn preaching etc. Recently, we introduced the use of motor bikes and megaphone in our outreach programs. The motor bikes access areas that vehicles cannot go. The preaching of the gospel is an urgent matter, thus every available means must be employed. There is no excuse for not preaching. This is the message these pictures seem to convey.

We practiced street preaching in a village, This type of preaching starts as early as 5:00 am. Most people listen while in bed and then come out to ask questions. A megaphone and a motor bike-powerful tools in evangelism.

We have continued touse every available means to preach the gospel. Our tract ministry is very vibrant and our goal is to get these tracts into every house in Kpalime by 2020. Since we do not have the French tracts readily available in large quantities, we print them on a Risso machine provided by GOSPEL CHARIOT MISSION in Ghana and transport them to Kpalime, Togo. At the resource center the tracts are stapled together for distribution. 

During the last month , there were five baptisms. Some of the area preachers, who meet on the first Monday of each month to pray, deliberate on pertinent issues affecting their individual congregations and also enjoy a meal together to strengthen their fellowship.

This was a recent staff meeting atBVBI,inKpalime. The meeting was used to discuss the final quarter courses, the forthcoming graduation, and the on going recruitment exercise. List of the courses for the last quarter at BVBI

1 The book of Revelation 2 The Major cults 3Comparative Religion 4 The book of numbers and Deuteronomy 5 History and Geography of the Bible 6 Biblical Teachings

The Agou Nyogbo Agbetikor Church of Christ used to be a denominational church but was converted last year. It continues to grow and make a lot of impact in the community. Top right picture is the ladies Bible Class of the Church


Bear Valley Bible Institute is going to graduate ten men on Saturday November 11, 2017 in Kpalime, TOGO

Willie Gley, Director


Posted on September 26, 2017 .

Graduation in Nepal

Greetings to Brothers in the Kingdom:

Thank you for your generosity, the charitable and spiritual love that precedes your gifts, your prayers, and the hard work that is motivated by a heart of love and results in benefits to those in need, both spiritually and with the problems of life.

Earlier this month we had the graduation program for our six students.  It included a four-day Lectureship.  Over 100 people attended the classes and celebrated with us. Gajendra, Arun, and I met Monday to discuss a 2-3 week campaign trip to re-evaluate the current earthquake needs and to incorporate 2-3 days of Bible classes at various areas.  Unfortunately we can also add Flood Damage to the natural disasters from which people are suffering.  At the present time we have 18 village congregations in 4 districts that top the priority list. 

100% of the funds will be given for [a] rebuilding homes of Christians, and [b] repair of damage to meeting halls [church buildings].  The campaign trip begins on Friday, October 6.  I will return on October 19.  Gajendra and Arun will continue to a Nepal village on the border with Darjeeling, India.  There is rebellion in the India tea plantation area resulting in violence.  Gajendra's wife is from this area.  We have graduate students here and we work with a few congregations in the middle of this dangerous area. 

They hope to visit these villages if ... IF ... it is safe, which will be determined when they get close.  They will return to Kathmandu on October 23.  Final decisions regarding amounts sent to each area will be made once we are back in Kathmandu.  The funds will be sent bank-to-bank in early November.  This is after a national holiday time where cultural customs present temptations that may deflect the focus on the immediate want rather than on the long term need. 

We have selected the books of James and Philippians as the theme of our spiritual lessons.  The local leaders are to have their members read these books three times before we arrive.  The teachers need to come prepared.  The audience needs to come prepared!  Each class day will have six lessons ... 3 in the AM, 2 after lunch, and 1 evening devotional.  Each selected district village will have 2 or 3 days of lessons.  Some of our graduate students will teach a few lessons in their local areas.  A beautiful lesson is taught when the audience sees their example of progress in Biblical knowledge, understanding, and maturity.  The foreigner can't teach that much needed lesson and provide the purity of that encouragement. 

Although the bus rides and some of the beds may be less than desirable, we are looking forward to our time with our sisters and brothers. I began by saying Thank You.  Realism teaches us all that there will never be enough funds, supplies, or workers for earthquake/flood relief or for spiritual needs.  However, we give thanks for what we have as we also give thanks for the sacrifices of those brothers and sisters we will never meet this side of heaven.  We give thanks to our God who gives us the eternal victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your fellow workers in Christ,

Jerry and Gajendra

Posted on September 26, 2017 .

New preacher's wives program in Cameroon

We are reporting today from Cameroon Mbanga, from the church in Mbanga, and from the Bear valley school of preaching in the French region. The Gospel is also to be preached in the French world.

We were busy last week teaching the students their last short course. We also taught the preachers’ wives their first ever course. We have started the preachers’ wife’s program with this new batch of students here in Mbanga.

We began the training with the wives of the student preachers as well as with some preachers’ wives who have never had the opportunity to take this course.  It was great to have them here to enjoy their first time in class in Mbanga. This started on Monday the 11th and ended on Friday the 15th of September 2017.The instructor of the women class was brother Bekwike Norbert and the translator was brother Bodja Giress. We needed a translatorbecause the course was written in English and some of the students’ wives speak French, some speak English, and some are multilingual. We shall be glad to have the notes in French and in English.

Eight of the women were present with two coming from the North of the country precisely in Garoua and one from the Weh village in the Northwest region (Bamenda). We are happy to tell you that all went well as we ended with the general class. The men and the women took their final exams at the same time. The exams were written and oral. The course for the women was titled, “The Basics of the Bible.” We pray for their presence next December, and we are happy that everyone arrived home safely. These will be powerful women to help their husbands as they teach the gospel to the universe.

The students studied their short course in the Church rented building so that their wives could have class in the new classroom in the new campus. You can't imagine how time flies. A few months ago, we graduated our first batch of students and now we are already planning for another graduation come 2019. It is like I am kidding but in less than no time we shall be inviting people to come for another graduation. The boys are growing both in faith and strength as many are already acquainted with the weekend evangelism. They have started gaining more interest in going on evangelism to various assemblies.

We also ended with the short course on the “NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH.” This course was taught by brother Ename Paul. Through my close observation I realized that the students spent much time to understand very well about the New Testament Church and its pattern of worship. On Wednesday, a lesson was developed on "God Desires Mercy," which explained more about the church. It was really great to see that a lesson could be delivered that was right on course and followed the program.

Our students traveled immediately after their exams on Friday to their various destinations for field work. They are currently doing great as reports come from some their congregations. This time around they are currently active in eight different congregations including MBANGA.  My fellow workers in the vineyard of the Lord, I beckon you to pray for the work in French Cameroon because the Francophones are not as easy to penetrate with the gospel as the Anglophones. We wish a great success in their missions to any Christian who is on a mission anywhere in this world.


Remain blessed my beloved one. Yours in the Lord,


Posted on September 26, 2017 .

ACSOP attracting students from South Sudan

Student outreach program at ACSOP:

It is always an honor for me to share with you the good things that are happening at Andrew Connally School of preaching each week. We are in our third quarter and studies are going on, men are equipped for the good work. The school is now becoming more international, we have six applications from south Sudan which we are considering them for next years class. Most of our students have been coming from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Since the East Africa community has expanded its border and now South Sudan has been added in the community we can receive students from that side. A total of 13 applications have been turned in so far for the Swahili program next year. This is good news for the school, it is happening this way because of the good integrity men of God have built over the years. We pray that the Lord will be glorified through what we do at the ACSOP.  

This year a total of 15 men are going to graduate and go back to their local congregation and help to teach others to love God more. ACSOP has a total number of 24 continuing students, nine are from the first year class. These students are involved in outreach each week as part of the school program. I have been receiving calls from preachers and evangelists from these 13 local congregations that our students are involved.  We continue to give thanks to the sponsors and the school faculty for making this program so successful. Each week every student turns in a report, telling us what has happened while they were out. This past week I received many reports, let me now share with you in brief what had happened. Here are the statistics: three Baptisms, 87 Active Bible classes going on each week, 103 Bible correspondence courses. Please keep this wonderful work in your daily prayers as we strive to train these faithful men of God to win more souls for Christ.

Let us continue to hold our hands together and pray that more souls could be won for Christ. The evangelism team has now put much emphasis on strengthening local congregations around the area. For the past few years several gospel campaigns have been conducted which resulted into more souls added to Christ. The TEAM now revisits all the established congregations and encourages the Christians to continue with the faith.

Thank you again for your support and prayers as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma

Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania.

Posted on September 26, 2017 .

Continued growth in Cambodia

International Bible Institute of Siem Reap

Greetings from Siem Reap.  We continue to study topics that help us in converting other Cambodians to become Christians and gain salvation.  The school will have a short break for Pchum Ben holiday for a week.  Most of the students will go to their homes during this time.

Serving Our Family & Gaining New Opportunities

Our students have helped one of our couples to move to their new house in Battambang, about 3 hours southwest of Siem Reap. Phearum, Phally and their new baby will be working with Phanat Ouch and his family to strengthen and build the new church there.  The student body not only moved them but also helped them actually build their new home! In addition to that, the Siem Reap church of Christ helped them by giving $160 to purchase things that they needed.  Phearum is a current student and Phally is a graduate.  Phanat and his wife Aya will have faithful Christians to work with when he and his family move there next year.  This will be a great team for the Lord in that area!

Bible Training & Refrigeration Training

Students join together in Darat’s class on “How to answer Bible questions when someone asks you”.  This was a two week course that equipped them with the confidence and knowledge in studying with their native Cambodians.

Phanat has completed his training on refrigeration repair in the U.S. and received his certificate.  He has returned to Cambodia to train the students, staff and some of the older orphans at Hannah’s Hope in these HVAC skills.  Our goal of self-support is an important goal to us.  Phanat does an awesome job of thinking of others at his expense. The students and staff are to be praised for their willingness to learn to support themselves as opposed to just asking for outside support.  This was a week long course that is a part of the curriculum. It gives us a good work ethic and new skills that we would not ordinarily have. 

“We want everyone to know how much we appreciate your prayers and support as we continue to try and build a Bible school that converts souls and trains faithful preachers.”

God Bless You, 

Darat and Piseth

Posted on September 26, 2017 .

Grand Opening in Mbanga!

Dear Brethren,

It is so sweet to work in the vineyard of the Lord. Greetings to all our family members out there. We are doing great in Cameroon and all is well with the Church and the school of preaching.

Beloved brethren, the first picture is with brother Benjamin who is a graduate from our school. He was in the first batch of students and this was his last service with our congregation. Benjamin is making his way back to Tchad with his family. He is married and the father of a son and a daughter. He is planning to settle back in the capital city of Njamena to begin evangelizing some localities in and around the city. Beloved, it was long ago when they left their country of Tchad to settle in to Cameroon as refuges.  Now they are going back to begin a new life of preaching the gospel. I believe that our prayers will be very urgent and very helpful in this new beginning for them.

Picture 2 is with some instructors and their wives who attended the inauguration ceremony in Mbanga for our new campus which was funded by the Frisco Church of Christ with the collaboration of our Coordinator David Ballard and the Pattonville Church of Christ where he preaches. The ceremony was marvelous!  As you can see, there is a lot of mud in the hall as there was a lot of rain and a lot of people present on that Sunday morning. 

Picture 3 gives us the smile of the preacher, myself, Ititi Benedict after the whole event is over. The hall is ready to be washed to come back at it initial stage beauty. The fellowship and opening ceremony was a huge success. We had two of our quarter-heads present as well as two of the block-heads present. A representative of the chief of the village was also there. God has blessed us to be neighbors as we are next door to the personal residence of the chief. A lot of other people in the town were present and even though there were heavy rains that morning, many other members of the church from other congregations were present including our sister school in Wotutu.

The school of preaching in Mbanga has gone through with its final exams for the quarter. We are taking our last short course which is “The New Testament Church.” This began today as well as the first preacher wives class. These will be going on at the same time. The one is in the church premises with the students. Ename is the lecturer. 

The women are in the school campus with Brother Norbert teaching and Brother Giress as the interpreter because we have some wives who speak only English, some wives who speak only French, and some wives speak both. The wife of Evaristus from Bafoussam is here. The wife of Rromario from WEH in Bamenda is here. The wife of Victor and the wife of Raul who came all the away from Garoua are right here. My wife Mary, the wife of Yakoba, and the wife of Philip are here. Due to the rains this early morning, the wife of Abraham and the wife of Bea are not here yet. Maybe by tomorrow they all will come.

The students are greatly improving in their health situation, even though Azor went to Douala last week to get an x-ray his foot. Today we are waiting to see if the doctor will be proposing surgery for him or if he will just prescribe him some drugs to take. 

   By His grace, we shall be going out for field work this weekend to 10 villages in French speaking areas. 


                        Thanks for your concern and keep on praying for them.

                                                     Ititi Benedict

Posted on September 12, 2017 .

A lot happening in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We are doing okay except for our student John Abeya who is sick. He is having some difficulties in urinating. Please keep him in your prayers.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well and it was busy as student’s wives came to Wotutu to attend their ladies class. This time around the topic was “BASIC BIBLE KNOWLEDGE.” Thanks to sister Robin for building up the study materials for our sisters here. It is helping them know how to function along-side their husbands in congregations after graduation. 

Our students ended the quarter with two short courses. They studied “Galatians and “Christian Evidences.” It was great. Brother Itali and I taught the courses. Our students are now on their way to their evangelism sites and many have already gotten to their destinations. Keep them in your prayers.

Our students are out of Wotutu for their third mission assignment as they endthe third quarter of their training in BVBIC-Wotutu. They are going to 19 different communities. They will be there for two weeks preaching and teaching. Some of them will be touching two villages within this period before they return to school.

Our van took some students, while my small car took other students, a long distance and dispatched them to start moving towards their different locations. The reason for this was for our students to get to their location on time. These days, because of the current political situation in Cameroon, cars will not be in circulation Mondays through Wednesdays. Therefore, if they don’t get to their destination today while taxis are running then it will delay their mission efforts in several locations.


More mission invitations are coming our way for next month. Also, the annual Bible lectureship will be coming up from the 23rd to the 26th of November 2017 in Nso Khakilaki village. We are invited to be part of it and to help with house to house evangelism.


Thanks for your prayers and support. You have supplied many items that help to make this work move along. God bless you for all you do. Please share our report with others.

Elangwe and family,

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu


Posted on September 12, 2017 .

Plans and progress in Sierra Leone

Hello brethren.

We are very grateful to all of you, who in diverse ways support the mission of the work here in Sierra Leone. May God richly bless you for your relentless efforts towards the school.  May our Lord continue to keep you from danger and tribulation wherever you are as the days are evil.

Number of students

Presently, we have 17 students in school one has been hospitalized undergoing medical treatment.

Campaign for Christ: Campaign for this quarter is cancelled due to heavy rain fall in our areas of activities. We have rescheduled the campaign after the end of the rains in October. School will be closing down for the third quarter on the 17th September, and reopens on the 9th October, for the fourth quarter of school.

Achievements: We have made some strides in soul winning campaign and restorations as follows:

In Kailahun at the Levuma church of Christ we won 21 souls for Christ.

In Kenema churches of Christ we are strengthening their membership with new converts

In our campus ministry in Kenema, we have added four souls through baptism.

Students were restoring church members during holidays in various localities in their villages.

They were baptizing members and adding them to churches of Christ in their villages.

We have introduced computer studies in our curriculum with the help of cash donation from our sponsors. We intend to offer an additional class for members in the churches of Christ comes next year.

Thank you,


Posted on September 11, 2017 .

Tamale returns to class



School on Break:

By His grace we have come to the end of the first term course successfully and the students are gone on break to see their families and farms for five weeks. We are wishing them happy home visit and hard work for the Lord’s Churches.

They will be coming back to school on the 11th of September 2017 to continue with their studies.

Administrative Work:

The administrative work of the school is ongoing as usual while the school still on break. We are still on campaign trip for more students to increase the number already in school. The campaign trip will ever continue till the end of 2017 for our set goal to be realized. The three management members will in the school to set things in other before the students get back to school. Francis will be teaching and the other two, Kojo and Alex will be working on getting the paper work on the school property done.

School Farm:

As part of our plan to develop Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies, Tamale, Ghana,  we made the school farm to off load some burden from the school as far as the financial expenses of the school is concerned. The farm so far is growing well, except that the Army worms that are now destroying the farm crops in the country is disturbing the farm. However, we are also taking every step to control them.

Please keep on praying for the work here for God’s plan is working.

Thank you,

Alex Jabado

Posted on September 11, 2017 .

More progress from Zimbabwe


Our students spent the month of August in the field doing their practical. We thank God for guiding them through this period. This practical was the major activity of the school in the month of August. This report, therefore, is mainly on the activities from the field.


BVBIZ is welcoming applications for the 2018 May intake (second intake). Those wishing to study part-time are encouraged to apply. Classes for part time students are scheduled to start in January 2018.


The field program started on the 15th of July and shall come to an end on the 10th of September 2017. Teachers followed up on the students to assess their progress and carry out their evaluations. The word continues to be spread. Those who had left the church have been brought back. Counselling sessions were held. Some of the lost have been brought to Christ. Many hours have been put into this effort.


Students have been in contact with preachers in the field during their practical. They stood to benefit from their experience. The following are comments made by 2 preachers who came into contact with our students;

When I paid a visit to BVBIZ students currently stationed at Gokwe Center and Gokwe Nembudziya, I was impressed with their level of competency in execution of their ministerial duties. Thank you BVBIZ staff for preparing men and women  for their ministry (by George Muhura, the preacher at Kadoma church of Christ and BVBIZ ambassador for Mash West). 

Students showed abilities in planning their work and were conducted themselves with their communities. They were working well with resident ministers with all humility. They had zeal to teach and preach and had sound content to deliver (By Auswich Mashaba of the Gospel Chariot after having worked with students at Chikuku and Gokwe).


At BVBIZ students are taught report writing skills and are mandated to report their work every month. This month we one of the reports from students who are in the field. Please see the attached report.


We thank God for the development we keep witnessing in our students. We appreciate the sacrifices congregations have been making for the upkeep of our students. To you all for you spiritual, moral, material and financial support we remain grateful. To God be the glory!

In Him,

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on September 11, 2017 .

A new enrollment in India

Dear brethren in Christ,

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.  We are doing good, and the Lord’s work is going on great.

Faculty meeting:

The new batch of students have started taking classes from the first week of July, that is on the 3rd.  We have 14 students enrolled for this batch so far. On the 19th of June we held faculty meeting to discuss about our new academic year and corresponding place. We also discussed about who teaches what subjects. We spent whole discussing these things in two sessions, we are thankful the God is giving us knowledge to enhance our capability in training the next generation evangelists.

Gospel Campaign Week:

Last week our students spent a week long time in the villages near Pydikonda. Gospel campaign week, its a program to hold personal Bible Studies, gospel meetings and Bible classes.  They have travelled from Visakhaptanm to Pydikonda on train from there they travelled on Auto to reach the destination.

It was a team work for those days by the faculty and the students. Daily schedule begins with a Prayer and devotional. They start the program with a prayer, divide into groups and walk in the streets of the villages.

Some of the near by preachers have also joined with us. Our students have visited 1600 homes and distributed gospel tracts. Our students and faculty have divided up into groups and held 54 personal bible studies during this campaign. This campaign also given opportunity to visit hundreds of family who are not Christian but have asked to pray for them.

This given opportunity to our students to  learn and understand the need of evangelism also comforting. We truly believe that so many people are in need of comfort, because our modern India’s economical benefits are not reaching several millions of people especially those who are farmers and lives on small businesses and daily labour are facing it more. So the prayer of comfort and strengthen the soul was done during our campaign. Our students have learned to encourage those who are without hope and faith.

In addition to personal bible studies, gospel tract distribution and offering prayers, during this campaign we held three gospel meetings in the night, one final meeting at the end of the campaign. As a result 3 souls have been added to the Church, we have given bibles as a token of welcoming them in to our Church family. Attached are the pictures showing the activity of the gospel campaign held last week.

Truly our students are blessed to learn to about the one on one study and also public evangelism. Our task of training the next generation evangelists has begun for this year with this new batch of students. We are hoping that they will gradually learn the word of God in the class room and evangelism work through the out reach programs. Hoping to see them completing their two year program. Kindly continue your prayers.


We are thankful to the brethren at Strickland for their continued support, we do thank the Elders for overseeing this work also for sending Bro. Jerry Bates to check on the work in real time. We highly appreciate the Elders and members of the Church at Lake Houston Church of Christ for their continued trust and confidence.

We have been hearing in the news about the flooding caused due to hurricane Harvey, we are mindful of those victims, may God comfort them and provide them. I have been in touch with brother James Brown, one of the Elders at Lake Houston to find out the welfare about the brethren living in the Houston city, especially in Humble area.

Things are keeping us so busy, they are just indescribable, your continued prayers would be highly appreciated.

Thanking you all so much, in Christ and His service,

M. Samuel Raju,  Director

John Dean M, Dean

Visakha Valley Bible College

Posted on September 11, 2017 .

20 students in Ukraine!

As it nears its 20th anniversary, the Bear Valley extension in Ukraine has never been healthier! It is hard to believe that not long ago, the school in Ukraine had only 3 students and its future was uncertain. God has blessed BVBIU and the latest update can be seen HERE. 

Posted on September 11, 2017 .

Good news in New Zealand

This month, we welcome Nathan Franson from California, USA, as BVBINZ’s newest instructor. He is teaching the students Biblical Interpretation 2 through Skype. The feedback from the students has been great so far. We are thankful for technology and those who helped finance our tech.

We are also happy to welcome Robert Fiddes as the newest full-time student.

As I type this, Mark and Mindy Reynolds are in Auckland, New Zealand, awaiting their flight to Wellington, where I will pick them up. Mark is the regional director of extension studies of Bear Valley that includes New Zealand. It will be his first time visiting the school here, and we look forward to his work for the next week.

If the Lord wills, the Porirua church will have a new meeting place starting in mid-September. For the past six years, the church has been renting a school hall for two hours a week. If this works out, we will have access to a building 24/7. In addition to all of the evangelistic and edification opportunities this building will open up for the Porirua church, we will also plan to use the building as a new BVBINZ hub, rather than having it in Wellington CBD. It will be a much closer commute to 90% of the students and 100% of the New Zealand instructors. 

We are thankful to the Lord for you and your love for training men and women of God.

Keep serving Him,
Lance Mosher, BVBINZ Director

Posted on September 8, 2017 .