Tamale returns to class



School on Break:

By His grace we have come to the end of the first term course successfully and the students are gone on break to see their families and farms for five weeks. We are wishing them happy home visit and hard work for the Lord’s Churches.

They will be coming back to school on the 11th of September 2017 to continue with their studies.

Administrative Work:

The administrative work of the school is ongoing as usual while the school still on break. We are still on campaign trip for more students to increase the number already in school. The campaign trip will ever continue till the end of 2017 for our set goal to be realized. The three management members will in the school to set things in other before the students get back to school. Francis will be teaching and the other two, Kojo and Alex will be working on getting the paper work on the school property done.

School Farm:

As part of our plan to develop Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies, Tamale, Ghana,  we made the school farm to off load some burden from the school as far as the financial expenses of the school is concerned. The farm so far is growing well, except that the Army worms that are now destroying the farm crops in the country is disturbing the farm. However, we are also taking every step to control them.

Please keep on praying for the work here for God’s plan is working.

Thank you,

Alex Jabado

Posted on September 11, 2017 .