Continued growth in Cambodia

International Bible Institute of Siem Reap

Greetings from Siem Reap.  We continue to study topics that help us in converting other Cambodians to become Christians and gain salvation.  The school will have a short break for Pchum Ben holiday for a week.  Most of the students will go to their homes during this time.

Serving Our Family & Gaining New Opportunities

Our students have helped one of our couples to move to their new house in Battambang, about 3 hours southwest of Siem Reap. Phearum, Phally and their new baby will be working with Phanat Ouch and his family to strengthen and build the new church there.  The student body not only moved them but also helped them actually build their new home! In addition to that, the Siem Reap church of Christ helped them by giving $160 to purchase things that they needed.  Phearum is a current student and Phally is a graduate.  Phanat and his wife Aya will have faithful Christians to work with when he and his family move there next year.  This will be a great team for the Lord in that area!

Bible Training & Refrigeration Training

Students join together in Darat’s class on “How to answer Bible questions when someone asks you”.  This was a two week course that equipped them with the confidence and knowledge in studying with their native Cambodians.

Phanat has completed his training on refrigeration repair in the U.S. and received his certificate.  He has returned to Cambodia to train the students, staff and some of the older orphans at Hannah’s Hope in these HVAC skills.  Our goal of self-support is an important goal to us.  Phanat does an awesome job of thinking of others at his expense. The students and staff are to be praised for their willingness to learn to support themselves as opposed to just asking for outside support.  This was a week long course that is a part of the curriculum. It gives us a good work ethic and new skills that we would not ordinarily have. 

“We want everyone to know how much we appreciate your prayers and support as we continue to try and build a Bible school that converts souls and trains faithful preachers.”

God Bless You, 

Darat and Piseth

Posted on September 26, 2017 .