Prayer request for Liberia

Hello Brethren,

We bring you greetings once again from the Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia. As we await the coming of our Lord, we pray that He continue to shower His many wondrous blessing upon you and your families for your partnership in the gospel as we work together in this part of the world.


After a short break, our students returned in full on August 6 to begin the first quarter in their final year and things had been going very well by His grace. They are all in high spirit and are doing very well with zealous approaches to the lessons.


The students were blessed to have two souls baptized during the course of August and six baptism in this September and our new brothers and sisters are very happy to be added to the church. Please keep them in your prayers.


Two of our students are faced with death problems in their families. Student Arthur Jacob lost his mother last week and just last night news came that one of the son of student Harris Wonlah, the school prefect , died on the farm as a result of snake bit. Its not easy on the both brothers, please keep them in your prayers...


The school ( Bear Valley Bible Institute -Liberia) now has five computers of our own from a $1000 donation made through a generous donor. It is truly a blessing to have our students train in basic computer knowledge that will help them in their research, lesson preparation and others opportunities ahead. We thank the person that have made this possible and many thanks to brother Steven also. 


In 14 days my country Liberia heads to an election to select one president, one vice president out of 20 presidential candidates and 20 vice presidential candidates and 73 Representatives out of 976 Representative aspirants. Brethren, this little poor country has gone through so much already. A very brutal civil war that took away (killed) over 1.5 million lives and a very deadly Ebola that took (killed) over 2000 lives and many more unaccounted for. Please pray for my country that God Himself will guide the process and peace will continue even as we struggle to live.

Many thanks to all of you for your continue services in the Lord. May God our loving father richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L


Posted on September 27, 2017 .