A great start in Sierra Leone!

The Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone is one of the schools opened in the West African sub region by the West Africa coordinator of Bear Valley- Colorado U. S. A. This is the last school opened to train preachers and evangelists for the promotion of the gospel in Sierra Leone.  It is situated in the Eastern Region of Sierra Leone in a District Head Quarter town called Kenema.


Bear Valley Bible Institute was formally opened by the Director and Dean of students and two lecturers on the 9th of January, 2017 in Kenema town. Under the instruction of Bro. Steven Ashcraft who is the pioneer of the school in Sierra Leone through consultative meetings held with brethren of various churches of Christ sometime in February, 2016.

The event climaxes the arrival of students from the various congregations to enroll for school session. Amongst them were church leaders who accompanied their students coming from their congregations to grace the occasion. 


As students continue to arrive in campus for enrollment, they interacted with their lecturers, cooks and securities for better acquaintance with each other. During this period, preparations were made for the resumption of classes on the 16thjanuary, 2017 by the Director and the Dean under the instruction of Bro. Steven Ashcraft. However, all twenty students turned up for school on the week of orientation.


As classes began preparation was also on the way for the Healing Hands International Agricultural Workshop to be held on the 26 and 27 of January 2017.  The workshop deals with a specialize method of farming system in composting, bed raising, irrigation farming and other techniques.  The workshop was conducted by Bro. Ebenezer representing Healing Hands International. He was accompanied by our West Africa Coordinator Bro. Steven Ashcraft from the United States of America. Below is a photo of both Ebenezer and Steven at the workshop.

The workshop attracts participants from various congregations from the region. At the end of the workshop, certificates were distributed to participants for completion of the workshop by Bro Ebenezer.

CERTIFICATION: The certificates presentation was done by the Dean of students after the workshop.  Brother Steven officially opened the school after the agriculture workshop conducted by HHI.


During the month of January the school received assistance from our funding partners complementing our effort for preaching the gospel with ease of movement around towns and villages on campaign trips. This money is meant to purchase a motor bike and a PA system for school campaign to nearby villages. The school appreciated the effort made by the donor partner and promised to wisely use these items for the furtherance of the gospel in this part of the vineyard.  We have bought both items and now making good use of them. We thank them once more for their good gestures in supporting the ministry in Sierra Leone. 


The campus ministry is an initiative from students to empower themselves in preaching and teaching sound doctrine as every student is likely to participate during worship services.  The preaching and teaching is done rotationally among them.

This action has helped them to evangelize within the campus community in order to grow the congregation. Their number is growing gradually. Quite recently, six souls were added to their number through baptism.  They hope to maintain the chapel as a legacy for other students coming after them. To see the report with pictures, click HERE. 

Your brother,

Ishmael Bangura

Director, BVBI-SL


Posted on March 21, 2017 .