Short courses taught in Kenya

KSOP Gamma Class

The third class of the Kenya School of Preaching began October 3, 2016 with full capacity of twenty students.  Nineteen returned for the second quarter which recently ended March 3, 2017.  I had the privilege of teaching two short courses (Godhead and Christian Evidences) to this bright and energetic class which was eager to learn.  In each class a typed research paper was required.  While there are no polished scribes yet, each student worked very hard to properly format the paper, write a proper introduction, develop their points, and give a proper conclusion.  By graduation in August 2018I anticipate each student writing fluently and clearly articulating their points.

Much of Kenya is well represented with students from Rift Valley, Maasai Mara and the Tsavo area, as well as Kakamega, in addition to the Western region.  The selection committee of Charles Ogutu, Director, Elias Omalo, Dean and other special advisors are to be commended for the quality of students selected for the current Gamma class.  Only eternity will measure the positive impact the Kenya School of Preaching will have on the Lord’s Kingdom.

Milliscent, (KSOP secretary) and Charles Ogutu have begun the arduous task of cataloguing and organizing over 2500 volumes in the KSOP library according to the Dewey decimal system.  (Thanks Karen Watson of BVBID for your invaluable assistance in this project.)

Graduates of the alpha and beta classes are busy in their local ministries with many sending regular reports of numeric and spiritual growth in the congregations they have planted or existing congregations.  Several of the graduates have started schools where they are training preachers and church leaders for works of ministry.  Others, who have not founded schools are training in the “Paul – Timothy” model.  These men have taken 2 Timothy 2:2 to heart.

In my limited work in Kenya I have already seen the Kenya School of Preaching impact the Lord’s church in this wonderful country in a powerful way.  May God continue to bless the Kenya School of Preaching and the church she serves.

In His Service,

Michael P. Reese, Ed. D.

Coordinator Kenya School of Preaching



Posted on March 21, 2017 .