Campaign success in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the republic of Cameroon. We are doing fine and we do pray you are doing fine also over there where you are now.

I am writing to report what made news here in BVBIC-Wotutu. Our students were out for their ever first evangelism in 18 different locations. As I type this all of them have returned safe and sound and with great news about the power of God .

Some came to school with challenges from the resistant denominational people, some from the hurdles of bad roads that they used to go into mission fields, and one came back with wounds that he had after a motor bike accident as he was struggling to get to the village where he was suppose to evangelize. Our nurse sister Senge will handle that as he is back here. Some came with reports about many brethren in different villages who are sick of all kind of diseases, like eye problems, malaria, typhoid, epilepsy, and many others. Brother Felix, who met lots of this used up his personal money which was meant for his feeding and transit transport from the village to his home. He came back with tears how many Christians cannot fully serve God because of sicknesses. Please your support of fervent prayers is needed .


1 number of students ========================== 21 but one was not fully involved (weak)

2 number of villages assigned ==================== 18

3 Number of studies              =====================  approximately above 800

4 Number of baptism         ======================= 38

5 Number of restoration  =====================     22

6 Number of new congregations   ============== 1 Owe village

7 Number of revived congregations ============= 1  Lykoko village

The return of these students from the mission field always expands our work: ikle now the lyko and Owe congregations need us every week to make sure the Christians are fed, please pray for us. The sad news is that the lykoko congregations closed the doors on their permanent building because the few men who remain in that congregation don’t know how to preach and teach or pray, so they shy away from attending worship because they want to avoid the embarrassment of standing before others to lead. Please pray for us as we make sure these good brethren are nurture to grow .

God bless you , thank you very much for your priceless efforts towards this work , God will continuously blessed you and keep you strong in His vine yard , so that you will do more .Share this with others around you.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu

Posted on April 11, 2017 .