Students Continue To Make Inroads For The Work In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe in Cameroon, Wotutu. We give praises to God that many who were sick are gaining health. Many thanks to you for your prayers. We do hope this report finds you in good health and a sound faith. God is still on the throne. We are making progress with the work entrusted in our hands.

Last week went on well with not much emotional tension from students and members’ health situations. Students continue to make sure their daily obligations are observed no matter the condition in which they find themselves.

Health is a challenge to many now, but we give thanks to God for His help. Studies are going on well and all our staff are doing amazingly well in sound teaching preparing sound teachers for the church in Cameroon.

Many congregations are still in need of Mission Printing tracts. We are making efforts as we have the ability to give as many as we can to needy congregations who are eager to use the tracts for evangelism.

Our small car can carry as many tracts as we can to congregations who can barely trek far from the forest and we meet them in the nearest town where they will get the tracts and trek back to their villages.

This week our students went to the farm after school hours to get the land prepared for planting in the weeks ahead. This is to help them know some basic agriculture, which can serve as their own tent making in the future as they serve the Lord in preaching and teaching.

Dibanda is a village near to Mutengene. There is a small congregation there of less than 30 people, but they have a tradition of making an annual visit to BVBIC-Wotutu. Their aim is to provide the Bible students with cooked food, juice, and bread. Today, again they were in Wotutu and all the students who were out for weekend evangelism rushed back to school afterwards to be part of the fellowship. Their minister gave the students encouraging words from the word JOY, meaning J-Jesus first, O-Others second, Y-yourself last, reminding them the same story about humility, serving others rather than expecting them to serve you.

I was part of the fellowship, as we ate our main meal - fufu. Our students were very happy as they ate something which hardly come by in their kitchen.

It was a time to enjoy, share vision and passion. This congregation said when they see the great sacrifice from our students who are zealous in evangelism, they can see a glorious church of tomorrow. They don’t have anything to give, but a strong motivation that will drive these students to meet up with their goals. Feeding them for one day is just what they consider doing and they are happy doing this.

We had a family picture made with them outside the church hall to keep memories alive. What a faith that we saw from them. They keep getting into the annals of history for their gestures are always welcome. Our leaders were impressed and gave them much encouragement. They visited what is happening and they were impressed to visit the children at the Brightland Christian Orphanage. They promised a special visit to the orphanage as the Lord blesses them.

Even though with all these activities, and our always busy schedule, nothing on our agenda is left out. The newly established hospital visits on Sunday afternoon were still on as we visited the Chief Masango in the surgical ward. We met three of them in the ward relaxing outside the hall because of much heat. Keep them in your prayers as well.

reacher’s forum is coming up in the Buea congregation this week.

The Kumbo scholarship lectureship will come later in the week.

Africans Claiming Africa for Christ conference will be in August in Senegal.

Thank you for all that you do to keep this work going. God bless you as you faint not.

Please share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 8, 2016 .

Amazing Outreach Program With Students At ACSOP In Tanzania...

Greetings fellow servants, 

The Lord is doing an amazing job through His servants here in ACSOP. All this is because you and many other good friends of God have chosen to help us in spreading the good news (The Gospel).

The following is the number of people reached by the gospel through our student outreach program, only in April.

43 Bible studies conducted (Remember in these studies there is more than one person attending.)
10 souls have been added to the kingdom.
40 Bible correspondence courses have been distributed
100 Bible tracts have been given out.

The student outreach program is the program started by the school for the purpose of helping our students to be better equipped to do evangelism before they go out. Through this effort the surrounding congregations benefit by having extra workers in the field. Students who are coming from congregations that do not have a preacher are given the chance to go home and minister to the saints where they come from. 

One example of this is brother Martin Tulway, who is one of our second year students. He established a congregation where he came from, known as Endamarariek.  He went back this weekend for evangelism on Saturday and worship on Sunday and here is what he wrote, “Evangelism was done on Saturday, three classes were conducted. Clement Boay was baptized…..” This and many more blessings are being bestowed to us through your prayers and support. Thank you so much for all that you do and mean in His Kingdom.

Please do not cease from praying. Our brother, Cy, still needs you prayers because he is about to take another round of chemotherapy. Please continue to pray for us as we continue fighting the devil and his angels.

Your servant in His Kingdom,

Charles Mwanga
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
P.O. Box 14041
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on May 8, 2016 .

Reporting, Reconnecting, And Research...

Yes, you read that correctly. It says "research." That is because not only have we been traveling around to visit our supporters to give our annual mission report and getting to visit our families, but I have also been trying to complete all the assignments from the classes I took last month: six books to read, with five book reviews and two 20-page research papers to write! Whew! It has been a little challenging while traveling, to say the least! But all is going well and we have been blessed with generous hospitality and good travel conditions. It has been a great furlough. We hope you enjoy this month's Paraguay Mission report. God bless! 

Marcos Dominguez
was immersed into the body of Christ after Enrique Albera (one of our former Bible Academy students), taught him the Gospel. Marcos is the boyfriend of our sister in Christ, Silvina Gimenez. He has been coming to services with Silvina for several months. We are excited to see the Word of God working in his life! 

Visiting My Alma Mater
What a joy it was to get to visit with our dear brethren at my alma mater, Southwest School of Bible Studies in Austin, TX! I had the opportunity to speak in chapel and then several of us enjoyed fellowship over lunch.

Developments at Ave. Sacramento
Our annual CONGREGATIONAL RETREAT was held this past month. Around twenty people went to Itacurubi, (located about 90 minutes outside of Asuncion), on a Saturday afternoon to enjoy fellowship with each other and a night of camping. On Sunday, the church hired a bus for anyone else who wanted to attend the event, which left the building at 6:30am. It turned out to be a great day of worship, study, and fellowship, including a baptism! The theme for the retreat was “Worship,” and consisted of four Bible study times (pictured below, with Enrique teaching), followed with worship to God to end the event. There were sixty people present on Sunday. The Paraguayans did all the planning and executed the event without the mission team's involvement. We praise God for an active and working church!

Asuncion Bible Academy Update
Studies, studies, and more studies! The students have already completed several short courses for this quarter. Some of the classes have been via video including Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon which I taught from here in the USA this past month (pictured below). There will be another campaign coming up that will have the students going out to the new church building location in San Lorenzo. They will be door-knocking the surrounding neighborhood, visiting the brethren in that area, and also shadowing the local evangelist, Eliezer, in his weekly ministry.

Troy and Andrea Spradlin

To see the Spradlin’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 8, 2016 .

The Ability To See Blessings In The Midst Of Adversity....

Hello brothers and sisters, 

Ukraine is such a blessed country, and perhaps these events which are still taking place in the east of the country are a reminder for all of us that God can punish nations for the unwillingness to learn about His will. We urge you to keep praying for the peace in Ukraine and for those Christians who are still on the territories controlled by the pro-Russian insurgents. Next year there might be several Christians from the occupied territories entering the BVBIU program. 

In April we had a wonderful meeting of the church of Christ ministers in Dnipropetrovsk. We made it a good tradition to have such meetings once every 2-3 months and discuss important Biblical matters. This time we discussed such topics: The True Church of Christ and Whom God Considers to Be Saved. Such meetings give some food for thought, and I’m sure they encourage many ministers and church leaders. 

In April, first-year students studied Daniel, Ezekiel, and Luke; second-year students studied Paul’s Prison Epistles, Galatians and Revelation. We are grateful for all of the teachers who participate in training the ministers. This year there will be three students graduating from BVBIU. I’m sure that you remember that this class was recruited in 2014 when the military actions in Ukraine just started. It seemed then that the military opposition would cease soon and everything will be back to normal again. However, it’s been two years since then. In a month we’ll have yet another graduation and will be thinking about how to recruit the new ones. Life goes on, and there are many people in need of sound doctrine and trained preachers. If you are willing and have an opportunity to support the Institute, the future graduates and their ministry financially, please contact BVBIU coordinator, Denton Landon, or me. 

We are still actively recruiting students for the school year 2015-2016. Our worker, Alexey Mitskutis, made several important trips to Kremenchug and Lviv. He preached at those congregations and made presentations to invite men to enter the Institute. There are several good additional contacts with young men who got interested in studying at the Institute. Keep praying for us and for the successful work of the church and the Institute in Ukraine. 

Good weather has been set in Ukraine, and we have started preaching on the streets of our town more often. Almost every time we go to the central part of the town and put out our tables with literature and invitations many people come closer and get interested. Unfortunately, when they get literature and invitations they don’t contact us again. We have given it much thought about how we can tell this town about God’s church and what way of inviting people to study God’s word would be effective. Right now we have an opportunity to put the invitations to the church on huge billboards across the town. I hope that in the near future we’ll start this project, and we’ll pray that this call would aid to God’s word. Of course nothing can substitute the personal contact; therefore, we started playing soccer with students, church members and non-Christians regularly. We pray before the game and have fellowship after it. At first some people didn’t understand our actions, but now they are used to it and what is more important our circle is getting bigger. Moreover, part of our students and teachers started visiting hospitals in the town to give out New Testaments there, to pray for the people, and what is more important to have personal Bible studies. 

We thank everyone who participates in the process of training preachers in Ukraine. God’s work requires self-sacrifice and responsibility. You are demonstrating it continually, supporting the Institute, students, and the teachers. We pray for you, and we know that you always pray for us. 

You brother and co-worker,
Dennis Sopelnik

To see Dennis’ report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 8, 2016 .

Full-Time And Full-Speed Ahead...

Prayer Request: Please continue to pray for strength and healing for Evie Graber (and her family) and Cy Stafford (and his family), while they endure difficult health challenges. We know how much they appreciate your prayers. We will provide updates as we receive them. Thank you for remembering these great servants of the Lord.

The next graduating class at the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver will complete their studies in just a few weeks. We are nearing the end of the journey for several men who are anxiously waiting to begin full-time service in the Lord’s Kingdom. We are excited for each of them and we pray God will work through them to influence many souls for the Lord. As this school year ends, we prepare for another class of students who arrive for classes in August. Please pray for our graduates and our incoming freshman who will begin the journey in just a few months.

The extension program is moving along at full-speed. The reports from several locations provide encouraging news about the growth and development of students who prepare themselves for service in the Kingdom. We consider it a great honor and privilege to share in the journey with them, as they work towards the goal of completing their studies. Based on the lives that are changed while they are in school, we know these men will continue to affect the souls of hundreds and thousands more after they complete their training.

Do not forget to update your files to include Keith Kasarjian. He needs to receive your reports, and if there is information to discuss regarding the extension program, please write Keith. He now serves as the new director of the extension program. His email address is

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

The Importance Of Prayer Highlights The Need In Wotutu, Cameroon: Brother Elangwe preaches on the importance of prayer and its affect on the work in Cameroon.

Weekend Evangelism Produces Fruit Near Mbanga, Cameroon: The development of students in their second year of training indicates good training as souls are added to the kingdom.

The Value Of Campaigns Explained For The Work In Zambia: The report from Zambia provides a powerful explanation as to the benefits of campaign work.

The Use Of Technology Expands The Work In Cambodia: Director, Phanat Ouch, benefited from the use of technology to encourage brethren around the world.

A Stand For Truth Brings Praise From An Older Generation In Kenya: While preaching in a recent campaign, students witnessed the division truth can bring.

After A Successful Lectureship In Guatemala, A New Class Begins: After concluding the annual ITL lectureship, a new class of students begin their journey in study.

The School In Nigeria Prepares For The World Bible School Seminar: While focusing on studies, the staff and students of BVBIN prepare for a major seminar in Nigeria.

An Impressive Quarter Of Study With Students At ACSOP: As the second quarter of the year closes, staff at the ACSOP are impressed by the work accomplished by students.

Everyone Prepares For The Upcoming “Safari For Souls” Campaign: The season approaches for an exciting campaign year in Arusha, Tanzania.

The Agricultural Development Of The Program In Arusha Is Exciting: As agricultural development increases, the school and community in Tanzania benefit.

Final Thoughts
A closing note of thanks: the expression of our gratitude often seems trite, but please know that our continual efforts to thank you are sincere. We know how much you are willing to sacrifice to help this work grow. We also know that without you we could not see the success of this program. Working side-by-side with God and you makes this a joyous work indeed. Thank you!

God bless

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

The Agricultural Development Of The Program In Arusha Is Exciting...

We are happy to report that our 1,000 layer chicken house has been built. We have also
purchased the chicks, and in five months, Lord willing, we will have a large supply of eggs. Many businesses in the area have already contacted us about purchasing large amounts of eggs to sell. Good, quality eggs are very difficult to find in Tanzania. Most of the eggs, due to poor nutrition, have yolks as white as the “egg whites.” Every week we sell out of the 600 eggs our hens currently produce, because buyers are thrilled to have good eggs with yellow/orange yolks. 

We also had a new addition born on the farm this month. Leroy, as Anna calls him, will join the other 2016 calves, Ruby and Otis. He was a very large calf, much bigger than Otis who is already a month old. Both boys will be grown out and at a year we will sell them. Lord willing, we will use the money to add to our milkers. We would like to expand our three milkers to around nine in the future. 

Our corn and beans have grown in nicely and we are thanking God for the rain He has provided. We have several acres of corn and beans planted and harvest time is just around the corner. We have cleaned the shamba for the last time now since the beans have started to flower, so all we will do now is sit back and pray God keeps giving us the rain we need and provides a good harvest for the school. 

This month we have the second year students working in the shamba. They helped us weed our corn and beans. We talked about not wasting anything and using all the resources you have available. The grass was too high in many places and so we used the weeds and grass clippings from where we cleaned up the garden (while doing so we killed two snakes). We then combined those clippings with manure from the chickens, goats, and cows along with food scraps from the kitchen to start a big compost pile to use in the raised beds later. 

Anna continues teaching the preachers’ wives once a month and it is going well. Justin is continuing to work with Kisongo’s youth on Saturdays. One Saturday this month the kids came in the pouring down rain, and so did some local dogs! Everyone wanted to get dry and out of the rain. 

Two women were added to the Lord’s Church this month. Mungu ni mwema. 

The evangelism teams are working in Njiro chini this month and next month to prepare for the upcoming campaigns. We look forward to the “Safari for Souls” and are praying for the work being done and that will be done, Lord willing. 

We are thrilled to have our new teammates, Mason and Haley Norman, here with us! We are looking forward to the rest of the family joining us in May and June. 

Thank you all for your constant love and encouragement. We enjoyed taking a picture of the Kisongo kids with their paper hair after they learned about Samson!

Justin Maynard

To see the Maynard’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

Everyone Prepares For The Upcoming "Safari For Souls" Campaign...

Greetings fellow workers,

I hope this report finds you doing well and your service to God thriving. Here's a glimpse into some of what you are facilitating through your prayers and support of mission efforts in Tanzania. 

John Class
It is very bittersweet for me that we are in the midst of the last regular quarter that I'll get to teach at ACSOP. It's been a pleasure to see this group of second years mature as Bible students. I'm also thrilled that it just so happened that my last class covers the book that I most like teaching - the Gospel John. It gives us such an personal glimpse into the ministry of our Savior!

Pentecostal Seminar
Nesta and I have been having a series of Bible studies with a Pentecostal preacher in the area. He's been an eager student and has been very interested in what we've had to say. So much so, that he has invited us to present a seminar to the entire congregation. This is a fantastic opportunity and we are very exited about it. Please keep this in your prayers as we make plans and preparations for the event. May God be glorified through it!

Preparing for Campaign Season
The area preachers gathered this weekend for our monthly evangelism meeting. Beginning in late May we'll have about a month and a half of steady campaigning. This influx of friends from the US is always an exciting time for the work here. You can look forward to reading in future reports some of the wonderful results of these efforts. For now, pray for both the campaigners and the local workers as preparations and pre-campaign work is being done.  

Children's Seminar
The monthly children's seminar has become everyone's favorite day of the month. Let me share with you Justin's account of this month's exciting seminar:

This month’s women and children’s seminar was held in the Ngorogoro area. For those of you familiar with the Ngorgoro Crater, we were at it’s rim for this seminar. We drove approximately two hours to the small village right outside the crater. When we were within a few miles of the church, our van could no longer travel on the roads. Due to the vehicle we drive, and the long rains turning the roads into a terrible mess, we had to get out and walk the rest of the way to the church building. 

In our vehicle we had myself and Anna, our new missionaries Mason and Haley Norman, and locals Jane and Desdery Massawe, and their oldest daughter Martina. The Gaines were in front of us with a better equipped vehicle for these conditions and all of the material for the seminar. We sent them on ahead and we all got out and walked. The roads we flooded and muddy but no one complained as we headed toward the church. The road vehicles take would have been a very long walk and so the locals led us to a shortcut. This shortcut required us to climb a cliff that leads up to where the church meets. Once again, everyone was in good spirits and even Jane, who is seven months pregnant, did not complain and it was a beautiful journey to the top. 

Given the heavy rains, we did not expect large numbers. However, when we arrived at the top we were happily surprised. Under a tarp held up by tents (this was their church building) was around 41 children and over 30 women waiting on us. Men were scattered about awaiting personal Bible studies. Everyone split up and we quickly began. 

Daniel, Mason, Desdery, Jasper Julius (a local preacher), and I began conducting Bible studies. Tiffany, Anna, Haley, and Jane began their prepared lessons the women had asked they come and speak on. Anna began with a lesson on Christian Life and Tiffany followed with a lesson on Perseverance. By noon both women’s lessons were finished and the rain continued to pour. Every few minutes the women had to knock the pools of water off the tarp to prevent the tent from collapsing in on them. For an hour and a half the women asked questions on marriage and family and how to live a Christian life. Daniel came and helped take over the Q&A with the women so Anna, Tiffany, Haley, and Jane could take the children to do their portion of the seminar. 

Due to the continuous rains, the only place to move the 4 adult teachers and the 41 children was an 8x8 one room, mud home. The children’s faces lit up with excitement over the colored pictures Tiffany showed them as she taught them about the Bible. After Anna taught them about creation and told them each they could take their coloring sheets and one crayon home with them, their excitement bubbled over. There was no room in the small house to allow the kids to color and due to the rain they couldn’t move outside. So, the children were thrilled to have their very own crayon (yes, just one each). 

By three o’clock the rains were still falling and we decided if we wanted to try and make it home, we needed to leave. Daniel loaded his family, Desdery’s family, and the Norman’s into his vehicle (dala dala style) and headed back toward our car. Anna and I walked back down the cliff a few minutes before they drove down because the locals told us one of our tires on the van was flat. The path down the cliff had become a waterfall and there was no way to avoid water on the roads. The walk down was adventurous and cold but we enjoyed it. 

Anna and I reached the bottom around the same time the Gaines car came down with the others. We did indeed have a flat tire. The roads were soft and mucky, terrible conditions to try and jack up our vehicle. However, Daniel, Desdery, and Mason picked up on the car while I climbed under and was able to get the jack in place. We are thankful to God and His protection that we made it home on terrible roads, two hours away, with a flat tire that had to be pumped up every 30 minutes. 

Though this seminar presented many challenges God was glorified and the Word was spread. Pray for the Ngorogoro Kanisa la Kristo as they continue to evangelize the community around them. 

Anna and I have purchased our tickets for furlough. We will be leaving Africa August 25th. While home, in order for us to be able to come back and stay for three more years, we will have to raise support. If your congregation is interested in having us come and present our work email us at: Also if you would like to help the fundraising with a donation please send checks to Horton Chapel Church of Christ 925 Union Ridge Road, PO Box 1100, Belton, KY 42324. Put in the for line Maynard’s Mission Work.  

-  Justin Maynard

You can see some pictures from that day on our Facebook page (

Thank you so much for the relentless prayers and support that you give on behalf of the work here. God is powerful, and He is being glorified by our service together.

Till all have heard...

Daniel Gaines

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

An Impressive Quarter Of Study With Students At ACSOP...

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "The things which you have heard from me...entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." II Tim. 2:2

As we consider these words of instruction from Paul to the young preacher Timothy, an obvious thing must come into our mind: How are we putting this instruction into practice today? As I thought about that, nothing came into my mind except exactly what is going on in ACSOP. This instruction of Paul is really being put into practice here.

This second quarter of studies here in ACSOP is impressive. Our lecturers are working harder and harder to impart to these fellows the knowledge of God’s word. They are doing exactly what I have quoted above for this week. The first year students are showing great improvement in their studies. 

On the other hand, things are moving well with the ACSOP staff. All the cooks, cleaners and students are okay. We all are enjoying God’s blessing of heavy rains here in Arusha. The school farm and the vegetable garden are blooming. We hope this year we will have a good harvest of corn and more vegetables. Moreover, please never forget to remember in your daily prayers our dear brother Cy, as he continues to get more strength from his sickness.  

We ought always to GIVE THANKS to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting..." (2 Thess. 1:3) for all you have done, and for your faith in us and the work going on here. "Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified..." (2 Thess. 3:1)

Thank you so very much for your continued and faithful support of our work. May God bless you for your sacrifices!

In Christ Jesus,

Losotwa Michael,
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, TZ

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

The School In Nigeria Prepares For The World Bible School Seminar...

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Greetings from the staff and students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria, Southwest School of Evangelism, and my co-WBSFUW in the Western state of Nigeria.

Glory and honor be unto the Almighty God who has brought us to the end of the 3rd semester in BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan.

All year two students and some year one students performed excellently during our Practicum (Practical Homiletics).

Our students will embark tomorrow in two weeks of vocational studies in Ibadan, Lagos, and Osun states. Fourth semester classes begin, Lord willing, on May 16, 2016 through July 15, 2016.

World Bible School Seminar: We are organizing a two day WBS seminar in Ibadan on May 14 that will be held at the auditorium of the church of Christ, Onikokoro / Gbongudu Sooko road between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm and on May 18 at Butubutu village junction Butubutu, Ona-Ara Local Government between 3:30 - 6:30 pm. Free gospel literature (VOTI vol. 87, WBS course on “How to Get to Heaven,” etc.) to all participants. The  theme of our discussion is “How To Get To Heaven” with three sub-topics: “Heaven & Hell,” “Steps unto Heaven,” and “Worship of the New Testament Church.”

Free Registration and Feeding Leadership Seminar 2016 @ BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan: In preparation for the upcoming Leadership Seminar of May 23-27 at our main campus in Butubutu, we have painted the three unpainted blocks (Male hostel, Guest & Director quarters, and lastly the Female hostel). We also constructed another ten benches and desks for the classes.

Reports From My Coworkers: Brother Abiola Joseph Olusoji reported the conversion of a soul. Brother Dairo Joseph Abiodun reported that they just began their quarterly lectureship at the Ota congregation in Ogun state, and brother Ezekiel Okoh reported the restoration of a soul at the Iyana-Ipaja congregation in Lagos, while brother Matthew Adeyemi reported the conversion of two souls at Lusada town where he is presently ministering. Brother Ajiteru Olufemi, one of the graduates of our school reported the conversion of four souls (Adeola Temidayo, Onyedika Benjamin, Uche Joseph, and Ajakaiye Oladapo Jacob) in the month of April.

Our Challenge: I have been using my Toyota Rav 4 to convene the students, staff, and co-WBSFUW to the venues of our weekend evangelism & gospel campaigns since January 2016 when our school van finally broke down. In order for the task before us to be lighter and effective, I have disposed my plantain plantation at Tadi village for the sum of N500,000 and deposited the funds with a motor dealer in Ibadan on Wednesday to get us a better three seater van that will be useful for our rural and urban evangelism. I will need another N500,000 to balance up whenever that dealer has the van that is good for evangelism.

Beloved, we thank you all for your partnership. You are all in our prayers.

Thanks and God bless.

Sincerely His & yours,
Makinde Ebens (Minister)

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

After A Successful Lectureship In Guatemala, A New Class Begins...

This past March 10th – 13th, we celebrated our 7th Annual ITL Lectureship. The theme this year was Practical Christian Living: A Study of the Book of James. The event turned out to be a wonderful time of study and edification. 

We were honored with a well-qualified array of speakers that did an excellent job of making James what the theme suggests—very practical! As you can see from the flyer, there were 12 speakers/teachers. Victor Ajuchan, David Avila and Wilder Ordoñez were speakers from Guatemala. Javier Alfaro came from Costa Rica and Pedro Batres from Nicaragua. The rest came from various parts of the U.S.: Luis Camacho (Dallas, TX), Kevin Hahn (Houston, TX), Bob Turner (Denver, CO), and Kerrie Williams (Jonesboro, AR). In addition, two ladies, Brenda Dean and Sherrie Montgomery came to speak to our ladies and Cherie Dempster taught several children’s classes. All three ladies are from Morristown, TN, where their husbands (John, Tom, and Jim respectively), who also came to the lectureship, serve as elders. Conrad Pinder (Costa Rica) was back to help with the translation and so did Byron’s mom, Aralee Hernandez (Los Angeles, CA), who translated for the ladies classes. Benjamin Montejo and Dulce Ramirez, both from Linda Vista, also contributed as translators. 

Additionally, we also had the honor of having Tom Langley, Anna Pride and Channetta Williams present for the lectureship. Tom (Maryville, TN) is the president of World English Institute (WEI) and a friend from many years back. He was the one who kept encouraging us to host WEI teams in Guatemala and now we have hosted teams for seven years! Anna Pride (Nashville, TN) and Channetta Williams (Lubbock, TX) were here because we are working with them to establish a full-time WEI school in Guatemala in the near future. All of us were able to meet after the lectureship events to discuss how we could see the school become a reality. We all felt encouraged and ask that you keep this project in your prayers. Channetta is currently seeking support to move to Guatemala and we are actively looking for other team members to join this effort. We will send out more details about this in another newsletter. 

As usual, the events for the lectureship began on Thursday and concluded on Sunday. Permit us to share with you some of the highlights. 

Thursday, March 10 – ITL’s President’s Banquet
The President’s Banquet was held again at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Zone 13 of Guatemala City. This is the hotel we have been using for our ITL activities and mission teams. They have been very kind to us, provide the best rate for our guests and offer a few other amenities. 

The banquet always serves as a great way to begin our lectureship activities. We invite all of ITL’s past graduates from both programs (Saturday and Full-Time) to attend. It is a good opportunity to honor their faithfulness and work with their local churches. Also, we take the opportunity to honor our speakers and their guests. Additionally, it provides a good arena to express appreciation to those who make ITL possible. As we were finishing dinner, Hawatthia, the president of ITL, introduced the after-dinner speaker for this year, Kevin Hahn. Kevin preaches for the Lake Houston Church of Christ in Humble, Texas, and he did an excellent job. 

This year, we honored Carlos Ramos and Eusebia Martinez with the President’s Service Award for their unselfish dedication and service throughout the years. We are happy to report that we were honored again to have Dr. Henry España, “ITL’s doctor,” and his wife Dora Alicia. Several other awards and appreciation plaques were given and the program concluded with a photo presentation that looked back at 2015. 

Friday, March 11 – Excursion Day
On Friday, our out-of-town guests traveled first to the historic area of Guatemala called Zone 1, where they visited the National Palace. This year, we could not make the regular lunch stop at Wendy’s because for some reason the restaurant closed. So, we walked an extra two blocks to enjoy Pollo Campero before departing to La Antigua Guatemala. We made a favorite stop at the coffee plantation La Azalea for a tour and coffee (for those who drink coffee). We then made our way to Antigua’s market, where the team haggled a bit for their souvenirs (which most consider a fun experience). For dinner, we enjoyed a meal at Fonda de la Calle Real before making our way back to the capital city. 

Saturday, March 12 – Our 7th Annual Lectureship Begins
Linda Vista again served as the location for our lectureship this year. The city granted us permission to close off the street, so we were able to set up a couple tents and chairs for outdoor classes in front of the building (which was a coveted location because of the cool breeze). 

The day began with some troubles with our sound system. Thankfully, we were able to get it to work and the lectures were on their way. Pedro Batres did a great job of introducing our theme. We have continued to follow the same format that seems to work well. We have several keynote speakers scattered throughout the day, interspersed with workshops, singing, lunch and an open forum, a favorite of the attendees, but not such a favorite with the speakers. We ended the day with a dinner prepared by our local sisters. 

The attendance on Saturday was very good. We had at least 15 churches represented at various times of the day. Some, not including the invited speakers, traveled as far as Chiapas, Mexico and from one of the borders of Guatemala, about eight hours away. There were also people there from other departments and from several congregations in the Guatemala City area. We averaged about 250 in attendance as people came and went throughout the day, but the total number of people easily surpassed 300. 

Sunday, March 13 – Conclusion of Lectureship
For Sunday we had a full house. The congregation in San Antonio, Villa Nueva, worshipped with us and we had several members from other congregations to join the Linda Vista family, so we were packed tightly. Kevin Hahn had the final keynote lesson during our worship and did a tremendous job of motivating us to seek the lost from James 5. If our memory serves us correctly, there were six responses. There was one final Bible class before the event came to a close. Then, all of us enjoyed lunch together. 

A special thank you to so many who helped to make this year’s lectureship a great success. Every area of work was vital and we pray that God will richly bless each person who so willingly served in various ways. Lord willing, we will host our 8th annual lectureship next year. We pray that you will be able to come and be part of this event.

A New Class Begins at ITL
We are thankful that all of our Epsilon has arrived to the ITL campus. The class had one additional student to join it a week into the first quarter, bringing the total of students to six. 

Lord willing, we will be sending very soon a complete update about our Epsilon class. Please continue to pray that all will go well as the new students and their families adjust to their new life here at ITL and as the staff and faculty adjust to having them on campus. 

Serving Jesus in Guatemala! 
Hawatthia, Byron, Snezana


To see the report from ITL with pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

A Stand For Truth Brings Praise From An Older Generation In Kenya...

Dear brethren,

Silence at times means things are good. It has been quite sometime now since you heard from KSOP, Kisumu Kenya. We are doing well here and thankful to God for making us workers together with Him. We are thankful to God for the rains and the opportunity for many to go and farm.

We had a break and all the 20 students came back and are working real smart to finish the race by August 27 this year. This quarter the students are studying “Minor Prophets,” “Denominational Doctrines,” “1, 2 Timothy and Titus,” and “Greek III” during the regular six weeks, and later they will finish with two short-courses: “Revelation” and “The Scheme of Redemption.” These two short courses will be taught by Wayne Burger.

During the break, we had a van full of books for the school. We thank brother Mike Reese for making this possible and we also thank all who surrendered their books for the school. There is still room for more books. Please contact brother Reese to donate more and provide any assistance.

While the students were on break, we are excited to report of the great work the students were involved in doing. Jeremiah Bor, Sammy, and Tonui organized a gospel meeting with over 20 local church leaders attending. Elias also joined them. Bor stood firm and boldly refuted the errors of Instrumental music, hand clapping, and women leading worship services. This did not go down well with the majority, but it is amazing how the older members, who were baptized in the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s, accepted Bor’s teachings and said that’s the doctrine they were taught, received, and practiced before it was brought down by the so called “digital preachers” from liberal Bible schools.

The truth presented by these students and Elias led the older generation to shower praise for the good work the preaching school is doing in Kisumu to restore Bible salvation and worship. One denomination with 15 members believed the truth and vowed not to follow men anymore. Bor has been assisting them to be grounded in the truth every Sunday as they requested. The result, the denomination now is the Lord’s church with 15 adult members.

After the gospel meeting, the older generation who accepted the truth organized another meeting to discuss further the errors being practiced with the aim of kicking out the digital preachers who have brought false teaching in the church. The school again sent Bor and Tonui to help the older generation “contend earnestly for the faith” in the meeting. We pray the truth will prevail.

The other men were also at work. I led the gospel campaign in Sigomre with two souls obeying the gospel. I taught “1, 2 Timothy and Titus” to 8 men for one week. Four souls were baptized at Mulusi church, that was led by Solomon, a student at KSOP.

Brethren, know your prayers and assistance for the work of training preachers is not in vain. Preachers who stand firm and fight for the Lord are few, and we appreciate the trust you have in this work to train more sound men.

With love and joy,
Charles Ogutu - Director Kenya School of Preaching, Kisumu.

Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

The Use Of Technology Expands The Work In Cambodia...

Greetings brethren! 

It's been a fruitful two months serving the Lord here in Cambodia and I'm very excited to share with you about the work of Jesus these past two months. Right after brother Wayne Burger finished his awesome short course at IBISR, I had my very own seminar to teach in Phnom Penh. My topic was titled "The Successful Steward: God's View on Money for His servants." It was held at the University church of Christ, also known as the BEST center. We had about 100 people show up for it and received some positive feedback. 

I was also able to Skype with the youth at the Dripping Springs congregation and shared with them a little about what a missionary does and answered some of their questions. They do this thing called the "Missionary March Madness" where they Skype missionaries around the time of the March Madness NCAA tournament and just try to encourage them and ask questions about their ministry. I’m so honored to be able to share a little bit about the work in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

"We were privileged tonight to be able to Skype with Phanat Ouch who is diligently working for the Lord in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Brother Phanat's personal story about his life, and his labors in the mission field were so up-lifting. I was so happy that many of your youth could be there to hear about the great things the Lord is doing through him, his family, and the dedicated Christians in that part of the world. We admire him so very much, and tonight our hearts were refreshed by his words, and our appreciation for missionaries tremendously increased. We are so blessed to know someone like Phanat Ouch. God bless you brother. The congregation in Dripping Springs is praying for you and your family." -John W. Moore

March 17th was my 7 years anniversary with my wife, Chakriya. We had a family dinner at a new place that just opened up near the riverside. I am thankful for a wonderful helpmeet that God sent my way. Please continue to pray for us to grow in our faith and love for one another.

In April, our long time coordinator Wes Autrey came to teach a short course on "Teaching Methods" and did a wonderful job. His unique teaching style and "yellow" personality always gets our students interested in learning about God's Word. I appreciate his sacrifice and effort in preparing the lessons to teach our students and staff to become better teachers of God's word. 

After Wes left back to America, Cambodia started its New Year celebration so our students got 1 week off for the holidays. They all went home to be with family and for our students it was their first time going back after half a year of study in the bible school. This is a very crucial time for them as they will face much persecution and temptations. Most of our students come back stronger in their faith when they see how much they've changed to their family and friends. This is the time where the staff and older Christians help encourage them and tell them that everybody goes through it. We've all been called a traitor to our culture, but we still remain faithful to our Lord. I pray that you continue to remain faithful to our Lord regardless of the hardships that you face in your part of the world. God bless and keep supporting this wonderful work!


To see Phanat’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

The Value Of Campaigns Explained For The Work In Zambia...

Dear brethren,

Greetings from Luanshya, Zambia! Our prayers are that you and your family are all doing well in all your endeavors. The students and the staff of the school here are doing okay.

The fourth quarter started on the 13th of April 2016. In this quarter, brother Mwamba is teaching Personal Evangelism and New Testament Worship. I am teaching also two courses: 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. The quarter seems to be very exciting and we look forward to having a very successful one.

At the end of the the quarter, we need to go on gospel campaigns. These campaigns are very important for following reasons:

1. They help to promote and advertise the school for future recruitment.

2. They accord the students with hand on work experience that they need to have before graduating.

3. Campaigns are indeed ways of reaching out to the lost and a means of strengthening the relationship with existing congregations. We believe this is the most important of all the reasons.

We would like to do campaigns in most of the Provinces of Zambia after completing the fourth quarter, but we have obvious constraints on our hands.

At present, we have not put aside any funds for such activities. The funds that are sent each month cover the working budget for the month. Sometimes we run a deficit in the budget. It seems again this month we are running into this because the Zambian Kwacha has really gained against major currencies like the US dollar. This makes it very hard to cover the budget with the same amount of funds we receive each month. And we are truly grateful for the funds sent to the school each month. 

We looked at the pros and cons of having our own facilities for the school here. And we concluded that we can do better to have our own facilities than to continue renting. When you look at our school articles of association (constitution) here, it stipulates that all the assets acquired by the Institute must be given back to the Institute should anything happen to cause the school to close down. Though this is not our prayer! If we continue renting, we may not be in favor with the landlord as it seems at present, and hence he/she might come up with conditions that may prove to be very hard for us. And we would be forced to move to another place. And if the same thing happens we would be forced to move again and again and again. The idea of moving the school from place to place may show some instabilities in the operation of the school. We would not want to see this happening here. 

We were very saddened to learn of the death of the Director of the school in Zimbabwe. Our prayers go to his family, the school and the church in Zimbabwe, and indeed the Bear Valley Bible Institute family.

Cephas and Fred

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

Weekend Evangelism Produces Fruit Near Mbanga, Cameroon...

The people around the world join to celebrate World Labor Day. We were still laboring the same time and the same day in the Lord’s vineyard this first Sunday of May. May the work of God keep on growing. Amen.

Dear workers of the Lord, special salutation from Africa, Cameroon, and from Mbanga in particular. We hope the this weekend report will meet you in good health.

The church in Mbanga is a ground of internship, a place where students keep on doing homiletics and hermeneutics at every given opportunity. Also, the members enjoy new and good lessons every day in our congregational weekly activities. The month of April was great with the studies in the book of Matthew 24 where we have been able to differentiate between the destruction of Jerusalem in the past and the second coming of Jesus Christ. This has really been a problem with the signs of the end time and that of the destruction of Jerusalem. Some students who were assigned did very well in their research.

The students are growing in their presentations and in the manner of interpretation after a year in the school of preaching. We can already sense the transfer of knowledge from the instructors being achieved gradually. We thank God for that because our resources are not in vain.

The instructors are doing their best to put in all their time to see that they respect the program of the school and follow it till the end. Some of them will even extend their classes at night for the second segment just to see they are able to cover the work and in a gradual process so that all will be able to understand the lesson, which is very important in the teaching call.

Weekend evangelism is gaining more ground and the assembly in Mujuka is growing with a lot of youth who are being added to the church. The landlord said new benches could not be added in a congregation without people to fill in the benches, and so the Lord decided to add two precious souls to come and fill up those benches. We thank God for His will. Brother Giress is doing a great job in that area.

We plan to attend the Preacher’s Forum in Buea and also attend another program in Kumbo in the northwest region. We also plan to host the next Preacher's Wives Forum that will commence on the 27th and 28th of May 2016. This is to help teach the students and their wives on some serious activities and on how to assist the preacher in his work as a preacher's wife. 

Evangelism plans are also coming up, like in Sancho and Njombe.

We appreciate you for persistent prayers and all that you are putting in place for this mission to be realized. We pray that God will do more.

Please keep on praying for brother Sylvanus who was in the hospital with his wife for about two weeks, but God just freed them this week and they are already in Mbanga.

Also, pray for sister Brenda, a member in our congregation who also was put to bed through an operation.

Brother Phillipe is also home from the hospital and will be going back on Tuesday for another check up.

The wife of brother Abraham is also seriously sick with a heart problem.

Many others are suffering from other illnesses. We pray our first aid will be able to treat some of them.

Remain blessed. 

Your humble servant,
Ititi Benedict

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

The Importance Of Prayer Highlights The Need In Wotutu, Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We do hope this report finds you in good health and a sound faith. We are doing better today as our students and members are gaining health. Continue to pray for some who are still very sick like brother Nguty Victor and others. Thanks for your prayers and deep concern.

Life goes on well. Today is Labor Day in Cameroon. Workers of all walks of life are celebrating and soliciting for better working conditions. We were in worship doing what the Lord has commanded us to do. We labor day and night with joy because there is no day set aside for us to celebrate, as we celebrate the greatness and love of God daily, Psalm 118:24. Thank you to all who are part of the work here. God bless you.

Last week was great in BVBIC-Wotutu, even though some students were out of the classroom because of their ill health, but many thanks to God who is acting in many ways to manifest His work. The students continue to grow as they prepare for ministry by the end of this year. Keep them in your prayers as they will start writing a research paper on a variety of topics that will be put in their library and at the school.

The students who went out for weekend evangelism returned back to school without any problem. They brought news of growth, as congregations like Batoke, Likomba, and many others keep receiving our students on a weekly basis because since their establishment there is no preacher.

I taught on the topic, “The Importance of Prayer.” With the current situation in the world, many need to know and see the power of prayer which gives hope to the hopeless world because we can see that guns, machine guns, bombs, suicide bombs, illegal negotiations, and political dialogues are unable to restore peace and freedom in the world. The best thing for us to know and do daily is to commit into God’s hands. Only God can do what is lasting.

The scriptures keep opening our eyes to do more for perishing souls, as we stick to our motto Evangelism is our Mission and Our Mission is Evangelism. We are leaving no stone unturned to make this happen. We started a hospital visit ministry today. We are aimed at reaching to both patients, nurses, and doctors as we have the opportunity. We arrived at the Limbe district hospital where we have a pediatrics ward and others. Just like when we preached in prison for the students to know that area of calling, we started taking them to the hospital to see how they can give hopeful words, sweet songs and prayers to those in pain. It was wards to wards, and beds to beds meeting patients one on one after a general prayers. Some patients cornered students and gave personal prayer requests.

Brother Mendel shared tracts with patients and care givers. Brother Mendel is doing a great job in the Wotutu congregation and the orphanage home. He conducts evening devotions with the children. Keep this brother in your prayers for such a zeal. Many thanks to Mission Printing for the tracts that we can give to people of all walks of life, so that after preaching they can check the scriptures later.

Many thanks to all involved in this work. Our van and the small car can take along many to destinations to reach out to the masses. God blesses all hands that are placed to do the work that is going on here. Students and Christians of Wotutu continue to benefit when we are called somewhere for God’s business.

Sister Julianna Enie obeyed the gospel. She was pleased to be part of the family of God here in Wotutu. Keep her in your prayers as she walks with Christ.

Brother Robinson was happy to receive a copy of the Bible after his baptism. We are embarking on the mission to make sure every body has a copy of the Bible. Bibles are needed all the time in many other congregations that we are working with us. Brethren are eager all the time to know more from the word, but unfortunately not all congregations will have a copy of the Bible.

The Wotutu congregation is blessed since the coming of the Bible college here. During the first batch, as they moved closer to their graduation day, donated an aluminum preaching stand to Wotutu. The Gamma batch just donated 4 ceiling fans and one standing fan to my office. On our ceiling we have ceiling fans which will help cool down members of our congregation as the population continues to increase. It also affects the free circulation of air in the worship hall. These fans will help a lot. We prayed for them and commit them into the hands of God, for God to bless them in return from these good gestures. From their support in school they were able to save up a little to buy what we enjoy today. One is needed on our pulpit. Maybe they will buy it or Wotutu congregation will support them with that. They are really a good group of students. I, as the director, am proud of them.

1) We shall be in Kumbo for the scholarships Lectureship in 3 weeks time.

2) The entrance exams to get new students into BVBIC-Wotutu is coming up on the 28th of May.

3) We have just adjusted our program for this month, as our students will leave for vacation on the 29th of May and return on the 4th of June. After the short-course and the agricultural seminar in Mbanga, they will all take off from there to different locations for mission work which will last about 10 days.

When we look around and see what the Lord is accomplishing daily through His children, of which you are one, we thank you for allowing the Lord to use you. We are blessed to know you and for your contribution towards the growth of this work. We say thank you and may God continue to bless you and keep you strong.

Do your best to share this with others.

Prayer Request
Keep in your prayers brother Fundungallah Fidelis' wife, who had a miscarriage. The brother traveled to the village to be with her in few days. The challenges are great, but God is too faithful to fail. Satan will never succeed.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 1, 2016 .

Exciting, Encouraging, And Powerful News...

Prayer Request: Cy Stafford was able to leave the hospital last week. Doctors treated the infection early and Cy gains strength each day. He has another round of chemo-therapy scheduled in a few weeks. Please pray that he continues to improve. Also, remember Stephanie and their family as they endure this time together.

Prayer Request: Evie Graber, daughter of Randy and Robin Martin, was recently diagnosed with cancer after a tumor was removed from her brain. Evie’s husband, Christopher, is a minister with the STC congregation in Minnesota and Evie serves as the secretary. They await specific plans for treatment as they move through this process in the months ahead. Christopher and Evie have five young children and the STC congregation oversees the work in Wotutu, Cameroon. Please remember them in prayer.

After a week of research, students in Denver return to the classroom Monday moving into the last month of school before graduation. Several men and their families will complete the program and enter the work of ministry. We are thankful for the wonderful two years we were able to share with them in this journey of learning. We ask you to pray with us on their behalf that God will bless their ministry in His service.

News this week is encouraging. Several locations sent reports about the work accomplished over the last week. We delight in reading about souls obeying the gospel and the restoration of others returning to the Lord’s kingdom. As you read through one or all of the reports below, our prayer is that you are encouraged and uplifted by reading how the hand of God continues to bless the efforts of these brethren. 

We also excited about the continued development of the program of extension training. New schools prepare to open in Liberia, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, and Fiji. The start-up of schools in these locations will strengthen the number of men training to preach the gospel in their own culture. Other locations are on the horizon as the program continues to grow. Your prayers are appreciated as we strive to glorify God through the training of men to preach.

Please remember to update your files to include Keith Kasarjian to receive reports, or to discuss information regarding the extension program. Keith is the new director of the extension program. His email address is

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

Children’s Program Grows And Souls Added To The Kingdom: The kingdom grows and the future of the church is bright as young people receive a biblical foundation in Cameroon.

Even The Devil Could Not Use An Accident To Stop Evangelism: Although it was a tough week for the brethren in Mbanga, Cameroon, evangelism moved forward and God blessed the work. 

Future Plans For Growth With The Work In Ukraine: With a bit of history, this week’s report shares plans for growing the work in Ukraine with a permanent location for the school.

New Prospects, Souls Added, And A Campaign Begins This Week: The work continues to grow and excite the brethren in Togo, as students reach out to those who need the gospel.

Excitement Is High As Students Near The First Graduation In Haiti: The end of the two-year journey nears and students prepare to graduate and enter the ministry.

Leadership Development Is The Focus Of An Upcoming Seminar In Nigeria: After a short-course in Leadership, brethren plan to focus on the subject for the work in Nigeria.

Farming Projects Prepare Students For Success In Tanzania: Farming projects aid the work in Arusha to help students learn how to provide for their families after school.

Children’s Seminar, Bible Studies, and Heavy Rain Make For An Interesting Day: The Maynard report shares information about the challenges of weather and ministry.

Final Thoughts
We continue to extend our gratitude to each of you for your sacrificial attitude in the development of the extension program. Your connection to the work at Bear Valley is changing lives eternally, here and around the world. We hope you continue to be encouraged by the exciting news shared each week.

God bless

Posted on April 24, 2016 .

Children's Program Grows And Souls Added To The Kingdom...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe, our beloved, beautiful, and peaceful Cameroon. We do hope this reports finds you doing great and expanding the shores of the gospel in your area. God is faithful to us, but we are doing our best to be our brother’s keeper as we join to expand the shores of His kingdom using every given opportunity.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well and we give glory to God, but it passed by with lots of challenges to our students. As we enter into the rainy season the climate change this time around is funny to the health of many this year.

Classes went on well as all the instructors were there to continue transplanting knowledge as sound as they are so that these men will continue the process after school to many locations touching lives and transforming them for the Lord’s use. Some of our students were not in class because of ill health, so they stayed in the dormitory while others were going down to see doctors in Limbe and they were later referred to other doctors in other towns depending on the situations. For example, brother Nguty Victor had a minor stroke, brother Njikeng Cyprine has watery and painful eyes, brother Oponde Daniel has severe gastric pains, brother Hilary has serious ribs pains, and many of the other students have severe malaria, along side vomiting and high body temperature. For those with malaria, it is not too serious as the diagnoses is simple and treatments not too expensive. Please keep them in your prayers as our funds for medical dried up within a month because of almost every body being sick. Please keep those names in your prayers and all of us. We still do not know what we are to face with those cases now, but our God is too faithful to disappoint.

Even though some were sick, those who were in better health still went on with the banner to make Christ know to many searching souls in our communities as they will still get up early to preach on the back to the Bible program and weekend evangelism in a few locations.

Students continue to grow as they have ample opportunity in the Wotutu pulpit to expose the truth as they read and explain the very words of God as brother Chu Elvis. Even though he was not fully healthy, but as long as souls are in need of the word, it must be preached.

Our children’s class continues to increase. Many thanks to the teachers who do their best to make the class interesting. Children from unbelieving homes love the lesson. Brightland Christian Academy is also a great contributory factor to pull children interests to the church. Some children came today with their parents to worship with us. It is really a string that can pull at the hearts of adults. Keep this work in your prayers. We are very grateful to welcome sister Karen who will come and teach to the preacher’s wives and some other sisters on how to effectively teach children. We pray and we are excited because the children are the church of tomorrow. If we invest in them, then tomorrow we shall have healthy and sound congregations.

God continues to add souls, as our students do some exhortation before taking a soul into the water grave, making sure the commitments are genuine and the person can count the cost of being a Christian.

Brother Colbert in Wotutu has been listening to the program, “Back to the Bible,” daily. He lives above 3000 miles away from our worship hall, but he can get the early morning message. The wife came and took tracts from us and shared it with the husband. The husband told her to start sending their child to our worship. Last month she obeyed and this last week he said, “I have decided to follow Jesus, that is the only way.” The tract, “The Church of Christ: Who are These People,” have helped him and many who also study have a misconception about the church of Christ, so that tract was an eye opener for him and others. They know it is the only body that can save for those who obey the truth need to be part of the body.

As many as have obeyed the gospel, we teach again and give a copy of a complete Bible. That is the greatest gift we can give someone who is just recruited as a soldier of Christ. More Bibles are always needed in our keeping, as many congregations come to get Mission Printing tracts. They are also in need of Bibles for both old members and new converts, if you have means to give us more please don’t hesitate.

Our children in the orphanage played after a busy day in school and other domestic work. They are raised to be hard working, not just to sit and expect food on the tables. These orphans can now wash plates after food. There are always plenty of smiles on their faces. These are children whose futures were without hope, but thanks be to God for the coming of Brightland Christian Orphanage Wotutu. The kids can have 3 square meals, education, medical care, and above all, knowing God through songs, memories verses, Bible stories, and many more. One of our current students, Agia Mendel, goes there every evening and morning to have devotions with them. With tears at times I write this. At times when I see them rushing to greet me first among others as we open the door. There are lots of questions running within me: questions like, “What would have been the fate of these children without this home? What type of Cameroonians will they turn out to be if they don’t die in their tender age? As they grow up this way it is survival of the fittest, What would have been their feelings towards God and humans?” They don’t have any explanations to give why they are orphans, but nature puts them there. Many thanks to all who pray for these children, who think about the work going on here and give their hard end money to make sure things are going well. Thank you.

Keep Brightland Christian Academy in your prayers. This is a tool for better things to happen in the future if we nurture the school. They are preparing for their final exams. Keep them in your prayers.

e shall attend a scholarship lectureship in the month of May in Kumbo.

We are planning for another house to house evangelism campaign in Tiko, as the congregation there is inviting us to help preach and nurture.

Keep our Annual Bible Lectureship in your prayers by this November, graduation, matriculation, and the celebration of our 10th anniversary in Wotutu congregation. If you have an interest to attend, we shall be happy to welcome you as a brother and as guest.

We give the glory and thanks to God for using you to make things possible here. We shall continue to appreciate you, as we don’t have the words to express to you for all the sacrifice and love done for the work here. Share this with others.

Prayer Request
1) Brother Nguty Victor - Minor stroke
2) Brother Oponde Daniel - Gastric pain
3) Brother Njikeng Cyprine - Severe eyes problems
4) Brother Hilary Tangolem - Ribs pain

And many other students having severe malaria.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on April 24, 2016 .

Even The Devil Could Not Use An Accident To Stop Evangelism...

Let the blessings of the Lord keep on flooding upon the lives of His chosen ones. My beloved in the Lord, it has not been easy with us for the last two weeks with the students, the church members, and even the preacher of the congregation, but they have been so kind, things are going back to normal.

The devil cannot use the methods of accidents to stop weekend evangelism or the mission work in Cameroon. Another week again with weekend evangelism with students still using motor bikes. Even though Abraham and Giress had an accident last week, that still could not discourage the students to go ahead about souls, nor to put an end to the mission work in our communities because the Lords sees His own and protects them in all ways in order for the work to be accomplished and souls to be saved every day and night. We thank God for this week that every body has come back successfully.

On the way back from evangelism, the Lord added one soul to the congregation in Mujuka with the help of Abraham and Giress. These students had an accident, but no major case left for Abraham who has bruises along his leg to his bottom. All is well, even though Abraham is still limping. We are happy because the angels in the presence of God are also happy over the souls that repented. Let us be praying for this young soul in Mujuka.

Good news about brother Sylvanus whose wife was put to bed last Sunday at the Hospital at Deido in Douala. The child is a baby girl. The mother is doing great, but the child is still sick and for that reason they cannot discharge them. He is still there at the hospital with the family. Also, the pregnant sister who was in prison has also put to bed a baby girl even though it was through an operation, but she is getting a quick recovery at the hospital. These are calls for concern.

The Muyuka congregation is doing great with the help of brother Giress who goes there every weekend and also for midweek classes to encourage and nurture the young Christians with the scripture. Last week we started making some benches for the congregation. For now, we have five new benches and I believe with time and the concern of the students, we shall have a big assembly. All this is by the grace of God.

I, brother Ititi, was attacked last week with some severe Malaria and body fatigue, which made me get some bed rest for five days with a steady flow of drip through my veins and some injections that had really helped me feel stronger once more. I thank God for everything and everyone who has been praying for me, most especially my wife who has been supporting all this and had to forgo a lot of things.


Posted on April 24, 2016 .

Children's Seminar, Bible Studies, and Heavy Rain Make For An Interesting Day...

Ngorogoro Children’s Seminar
This month’s women and children’s seminar was held in the Ngorogoro area. For those of you familiar with the Ngorgoro Crater, we were at it’s rim for this seminar. We drove approximately two hours to the small village right outside the crater. When we were within a few miles of the church, our van could no longer travel on the roads. Due to the vehicle we drive, and the long rains turning the roads into a terrible mess, we had to get out and walk the rest of the way to the church building. 

In our vehicle we had myself and Anna, our new missionaries Mason and Haley Norman, and locals Jane and Desdery Massawe, and their oldest daughter Martina. The Gaines were in front of us with a better equipped vehicle for these conditions and all of the material for the seminar. We sent them on ahead and we all got out and walked. The roads we flooded and muddy but no one complained as we headed toward the church. The road vehicles take would have been a very long walk and so the locals led us to a shortcut. This shortcut required us to climb a cliff that leads up to where the church meets. Once again, everyone was in good spirits and even Jane, who is seven months pregnant, did not complain and it was a beautiful journey to the top. 

Given the heavy rains, we did not expect large numbers. However, when we arrived at the top we were happily surprised. Under a tarp held up by tents (this was their church building) was around 41 children and over 30 women waiting on us. Men were scattered about awaiting personal Bible studies. Everyone split up and we quickly began. 

Daniel, Mason, Desdery, Jasper Julius (a local preacher), and I began conducting Bible studies. Tiffany, Anna, Haley, and Jane began their prepared lessons the women had asked they come and speak on. Anna began with a lesson on Christian Life and Tiffany followed with a lesson on Perseverance. By noon both women’s lessons were finished and the rain continued to pour. Every few minutes the women had to knock the pools of water off the tarp to prevent the tent from collapsing in on them. For an hour and a half the women asked questions on marriage and family and how to live a Christian life. Daniel came and helped take over the Q&A with the women so Anna, Tiffany, Haley, and Jane could take the children to do their portion of the seminar. 

Due to the continuous rains, the only place to move the 4 adult teachers and the 41 children was an 8x8 one room, mud home. The children’s faces lit up with excitement over the colored pictures Tiffany showed them as she taught them about the Bible. After Anna taught them about creation and told them each they could take their coloring sheets and one crayon home with them, their excitement bubbled over. There was no room in the small house to allow the kids to color and due to the rain they couldn’t move outside. So, the children were thrilled to have their very own crayon (yes, just one each). 

By three o’clock the rains were still falling and we decided if we wanted to try and make it home, we needed to leave. Daniel loaded his family, Desdery’s family, and the Norman’s into his vehicle (dala dala style) and headed back toward our car. Anna and I walked back down the cliff a few minutes before they drove down because the locals told us one of our tires on the van was flat. The path down the cliff had become a waterfall and there was no way to avoid water on the roads. The walk down was adventurous and cold but we enjoyed it. 

Anna and I reached the bottom around the same time the Gaines car came down with the others. We did indeed have a flat tire. The roads were soft and mucky, terrible conditions to try and jack up our vehicle. However, Daniel, Desdery, and Mason picked up on the car while I climbed under and was able to get the jack in place. We are thankful to God and His protection that we made it home on terrible roads, two hours away, with a flat tire that had to be pumped up every 30 minutes. 

Though this seminar presented many challenges God was glorified and the Word was spread. Pray for the Ngorogoro Kanisa la Kristo as they continue to evangelize the community around them. 

Anna and I have purchased our tickets for furlough. We will be leaving Africa August 25th. While home, in order for us to be able to come back and stay for three more years, we will have to raise support. If your congregation is interested in having us come and present our work email us at: Also if you would like to help the fundraising with a donation please send checks to Horton Chapel Church of Christ 925 Union Ridge Road, PO Box 1100, Belton, KY 42324. Put in the for line Maynard’s Mission Work. 

Justin Maynard

Posted on April 24, 2016 .

Farming Projects Prepare Students For Success In Tanzania...

ACSOP Farming Project Plans
We thank God for the success of the projects at Andrew Connally School Of Preaching. In the year 2012 -2013, the ACSOP faculty were scratching their heads to find any other source of income to our budget. This is because we had a big deficit in our budget. Then Cy came up with a garden project that could help us to cut down on vegetable cost.

After this project was successful, in 2014 we thought of milk cows to cut our milk cost. We started with one cow then we added another one. Raising cows is very cheap compared to other projects. 

The cow project was also successful. And at end of same year, Sean Hochdorf came up with a chicken project to help us to offset meat cost. This project also was more successful than we planned. 

Another reason for all these projects is to train our students how to farm so that they can be self-supporting after they graduate from ACSOP. The farming projects will have great benefits to the school, our students, and our community, if it is given priority. God has placed talents in all people that can be used for His glory. Also, God has given us a piece of land, which if it is used wisely, will contribute much to the school budget. ACSOP is a tool that can be used as an example to the community and the Christians around.

After all these projects came in place, another problem arose in that we were lacking someone who will lead these project. All of the faculty members were too busy with academic matters, and the projects were moving very slowly because we were lacking someone to deal with them. Then God brought us someone who loves God and loves to work. This was brother Justin Maynard. Since the end of last year, Justin Maynard and Augustine Simon have been pushing hard on all these projects. These two brothers are working as a team. We are hoping for a big result this year, according to what they have achieved.

They have completely changed the projects from small scale to large scale. This year we are expecting to start raising a thousand layer chickens. 

Also, we are expecting good harvesting crops. Please pray for all these plans that they can be a big help to the school and also for our brother Justin who is helping all these. He is planning to go back home to raise funds for him and his family to continue working with us. Please prayerfully consider supporting them, as the school needs his efforts. 

Also continue to remember our brother Cy as is recovering at this time. The school and mission need these brothers. We miss his magic on planning things. Don’t forget his family please. 

In His service

Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on April 24, 2016 .