Students Continue To Make Inroads For The Work In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe in Cameroon, Wotutu. We give praises to God that many who were sick are gaining health. Many thanks to you for your prayers. We do hope this report finds you in good health and a sound faith. God is still on the throne. We are making progress with the work entrusted in our hands.

Last week went on well with not much emotional tension from students and members’ health situations. Students continue to make sure their daily obligations are observed no matter the condition in which they find themselves.

Health is a challenge to many now, but we give thanks to God for His help. Studies are going on well and all our staff are doing amazingly well in sound teaching preparing sound teachers for the church in Cameroon.

Many congregations are still in need of Mission Printing tracts. We are making efforts as we have the ability to give as many as we can to needy congregations who are eager to use the tracts for evangelism.

Our small car can carry as many tracts as we can to congregations who can barely trek far from the forest and we meet them in the nearest town where they will get the tracts and trek back to their villages.

This week our students went to the farm after school hours to get the land prepared for planting in the weeks ahead. This is to help them know some basic agriculture, which can serve as their own tent making in the future as they serve the Lord in preaching and teaching.

Dibanda is a village near to Mutengene. There is a small congregation there of less than 30 people, but they have a tradition of making an annual visit to BVBIC-Wotutu. Their aim is to provide the Bible students with cooked food, juice, and bread. Today, again they were in Wotutu and all the students who were out for weekend evangelism rushed back to school afterwards to be part of the fellowship. Their minister gave the students encouraging words from the word JOY, meaning J-Jesus first, O-Others second, Y-yourself last, reminding them the same story about humility, serving others rather than expecting them to serve you.

I was part of the fellowship, as we ate our main meal - fufu. Our students were very happy as they ate something which hardly come by in their kitchen.

It was a time to enjoy, share vision and passion. This congregation said when they see the great sacrifice from our students who are zealous in evangelism, they can see a glorious church of tomorrow. They don’t have anything to give, but a strong motivation that will drive these students to meet up with their goals. Feeding them for one day is just what they consider doing and they are happy doing this.

We had a family picture made with them outside the church hall to keep memories alive. What a faith that we saw from them. They keep getting into the annals of history for their gestures are always welcome. Our leaders were impressed and gave them much encouragement. They visited what is happening and they were impressed to visit the children at the Brightland Christian Orphanage. They promised a special visit to the orphanage as the Lord blesses them.

Even though with all these activities, and our always busy schedule, nothing on our agenda is left out. The newly established hospital visits on Sunday afternoon were still on as we visited the Chief Masango in the surgical ward. We met three of them in the ward relaxing outside the hall because of much heat. Keep them in your prayers as well.

reacher’s forum is coming up in the Buea congregation this week.

The Kumbo scholarship lectureship will come later in the week.

Africans Claiming Africa for Christ conference will be in August in Senegal.

Thank you for all that you do to keep this work going. God bless you as you faint not.

Please share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 8, 2016 .