A Stand For Truth Brings Praise From An Older Generation In Kenya...

Dear brethren,

Silence at times means things are good. It has been quite sometime now since you heard from KSOP, Kisumu Kenya. We are doing well here and thankful to God for making us workers together with Him. We are thankful to God for the rains and the opportunity for many to go and farm.

We had a break and all the 20 students came back and are working real smart to finish the race by August 27 this year. This quarter the students are studying “Minor Prophets,” “Denominational Doctrines,” “1, 2 Timothy and Titus,” and “Greek III” during the regular six weeks, and later they will finish with two short-courses: “Revelation” and “The Scheme of Redemption.” These two short courses will be taught by Wayne Burger.

During the break, we had a van full of books for the school. We thank brother Mike Reese for making this possible and we also thank all who surrendered their books for the school. There is still room for more books. Please contact brother Reese to donate more and provide any assistance.

While the students were on break, we are excited to report of the great work the students were involved in doing. Jeremiah Bor, Sammy, and Tonui organized a gospel meeting with over 20 local church leaders attending. Elias also joined them. Bor stood firm and boldly refuted the errors of Instrumental music, hand clapping, and women leading worship services. This did not go down well with the majority, but it is amazing how the older members, who were baptized in the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s, accepted Bor’s teachings and said that’s the doctrine they were taught, received, and practiced before it was brought down by the so called “digital preachers” from liberal Bible schools.

The truth presented by these students and Elias led the older generation to shower praise for the good work the preaching school is doing in Kisumu to restore Bible salvation and worship. One denomination with 15 members believed the truth and vowed not to follow men anymore. Bor has been assisting them to be grounded in the truth every Sunday as they requested. The result, the denomination now is the Lord’s church with 15 adult members.

After the gospel meeting, the older generation who accepted the truth organized another meeting to discuss further the errors being practiced with the aim of kicking out the digital preachers who have brought false teaching in the church. The school again sent Bor and Tonui to help the older generation “contend earnestly for the faith” in the meeting. We pray the truth will prevail.

The other men were also at work. I led the gospel campaign in Sigomre with two souls obeying the gospel. I taught “1, 2 Timothy and Titus” to 8 men for one week. Four souls were baptized at Mulusi church, that was led by Solomon, a student at KSOP.

Brethren, know your prayers and assistance for the work of training preachers is not in vain. Preachers who stand firm and fight for the Lord are few, and we appreciate the trust you have in this work to train more sound men.

With love and joy,
Charles Ogutu - Director Kenya School of Preaching, Kisumu.

Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."

Posted on May 1, 2016 .