Even The Devil Could Not Use An Accident To Stop Evangelism...

Let the blessings of the Lord keep on flooding upon the lives of His chosen ones. My beloved in the Lord, it has not been easy with us for the last two weeks with the students, the church members, and even the preacher of the congregation, but they have been so kind, things are going back to normal.

The devil cannot use the methods of accidents to stop weekend evangelism or the mission work in Cameroon. Another week again with weekend evangelism with students still using motor bikes. Even though Abraham and Giress had an accident last week, that still could not discourage the students to go ahead about souls, nor to put an end to the mission work in our communities because the Lords sees His own and protects them in all ways in order for the work to be accomplished and souls to be saved every day and night. We thank God for this week that every body has come back successfully.

On the way back from evangelism, the Lord added one soul to the congregation in Mujuka with the help of Abraham and Giress. These students had an accident, but no major case left for Abraham who has bruises along his leg to his bottom. All is well, even though Abraham is still limping. We are happy because the angels in the presence of God are also happy over the souls that repented. Let us be praying for this young soul in Mujuka.

Good news about brother Sylvanus whose wife was put to bed last Sunday at the Hospital at Deido in Douala. The child is a baby girl. The mother is doing great, but the child is still sick and for that reason they cannot discharge them. He is still there at the hospital with the family. Also, the pregnant sister who was in prison has also put to bed a baby girl even though it was through an operation, but she is getting a quick recovery at the hospital. These are calls for concern.

The Muyuka congregation is doing great with the help of brother Giress who goes there every weekend and also for midweek classes to encourage and nurture the young Christians with the scripture. Last week we started making some benches for the congregation. For now, we have five new benches and I believe with time and the concern of the students, we shall have a big assembly. All this is by the grace of God.

I, brother Ititi, was attacked last week with some severe Malaria and body fatigue, which made me get some bed rest for five days with a steady flow of drip through my veins and some injections that had really helped me feel stronger once more. I thank God for everything and everyone who has been praying for me, most especially my wife who has been supporting all this and had to forgo a lot of things.


Posted on April 24, 2016 .