Posts tagged #Uganda

Successful campaigns in Uganda

Brethren,  Greetings in the mighty name of our dear Lord Jesus christ. Peace, grace and mercy from our Lord be with you.

I am so much grateful for the favor God has given us to still be alive to-date.  I can't wait to share with you the beautiful things the Lord has done for us through our time in the holidays and to this present day.

To begin  with, we broke off mid April having arranged the evangelism sessions for the students.  We were able to have  six evangelism grounds in many different parts of the country.  Teachers working hand in hand with students by knocking  doors in the morning and during evening hours, we would go on open air campaigns.  Men of God labored and God being behind us, ten souls were added to the church through this struggle.  Students showed the heart of commitment because it would have been their time of resting at home but we chose to do this for the betterment of the Lord’s church here in Uganda. 

Through these campaigns,  we were joined by some of our old students who gave much encouragement to these outgoing students.  The school is truly making a difference.  In all the places we have been at, they were blessing the school and asking that we keep on doing this to grow the kingdom of God. 

On the other hand, the school has reported back for the final semester. Students started reporting as early as 1st of June  and classes started on Monday which was 3rd of June. Only one student who had some inconveniences at home reported late on 3rd. We thank God they have all come back in good health and we look forward to pushing on until the last day and then graduation comes. We are blessed this time that we have our brother Jerry who is taking the students through a short course dealing with the book of Roman's.

On  behalf of bear valley Uganda,  I take this opportunity to thank brother Jerry  for his tireless efforts and the love he has for the Lord’s work. We have been blessed by his coming to us. God rewards. We have nothing we can give in exchange to his service he is rendering. 

Concerning  the next intake, I have been able to move around the country  and we have so far received 15 applications and we hope for more. We continue asking for your support both physical and spiritual. 

May the almighty God bless and protect you 

Be blessed in the lord. 

Until all have heard 


Posted on June 10, 2024 .

Gaining valuable experience in Uganda

Greetings in the mighty name of our lord Jesus Christ. 

The month of March has been a good one. The work of the lord gives a difference in many parts of the country.  We thank God for strengthening his people in this venture. 

Bear  Valley Uganda is growing - the men are pushing on to the heights of learning.  Last Sunday  through our  evangelism programs, one soul was baptized by one of our students, who goes every Sunday to help evangelize communities.

Bear Valley Uganda is planning evangelism that will take us to all the four corners of the country.  Men went home on Friday to go first meet their families for a few days so that we can set the ball rolling until the end of the month, which is when we will be closing the term officially.  We will work hand in hand with the congregations from where these men come from. This is having them take the practical part of what they are studying in class. 

We just finished Homiletics 2. It has been a week of laughter and crying as men receive criticism for the sermons they have been presenting.  I loved the class and enjoyed teaching them.  Pray for the success of this program as men go out to the lost souls. 

We always pray for you and for the continued support given to us such that these men train. May the almighty God continue blessing you .

Until all have heard, 


Posted on April 8, 2024 .

New church planted in Uganda

We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,  praying for you always, for your strength which originates from God our Father, which makes this work a success. Greetings from the students and the entire staff at large at the Bear Valley family in Uganda here.

The school is steadily progressing and students are taking their classes as usual. Concerning the academic,  I thank the staff both non-teaching and the teaching. They are working hand in hand for the betterment of the school, men who are laboring to see that these preachers are equipped with every good work. They work tirelessly for the good of these men and the furthering of the gospel. 

We are happy to report to you that this time round we haven't had any cases of our students getting sick. They are all in good health.

Reports coming from our alumni  gives us courage that our labor did not go in vain. Three of the men joined efforts and planted a new congregation where they stayed four days doing door-to-door preaching.  Keep on praying for them in the field. 

Where there are good things, challenges will always find a way to come in. I lost my paternal Uncle,  who died  a sudden death,  and was a member of my home congregation, Maliba church of Christ.  The man has left children some of whom are very helpless.  Pray for brother William’s family. 

On the academic side, we are pleading for the library, it will increase on the performance of our students.  Reading books if possible. It is difficult to be a great student without a library.  If we are anticipating for the e-library,  it our request that you provide us with five sets of computers such that our men are equipped fully with the best knowledge. 

The problem of high prices in commodities, if any thing can be done to help us. And also water being the greatest of all. We spend a lot of money on water which affects our budget. 

Thank you once again.

Your brother in Christ,


Posted on March 11, 2024 .

Students making a difference in Uganda

Greetings in the mighty name of our lord and father Jesus Christ.  I bring you Greetings from my family. 

Bringing you Greetings from the students at Bear Valley Uganda and the staff at large.  The school was able to begin the  second  year  with zeal, all men had arrived and on 8th January classes started with master Emmanuel. He was able to go with them for two weeks taking  classes. His report was good  and that men were more even stronger as they went for holidays. The love of the word increase in these me.

Good reports have been getting to us from  the congregations where these men are members.  They are recommended for the good work done during holidays. Let's pray hard that this zeal follow these men and so will the kingdom grow. 

Not only these who are studying, I have been with some of the students of last intake at least all of them in all the regions beginning from December last year to this January.  From December to 2nd February  2024 have been able to count 42 souls in the campaigns we have had with the former students and the current ones who were able come to our area of carrying out evangelism.  Prayers are needs for the lords work in Uganda . 

We greatly thank you for the great support for the school to have these men trained. 

Thank you so much May the almighty God bless you so much. 

Until all have heard 


Posted on February 10, 2024 .

Uganda students finish exams before break

Greetings in the dear name of our lord Jesus christ. 

We bring you greetings from students and the staff at large here in Uganda. The men at Bear Valley Uganda are greatly giving  a difference taking classes  and for the long time but still  the willingness to know is more increase. Teachers are working so hard to see that these men get out from here when they are real soldiers of Christ.  We continually seek for your payers. 

Students have a break off for the long holiday this Friday.  They are expected to report early January  for their second year in class.  Let's pray that God may protect them in the holidays until we see them back to the campus. 

We haven't recorded so many challenges during  this time  though some can't always miss.  Four students  got very sick, but with God's grace, they were able to recover and continued with classes  One of our students recently lost his father  not even a week ago. Pray for him  as he encounter so many  challenges at home. I was able to go be with him in this trying moment. 

The challenge of water has been another big one, always have us in prayers that with time, this may be solved to ease our staying here.

With all these God is faithful because he has been with us and giving us all ways possible to overcome what comes our way. May his name be blessed. 

May the almighty God bless you so much. 

Until all have heard 


Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Uganda students show great potential

Greetings brothers and sisters, 

The joy of the gospel continues to reach many. Souls are being saved arround the country,  giving us more hope of a strong and future church. 

I take this opportunity to thank God and everyone who is working tirelessly in the vineyard. I want to tell you how joyful we are at Bear Valley Uganda, especially the students who are always mentioning you in their prayers for the support given to let them be part of Bear Valley and take their classes comfortably here.

The school continues to give more hope as I see students taking a metamorphic change. Men are growing daily. This is because of their desire to know more. 

Classes are going on well and teachers bring good and nice report about the men in class. 

Our former students also haven't stopped telling us of what they are doing in the field. They have invited me to join them on 13-16th September debate with the Adventist. This is going to be an open public debate.  One of our students  was a former Adventist pastor,  having known the truth,  he has arranged such that we talk Scriptures with these people. So pray for this work of the Lord. 

At school,  we have been having  some challenges, ranging from water scarcity to sickness, but we thank God some of the students who got sick have gotten well and are back in class studying. 

Not forgetting to tell you of my uncle who passed on one week ago with great hopes that one day we shall see him. He has been a member of the church for over 30 years.  Pray for the widow.

In His service,


Posted on September 5, 2023 .

Students doing well in Uganda

Greetings in the mighty name of our lord Jesus. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I thank my God in all my remberence of you, always offering prayers with joy in my  every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in this work of saving souls from day one to date with all the confidence that  this work that brings joy having been part of our lives will continue until we see our savior 

I am happy to share with you the joy that the school is back from the holidays energetic and zealous for the good works. Classes are on and I will be teaching two courses: HOMILETICS AND LIFE OF CHRIST 2. There are currently 13 students. We continue asking for your prayers for these men and the teachers as they  travel to come and teach.

We have been receiving messages from the local congregations that send these me, giving their thanks for what the men are turning to be in terms of helping the congregation. Not only for these ones, I have been visiting the former students too and their work gives a difference.  We greatly thank God for this  blessing. 

Thank you so much 

Be blessed 

Until all have heard 


Posted on August 8, 2023 .

Students grow in the Lord in Uganda


Grace to you and peace from God our father and Lord Jesus Christ. 

Its always my joy and where the opportunity is to give thanks to God always for you and making mention of you in our prayers constantly bearing in mind the work of faith and the lobor of love and the steadfastness of hope that is found in our Lord Jesus be multiplied to you more and more. Amen.

It has been a while, almost three months, but with the protection,  He is still keeping us. The school has closed and students are in their break for one month and three weeks. They are expected back on 28th July and classes begin on 30th.

The school has been going on very well. Students are showing the great desire to study which thing is encouraging the teachers, giving them positive energy. Very much impressed with these great men.

Comparing to the first weeks, we see the fears that these men had is disappearing with too much hope that their two years at Bear Valley Uganda will be of great importance to the church as well as them as preachers. 

This  period of time, I made a visitation program to some of our congregations I have never been to. This I did because two years are not too far to the next intake.  This was an encouraging trip and the congregations I was able to visit promised to send preachers when the right time is there. On this trip I found out that many of our congregations are not able to have access to communion cup, with this I request that if any brother from over there comes here, please do us a favor and carry some for us.

May God bless the work of Bear Valley all over the world.

Until all have heard,


Posted on June 5, 2023 .

A new batch of students in Uganda

With great pleasure take this opportunity to greet you all brethren in the name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ. I always call it a privilege to have this communication passed on to you. 

Last month ended very well having had our students all together taking in the cold environment of the Entebbe area. Men are showing a heart of hard working and steadiness.  

Many of them thought we were going to begin from the book of Genesis, we read it and go to that of Exodus on and on. This created a smile on my face on how they thought how easy things were and very ready to finish in just the shortest time. But all in all men are ok only that two got sick and were treated.  They are continuing with classes as usual. 

And on additional to that, water is scarcity.  Now that students are many, the utilization of water is too high. That is a big challenge to us beginning from last intake. 

Posted on April 10, 2023 .

First ever graduation in Uganda


Grace to you and peace  from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank my God in all my remberence of you, and always making mention of you with joy in my prayers for the work you are doing in the kingdom, your participation in the work from day one we dreamed this work here in Uganda. 

More than to say, here I come with all joy to share the happiness that burst our hearts bringing people from different places of the country  to witness the graduation of the ten men we have been having at Bear Valley Uganda. We did not cease to let them know that we are just but commissioning them for the work.


January 6th was a bright and joyous day that was the long waited day for our students. The graduation attracted  many people including the police superintendent of the area who gave us his  speech of appreciation to having been good people and encouraged the people around to imitate doing good and knowing God.  

The men having proved  not only from class, also in the field, rightly handling the word of truth.  We witnessed ten men going out for the noble cause of winning lost souls to Christ.  The students thanked the school faculty and our tireless supporters for the good work having been done in their lives. And they prayed for the next intake.

We were moved by their heart to pray for those coming after them, meaning they are having their school  at heart. This I report to you that we have  been able to select 20 students from the applications we received from various parts of the country for the 2023-2024 intake. Pray for us and their success. 

May the Almighty God bless 

Until all have heard, 

Director- Bear Valley Uganda .


Posted on January 9, 2023 .

Mark Reynolds teaches in Uganda


Grace to you and peace from God our father and the lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers because of your great love and of faith which you have to word the lord Jesus and the saints worldwide. I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become more and more effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for Christ sake.

The last quarter of our first intake was a blessing, having started it with brother Mark Reynolds. This man of God is a Barnabas is this great work of training preachers. His class was so nice and lively. On additional to that, I myself never wanted to say goodbye to brother Mark.

We are just but on our last courses soon mean are finishing. Joyful I am glad to announce to you that we are going to have our first graduation on 06th January 2023 which will be a Friday. In this I continue to ask and request that let's share the joy of our first fruits at Bear Valley Uganda.

It will give me joy to see you brothers having come and make this a success. Men are very happy and more courageous to go out for the course of the gospel. Am glad to let you know that we have a good number of 18 students who will be joining for the second intake come 06th February 2023. Pray for the work and the men who are planning to come.

May God bless you all.

Until all have heard


Posted on December 5, 2022 .

Uganda school conducts successful campaign

Greetings brothers.

It's a great privilege that we should all be alive. We are so happy for the good life God is still giving us.

Beyond all, the protection He gave us during our trip of evangelism with the students joined by other brothers and the host congregation in the far central part of Uganda to the town of Butunduzi. We were able to set off on October 4 with one accord and we were warmly welcomed by everyone. The gospel seminar consisted of knocking on doors in the morning and preaching open-air campaigns in the evening. The students were able to present good lessons and this gave me a lot of joy and confidence that our toil is not in vain.

In our six days in the place, we were able to knock on 50 homes apart from people we found along the way and on street. Thanks be to God that He now has four new souls in that city. One of our new sisters had heard of our coming. She was from another district. but when she heard we were coming, she spent her own money on bus fare to come to hear the gospel. The gospel did its job and she was one of the four who obeyed.

This lady has gone back home and has requested that we send a preacher to her village who will be able to work there to see that people know Christ. She doesn't want to miss worship. Ideally, one of our men who is graduating soon will be able to help preach in this area. I feel like this is a place where God should be having many people. We will keep on praying for it.

Our students are reporting back on Friday and will be in class with brother Mark Reynolds. He will be teaching the book of Hebrews from October 24-28. Continue to pray for their safe journey mercies as they prepare for the last quarter.

Thank you so much! Thank you for supporting the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Uganda.

Yours in Christ,


Posted on October 19, 2022 .

Uganda school travels for a campaign


Grace, peace, and mercy that originates from our Father through Whom guidance, protection and direction come. With great joy I take this opportunity to thank Him who is above all. It has been awhile but all with God, our lives continue to be in the safe assurance.

We have been having a great and enjoyable environment at Bear Valley Uganda having seen His mercy on us. The students are okay and in good health together with our non-teaching staff, though our administrator has lost a very close family member on the side of her husband. She has gone to be with them.

Partially the school has closed for the third term, but our official closing will be on Friday this week. We are having one more week of evangelism outside the school and this is part of their practice as men are soon graduating. We will be far off in central Uganda, and today is the day we are to begin our travels.

The men are growing in the love of God and the word. This gives us much hope that they are going to be the light in a world that is full of darkness.

We have not had much challenges as other quarters especially students getting sick. Just few cases have been noticed, however it is not as serious.

The evangelism around the school has been going on as our routine. Men move house to house and are having a great impact in the religious community around us. From the time we have been in this place , we have not had any misconduct report coming from outside to the school. This is a great report about our students having conducted themselves in a way worthy of what they preach.

Concerning the next intake which we have hopes to begin come February 2023, we have so far registered 16 students. We are likely to receive many other applications. Let's pray for them and the congregations where they all come from.

Until all have heard,


Posted on October 5, 2022 .

Uganda schools holds open-air meeting

Dear brethren: I Hope this finds you well along with your families. We thank the almighty God for His great love toward us, having given us the breath that some are paying for in hospitals to breathe again. But freely He has supplied it to us.

I Am happy to report to you brothers and sisters that the school is going on well. Students have not had sickness challenges except for one student named Chris who is facing some challenges. The students are taking their classes very well. I also take this opportunity to thank the teachers for their zeal and through this difficult time when the country is in crisis, for having stood strong with us, transporting themselves though the hike to get to the school. On a special note, I thank our evangelism department that is headed by brother Christopher who has assisted our dean of students brother Emmanuel. Together with the students and our administrator who took the responsibility of informing the government about our open air campaign and door to door evangelism which was so great. The word was preached to the community and open air made it possible to reach father then we even imagined. People heard the gospel for the first time! It was a challenge to the religious community and through this, denominations have started evangelism too. Through this open air and door to door one soul was baptized into Christ. It is our prayer that this congregation remains strong.

We have planned to make it a routine of using the resources available to carry out an open air campaign on a regular basis. We noticed that people can listen from a distance hence it was through their commendations that we had to know the impact.

We thank you so much for the support you are giving to help these men train. Pray for us. Our application forms have been sent out for the second intake. We pray that God answers our prayers. All in all thank you so much may the almighty God bless you so much.

Until have heard,


Posted on August 8, 2022 .

Uganda students evangelize during their break

Greetings brethren in the dear name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

With great joy, I am happy to let you know that we were able to be home for a few days for a break. The students are now back in class, and the classes are going on very well and smoothly. We are still waiting for Mumbere Chris who got sick upon arriving home.  I called him and he affirmed that the improvement is there so he is likely to report back to school today.

Brethren the situation continues to be more difficult when it comes to the hike in commodities.  Fuel is just taking us in a different direction hence affecting everything. 

We will be having a week of open-air campaign and door-to-door knocking this coming week around the school community and on small trading centers around the school. Please help us by praying for success.

While we were home we visited a newly planted congregation. We planned a gospel campaign and after two days so far, six souls have been added to the Lord’s church. We were asked to join them in evangelism at the school, but it was not possible hence the students had limited time for holidays and we also had arranged our own campaigns around the school. 

On another note, to make the church stronger, I hope to begin youth camps to help young men and women grow stronger in the faith, learning from our lord Jesus and also from the mature members of the church.  I would ask if the opportunity is there for our brothers and sisters who have experience in this to come in and help us establish this noble venture.

Pray for the school and the zeal our students are having.  They asked not to have too much time in the holidays because they too much time of resting during the corona pandemic. That’s why you see the holiday taking just a few days rather than the weeks we have been having. 

Together with you, we will accomplish a lot.

Be blessed in the lord 

Until all have heard of 


Posted on June 20, 2022 .

Uganda students encourage local church

Brethren, the beloved in God our lord, grace to you and peace from God our father and our lord Jesus Christ  who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings. It has been a blessed day with us here today at Wamala  and the church that meets here at in Entebbe. 

The worship was conducted by our students who took the lead did a wonderful job. The men of the congregation were very much moved by the students who have committed their lives to the Lord’s work.

These men are a great encouragement not only while in school during regular hours, but also for the work they are doing evangelizing the area around the school.

Last week one soul was added to the Lord’s church here at Wamala church of Christ that meets in the school premises.   We thank God for the increase. The only challenge with the people being converted here is that they are often workers working in  the city who come from different places. Oftentimes when their contract is finished they move to other places. We only pray they take the gospel with them as they go.

We are only a few days away from the close of the fifth quarter of study. The determination in these students is more than extraordinary.  They have no time to waste . Please remember them in prayers as they will be heading home soon for a break and then will come back in the near future.

We have not had much challenges like sicknesses which have been troubling us time and again.  Only  few of them have been hospitalized. Please remember our cook, Sam who is sick. With prayers, he will be fine.

Another challenge is water, this has pushed us very much on the wall whereby we are forced to buy water from the trucks. We pray that God grant us the opportunity to have our own place where we can have a provision of having a well to supply the school  with enough water.

May the almighty God bless you and keep you. Pray for us as we are soon sending applications form all over the country to begin the enrollment of the second intake come 2023.

Until all have heard 


Posted on June 2, 2022 .

Entering their second year in Uganda


The joy of the house of God is being manifested through what God is taking us through. We are called his children because we belong to the house of faith. I bring you greetings from my house.

We started the 5th quarter, we thank God we asked for protection to all the students during their time in the holidays with their families, God is so good , they all came back to school and are studying very well.

Although some are getting weak but this is physical illnesses. Their strength in studying gave me more joy. I don’t know if its because they are seeing the second years to bring their success, but all in all put us in prayers because its not always easy at the genesis of each and everything.

Pray for our country especially the hike in prices of commodities. Everything this is now high. With prayers, we are very sure for a good answer from God. We pray for you always and the hands that give to make the school run smoothly.

Be blessed

Until all have heard


Posted on April 6, 2022 .

Year 1 finished in Uganda

Greetings brothers.

It is always my joy to say hello to you in the name of our dear lord Jesus Christ from whom all joy and peace originate. We greatly thank God for the peace is somehow restored compared to the corona situation we were in here in Uganda . Thank you God for seeing us through. The church can now run her activities without any hindrance.

And so the school is also doing well since we are now able to move around our communities spreading the life saving message to them. I am here to report to you that we closed for the fourth quarter of year one. The school had all the peace, students studying very well. Although we have been going under some challenges ranging from shortage of water, power cut off and sicknesses among students.

Another serious challenge, is the raise prices in fuel, it has changed everything to the point that the prices of each and everything is like now sold double the price it was some time back. So we are buying commodities expensively. Things are shooting up. We need God to intervene.

But all in all God was so good to us and we were able to break off on 11 march and expecting them back on 25th this month for the fifth quarter which is quarter one of year two. Pray for their safety at home and praying for their reporting back to school.

Pray for Uganda, pray for our brothers and sisters in the Congo who are in war many of whom are living as refugees in Uganda now. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine that God may see them through and peace prevails.

Thank you so much for the support of us and the school to run smoothly.

Until have heard,


Posted on March 15, 2022 .

Uganda school continues classes

Greetings brethren.

With much joy, I take this opportunity to thank God for protection and guidance in each and everything we are doing. We thank Him most for the love and providence during this time of Corona. Our country is fully lifted from the lockdown issues.

I send you all the love and greetings from the students and teachers here at the Bear Valley school in Kampala. Special greetings from my family, especially my wife who has not been feeling well for a couple of weeks, but we have some hopes of her getting better soon.

The school was able to commence with studies on January 17. This is our fourth quarter. The students were able to come back although two of them were not able to report back. We currently have ten students and they are all doing well.

The first course taught by brother Muhyana was completed and Christopher is in for the second course unit.

Upon our arrival at school, through the evangelism our students were doing around the communities of the school, two souls were added to the church in the first week. The congregation is being established and we come to you asking for prayers that this congregation may grow.

More efforts of evangelism were being put in when our students were home during holidays. One man is calling us to go and meet him for baptism after studying with one of our students.

Another new development was that a congregation was planted and one of our students has been there working hand in hand in preaching with the preacher who they established that congregation with. This is a great achievement that the work is being done and our students are active.

May the almighty God bless you all!

Until all have heard,


Posted on February 10, 2022 .

Uganda School presses on

Dear Brethren:

By all the mercies and grace that comes from the most high, I take this opportunity to bring you the sincere greetings from the students at Bear Vailley Institute in Uganda.

Brethren we can not stop thanking God for the protection he is giving us as his children. Uganda is passing through a lot of trouble. Recently in the past month our city was blasted by two bombs which claimed a lot of innocent lives. We are happy to say that no members of the Lord's church were hurt in this. We say all the glory goes back to Him.

Since the school started on November 1, it has been going on very well. We have had two instructors finish teaching their courses and now I am teaching the book of Job. Comparing their progress to previous quarters, the students seem to be increasing in the knowledge of the word of God. We will not cease to ask for your prayers for these men while at school. Please also pray for their families.

I would love to report to you that through the evangelism done by these men while in school, we are having prospects worship with us. Last sunday we had seven people attend with us and more still promise to come. Please pray for the church here that even if the school changes location, the church should remain here.

Although we have had some success, challenges are also part of man's daily life. We have been having a challenge of water. We take days struggling to get some clean water. And with the city settings, it is a great challenge, but we are able to relate with people and through that, we get help. Because of this challenge of water we had five students become sick because of drinking bad water. God is good and they are recovering slowly but steady.

Continue to pray that we may pass through this Christmas season because here in Uganda it comes with a lot of challenges.

May the Almighty God bless you.

Until all have heard,


Posted on December 11, 2021 .