Uganda school travels for a campaign


Grace, peace, and mercy that originates from our Father through Whom guidance, protection and direction come. With great joy I take this opportunity to thank Him who is above all. It has been awhile but all with God, our lives continue to be in the safe assurance.

We have been having a great and enjoyable environment at Bear Valley Uganda having seen His mercy on us. The students are okay and in good health together with our non-teaching staff, though our administrator has lost a very close family member on the side of her husband. She has gone to be with them.

Partially the school has closed for the third term, but our official closing will be on Friday this week. We are having one more week of evangelism outside the school and this is part of their practice as men are soon graduating. We will be far off in central Uganda, and today is the day we are to begin our travels.

The men are growing in the love of God and the word. This gives us much hope that they are going to be the light in a world that is full of darkness.

We have not had much challenges as other quarters especially students getting sick. Just few cases have been noticed, however it is not as serious.

The evangelism around the school has been going on as our routine. Men move house to house and are having a great impact in the religious community around us. From the time we have been in this place , we have not had any misconduct report coming from outside to the school. This is a great report about our students having conducted themselves in a way worthy of what they preach.

Concerning the next intake which we have hopes to begin come February 2023, we have so far registered 16 students. We are likely to receive many other applications. Let's pray for them and the congregations where they all come from.

Until all have heard,


Posted on October 5, 2022 .