Successful campaigns in Uganda

Brethren,  Greetings in the mighty name of our dear Lord Jesus christ. Peace, grace and mercy from our Lord be with you.

I am so much grateful for the favor God has given us to still be alive to-date.  I can't wait to share with you the beautiful things the Lord has done for us through our time in the holidays and to this present day.

To begin  with, we broke off mid April having arranged the evangelism sessions for the students.  We were able to have  six evangelism grounds in many different parts of the country.  Teachers working hand in hand with students by knocking  doors in the morning and during evening hours, we would go on open air campaigns.  Men of God labored and God being behind us, ten souls were added to the church through this struggle.  Students showed the heart of commitment because it would have been their time of resting at home but we chose to do this for the betterment of the Lord’s church here in Uganda. 

Through these campaigns,  we were joined by some of our old students who gave much encouragement to these outgoing students.  The school is truly making a difference.  In all the places we have been at, they were blessing the school and asking that we keep on doing this to grow the kingdom of God. 

On the other hand, the school has reported back for the final semester. Students started reporting as early as 1st of June  and classes started on Monday which was 3rd of June. Only one student who had some inconveniences at home reported late on 3rd. We thank God they have all come back in good health and we look forward to pushing on until the last day and then graduation comes. We are blessed this time that we have our brother Jerry who is taking the students through a short course dealing with the book of Roman's.

On  behalf of bear valley Uganda,  I take this opportunity to thank brother Jerry  for his tireless efforts and the love he has for the Lord’s work. We have been blessed by his coming to us. God rewards. We have nothing we can give in exchange to his service he is rendering. 

Concerning  the next intake, I have been able to move around the country  and we have so far received 15 applications and we hope for more. We continue asking for your support both physical and spiritual. 

May the almighty God bless and protect you 

Be blessed in the lord. 

Until all have heard 


Posted on June 10, 2024 .