Year 1 finished in Uganda

Greetings brothers.

It is always my joy to say hello to you in the name of our dear lord Jesus Christ from whom all joy and peace originate. We greatly thank God for the peace is somehow restored compared to the corona situation we were in here in Uganda . Thank you God for seeing us through. The church can now run her activities without any hindrance.

And so the school is also doing well since we are now able to move around our communities spreading the life saving message to them. I am here to report to you that we closed for the fourth quarter of year one. The school had all the peace, students studying very well. Although we have been going under some challenges ranging from shortage of water, power cut off and sicknesses among students.

Another serious challenge, is the raise prices in fuel, it has changed everything to the point that the prices of each and everything is like now sold double the price it was some time back. So we are buying commodities expensively. Things are shooting up. We need God to intervene.

But all in all God was so good to us and we were able to break off on 11 march and expecting them back on 25th this month for the fifth quarter which is quarter one of year two. Pray for their safety at home and praying for their reporting back to school.

Pray for Uganda, pray for our brothers and sisters in the Congo who are in war many of whom are living as refugees in Uganda now. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine that God may see them through and peace prevails.

Thank you so much for the support of us and the school to run smoothly.

Until have heard,


Posted on March 15, 2022 .