Posts tagged #Luanshya

Former students stay involved with the school in Luanshya


Hearty greetings to you brothers and sisters in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! In this report for June, we have exciting news for our labor in the Lord. We continue to work with all our former students and making them interacts with our current student body. Yes, our aim is not just to produce a professional Preacher who will seek to earn a living as full time Evangelist, but we train and motivate those with a heart for ministry in becoming more effective in their service to God.

John 1:14- says, concerning the word, “that He became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His Glory, the glory of the only begotten son of God.” Yes! Unless the word become flesh in a form of a preacher, the world will never understand God.  The character of Christ was clearly seen by the apostles and today we know the mind of Christ, His heart and spirit and we are impressed with His life-style we come across in His word (The Bible). Our goal at BVBI-Zambia is that the character we build in our students be the sum total of all the personal quality that distinguishes them from others. We had a spiritual Healthy month of June.

More souls were added:

We had Rodrick Sambati, Mainza Siakuba, Daniel Manyoni who worked tirelessly with our Alumni, Gershom Chansa, Simon Nkhazi and Aclay Kabbaya and their work indeed had a good Harvest. Our labor has brought twenty two souls to Christ through Baptism. As they labored many of their fellow youths developed interest in wanting to be enrolled at BVBI-Zambia.

We saw a spiritual development that has taken place in our students as they were teaching one on one in the village and indeed their labor in the Lord was not in vain. We have attached pictures of our students teaching and Baptizing to this report. Indeed as Christ is presented in the Gospel as a “total Package” with all the wonderful attributes well formed and in place within His life and so we want to translate to the world today, Christ is the man to follow. He is the supreme example. As our students were teaching we noticed good traits formed in them like humility, enthusiasm, patience and courage. We pray that these traits in them continue to form a life changing character in them. We also had a good time with the church in Kitwe during the holidays of our international trade fair. We took the opportunity to teach and interact with the church in Kitwe. During this time we saw eleven (11) members being restored to the sheepfold, Boyd Kalaba our former student worked hand in hand with Tryvin Siamachila our current student. Brother Mwamba Cephas taught at a meeting during this time at Church of Christ Kitwe Central. 

Promoting Leaders in the Church 

We are currently involved in growing and promoting men in congregations to take up leadership roles in various churches here on the copper-belt province. We had a leadership meeting at church of Christ in Chibwe Luanshya District. We at BVBI-Zambia would like to see men in congregations becoming spiritual giants, in knowing God and just to love everyone. Subject which were covered are: Parenting, How Worship influence our Lives and scriptures.

We received over-warming reception of men in this meeting. We were twenty nine (29) in attendance representing five Congregations. The meeting went on very well and in the month of July we are going to Mufurila for the same meeting and at this time, we will also plan for the gospel meeting to be held in October this year.

Total Baptisms recorded

A total of twenty three souls (23) we added to the Lord’s Church in the month of June, what a joyful sight to see souls saved. May these precious souls walk with God till death, our prayers and love are with them.

Total Restorations!

We recorded a total number of thirty three (33) restorations during the month of June. Four are from Zimba southern part of Zambia were Daniel Kapata and Abiton Siamachila were preaching and seven from Mporokoso Northern province of Zambia were Ishmael Kanyangala preached. Twenty two have been recorded on the copper-belt province. We keep looking forward to a more glorious month of July in our work for the Lord.

Skills straining

Our vegetable garden is on course, we have Onion, eggplants, and banana plantation. The onions are ready and we are enjoying the fruit of our labor. Other plants will be ready in a month time except bananas. We had some layers at school which the students raised. We enjoyed the eggs and we still have some laying these eggs to date.  All our students are participating in acquiring these skills well.                            


May our God grant a special blessing today to the body of Christ and to Bear Valley Bible Institute Internationally who have such beautiful feet in taking the gospel to others? And we encourage you to offer a special prayer to God on behalf of the souls being saved. Our partnership and your support in this noble work have changed many souls. May God Bless you all and bless the labor of your hands


Cephas and Fred

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

The harvest is plentiful in Zambia


We send to you warm greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We also take this opportunity to give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully shown in Christ has granted us the rare opportunity to work in His Kingdom!

Once again this report has been written in an effort to provide some insight into the work that BVBI-Zambia has continued to experience.  It is always uplifting to write and reflect on the happenings here at BVBI-Zambia during the month of May, 2024.

New congregations

We have continued to do evangelism with our Alumni and many times working with our current student body which saw a new congregation becoming to reality in Choma. At least six new members with nine already members of the Church met for the first time at a primary school to begin a congregation. We continue to work and pray that Aclay Kabaya one of our former students will continue like Timothy to see the growth of this congregation. Efforts were made through one-on-one preaching as seen in the pictures attached and baptisms were witnessed.

Gershom Chansa has continued to do great work. He was given opportunity to present the gospel to expecting mothers at hospital and his work was marvelous. This was a place where those mothers expecting to give birth wait. In attendance during his preaching they were one hundred and sixteen (116) and out of this sixty six (66) stood up to be prayed for and four (4) stood up for baptism. 

Boyd kalaba now preaching in Kitwe in Kanfisa constituency he is the one in charge of the newly established congregation there. Kanfinsa is a big constituency with a population of thirty-seven thousand (37,000) we target the growth of the congregation to be great. Five (5) souls have been added to the church for the month of May.

In Baluba of Luanshya district, Baluba is 22kilimeters West of Luanshya, there we have Austin and Joseph Musonda (our former students) working together to have the spiritual growth of that congregation. We witnessed the addition to the Lord’s church of three (3) souls and the restoration of fourteen Souls. Our current students have a schedule of visiting this congregation every Sunday and the work is going on well. Five souls were restored during the preaching in this area by Levy Silungwe one of the current students.

Promoting survival skills 

We are currently involved in growing vegetables and soybeans, as our strategic long plan in training quality preachers who may be able to survive in any situation of life, as Paul said in Acts 20:34 “yea, ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.”

We have harvested soybeans and part of it will be used for producing feed for chicken. We had raised thirty of the layers and students have benefited a lot by eating the eggs, and above all most of the community are already benefiting from our vegetable production. All our students have learned on land preparations and vegetable production.

Total Baptisms recorded

We have a total number of eighteen (18) baptisms were recorded in southern and copper belt provinces respectively.

Total Restorations!

We had recorded a total number of ninety one (91) restorations during the month of May. We keep looking forward to a more glorious month of June in our work for the Lord   

Short course

We received brother Kennedy Mukuka from Lusaka province who taught the Book of Romans in our second quarter, once again the Bible knowledge is expanded to our students for this was another great experience for our students. During his stay we discussed more on recruitment which is going on. We also planned the trip to D.R.Congo for recruitment and to visit brothers there who we are working with. We are praying that our plans will come to pass.


May our God the creator of heaven and earth keep all of you safe and sound, indeed in our oneness we can make life meaningful to the last day here on earth. We continue to glorify God for Bear Valley Bible Institute International and to our supportive family at Woodland Oarks Church of Christ, may God richly bless you all. 

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on June 10, 2024 .

41 baptisms in Zambia campaign

April 2024



For the past five weeks the BVBI-Zambia has experienced another deep relationship with the Lord. While attending the Sunday assemblies and mid-week Bible studies is an important and necessary part of our spiritual maturity in our Christian life. The month of April was another unique month in us preaching Christ to the world, we have learned through our preaching how people show a desire to know God’s word better and keep us in touch with each other.

Whatever time we have spend together with Christians and non Christians has really helped us and encouraged us to be strong in the Lord as we have encouraged others we believe.

Our Evangelism in North-western province

This has been our evangelistic trip with our second year students outside copper belt province where we are. In this trip we took other thirteen youths in our district since we expected to meet with other youths in north-western province. We arrived there on 26th April and we were there for four days. We preached and distributed tracts and the work was marvelous.

The leadership at central Church of Christ was not only impressed with how zealous our students worked, but were amazed to see how they preached with all boldness. We also met with other leaders in the district and expressed interest to send their youths to BVBI-Zambia.

We thank Brother Donnie Estep who worked tirelessly for this trip to come to reality; we look forward to more of such trips for practical work in our field. We had a good harvest of souls all of them youths

Our local Outreach on Copper Belt Province

We have continued to work with congregations on the copper belt province and our students have started preaching in different congregations as they are assigned on each first day of the week. Mostly we receive call from the leadership appreciating their work. We have mid-week bible studies, youths, women and Sunday school.

This work is now bearing fruit; most of the congregants are appreciating the work of these preachers and the existing of the Institute

 Total Baptisms recorded

We have recorded forty-one (41) Baptisms for the month of April. It was with much happiness to see Geofrey Mbewe,Hildah Mbango, Emmanuel Masondi,Ziwase Tembo,Hanna Chanda, Selina Kabunda,Getrude Simuyuni, Emmanuel Sapalalo,Judith Musenga,Stella Kantontoka, Grey Zyaambo,Siabasimbi Maxwell, David Kankombe, Ketty Japeza, Nance Kasonda, Felax Gongwe,Salifyanji Moyo, Taonga Nj’ambe, veronica, Handsone and Matidah added to the family of God here on the copper belt and north-western province respectively. Our prayers are with these new born babes in Christ

Total Restorations!

During our Sunday assemblies and students preaching we recorded nineteen (19) restorations. We also had six Christians, who came asking for prayers, and we also had unusual encounter with a young man and a lady who feinted and believed to have been possessed by demons but, the situation came to normal after prayer and the two were taught the gospel.

 Our school garden  

In the spirit of keeping survival skills alive the Institute has continued to plant vegetables in garden, we have planted egg plants and onion and they are well managed by the students. We pray that all works for the betterment of our students  in this garden management we are doing!

Recruitment going on well

We have started our recruitment for 2025-2026 intakes and it is going on well and very promising to have another exciting body of students

Progress in acquiring the land

We are making a progress in acquiring a land where we can begin to build the institute, the land has been given and we are doing the best we can to start building once we finish the payments.


Everyone at BVBI-Zambia and the congregation here in Luanshya offer their love and Sympathy to Granton Mwela one of our current student, Granton lost his biological father. Our hearts are filled with love and sympathy for Daniel Manyoni and Richard Chicago and all the family on the death of their grandparents. Daniel and Richard are our current students and both lost their grandparents in the same month. Please pray for our students at this traumatic time.

This is such a blow!                              


Our aim is to live a life of devotion and training others to submit to Christ and becoming like Christ Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the son of God who loved me and delivered himself up for me.” The question is how strong is our desire to know Christ?

We always give glory and honor to or

God because your relationship with the Lord is “heart deep” in supporting us in this noble work.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on May 10, 2024 .

Baptisms and Restorations in Luanshya, Zambia


Once again we so delighted as we write to you this report concerning the work of which the Institute here has been involved in during the month of March. We continue give glory and honor to God the Father, who by His grace has continued to do marvelous work in our lives. We continue to share Christ within copper belt province and Zambia at large.

We as the institute we are in a leading role with the understanding that growing Churches can be determined by the way men conduct their worship services, and the way they value their services.

The meeting of Church leaders

In our effort to foster church growth here on the copper belt province, we have been motivating members of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for excellences. We have continued to call leaders from the six congregations we have in Luanshya district. We meet quarterly and our first quarter meeting in 2024 was held on 30th March and meeting went on well in Baluba. We had eighteen (18) members from six congregations and the meeting went on very well. The next meeting will be held in June this year and every leader is eagerly looking forward to this meeting.

We continued the journey in our mission, and we just returned from meeting leaders from all eleven districts on the copper-belt in Mufulira on 5th and 6th April. The Leaders who represented fifteen congregations, we met to sensitize each other about some of the challenges faced by each individual congregation. The meetings went on so well and we will continue to meet in Mufulira until we have the gospel meeting in October this year. We will continue to have such meetings which are normally held at different congregations but for the past two years the meetings had been held at BVBI-Zambia campus. We should report that the meeting went on very well with the fellowship meal at the end.

We thank the women who dedicated their service to God and saw to it that preachers eat so well after 12hours of meeting. We have attached picture of women who cooked.

The Outreach in the Eastern DRC (“The Macedonian Call”)

We have continued to work with our brethren in DRC and they have been inviting for us as a School to go and help them evangelize their area. But, the instability of the region had made it impossible in the past to answer to that call. But word has reached us that the situation has really improved.

We are very much aware that the lost in that part of the world are in need of our help. We need to respond immediately, for we know that we are qualified to respond to this call. We need to raise enough funds to go and come back; we are also doing our best to have at least two or three prospective students to come from there in our next intake.   

The Macedonian call is an event that we read about in the Bible, but it is based upon the principles that are present in our lives today. Those who are lost in the world today are in need of what we have to share. And that is the word God!!

The visiting of our coordinator

Brother Donnie Estep visited the school from 18th March, 2024 to 22nd March, 2024. He taught a short course on the book of 2nd Corinthians to the students. It is great to have Donnie visit the school. We always look forward to have men like Donnie come to campus of the school. During this time our students are taught by such a great teacher and we are rejuvenated in our work as members of staff. We pray for God’s speed in whatever he does!

Graduation for 2024

The first quarter is really gone very quickly. The students are only remaining with not many quarters and then they graduate. For the sake of planning, the school has suggested that the 2024 graduation be held on 27th the last Saturday of October, 2024 at the school campus. Please keep us in your prayers for the success of this event.

Bible Studies and Follow-ups

The students have maintained their zeal in conducting weekly Bible studies in different homes of Christians. They have also continued with the follow-ups on non-Christians. They continue to make good progress in their gaining knowledge of the Kingdom of God and application of this knowledge in the field.

For the reason above we are still appealing through our co-ordinator Donnie that our students may have bicycles to easy their work for our master. To Him is the glory forever and ever!!

Additions to the Body of Christ

We have recorded eleven (11) Baptisms for the month of March. We keep praying for the Newborn babies in Christ to continue growing in the knowledge of God to attain salvation.


We have recorded twenty three (23) restorations both our Alumni and current student body have worked tirelessly to achieve this number, we have compiled this number within copper-belt, luapula and Northern Province


Going to heaven is a life long race as we read in in Hebrews 12:1 "let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

May our God be with you always. We are also very grateful to all our partners in this great work of God. May God bless all of you in all your efforts for Him!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on April 8, 2024 .

More souls added to the church in Zambia

February 2024



Warm greetings to you all Brothers and Sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who has granted us this rare opportunity to work in His Vineyard.

This report has been written in an effort to provide some insights into the accomplishments that Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia has continued to experience throughout the month of February, 2024.

Students return

Since we resumed classes in this final year of studies for our current students here at Bear valley Bible Institute. They have all but one reported and they are diligent in their work.

Arnold Silangwa has not yet reported due to some hardships that he is going through at home. As we reported in our previous reports, the passing away of his only daughter has really affected him immensely. We continue asking your prayers for Arnold and his entire family.

Crisis in Zambia

Zambia is currently facing a serious crisis with the challenges of the economy, while the disease outbreaks such as cholera, Covid 19 etc is slowing down. The country is also passing through the worst cost of living in many decades. We understand that these hardships are not happening only in Zambia but globally. 

At present, the nation is facing the threat of food insecurity following the drought in almost all the Provinces of Zambia. The report from the Ministry of Agriculture in Zambia says that the prolonged dry spell in the nation has affected nearly 84 of 116 districts with one million of total of 2.2 million estimated planted hectors across the country being affected.

The weather forecasters have also announced that there will be some rains in some parts of the country. But these rains will not mitigate the already ravaged crops. Without other interventions, Zambia might face hunger once again. That is why the President of Zambia and other stakeholders have declared this as an emergency and a national disaster. We continue to solicit for your prayer regarding this state of affairs.

Bear Valley Bible Institute Zambia invited

We were invited as a school by Twapia church of Christ leadership to conduct some series of lessons on “Eldership.” The lessons were taught to Twapia congregation for four consecutive Sundays. We as evangelists from Bear Valley Bible Institute were honored to teach at the said congregation in Ndola

And they had set 3rd March as the day for ordination.  This ordination came to pass in a very colorful way, most of the current serving Elders among the Lord’s church here on the Copperbelt province were invited to attend.

Bible Studies

The students have continued with their personal evangelism. They have come in contact of many people through this avenue. Once again forty-two households have been contacted and had Bible studies with them. And they have set up notable Bible studies with a number of people in nearby communities. They have also continued conducting the mid-week service at Mikomfwa church of Christ and this service is bearing much fruit now.

During these studies we came in contact with people from Mpongwe district, Mpongwe district is 65 kilometers south of Luanshya district, we have continued to do evangelism in this area and we have already planted a new congregation. It was very easy for us to direct these people to our newly established congregation there. It is indeed a great thing to note that our students have really grown so much in the work that they desperately want to graduate and be more in the vineyard of our Master.


We have recorded three Baptisms in Baluba of Luanshya District, and we have also recorded two baptisms in Kitwe district of Kanfinsa.


We have had thirteen (13) restoration just in Luanshya district and three in northern part of Zambia. Together we have recorded sixteen (16)

Sad news!

We lost a brother who was very committed at the church of Christ in Mikomfwa Luanshya brother Uegen Ponga. We had three days of mourning and as an Institute we took our students there for the encouragement to the family and the community at large. Six of our students had time to preach the gospel to the gathered people for three days after classes; once again we had a great response and follow ups are being made now.

May our God continue to strengthen the family the brother has left in this world.

Visiting of Bear Valley Bible Institute International Coordinator (Donnie Estep)

We look forward to the visit of our Coordinator Brother Donnie Estep in March 2024. As scheduled, Brother Donnie will arrive in Zambia on 18th March, 2024. He will be teaching a short course during his visit. It is always a wonderful time to have Donnie come and pay us a visit. May God continue blessing all his efforts! 


Thank you kindly to all who have continued helping with the training of these men for the deep and meaningful task of preaching the Gospel. Special thanks go to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their continued financial support, Bear Valley Bible Institute family and indeed everyone involved in this very important work. May our God continue to bless you all! 


Cephas and Fred 

Posted on March 8, 2024 .

Baptisms and restorations in Luanshya, Zambia

January, 2024



New Year’s greetings from BVBI-Zambia to you all brothers and sisters in the Lord and master Jesus Christ! We hope and pray that you had a wonderful experience in the first month of the brand new year. We continue to pray that you have a year that is filled with things that mean most to you and energize you for a happy and healthy 2024!

The school has resumed classes besides the disturbance of cholera outbreak in Zambia especially in Lusaka province. All our students have come back in one piece and eager to complete their final year. We have had a good beginning of the year looking at the activities that took place with both our current student body and our Alumni.

Leadership workshop on the Copperbelt Province

We had a good and successful meeting on the Copperbelt province with leaders in Mufulira, Mufulira is a town on the Copperbelt province bordering with Congo D.R. we as an Institute we are making every effort to revive one of the congregation there which has deviated into Pentecostalism. The meeting went on well on January 20th 2024; most of the members who attended the meeting were very excited and hoped such meetings to continue for a week. Our next meeting was planned again in April this year.

Our Alumni at work

Daniel Kapata still working in Zimba Southern province is doing a good work, he recently visited Livingstone and met with Jally Siawaza the two were in the same intake and graduated together. Daniel and Jally worked together for three days at the congregation at the airport and we recorded five restorations.

Jally Siawaza is now planning to marry and he is coming once again on the Copperbelt province where he saw a wife to be at the congregation in Baluba District. We are praying for the good intentions he has for the wife to be; to come to reality.

Gershom Chansa; has joined a degree program in mathematics and he is expected to be there for the next four years. Gershom is a very vibrant Christian and we have no doubts that he will continue to preach Christ as he has been doing since his graduation from Bear vary Bible Institute here in Zambia.

Simon Nkhazi is in his second year studying clinical medicine at woodland University in Lusaka. Simon has continued to preach Christ and soon he is planting a new congregation in Mtendere of Lusaka. We continue to work with him closely until this new congregation becomes a reality. We have recorded two baptisms in the month of January.

New babes in Christ

We have recorded ten (10) Baptisms in the central province of Zambia where brother Kennedy Mukuka was preaching. And we have recorded two in Lusaka where Simon Nkhazi was preaching. We have recorded four (4) baptisms in Luanshya Copperbelt province. Together we have recorded sixteen (16) baptisms. We wish to welcome all new born babes into the family of Christ, and pray for God’s continued blessings on their lives


We recorded seven (7) restorations in Northern Province of Zambia where Ishmael Kanyangala has been preaching. We also recorded four (4) on a Copperbelt province in Chibwe where Prince Chisupa our current student has been preaching, nine (9) restorations where recorded in Southern province were Mainza Siakuba one of our current student has been preaching. Together we have had twenty (20) restorations.
Indeed we can make life meaningful to the last day here on earth and we can promote our Lord’s cause till the last moment of our lives. Let’s keep on laboring for the Lord. You are always in our prayers!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on February 10, 2024 .

Luanshya, Zambia students making a difference

December, 2023



Once again it is that time we send warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord and master Jesus Christ!! We need to work for the night is coming; December 2023 has been another great month of our labor in the Lord. As we labor we always remember Matthew 25: 26-31 which describes the fate of the one talent man who was severely castigated and punished for his idle philosophy of life. May this report find you in good health and happy holidays! We hope this season fills you up with things that mean most you and energize you for a happy and healthy 2024!

The school is on recess and we are resuming classes soon but, as teachers we have continued to interact with all our students from their respective congregations. And we are very delighted to report the following vital signs of upward mobility as far as our work is concerned and we always give honor and glory to God through our master and savior Jesus Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom.

Hospice compliment

We had an opportunity to attend a funeral gathering in Chibwe of Baluba here on the Copperbelt where we had to work with two of our former students, Austin and Joseph Musonda to gather with members of the Church there in attendance as we were singing the leading men and some ladies were interrupted with both a compliment and a question “your singing is so beautiful! Why do churches use musical instruments when it is so beautiful without them?  This prompted a sermon of which Joseph delivered and as a result we recorded three baptisms.

The current student body at work

 Rodrick Sambati, Tryvine Siamachila and Mainza Siakuba worked together in uniting the youths in two districts of Southern province and their work has yielded good results. We have received a good recommendation from the leadership in two congregations about their work and the Institute in Luanshya.

Boyd Kalaba and Gershom Chansa are working together in Kitwe district on the Copperbelt province, they are doing mobile leadership training with the youths their work has stated bearing fruits. Truly their motivation for the work is highly appreciated. Chansa is going to be trained as secondary school teacher in the next four years for a degree in education and he will be constantly coming to combine with Boyd for the work. The two brothers did a wonderful work on New Year’s Day. And three souls were restored back to the sheepfold, one of the deacons present during their preaching mentioned that many have been added to the Lord’s Church during this recess.

Ruben Museka working with Levy Silungwe reports that the congregation they are working with has really doubled on evangelism. The two brothers are both married and taking care of their families through farming, but they are often finding time to do God’s work together since they are in the same congregation and other Christians we spoke to in the same district recommended their work. They two brothers are working in their home Village in Northern Province; we recorded two restorations and one addition to the body of Christ. 

Reports from our Alumni:

We met with Joseph Ilunga now working at Sakanya border of Democratic Republic Of Congo and Zambia. Joseph is doing a recommended work with the Church there. The congregation there is at peace an like when we go far Eastern of Congo where there is violence. 

New babes in Christ

We have recorded eight (8) Baptisms in the southern part of Zambia, and three (3) in the Northern, one (1) in Luapula, three (3) in Lusaka and four (4) on the Copperbelt all for the month of December. Together we have recorded nineteen (19) baptisms. We wish to welcome all new born babes into the family of Christ, and pray for God’s continued blessings on their lives.


We recorded nineteen (19) on a Copperbelt province, thirteen (13) in southern provinces, two in Lusaka province, and five (5) in northern part of Zambia. Together we have had thirty-nine restorations.

Eastern D.R .Congo displacement

We have received very disturbing news affecting our brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who have witnessed daily the harsh living conditions endured by those affected by the violence and displaced individuals lacking essentials like sufficient food, safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Among them we have those who were recently converted to Christianity; this leaves them highly susceptible to illnesses, including cholera and measles.

This crisis call for our prayers and help whenever possible, please let us continue to unite for the sake of souls that are suffering there. The good news is that those in Lualaba province in the district of Mutshatsha are still very fine.

Marriage vows

We witnessed a glorious moment of Vincent and Beverly exchanging vows in marriage on 30thDecember 2023. It was really a very momentous time to both Vincent and Beverley. Representatives of Church of Christ in the Copperbelt Province and beyond came to witness this wedding.

The now Mr. and Mrs. Simwanza has left for Livingstone where they will be staying and preaching. Vincent is a strong warrior in the kingdom of God since his graduation in 2020. We wish him all the blessings from above as he begins his new journey in marriage. Please remember him in your daily prayers!


Indeed we can make life meaningful to the last day here on earth and we can promote our Lord’s cause till the last moment of our lives. Let’s keep on laboring for the Lord. You are always in our prayers!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on January 6, 2024 .

Luanshya, Zambia school conducts youth seminar

November, 2023



We send seasonal greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! It is always a pleasure to have our time of writing this report and we always give honor and glory to God through our master and Savior Jesus Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom.

Going for a holiday

We concluded the month of September and send our students for a holiday. We proudly report that the month was full of Godly activities for the Institute. Our students supplied some very enlightening information regarding contemporary teenage behavior especially on the Copperbelt when they meet many youths as they went for a holiday at our Institute.

They had invited the youth at the Institute premises for a farewell party on the Copperbelt. The youths came from various congregations on the Copperbelt were most of them had spent time preaching. “Keep thyself pure” as Paul told Timothy was the core of their message “abstain from fornication” Jesus said “don’t look on a woman to lust after her in your heart.” The bible is replete with warnings they said; and teens and others who ignore those warnings do so at their own peril. Don’t venture onto forbidden ground where you can’t invite Jesus along they warned. It was a wonderful moment as seen on a picture attached.

The planting season

As our students have gone back to their respective homes earlier to cultivate and plant their field as early as possible. Most of the students are engaged in some kind of farming to take care of their families.   

As you may recall, the 2022/2023 rainfall season was characterized by above normal rainfall amounts with extreme weather and climate events. This resulted in reduced crop production, damage to infrastructure, such as road and bridges and indeed, increased incidents of waterborne diseases and agriculture pests.

According to the National Metrological department of Zambia forecast of 2023/2024 rainfall season, the rainfall amounts are likely to be normal to below in most of parts of the country. This is also a great opportunity for our students to interact with their loved one at home after a long period of studies.


We had preached to forty seven (47) people of which six were baptized. And we recorded four restorations. Please pray for Jane Kaonga, Salome Bulanda, Gift Chibuye, Justina Banda, Memory Chileshe and Nathan Chibwe 

Three  (3) Baptized in D.R .Congo

We have continued to work with Tresor  Muyeye and now we are in Lualaba province in the district of Mutshatsha. We recorded three baptisms through a seminar which was held there. Though they requested that we visit and be part of this gospel seminar we did not manage to travel due to limited funds  but, we were constantly in touch with the program.

Kennedy Trip to Solwezi

Kennedy Mukuka one of our teachers at the Institute recently traveled to Northwestern province for evangelism and the trip was a success, we recorded two souls added to the sheepfold. We keep on glorifying God for this efforts in His kingdom.

Updates from our former students

We have continued to work with all our former students of which the total number for now stand at twenty seven (27) and we will give more report on the activities in the month of December God willing. All our current students are home safely and working and more news are coming as well for we are constantly in touch with them

Wedding bells

Since graduating from BVBI-Z in 2020, Vincent Simwanza has been working with one of the Preaching schools in Livingstone. And we constantly receive good news about his commitment to the kingdom of God. Vincent will be marrying his sweetheart Beverly at the end of December, 2023 here on the Copperbelt province. Please remember him in your daily prayers!


We believe that the school is on firm ground on its pledge to train faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Without Christian principles, morals and ethics this world is doomed! We continue to give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Bear Valley Bible Institute-International and the Church of Christ at Woodland Oaks in Texas, USA for their financial support. You are always in our prayers!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on December 11, 2023 .

Zambian school evangelizing The Congo

October, 2023



When peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are special people he also says “that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” and Paul in 2 Timothy 3:17 after saying that all scriptures is inspired, give a reason for its purpose “that the saints of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We always give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare occasion to work in His Kingdom. And we will forever be appreciative to God and to all our partners who have made this to be possible.

Extra work in D.R.C

We have continued to work with Tshibamba – Muyeye Tresor and the month of October continued to be very fruitful in D.R.C Congo as far as evangelism is concerned. We have recorded nine (9) Souls being added to the Kingdom and the Church continues to grow in Katanga province of Congo. Now there is a great demand that we travel to meet these brothers as you see them in the pictures attached below. Keep us in your prayers

We have also reached as far as the region of south Kivu Kinshasa in the village known as Tubondo along to Lake Tanganyika as indicated on the map attached below. 

I.                   Other Activities

A.     Our evangelism in Luanshya District

1.      We have continued to make every effort to reach out to the lost soul with Brother Cephas Mwamba is spearheading the work; the students are motivated as they do personal evangelistic activities. It is very encouraging to see them involved in reaching out to those who desperately need to be saved. They have continued with the target they have given themselves as far as reaching people is concerned. As indicated in our previous communiqué, each student is supposed to speak to at least two (02) people on a daily basis. The thirteen (12) students speak to at least twenty-six (24) people each day. It is indeed worthy noting that at the end of the week these students would have spoken to almost one hundred and fifty-six (154) people. With tenacity and consistency the desired results will be realized. 

B.      Bible Studies

They have also increased the number of houses where they conduct the Bible studies from. Each team consisting of two students have Bible studies twice a week. On Fridays, they have all attend the Bible studies at Brother Zechariah Magawa. Brother Magawa is a former Police command of Luanshya district who was converted through our student’s preaching and now he is such an encouragement to our student preachers.

C.      Baptisms/Restorations

We are very happy to report that the month of October, 2023 has so far recorded a total of seven (7) baptisms in Luanshya District.

We also recorded three (3) restorations 

D.     Copper belt Provincial Youth Conference

We held a youth conference which started on 27th October, 2023 and ended on 29thOctober, 2023.

Youths from eight districts of the Copper belt Province convened at Church of Christ Wusakile in Kitwe district.

The theme of the conference was “Overcoming the modern challenges of the youths”. Our former students were also invited and did a good job when they presented their lessons. They interacted well with our current student body. We can successfully say we had a good time in the Lord and good experience with the youths on the copper belt Province.

Austin Musonda, Gershom Chansa and Boyd Kalaba all did an excellent work as they worked together in teaching at the conference. We had a very fantastic experience! And at the end of the meeting the following statistics were recorded:

Ø  Total attendance: 284

Ø  Baptisms: 6

Ø  Restorations:    13

Ø  Two of the youths who were present a boy and a girl came and confessed that they were sent to initiate at least ten youths into Satanism, it was very scary experience.

E.      Reports from our alumni             

Reuben Museka: of 2022 graduate has continued to be sound in Mbala district of Northern Province and has given as a good report on his work there and the church. The congregation which started with only three families has now grown to seventeen (17) members. They have continued to meet at a government primary school and they have started to look for a plot where they can begin to build in a traditional land. We keep praying for him to be successful.

Simon khazi: also of 2022 graduate has continued in Lusaka province at Mtendere Congregation where he began a youth class and has so far recorded eleven (11) baptisms within two months. His dedication to work is highly recommended. Simon is also in the school of medicine and we wish him well.

Visiting by Bear Valley Bible Institute Coordinator (Southern Africa)

It is always a great pleasure to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia. We realize the sacrifices and indeed the commitments he makes to come to us. And for this reason we will forever be grateful to God and to Donnie!

Brother Donnie taught the book of Galatians and our students were very excited to gain the knowledge from the experienced. 


We continue to speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body being fitted and held together. We also continue to Giving special thanks to our supportive family and friends at Woodland Oaks church of Christ. Our hearts are truly thankful to all of you for financial support that you render to the school. We are also grateful to all our other partners in this noble work! May God richly bless you all!!

Because of the Christ,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Outstanding work in Zambia

October, 2023 Report


When Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are special people he also says “that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” and Paul in 2 Timothy 3:17 after saying that all scriptures is inspired, give a reason for its purpose “that the saints of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We always give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare occasion to work in His Kingdom. And we will forever be appreciative to God and to all our partners who have made this to be possible.

Extra work in D.R.C

We have continued to work with Tshibamba – Muyeye Tresor and the month of October continued to be very fruitful in D.R.C Congo as far as evangelism is concerned. We have recorded nine (9) Souls being added to the Kingdom and the Church continues to grow in Katanga province of Congo. Now there is a great demand that we travel to meet these brothers as you see them in the pictures attached below. Keep us in your prayers

We have also reached as far as the region of south Kivu Kinshasa in the village known as Tubondo along to Lake Tanganyika as indicated on the map attached below. 

I.                   Other Activities

A.     Our evangelism in Luanshya District

1.      We have continued to make every effort to reach out to the lost soul with Brother Cephas Mwamba is spearheading the work; the students are motivated as they do personal evangelistic activities. It is very encouraging to see them involved in reaching out to those who desperately need to be saved. They have continued with the target they have given themselves as far as reaching people is concerned. As indicated in our previous communiqué, each student is supposed to speak to at least two (02) people on a daily basis. The thirteen (12) students speak to at least twenty-six (24) people each day. It is indeed worthy noting that at the end of the week these students would have spoken to almost one hundred and fifty-six (154) people. With tenacity and consistency the desired results will be realized. 

B.      Bible Studies

They have also increased the number of houses where they conduct the Bible studies from. Each team consisting of two students have Bible studies twice a week. On Fridays, they have all attend the Bible studies at Brother Zechariah Magawa. Brother Magawa is a former Police command of Luanshya district who was converted through our student’s preaching and now he is such an encouragement to our student preachers.

C.      Baptisms/Restorations

We are very happy to report that the month of October, 2023 has so far recorded a total of seven (7) baptisms in Luanshya District.

We also recorded three (3) restorations 

D.     Copper belt Provincial Youth Conference

We held a youth conference which started on 27th October, 2023 and ended on 29th October, 2023.

Youths from eight districts of the Copper belt Province convened at Church of Christ Wusakile in Kitwe district.

The theme of the conference was “Overcoming the modern challenges of the youths”. Our former students were also invited and did a good job when they presented their lessons. They interacted well with our current student body. We can successfully say we had a good time in the Lord and good experience with the youths on the copper belt Province.

Austin Musonda, Gershom Chansa and Boyd Kalaba all did an excellent work as they worked together in teaching at the conference. We had a very fantastic experience! And at the end of the meeting the following statistics were recorded:

Ø  Total attendance: 284

Ø  Baptisms: 6

Ø  Restorations:    13

Ø  Two of the youths who were present a boy and a girl came and confessed that they were sent to initiate at least ten youths into Satanism, it was very scary experience.

E.      Reports from our alumni             

Reuben Museka: of 2022 graduate has continued to be sound in Mbala district of Northern Province and has given as a good report on his work there and the church. The congregation which started with only three families has now grown to seventeen (17) members. They have continued to meet at a government primary school and they have started to look for a plot where they can begin to build in a traditional land. We keep praying for him to be successful.

Simon khazi: also of 2022 graduate has continued in Lusaka province at Mtendere Congregation where he began a youth class and has so far recorded eleven (11) baptisms within two months. His dedication to work is highly recommended. Simon is also in the school of medicine and we wish him well.

Visiting by Bear Valley Bible Institute Coordinator (Southern Africa)

It is always a great pleasure to have Brother Donnie Estep come and teach at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zambia. We realize the sacrifices and indeed the commitments he makes to come to us. And for this reason we will forever be grateful to God and to Donnie!

Brother Donnie taught the book of Galatians and our students were very excited to gain the knowledge from the experienced. 


We continue to speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body being fitted and held together. We also continue to Giving special thanks to our supportive family and friends at Woodland Oaks church of Christ. Our hearts are truly thankful to all of you for financial support that you render to the school. We are also grateful to all our other partners in this noble work! May God richly bless you all!!

Because of the Christ,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 6, 2023 .

Students take personal evangelism personally

September, 2023 Report



May the grace of our Master be with you as we send greetings to you brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work for Him in His kingdom.

1.     BVBI-Zambia (Evangelism)

Students have intensified evangelism as assigned by the School. They have been given targets of people to preach to during each week. They are currently taking “Personal Evangelism” as a course of this quarter with Brother Cephas Mwamba. And they are determined to translate what they are learning in class to put it into practice.

And as the result of this work we have recorded a number of souls being added to the sheepfold for the past one month. We have also recorded a good number of restorations

Three of our current students namely Tryvin, Levy and Richard spearheaded evangelism in Kitwe district working with other members of the Church in that area for one day. This work resulted in six souls being added to the church.

2.     Vital Signs:

i.                 Number of Bible studies conducted during the month of September, 2023 – we have recorded hundred and twelve (112) households visited in the month of September. We conducted fifty-five (55) household Bible studies

ii.               Number of Baptism during the month of September, 2023 – we have recorded thirty-three (33) baptisms, out of this nineteen were recorded in Kitwe district and twelve were recorded in Luanshya district, two were recorded in northern province in Mbala district.

iii.             Number of Restorations during the month of September, 2023 – we have recorded twenty- three (23) Souls restored back to sheepfold. All on the Copperbelt province and in three districts were we have done our evangelism 

3.     Meeting all the youths on Copperbelt in the Lord’s church

Youths from Copperbelt Churches of Christ are meeting on 27th to 29th October, 2023 at Church of Christ in Kitwe district for helping youths to understand better their participation in the ministry of our master Jesus Christ. Brother Cephas Mwamba will be teaching on the Title the Timothy Generation today. This will include taking the example from Timothy and His service to God.

In readying for this program our students have been encouraging youths in the Churches of Christ on the Copperbelt, and the meetings so far have been very encouraging. During this meeting some of the students will be given time to speak.

4.     Our alumni work

i.                  We have very exciting news of our former students who worked in a paramilitary area here on the Copperbelt province to revive back the congregation which ceased to exist in the area for more than twenty years. Two of our former students spearheaded in reviving members and repossessing a building structure which was hijacked by Pentecostal group known as “prophetic ministries”.  

ii.               Gershom Chansa and Vincent Simwanza both 2022 graduates worked tirelessly for the whole month of September in restoring and reviving this congregation. Missionaries like Rod Rutherford, eddy Crookshank and others established this congregation in the early 70s and bought the place in Kanfisa constituency of Kitwe District where they used to congregate with the locals. But when they left in the late 80s the locals just stopped meeting probably due to lack of Leadership, this gave the opportunity to this Pentecostal group to start using the Church building for over 20 years.

The good news is that this year in the month of September and by His power the building was repossessed without any difficulties. Vincent is also a gifted artist wrote on structure as seen in the picture below.  A restoration of more than eleven members was done and baptizing of fifteen (15) new members. Gershom Chansa is now a preacher to help this congregation to grow and also to avoid mistakes. The church is now meeting as seen in the picture below.

Blessing of marriage:
Once again we had a blessing of Marriage in Kitwe which was done by brother Cephas Mwamba. The church invited us for this occasion which was at Church of Christ Kitwe Central. A young brother to brother Fred Kanangu by the name of Sekwila Kanangu and Hellenic Banda were blessed into holy matrimonial on 5th October. We remain a blessing to the Church as we continue to receive such invitations. 


Indeed there are numerous things that can be done in our service to God to build and revive one another if we would just do it when we see it.

We as part of the Bear Valley Bible Institute International are very grateful for this partnership and our hearts are forever indebted to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their monthly financial support and all the encouragement they offer in this noble mission.

God bless you all! 

In His Service,

Cephas and Fred

Attached are some of the pictures taken during the month of September, 2023.

Posted on October 7, 2023 .

Edifying the saints and evangelizing the lost in Zambia




We send to you warm greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We also take this opportunity to give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully shown in Christ has granted us the rare opportunity to work in His Kingdom!

Once again this report has been written in an effort to provide some insight into the work that BVBI-Zambia has continued to experience.  It is always a great pleasure to write and reflect on the happenings here at BVBI-Zambia during the month of August, 2023.

1.      Updates on individual students for the month of August 2023

Reuben Museka

From Mbala of Northern Province we have recorded a great progress in our Alumni there that has been strong and sound in the Lord. The church is still attending services in a class room and we have good representation of the word of God. Hopefully more laborers are going there to strengthen more of the work of God with Reuben

Winston Changala

In Luwingu of the Luapula province, we are planning as a school to help him in establishing broiler project there for sustainability. He is still preaching and making good progress, working with the Local Church there, they are planting a new congregation in a village there, whinstone’s effort is highly recommended for God.

Arnold Silangwa

Ever since Arnold lost his only daughter, he continues to face some challenges with his family. His wife has been constantly sick. And this has forced Arnold to travel back and forth between the Copperbelt Province and Luapula Province of Zambia. Last week he managed to take his wife to the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka to the see the specialists. We humbly ask you to continue remembering Arnold’s wife and his entire family in your prayers.

2.      Updates on evangelistic work in Luanshya- copper belt province

Our current students have really learned their responsibilities as preachers very quickly. We visited Mpongwe district, this district is in a rural place we met with two congregations from southern part and northern part of the district. Our idea is to help in working together to establish a new congregation on the west part of the district, we are working as a team with these two congregations and they are feeding our students as we do evangelism there. We have included the pictures of women who dedicated there time in working for preachers for two days we spent there.

The first meeting and evangelism was very successful they fed us more than we expected as we did the work there. Our students have committed themselves wholly to the saving of lives. We have seen them fully involved in evangelism around the school and in Luanshya as a whole.

We are planning to plant another new congregation in the next two months and from these efforts many men and women have come to know the Lord. The following are some vital signs of evangelism recorded during the month of August, 2023:

i.                 Baptisms

We have recorded three (3) baptism in central province and three (3) baptisms in Copperbelt province. We have also recorded two baptisms in southern province one (1) in the Luapula province and five (5) in eastern province of Zambia. together we have recorded fourteen (14) baptisms.

ii.                Restorations

We have recorded nine (9) restorations in Copperbelt, four (4) in the northern part of Zambia and seven (7) in Lusaka Mtendere through our Alumni Simon Nkhazi.  We had a total of twenty (20) restorations recorded

iii.              Total number of Bible studies conduct

We also recorded twenty I three (23) household visited for Bible studies during our work in the month of August

iv.              Total number of men and women spoken to and invited for Sunday service-

We have recorded seventy-eight (78) men and women who were invited to attend Sunday service with us, the total number include central and copperbelt provinces respectively. We recorded seventeen (17) on the copperbelt who attend the first Sunday when they were invited.

3.      Our gospel campaign meeting in Kabwe central province

We had a very successful evangelistic trip to Kabwe, Central Province of Zambia. We had the chance to interact with Men from all over Zambia during our meeting. About 43 congregation were at the meeting the meeting was hosted by the brethren from Central Province.  The meeting started on 24thAugust 2023 and ended on 27th August, 2023. We travelled as always with other members of different congregations of Luanshya district of the Copper belt province.

Our students participated immensely in the program for three days, we have included pictures of our students and teachers to that effect. We are happy that our students are getting both theory and practical work on the ground as we interact with the Church at large.


May our God bless the entire family of Bear Valley Bible Institute International and  our hearts are forever indebted to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this noble mission. You are all always in our prayers!!



Cephas and Fred

Posted on September 11, 2023 .

Luanshya, Zambia students are using their God-given talents

July, 2023



The month of July had been very fruitful in our evangelism and other developmental programs for the School. Teaching Christ to others has indeed made a tremendous impact upon our lives and those around us. As we send this report to you brothers and sisters, we give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work for Him in His kingdom.

Our hearts have been over warmed with activities at our institute premises; we hosted women of the Copperbelt churches of Christ to shape them for better services in the church. They came in good number about sixty six (66) women were present. This was meant to equip them for better services and training young women in the church.

Three days of Evangelism in Luanshya:

We had a very successful evangelism in Luanshya which resulted in four souls being added to the church. We have had good midweek services at Church of Christ in Mikomfwa which is attracting the community at large. Students are leading in teaching, and taking care of all the activities or acts of worship being done during our midweek service.

We are also doing other work at Mikomfwa as we prepare for the garden and students are putting up a permanent sign post at the same place as seen in a picture attached. This was done after a door-to-door preaching. We are discovering good talents among our students, we have discovered that three of them namely Rodrick, Levy and Ishmael are very good artists and they are leading others in writing on a sign post.

A one day women meeting at BVBI-Zambia

As already mentioned, we invited women of the Copperbelt in the church of Christ for a one day meeting on 29th July 2023. This came as a result of a complaint that women are being neglected in terms of gospel equipment. They came from six districts on the Copperbelt province namely Chingola, Mufulira, Kitwe, Ndola, Kalulushi and Luanshya. They represented eleven congregations and we had a very successful meeting starting from 08:00 A.M to 04:00 P.M and they went back spiritually enriched. We also had recorded five (5) restorations during the meeting.

The women were very excited and called for more such meetings as they were served with good food too by Catherine and Janipher our stuff members at BVBI-Zambia.

Quarterly men’s meeting at BVBI-Zambia

We hosted men as leaders in the local congregations as a district at school premises, we normally have these quarterly meetings in order to strengthen and motivate leaders at a local congregation. We have four congregations in Luanshya district and each congregation is represented by at least four (4) members.

The meeting takes about six (6) hours starting from 10:00 A.M to 04:00 P.M. It was a great meeting where leaders are encouraged and motivated to serve in the church. We have attached the pictures of this meeting below.  


We would like to announce the addition to the church of Christabel Mwape, Afred Kateti, Otry Mudenda and Justin Chinyemba these where added to the church in the month of July. May these souls continue to walk with Jesus forever they are wonderful addition to the family of God. Please remember them in your prayers.


In addition to the above saved, we have also recorded sixteen restorations of which nine are from Luanshya district, three from Zimba Southern part of Zambia through our Alumni Daniel Kapata. Two from Luapula province through Nicholus Mulubwa and one from Mbala Northern part of Zambia by Reuben Museka.

We pray that one day we may have enough funds to call our Alumni for refresher courses and sharing for the fellowship once again, this has been a call from all our Alumni.     

Another gospel campaign loading

Central province: We have been invited as the Institute by the church in the Central province of Zambia. We are expected to be there on 24th August to 27th August 2023. We are expected to do evangelism with the church there and we are also meeting with men from various churches of Christ in Zambia and if possible from all the ten (10) provinces we have in Zambia. This is going to be another vital experience as we preach Christ.

We anticipate this time to be a great time for our students to interact with the Church at large and we believe it’s a good practical experience for our students to interact with various leaders in the church as we preach.

More good news from Tshala district in D.R Congo

Tshibamba Muyeye one of our prospective students recruited by Joseph Ilunga our Alumni is constantly in touch with us and is working with a congregation which started with three members and now they are ten members. In the picture attached below Tshibamba is wearing a green shirt. We are working on him to attend classes with short courses with us since he is very late in this intake.

In conclusion

Meaningful service to God manifests the presence of Him by the joy that characterizes everything done by His servants. Our hearts’ desire that we serve Him and we need to do that both “in spirit and in truth” to be His Ministers. We are so blessed to be part of the Bear Valley Bible Institute – International and always thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this noble mission. We pray that God will bless the work that you all are involved in.

This is the right time for God’s Servants to revive the New Testament service to God that kind of service that made sinners fall on their knees and acknowledge the presence of God among the believers. Please stay safe and well.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on August 7, 2023 .

Successful gospel meetings in Zambia

June, 2023



We send greetings to you brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work for Him in His kingdom. The month of June has been loaded with a lot of activities at our learning institution and outside and especially on the Copperbelt where we are.

We have good news and sad news from one of our student body. 

Alumni update:

Mathews Mwale currently in Lusaka west of Zambia has been involved in evangelism with the church and as a result of this effort we have recorded three conversions of three young males. We have also recorded two conversions and one restoration from Northern Province of Zambia where Reuben Museka is working.

Lackson Mwangala, one of the beneficiaries of the Chicken run project at BVBI-Zambia, was given fifty broiler chicks, two broiler starters, and four broiler finisher to raise them and has so far done a great work with the church in Chiwempala Chingola. We have recorded eleven restorations through his preaching.

Our June/July Gospel Meeting-2023

We had a very successful gospel campaign which was held at Church of Christ in Mufulira on the Copperbelt province. Mufulira is just thirty minutes (30) drive from the boarder of D.R.C Congo; eleven congregations were present at this meeting for five days. We also had two brothers from Congo and promised to spread the news about our meeting. We hope next year we are going to have more brothers from there. All our students were involved in the activities of the meeting and were teaching in groups as seen in pictures below.

We had a similar gospel meeting in August last year and the theme of the Gospel meeting was “The will of God”. The lessons are still being talked about by those who attended the meeting. Brother Cephas ably delivered the message; this time brother Fred Kanangu delivered the massage under the theme “The World and the New Testament Church”. He also taught about “Social Media and the Church” the bottom line: Avoid getting lost in the negative effect of Social Media.

The total number of those who attended the meeting was two hundred and eighty-five (285). At the end of the meeting we recorded three Baptisms and four restorations. Many Christians are encouraged with such meetings and vowed to advertise the meeting to many Christians back to their home congregations to attend next year if God is willing.

On sad news, a student lost a child

Arnold Silangwa one of the current student body, lost his only child last month. Burial took place on Friday, 23rd June, 2023 in Mansa, Luapula Province of Zambia. Our prayers and thoughts are with him and his family.

Good news!

We are happy to announce that through BVBI-Zambia and with the help of Healing Hand International the Church of Christ at Mikomfwa, Luanshya now has a borehole with a solar system in place. This is the place where we as Institute in Zambia expect to meet most of all the churches of Christ here on the Copperbelt province to sharpen and encourage them to hold on to faith and keep the doctrine of our master Jesus Christ. When we hold gospel meetings the challenge has been water now with availability of water such meetings will be very successful

The cry has been water for so many years and it has now come to pass the community will benefit too. Indeed Jesus said that when we show loving concern for others, we do it to him.

In conclusion

Our hearts are always thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this noble mission. In deed you are among the great servants in the history of the church of Christ as you encourage us to be among those greatest servants as we follow the footsteps of Jesus. We pray that God will bless the work that you all are involved in.

May our God bless the entire Bear Valley Bible Institute International as we serve Him, Please stay safe and well.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on July 10, 2023 .

Students reaching the lost in Zambia


Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God who always gives us the rare opportunity of working in His Kingdom. We also thank Him for this privilege of sharing what is happening here at BVBI-Zambia especially during the month of May, 2023.

Students are currently on a short break. They will resume their training on 12th June, 2023.

The following are the courses for the third quarter:-

1.       Old Testament 2 (Study of the History: Joshua - Esther)

2.      Life of Christ 2 (Teachings: Sermon on the Mount, Parables, Judgment)

3.      Old Testament 3a (A Study of Wisdom literature-Job)

4.      **Elective** (Writing skills, English, World Religions)

Short Courses 1 Corinthians, Prison Epistles: (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon

As they continue their break, they also continue to be fully involved in the life-line of their respective congregations. In our evangelism we concentrated much in three districts, namely Mufulira, Mporokoso and Mbala. In all three we had our students preaching and is still going on.

Reports from bvbi-zambia alumni

1.      Gershom Chansa

Currently working with Vincent Simwanza in Livingstone has given us a good report concerning their labor for the Lord. Having visited members of the congregation and doing evangelism, they have restored seven members to the sheepfold.

2.      Austin Musonda

Has during this short break worked with Prince Chisupa one of our current student and their labor has yield good results. Together they are currently preaching to the youths at their home congregation, this has resulted in three souls being added to the sheepfold. They have also strengthened home Bible studies.

3.      Lackson Mwangala

A recently married man preaching in Chingola town on the Copperbelt province has been also chosen as a deacon of the same congregation he is preaching to. He has continued to strengthen the youths and recently baptized two of them. Beside this work Lackson is one of the beneficially of our Chicken run project, he was given fifty chicks to raise of which he seem to be doing very fine

4.      Simon Nkhazi

He is now working with Daniel Manyoni, Daniel is one of our current student just on a short break together they have baptized two young ladies and a gentle man. Simon is now known to be a hard working preacher beside his studies as a healthy worker

5.      Joseph Ilunga

Joseph has a dual citizenship between D.R.C and Zambia is currently working in Tshala Township of Katanga province of D.R.C. Joseph has also recruited Tshibamba- Muyeye Tresor together they have build a congregation from three to twenty three membership as seen in the pictures attached below. Tresor now want to enroll at BVBI-Zambia. we keep on praying for our brothers and sisters in D.R.C for their steady spiritual growth.

6.      Clive Kabika

Is teaching in one of the private schools in Kalomo District of the Southern Province of Zambia. He remains a great influence at Church of Christ in Kalomo. The report indicates that, he constantly has Bible studies during the week at the Church premises and participates fully on Sunday services. A number of men and women have been baptized and others have recommitted their lives to the service of Christ because of his efforts. We give God the glory!

We have constantly received encouraging news not only from Clive but from all our alumni. We continue soliciting for your prayers for these faithful men. We as the Institute we are now making preparations to be meeting our alumni at least once in a year at our Institute.


We have recorded seventeen baptisms in the month of May and we have also recorded twenty-two restorations. Five were attended to with their physical needs and eleven were prayed for with different needs including sickness.

Mid-Week worship service

The mid-week worship service at Mikomfwa Church of Christ continues to take place every Wednesday. All our students attend this service it is also a good time for our follow ups of Bibles studies we conduct during a week.

Copperbelt Leaders Meeting

In conjunction with BVBI-Zambia, the leadership from the congregations of Church of Christ in the Copperbelt makes every effort to develop and equip all leaders in every congregation in the Province. We had a very successful leadership meeting in Mufulira a Town on the Copperbelt province bordering D.R.Congo. The Institute is now making a great impact in training Leaders on the Copperbelt, this came to light as we met on the 27th May to plan for a major meeting which will take place from 30th June to 4th July this year.

 The emphasis is then squarely placed on developing consistent leaders who are in tune with the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. Leaders representing all eighteen congregations in the Copperbelt meet after every three months to sharpen one another. 

We have constantly received encouraging news not only from Clive but from all our alumni. We continue soliciting for your prayers for these faithful men.


Our hearts are forever indebted to you brothers and sisters in the Lord’s Church “Church of Christ” for financial support and indeed to all our partners for every encouragement we receive concerning the work here in Zambia, Africa. May God continue blessing you in all your endeavors, you are all always in our prayers!!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on June 9, 2023 .

Meet some students and alumni in Luanshya


We greet you once again from Luanshya, Zambia! Our prayers are that you and the rest of God’s family there are doing well both in your health and work. We are grateful to God for giving us this opportunity to report to you about the work at BVBI-Zambia.

We also are truly thankful to God for giving us the rare privilege of working and laboring in His Vineyard!

Continuation of the profiles of the new students

Richard Chikago

Was born on 15th October 2000 he comes to us from Lusaka, District of Lusaka Province of Zambia. His parents were divorced when he was just five years old and his sister Anna was two. He did his primary school at Chunga primary school and went on to complete high school at Nelson Mandela Secondary School in 2020.

 In 2021 he worked as a salesman for a hardware store and later worked at Eugen Filling station until August of the same year. In January 2022 he came to Luanshya Copperbelt province to do a course in Registered Nursing. He did not complete this course due to lack of financial support. It was during this period while studying that he met with our students who were doing evangelism and got baptized. He was encouraged to apply at BVBI-Zambia for studies. Richard is one of the youngest students of BVBI-Zambia and his interest to study is just great. After completion he wants to preach to all, as he put it, “who have been through a lot just like my journey.” We believe he is going to be effective in preaching the word of God.

 Rodrick Sambati

Born in 1999 in the village of chief Siachitema of Kalomo District in Southern  Province. His mother is a member of the Church of Christ but not his father. Rodrick was born in the family of four (4) two boys and two girls. Him being the first born has been raised as a shepherd because of His father’s farming skills.

He completed High school at Mubanga Secondary School on 10th November 2021. During his school days he had to support himself because His father had given him seven sheep and cattle to raise and keep for himself. Unfortunately these animals were sold by his father due to his drinking habits.

Rodrick was met by one of our former students Clive Kabika who recommended him to our school. At the time of his coming to our Institute, he was also accepted to do an engineering course in Livingstone but he chose to study the Bible first. His interest is to get back and preach at his home congregation in Ziziba. Rodrick has made steady progress while studying at BVBI-Zambia.

Ishmael Kanyangala

Was born on 28th November 1992 in the family of six, three boys and three girls; unfortunately all the girls are deceased. His father is a member of the church of Christ but his mother is not. He is coming to us from Mporokoso district in Northern Province of Zambia.

Ishmael did his primary education at Mporokoso primary school and later completed at Munyele primary School in the same district. He stopped school for sometime but later in 2014 went back to complete together with his young brother  Mike (our former student) at Mporokoso Secondary school in 2017. Ishmael has worked in a security company for two year and decided to stop in order to be trained as a preacher. He has been recommended to us by his father who also happens to be an elder in the Lord’s Church. After completion he wants to work with youths in the church in spreading the gospel beginning at his home congregation in Mporokoso 

BVBI alumni

Joseph Musonda

Having spent some time in Mansa, Luapula Province of Zambia, Joseph Musonda is now back at Chibwe Church of Christ. He is engaged in personal evangelism and, combining his efforts with the rest of the members in door knockings and Bible studies for older members. And these efforts are yielding the desired results for the growth of the Chibwe congregation. Since his return he has restored four souls to the sheepfold. To God be the glory!

Simon Nkhazi

While doing his studies with the ministry of health, Simon is actively teaching at a local congregation in Mtendere of Lusaka and we have received a great recommendation from the leadership at that local congregation. He is involved in teaching new members about the New Testament church and providing guidance to the youths.

We continue to work and pray for our former students on a regular basis.

Reuben Museka

Reuben is a resident of the district of Mpulungu of Northern Province of Zambia; Mpulungu is on the banks of Lake Tanganyika which borders the three countries namely Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The place is practically a business area. He has made tremendous progress in his spiritual life. He is preaching in the area dominated by “Pentecostalism” but this movement has not slowed him down from sharing the true gospel to the community.

Reuben is still meeting in a classroom with the church, they used to be nine (9) of them when they meet on the first day of the week, but now the number has increased to between fifteen (15) and eighteen (18). It is a new congregation at her infancy stage with a great potential for growth.  As we all experience the wonderful effects when we pray for one another let us keep him in our prayers.  


BVBI-Zambia offers condolences to Richard Chicago one of our current students from Lusaka province on the passing of his father on 30th April 2023. We offer our love and sympathy to him and his family, and pray that God will be of great comfort to him and the rest of the family.

National Youth Conference (2023)

The gathering of the youths of the church here in Zambia is always a great success. Eight out of ten Provinces were represented with a total attendance of 2,535. This was a representation of 106 congregations in Zambia. Our former students participated actively in the spreading of the gospel and strengthening members of the church. A three day meeting ended on a very encouraging note on youth’s active participation in the running of the church. The next conference will be held in Solwezi, Northwestern Province of Zambia in 2024.  


We have recorded seventy-eight (78) baptisms altogether in the month of April and we have also recorded forty-four  (44) restorations and twenty-two  (22) souls came for prayers and other physical needs


Jesus said that when we show loving concern for others, we do it to Him. We certainly do it for Him. We are eternally grateful for the partnership that we have with you all in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued to receive from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ.

May God continue blessing you in all your endeavors!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

Bear Valley Bible Institute enjoys a great reputation in Zambia

MARCH, 2023


We give glory and honor to God the father as we send this report for the activities here at BVBI-Zambia in the month of March. Our students continue to make good progress in their gaining knowledge of the kingdom of God. To Him is the glory forever and ever!!

The first quarter went so fast and we are in the second week of the second quarter. We have been trying to learn and know each of our students. It is indeed great to meet these men and to get to know them.   



Arnold Silangwa born on 11th May 1995 in the family of three, Arnold is the only male child. He has done business enterprenueship and community health work of which he has obtained a certificate; he also had the opportunity to study clinical medicine for one year. Arnold is also a qualified psychosocial counselor and has a certificate in the same field from one of the Universities.

Arnold got married in the year 2022 and has a daughter by the name of Eunice. He came to BVBI-Zambia from Mansa district of Luapula Province of Zambia. He is very studious and passionate in what he is doing. He wants to complete his studies and yearns to go back to Luapula and make a difference for God.  


Obed Silwimba is a native of Luanshya, born on 30th October 1961. Obed obtained a blasting license in mining. He got married in 1985 to Charity Lwando and together they have four children. He is the oldest member of the student body. Each intake we have students like Obed. They are regarded by their fellow students as “headman” of the village. They begin their studies on a very low pace and eventually they progress steadily with the rest of the students. The first quarter that he has spent at BVBI-Zambia has started to refine his trajectory of his preaching life. He needs prayers and encouragement as he pursues this ambition.


Levy Silungwe was born on 1st June, 1999 at Mbala General Hospital in the Northern Province of Zambia. Levy completed his high school education at Mpulungu boarding School in 2018 and obtained a grade twelve certificate. He worked as untrained teacher at Monile Private School in Kabwe central province and at Mkushi college of Education respectively for one year and half. Levy loves sports for he played football for Zambia Air force (ZAF) in Mbala Northern province. Levy has also obtained a Certificate in sports Teacher course under Northern Star Academy.

He got married in June 2022 and together with his wife has a daughter. He is a member of the congregation that he helped to start. He is regarded as one of the upcoming leaders. The brief time that he has so far spent here has shown us that he is one of our best students. He loves the work of preaching and he looks forward to graduate after two year and go back and preach. 


Brother Kennedy Mukuka taught Personal Evangelism 1, a course which has helped our students very much as we evangelizes. The next short course will be in May.


We have had a good time in spreading the gospel in Luanshya district and outside Luanshya with our students, though certain circumstances have been difficult and stressful due to heavy rains we have experienced this year, we should say for sure that our evangelism has produced much fruit as far as extending the kingdom of God is concerned.

We have made home visits and most of Christians have been very complimentary of the visits. We extended our visitations in two hospitals and during our tour questions like: Who is hurting right now? Who seems to be slipping away spiritually? Who needs to know about Jesus? challenged us as we labor and had experienced them. In deed Jesus said that when we show loving concern for others we do it for Him.


Lovness, Lucia and Ired all of the Chisenga family were added to the Lord’s Church on 5th March. Richard, Silangwa and Ishmael were added to the Lord’s Church on 17th March. What a joyful sight to see souls saved, May these precious souls walk with God till death.


We have recorded twelve (12) restorations in three districts on the Copperbelt province, from Chingola district four (4), Ndola district three (3) and Luanshya district Five (5). We have continued to do more in Evangelism by following our Master’s footsteps.    


The 2022 youth lectureship was conducted in Ndola, Copperbelt Province of Zambia. Bear Valley Bible Institute was recognized and was given time to introduce the school. The Dean of students, Cephas Mwamba ably outlined the purpose of why the school exists. He also appealed to those who would want to come and be trained to do so. Because BVBI-Zambia is the place to be! This year will not be different because the 2023 youth lectureship will be conducted in Kalomo, Southern Province of Zambia, and the same appeal will be done by the school. These events are very good platforms for advertising the school. The lectureship starts on 7th April, 2023 and ends on 9th April, 2023


We continue to be grateful to God for the privilege of helping these men prepare for the wonderful work of preaching. We are also thankful to Woodland Oaks church of Christ and all our partners in this noble work. May God richly bless all of you!


Cephas and Fred 

Posted on April 19, 2023 .

A new batch of students in Zambia

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Luanshya, Zambia

February 2023 Report 


The closing words in Matthew gives us three most important action words surrounding the directive that Jesus gave to His disciples. And these are (‘go,’ ‘baptize,’ ‘teach.’) These are basic assignments that our Lord gave us for making disciples. And as Bear Valley Bible Institute –Zambia, we hold fast to the same mandate that our Lord Jesus Christ gave His disciples. The school is on firm ground in this command as faithful men are taught in order for them to go and teach others also.

New Intake visited by our country co-ordinator 

The new intake started in the first week of January, 2023. The students have so far studied and completed one short course. We are always thankful to God for Brother Donnie Estep for giving his time and indeed life to teach these short courses. He taught the new students “The scheme of Redemption” from 13th February, 2023 to 17th February, 2023. It was indeed a very special treat to all the students. We pray for God’s speed upon him that he continues to labour in this noble work.

The students will soon have another short course to be taught by Brother Kennedy Mukuka. Kennedy will be teaching them “Personal Evangelism 1”.  This is one of the basic courses that are taught to new students. The emphasis of the course is always placed on how these new preachers can conduct Bible studies on one on one basis. We are also thankful to God for Brother Kennedy for teaching our students.


We have recorded six (6) baptisms in the month of February.  And it seems the new students are learning faster than anticipated. They are indeed committed to what they intend to do with their lives. We have always committed ourselves to this pledge as we contribute to their learning process. And we pray that we will have a very rewarding 2023 intake.


We have recorded eleven restorations of which as Luanshya district we had three (3), Chingola district we had six (6) and Masaiti district one (1) and Mpongwe district two (2) we will continue to do the work as we still have calls to visit congregations in Northern province and Luapula province

A Visit with Students

The school had an opportunity to travel to Chingola District on the Copperbelt Province with some students on 19th February, 2023. This visit was an invitation from the elders of Chiwempala church of Christ. They wanted us to go and see how our former students, Gershom Chansa and Lackson Mwangala are doing in their ministry there. Upon graduation, Gershom and Lackson were asked to go and work with Chiwempala by church leaders there. And when we visited, we were very happy to see and hear all the positive things that these two young men are doing. 

They have started raising broilers for business as they preach too. It is indeed encouraging to see young men like these so committed to preaching and teaching. Our students had enough time to teach the youths and move around for evangelism in a community, after a fellowship meal we drove back to Luanshya in the evening.

Mid-week worship service 

We as the school meet at Church of Christ in mikomfwa. This has encouraged even the regular members to attend these services. We have continued to do evangelism in Mikomfwa and strengthening members there; we hope and pray that the Church is going to have a different impact in a community there. We plan to have a gospel meeting at this place with all the Church of Christ in Luanshya soon. 

We continue to pray that we have a borehole soon at this place for extra activities for the Church and the community at Large.

The school bus

The acquiring of the school bus has undoubtedly made the operations of the school to be effective. The bus is not just carry supplies of the school. As mentioned earlier, it also carries students to do their assigned duties to various congregations.  On Wednesdays they attend mid-week worship services at Mikomfwa church of Christ. And every Sunday some of the students attend their worship Sunday services at Mikomfwa church of Christ on a rotational basis. We are now doing more programs of the school because we have transportation. We are truly grateful to God for such a tool!   

BVBI-Zambia Alumni

Very good and positive reports about our alumni have continued encouraging us. Simon Nkhazi now residing in Mtendere of Lusaka province, has continued to do evangelism while working as a primary health worker in the ministry of Healthy.

Arclay Kabbaya has continued to thank the School here in Luanshya because of the change he has continued to make in his life, his text message to the school said “thank you for great work you have done by teaching me Church development I really appreciate your effort may God continue blessing you more than you deserve from Arclay” while working as a preacher at Church of Christ in Siavonga, he is also involved in business to sustain his life and he is making good progress.


We continue to thank God for the work He is doing here through us. We are very grateful to Woodland Oaks church of Christ for the financial support  that is sent to us each month. And we also thank all our partners for prayers and every support given to us. We will forever remain grateful to all of you!


Cephas and Fred

Posted on March 13, 2023 .

New students in Luanshya, Zambia hit the ground running

January 2023


We bring Christian greetings from Luanshya, Zambia. Our prayers are that you are all doing well in all your endeavors. We believe that the year has begun on a very positive move, the mood at our school and attitude at our campus for our new students and the church at large is promising a better fellowship.  

We have begun class with twelve men who have reported and already started their first year courses here at BVBI-Zambia. Three more are expected to report momentarily. We pray that this class will be an interesting experience and will also be rewarding to the students, teachers and everyone involved. We have two students from the southern part of the country, two students from the north, three from Copperbelt and two to report soon, we have two from Luapula and one from Muchinga and the other to report soon.

The courses and the teachers for this quarter are as follow:

1.     Old Testament 1 (Study of the Law: Gen. - Deut.) (Cephas Mwamba)

2.     How We Got The Bible (Fred Kanangu)

3.     Christian Evidences (Fred Kanangu)

4.     **Elective** ( Writing skills, English, Cost of Discipleship) (Cephas Mwamba)

5.     Short-course- God’s Plan of Salvation (Scheme of Redemption) (Donnie Estep)

6.     Short Personal Evangelism 1 – (How To Conduct Bible Studies one on one) (Kennedy Mukuka)


We have had a good beginning of the month with evangelism done in Mikomfwa Township and central town of our district with all the students participating well. And as a result we had three souls added to the sheepfold. We have also recorded five restorations. We have also helped to build a church building in Roan township. We are preaching in this township though the membership is still low. This year another soul is added to the sheepfold. With our new intake we intend to preach until members begin to meet at a new place.


Our alumni continue to be involved in the life stream of their respective congregations. Interesting and encouraging reports have also continued reaching from all our alumni. Reuben Museka (2022) working with the church in Mpulungu and the church there is growing steadily. He is working and surviving as a peasant farmer; he also apportions some time and does his personal evangelism. Reuben has managed to give half way to one of our prospective student his transport money as he was on the way from Muchinga province to Copperbelt in luanshya. Reuben and the church there have made a request for the school to visit and help in preaching. We are so happy Reuben is doing a commendable work.

Simon Khazi (2019) also managed to support a prospective student from Lusaka as he reported for 2023 intake. We praise Yahweh for the growth of our alumni in this area and we have also recorded seven baptisms this year through him preaching Christ.

At Kapiri – Mposhi central province of Zambia through Mike Kanyangala (2022) we have recorded four (4) baptisms and two restorations. Mike has been given a privilege to be holding devotions with his workmates in the morning at the company he is working from and he is using this opportunity to preach the gospel. We keep on praying that the church be established in the area he is working. The new members of the church he baptized have since left the work place to Lusaka.

Austin and Joseph Musonda the two brothers both working at church of Christ at Chibwe are still doing a great work and we have recorded eight baptisms and one restoration, though the number has dropped in terms of gathering on the first day of the week this rain season, the leadership there appreciates their effort in terms of evangelism and visitation. We hope to visit the church there and help in evangelism this year.

Lackson Muwindwa got married this year and he is working with a congregation in Chingola on the Copperbelt. Him and Gershom Chansa (2022) have continued to work together and we have recorded six (6) baptisms and two restoration


We have so far recorded twenty- eight (28) baptisms and ten (10) restorations in the month of January. We continue soliciting for prayers for them

We give God the glory for all our former students. We feel confident that these men will continue making a meaningful contribution to the kingdom of God. We believe this is going to be a great year in terms of evangelism as a school.

We continue to give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family. May our God continue to bless you as you labor in His vineyard. You are always in our prayers.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on February 9, 2023 .

18 more baptisms in Zambia


We send greetings to all of you
brothers and sisters in the Lord!

It is again that time of highlighting some activities that are happening in this part of the world and the school in particular. And as a school we are very delighted to report the following vital signs of upward mobility as far as the school is concerned.

I.                New Intake

All is set for the 2023 academic school calendar. We look forward to the start of the new intake and to get to know the new students. The courses that will be taught for are as follow:

Normal courses: Old Testament 1 (Study of the Law: Gen. - Deut.)How We Got the Bible, Christian Evidences.

**Elective** (Writing skills, English, Cost of Discipleship)

Short Courses: God’s Plan of Salvation (Scheme of Redemption), Personal Evangelism 1 - How to Conduct Bible Studies (one on one)

2.     School van and three library computers

We are so happy to report that we received the funds through Church of Christ in woodland Oaks to purchase the School van which we have done and we also received funds through our country coordinator Donnie Estep to purchase our Library computers, we have bought three of them and they are placed in our Library.

There is no doubt we have fervently prayed for these tools we now have and glory be to our God for you brothers for your donation.  These without doubt will contribute to affect our work in a positive way. Brother Donnie Estep played a very huge role in this and we keep thanking God for him. As we always say that he is such a rare breed in the Kingdom of God.

3.     BVBI-Zambia Alumni

We are also very happy to report that all our Alumni are actively involved in expanding the kingdom of our master. We are very glad to inform you that through the efforts of our alumni many souls have been saved to the glory of God. 

The school administration where invited in southern province where Vincent Simwanza is currently working. And brother Cephas Mwamba Spoke to encourage the gathered people with the word it was indeed the moment of refresher to our spirit.

The following is a full list of some of our former students indicating where they are serving the Lord and what they are actually doing.

Clive Kabika (2017) - Clive has started work with a private school in Southern Province. He is working with the Church of Christ in Kalomo District. And the reports are over-warming we are working on visiting him and the congregations in the area

Andrew Mwila (2017) - Andrew at first struggled to establish himself after graduation and now is working as bricklayer and he is now preaching at Church of Christ in Chilanga of Lusaka District. He is married and has a daughter

Joseph Musonda (2017) has been working in Luapula province and the leadership in Mansa highly recommended him, Joseph is now on the Copperbelt in Baluba District working with the Church there. He is married with a daughter and His work for Christ is highly recommended by the Leadership in that area. Very soon we are visiting Baluba District for evangelism as a school.

Boniface Sianjina (2017)- working very hard to establish a Church in Kafubu block, in this area we have a open facility for correctional services in Luanshya district and Boniface has been working there together with the Church at Mikomfwa. He is now involved in raising broilers for Business. Borniface is married with three daughters.

Albert Phiri (2017) - the young man was partly trained as a soldier before he was trained at Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Zambia as you can see him on the picture in uniform. Albert struggled a little bit for years now after his graduation to settle, he is in the village of Mpongwe district on the Copperbelt province. He has two daughters and the wife deserted him. We as school administration are helping him to establish a congregation in the village where he is doing farming. Albert has potential to continue being a powerful preacher he is today

Vincent Simwanza (2020) - has been offered work at Livingstone School of Evangelism in southern province and he is training others. Vincent has betrothed Beverly and they are getting married in December of 2023 here at Bear Valley Bible institute in Zambia. He is actively involved in evangelism and has brought many to Christ today. Besides this work, he is also a good painter and a bricklayer.

Sthembiso Magawa (2020)-Sthembiso is at University of Zambia, Lusaka campus. He is in his second year and he is pursuing medicine. He is actively involved with the Church of Christ students’ fellowship at (UNZA). He fellowships with Church of Christ at Central in Luanshya whenever he is home. Sthembiso' determination to work for God is great.

Gershom Chansa (2022) - The leadership of Chingola says that they could not have gotten any preacher better than Gershom. Gershom is helping a congregation at Chiwempala church of Christ in Chingola. This congregation is very small in terms of numbers. They could not handsomely support a preacher. But one elder and somebody else in the congregation have singularly taken upon themselves to do whatever they can in a small way to support Lackson and Gershom. It is almost three months and encouraging numbers of baptisms and restorations are being recorded daily.

Matthews Mwale (2022) - Matthews went back to his home congregation in Luwingu district of Northern Province of Zambia. Just like Reuben, Matthews likes the work that he is involved in. and that work is the work of preaching. We as a school are constantly in contact with the Leadership to where Mathews is preaching. Above all they have both recommended prospective students who we are expecting now

Arclay Kabaya (2022) - upon graduation, Arclay went back to Siavonga district of Southern Province of Zambia. He is planning to start tomato farming to supplement his preaching. He has already gotten a place where he will be doing this project. He is very actively involved with the church in Siavonga.

Baptisms recorded: we have recorded eighteen (18) souls saved for the month of December and We give glory to God for our preachers we are training! We continue soliciting for your prayers and any support for them.

Restorations:  we have also recorded eleven souls (11) restored in the same month of December 2022, this happened in three districts namely Luanshya, Chingola and Ndola the entire Copperbelt province has thirteen Districts, now with our Van available we will be able to move in all these districts for evangelism. 

We believe that the school is on firm ground on its pledge to train faithful men who will be able to teach others also. And we give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Bear Valley Bible Institute-International and the Church of Christ is Woodland Oaks

You are always in our prayers! We wish you all God’s speed and Happy 2023.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on January 9, 2023 .