Former students stay involved with the school in Luanshya


Hearty greetings to you brothers and sisters in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ! In this report for June, we have exciting news for our labor in the Lord. We continue to work with all our former students and making them interacts with our current student body. Yes, our aim is not just to produce a professional Preacher who will seek to earn a living as full time Evangelist, but we train and motivate those with a heart for ministry in becoming more effective in their service to God.

John 1:14- says, concerning the word, “that He became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His Glory, the glory of the only begotten son of God.” Yes! Unless the word become flesh in a form of a preacher, the world will never understand God.  The character of Christ was clearly seen by the apostles and today we know the mind of Christ, His heart and spirit and we are impressed with His life-style we come across in His word (The Bible). Our goal at BVBI-Zambia is that the character we build in our students be the sum total of all the personal quality that distinguishes them from others. We had a spiritual Healthy month of June.

More souls were added:

We had Rodrick Sambati, Mainza Siakuba, Daniel Manyoni who worked tirelessly with our Alumni, Gershom Chansa, Simon Nkhazi and Aclay Kabbaya and their work indeed had a good Harvest. Our labor has brought twenty two souls to Christ through Baptism. As they labored many of their fellow youths developed interest in wanting to be enrolled at BVBI-Zambia.

We saw a spiritual development that has taken place in our students as they were teaching one on one in the village and indeed their labor in the Lord was not in vain. We have attached pictures of our students teaching and Baptizing to this report. Indeed as Christ is presented in the Gospel as a “total Package” with all the wonderful attributes well formed and in place within His life and so we want to translate to the world today, Christ is the man to follow. He is the supreme example. As our students were teaching we noticed good traits formed in them like humility, enthusiasm, patience and courage. We pray that these traits in them continue to form a life changing character in them. We also had a good time with the church in Kitwe during the holidays of our international trade fair. We took the opportunity to teach and interact with the church in Kitwe. During this time we saw eleven (11) members being restored to the sheepfold, Boyd Kalaba our former student worked hand in hand with Tryvin Siamachila our current student. Brother Mwamba Cephas taught at a meeting during this time at Church of Christ Kitwe Central. 

Promoting Leaders in the Church 

We are currently involved in growing and promoting men in congregations to take up leadership roles in various churches here on the copper-belt province. We had a leadership meeting at church of Christ in Chibwe Luanshya District. We at BVBI-Zambia would like to see men in congregations becoming spiritual giants, in knowing God and just to love everyone. Subject which were covered are: Parenting, How Worship influence our Lives and scriptures.

We received over-warming reception of men in this meeting. We were twenty nine (29) in attendance representing five Congregations. The meeting went on very well and in the month of July we are going to Mufurila for the same meeting and at this time, we will also plan for the gospel meeting to be held in October this year.

Total Baptisms recorded

A total of twenty three souls (23) we added to the Lord’s Church in the month of June, what a joyful sight to see souls saved. May these precious souls walk with God till death, our prayers and love are with them.

Total Restorations!

We recorded a total number of thirty three (33) restorations during the month of June. Four are from Zimba southern part of Zambia were Daniel Kapata and Abiton Siamachila were preaching and seven from Mporokoso Northern province of Zambia were Ishmael Kanyangala preached. Twenty two have been recorded on the copper-belt province. We keep looking forward to a more glorious month of July in our work for the Lord.

Skills straining

Our vegetable garden is on course, we have Onion, eggplants, and banana plantation. The onions are ready and we are enjoying the fruit of our labor. Other plants will be ready in a month time except bananas. We had some layers at school which the students raised. We enjoyed the eggs and we still have some laying these eggs to date.  All our students are participating in acquiring these skills well.                            


May our God grant a special blessing today to the body of Christ and to Bear Valley Bible Institute Internationally who have such beautiful feet in taking the gospel to others? And we encourage you to offer a special prayer to God on behalf of the souls being saved. Our partnership and your support in this noble work have changed many souls. May God Bless you all and bless the labor of your hands


Cephas and Fred

Posted on July 9, 2024 .