December, 2024
We send seasonal greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! It is always a pleasure to have our time of writing this report and we always give honor and glory to God through our master and savior Jesus Christ who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom. We write to highlight on the work as we ended the month of December in the year 2024.
We must mention that we have began and welcomed the new year of 2025 on a very effervescent note; very hopeful of good things to be learned. We pray for a fruitful year in His vineyard.
Highlights of December
We as BVBI-Zambia have ended the month of December with several success which gives as a reason to say thank you heavenly Father. Here on the copper belt province we have had a good number of meeting with the seven congregations of which four are in Luanshya district and two in Mpongwe district, one in Masaiti District, our interaction with leaders and members have been a promise of the best relationship we are experiencing right now. It will improve even more
As we got deeper in the month, we took advantage of the festive season positive mood of wanting to do more for the Lord by many non Christians including Christians themselves. Women on the copper belt met in Luanshya and Ndola respectively and we as the Institute where there to coordinate their meeting, there was a spirit of excitement as they learned the word of God. It was an open meeting to the community too. They were hundred and ten in total who attended the meeting with seven (7) restorations.
In Kitwe we had the youths who assembled to evangelize in the community for one day and our former students where there to lead in doing the work for our master, Boyd Kalaba Jally Siawaza and Gershom Chansa did a wonderful work. They were two hundred and sixteen in total who gathered to hear the message and when evangelists went out for practsl work two (2) baptisms recorded and five (5) restorations.
We also had same meeting which took place in Zimba and Livingstone of southern province ,were four of our former students was in attendance and taught their fellow youths, In this meeting we had a record of eight (8) baptisms which were done by Daniel kapata working together with Tryvin and Abiton Siamachila. This was a perfect combination for our master’s work and the results were great. On the same development Vincent in Livingstone is doing a good work seven hundred youths gathered for one day in order to strengthen a work relationship of the Church in that area it was a great thing to see them preach as we begin the New Year.
The planting season:
When this season began we almost got the same experience as that of 2023/24 drought but, According to the National Metrological department of Zambia forecast of 2024/2025 rainfall season, the rainfall amounts are likely to be normal to below in most of parts of the country. And beside our busy schedule to preach, we are taking time also to make use of this season to plant seeds in the ground. We have planted soya beans, beans, maize and some sweet potatoes.
We had a total of thirteen Baptisms. And we recorded twelve restorations. Please continue to pray for us and our former students as we do the work together and Zambia at large.
We continue to believe that the school is on firm ground to training faithful men who are teaching others to remain and continue in His kingdom of light. Without Christian principles, we continue to give a special thank you to our amazingly supportive family and friends of Bear Valley Bible Institute-International and the Church of Christ at Woodland Oaks in Texas; you are always in our prayers!
In His service,
Cephas and Fred