Beautiful cooperation in Zambia

February, 2025 


The month of February has been declared by world standards as a month of love between the two genders male and female, and especially those in marriages. We at BVBI-Zambia declared it for us to demonstrate our love for God, with the understanding that evangelism does not end with bringing a person to Christ, but, it has to continue with the maturing of that person he/she too begins to bring others to Christ. We had a good experience with our new students as we interacted with the youths and all the members of the Lord’s Church at large. We also have some exciting news as we coordinate with our Alumni in reaching out to various communities throughout Zambia.    


We had a good start with leadership meeting in Mpongwe district on the copper belt province; in this meeting we had seventeen leaders from 5 congregations. In our meeting we discussed on being one mind as we worship and evangelize, and we also looked at worship atmosphere when we meet it was a good step in a right direction. 

It was agreed that such meetings should be held quarterly so that unscriptural practices may not creep in our midst as we worship God. 


On the other development we organized the meeting for the youths in Luanshya District churches of Christ to make good strategies as we do evangelism. It was a one day workshop and our students and youths from three congregations in Luanshya interacted well on the same. We would like to see them all develop into the great leaders in the church of the Lord. They live in a world where there are many temptations beckoning them to abandon the way of truth and righteousness, but on this day we had a combined prayer so that their  deliberate commitment and the wonderful grace of God can keep them focused on the importance of living a godly life.

 We also had 4 youths from the neighborhood that were attracted with the same meeting at BVBI-Zambia. This meeting presented a good platform for our new students to interact with many youths from churches of Christ in Luanshya district. 

We are planning to take our students in Central province in April this year in order to meet and interact with many youths in the church as we teach and do evangelism for our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  


Our Institute has acquired a land which is measured 60*100 meters where we expect to build and do extra activities for our students as they learn and acquire skills for life. First we have a field where we have planted maize and soya beans, though the fields are not that big but they have provided a good platform for our students to learn some skills in Agri-business.

We are also making feeds in order to raise sasso or free range chickens of which every student is participating well, we are intending to do more on these projects as we Train preachers here in Zambia. 


We are so excited to write this report on the work as we coordinate with our former students, we have Joseph and Steven Ngosa who worked together in Baluba and their labor yielded good fruit. We have recorded two (2) Baptisms and 7 restorations, they have continued to do the work and we are expecting good results in the month of March.

We also received Sthembiso Magawa (2022 graduate) who is currently studying Medicine at the University of Zambia and he is in his fourth year. He came when they went on recess for two weeks and used his time at BVBI- Zambia to interact and encourage our current student body during his stay we also recorded one Baptism and 1 restoration.

In Northern province we have 4 of our former students working there in Mporokoso and Mpulungu Districts respectively, in Mporokoso where Ishmael and Mike are preaching we have recorded 5 restorations and 1 baptism and in Mpulungu and Mbala where Reuben Museka and Levy Silungwe have combined forces we recorded 4 Baptisms and 3 restoration, our aim is never to lose contact with our former students as we preach and encourage Christians, please keep on praying for us that we may bring them together for fresher courses most of our students are looking forward to this day for their revival.


We continue to praise Yahweh because of the work you support here, thank you Bear Valley Bible Institute International indeed we are a big family. We are eternally grateful for the partnership that we have with you in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued receiving from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ.

 “I am a fragment of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have, I can reflect light into the dark places of the world… and can change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise”. God bless all of you for loving God.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on March 8, 2025 .