Posts tagged #Kenya

Kisumu, Kenya school nears graduation

Dear brethren,

We,  on July 1st of 2024, at the  Kenya  school of Preaching resumed classes for the last quarter of the second year. Eighteen students have reported except one who is Richard Tumbo Kiema who has been diagnosed with pneumonia and is under medication. We pray for his healing and quick recovery. 

 Graduation day is drawing near. We are just counting weeks to August 24th of 2024, when the sixth class will end and 7th class to begin. This is one great event ahead of us. We pray for its arrival and success and ask that brethren join us in same prayers.

We have in this quarter, four African instructors (Charles, Phabian, Wasonga and Elias), teaching five regular courses: Greek IV, Jeremiah &Lamentations, I, II&III John, Preacher & His Work and the book of Hebrews. 

 As well we have, towards the end of this semester, two American instructors (Michael P. Reese and Peter Ray Cole). These will teach two short courses: Marriage & Family together with Congregational Development. We pray for God's will to be done as He uses these servants of His to impart Bible knowledge to these serious Bible students who are going to preach.

The current 19 students, during school break,  served 25 local congregations in their areas, attended 5 Gospel Meetings, restored 10 congregations to true worship in Spirit and in truth (from using instrumental music), helped plant 4 new congregations and restored 27 individuals to fellowship with the churches. 

We invite and encourage those in the brotherhood to attend the forthcoming graduation ceremony of the sixth class.  Be blessed as we look forward to seeing all at KSOP on 24th August, 2024.

 Your brother in the Lord, 

  Elias Owana Omollo.

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Mombasa school finishing strong

Dear Brethren,

Praise the Lord! We hope that this report finds you all fine in the Lord. We are all fine here, and the school is going on as scheduled each Saturday. 

We have come to the of our second quarter this year, having satisfactorily completed the lessons that had been scheduled for the quarter. We're now venturing into the 3rd Quarter of this year, being our fourth year. 

We thank God for guiding us throughout the last quarter. the lessons taught were Congregational Development (Church Growth), Advanced Hermeneutics and Personal evangelism.

Moreover, the students have been doing personal evangelism and therefore each is engaged with a prospect and is involved in follow ups. 

the Third quarter will begin on 6th July 2024. The next lesson to start off the quarter will be The New Testament Church. We believe the Students will enjoy the lessons as all the others. 

We plan to have our graduation in the first week of December, though we have not yet settled on a date since we want to engage the students on the date that they will all be available. We thought this is wise sincemost students do travel upcountry for the holidays, yet we had earlier selected December 7th. 

Currently we've begun contacting churches for next year's January intake. We pray that God may guide the churches to provide us with good students and in this, we request your prayers. 

Thank you for all your support for the school and prayers. 


Yours in Christ,

Paul and Francis. 

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

New congregation planted in Kenya

Dear brethren,

  We have today, on May 31, 2024, taken a break till we resume classes from July 1st - August 23rd of 2024. Courses that remain are for the last quarter after which, graduation of the sixth class. The 19 students in this class have really persevered till now  and it is our prayer, that by our God's mercy, they will make it to the graduation day of August 24th,  2024. 

 We have had four African instructors this time and no American. We are thankful for the service they tirelessly rendered to these serious Bible students. May the Lord reward them accordingly as He sees fit, that is to Charles, David and Phabian.

The students have been a very big help to the churches around. Each quarter they cannot miss invitations to attend gospel meetings in order to help with evangelism. This time they had the opportunity to serve local congregations at Rangengni, Obera, Wang' Arot, Tiengre and Kapsimotwet. While  at Kapsimotwet, six students from Rift Valley managed to plant one new congregation of 9 members _ called Kipkoriyan church of Christ. Now that they are back home, we pray that they will help wherever possible with initial development of that newly established congregation.

Much thanks to all of you who endeavor to support, both in prayers and finances this great work at KSOP.

May the Lord of all mercies bless you richly to the end as we look forward to seeing you on the graduation day of August 24th, 2024.

In his service, Elias Omollo

Posted on June 6, 2024 .

Holiday Evangelistic Work in Kenya

Dear brethren,

Know all men that we at KSOP have resumed classes as of April 8th 2024, this being the first week of our second last quarter towards graduation of the sixth class students.

We have got very serious students- for they have all reported at the right time, including David Mibei who had lately lost his biological mother and had done the burial just a few days before the school resumed. GOD willing, all the current students will go all the way to graduation day- that is on August 24th, 2024.

It is with pleasure that I share with brethren the good work the students did in their home congregations during the March holiday: 

They had served 25 congregations, helping with evangelism, edifying the saved and doing restorations. They had joined hands in gospel meetings and seminars.

They had baptized 22 souls into Christ. 25 souls had been restored as a result of their work and 2 local congregations back to sound doctrine. 

In this quarter, we have 4 African instructors: Charles, David, Phabian and Elias.

Regular courses we teach are:

Greek III, Denominational doctrines, 1&2 Timothy and Titus, Minor Prophets I and II.

Short courses are: The Scheme of Redemption and the Book of Revelation.

We love the work going on at  KSOP and pray for its continuity. We appreciate, pray for, and encourage those who are supporting this work, reminding them that it will not be in vain 1 Cor. 15:58. As Dr. Rowand used to say, and I quote, " Only eternity will reveal the quality of the work done at KSOP".. for the betterment of the church in Africa.

May the Lord bless abundantly all you who endeavor to see yo it that the work at KSOP remains intact.

HIS servant and yours,  

Elias Omollo.

Posted on May 12, 2024 .

Baptisms in Mombassa, Kenya

Dear brethren, 

Greetings to you all, brothers. it is our pleasure to write to you again, hoping that the Lord has been good to you all. We are all fine, and thank God for His goodness. It is the end of our first quarter this year, and the students are continuing with their lessons each Saturday. The lessons covered this quarter are: Denominational doctrines, Introduction to leadership as well as Joshua, Ruth and Judges.

This quarter we have had two Baptisms, through the effort of the students and the teachers. This is fruit of evangelism through the divine power of God. Efforts are being made to follow up with more prospects around Jomvu area. We pray that the Lord may open up the hearts of many people here to know Biblical Truth about salvation.

Next quarter will begin on 6th April,2024 and Paul will be taking the class. it is our hope that the students will continue equipped by the next lesson. we're glad that the lessons have had an impact on the students and hope that they will be good ministers of the gospel.

We thank God for bringing us this far, praying that He may preserve us for the sake of spreading the gospel. 

Moreover, one soul was has been restored to the church. We thank God for this beautiful soul that has returned to the Father!

We thank God continuously for all the brethren who have made efforts to enable the work here be a success. May God bless you abundantly. Please pray for the work here so that it might have impact on the people in this region..

God Bless you. 

Yours faithfully.

Francis Ojow and Paul Karisa

Posted on April 4, 2024 .

Bear Valley President and Coordinator visit Kisumu

Dear brethren,

I hope this email finds everyone generally well in the Lord. We at KSOP have on this Friday 1st  of March 2024, closed the school for break. Our Bible students have left already and we pray for their journey mercies. We will begin classes again from April 8th, 2024.

This quarter had began very well with two instructors from Bear Valley Bible Institute: Dr. Denny Petrillo and Dr. Michael Reese. These two,  in the first two weeks, taught two courses in the undergraduate class and one graduate class as well. We appreciate their capability and willingness to occasionally grace this instituition with their Bible knowledge.

The local instructors we appreciate as well , Charles and Phabian, who have taught Greek II, Bible Geography and World Religions. May the Almighty God cause His face to shine on them all into eternity.

This time,  even though the school was not able send the students to help local congregations, some went to visit sister congregations and baptized 4 souls into Christ.

I have attached some pictures of the students and their teachers outside the hall, of the 4 baptisms, of students taking with themselves boxes of tracts meant for evangelism and of us all sitted together at a Chapel time, with our graduate class students and American instructors present.

May the good  Lord bless  abundantly  your efforts which you have towards the Kenya school of Preaching and elsewhere for his name's sake.

Thanks so much and be blessed forevermore, 

In His service,  

Elias Omollo.

Posted on March 8, 2024 .

Nairobi, Kenya graduates first class

15 th Jan 2024
We are so thankful to have this great blessings to be called His sons and daughters and having Christ as our Lord and Savior. Nairobi School of Preaching is so delighted to be part of BV institute and getting this great opportunity to train men to preach Christ in the streets of Nairobi.

We are so greatfull of what God is doing here in Kenya. We are happy that it's a new year 2024, we  closed the school on 23rd Dec 2023 for December holidays and classes  resumed January 6th 2024. The school remains to be part time operating on Saturdays from 8a.m-5p.m. We are blessed to have three teachers Samson omutele, Fredrick Ramoya and Kennedy Munubi


 Since the school began , students and faculty have been very active in evangelism and local mission works in Kenya. Baptisms are over 300 in different congregations within Nairobi, 2 congregations established, 1 restored and students are helping in preaching and teaching in these congregations.


We conducted our First Graduation ceremony on 13th January 2024 ,Seven brothers made it to Graduation and three will be proceeding with their classes to finish the undone courses. We were so blessed to have our Bear valley president Dr Denny Petrillo, coordinator  Dr.mike Rees and Kenya school of preaching Director Charles Ogutu in attendance. We were blessed with rains the whole day and many attended while wet and others could not make it. It was great joy to of us seeing these great men managing to finish well. It has been a struggle and toil for we began the school during covid years and we never thought if we could make it, but thus far God is everything.

The outgoing class has been so industrious and willing to work for the Lord and may God bless them and their families.

Kennedy Munubi
Samson omutele

Posted on February 10, 2024 .

Baptism in Mombasa, Kenya

Dear brethren,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. We hope that the Lord has truly been good to you all. it is indeed our pleasure to write to you again, believing that the Lord has guided you all until this time.

The school is fine and the students have been doing well throughout the year, increasing their knowledge in every session. We thank God for taking us through the year since January until this time, Glory to God!

Lessons taught this quarter are Old Testament Survey, Bible Geography and Denominational Doctrines. We're glad that the lessons are making a great impact on the lives of the students. We pray that they may continue in this course and make an impact on the communities as they also do in their local congregations. Our next quarter will begin on January 6th, 2024 - being the first Saturday of year four. 

This quarter, we've had one baptism when Jacinta Mwende gave her life to Christ, and we rejoice with the soul that has been added to the Lord's Church - thanks to the students' evangelism effort. Currently we have 8 students, but we're going to add more next year to replace those who have dropped along the way.

Now we're letting the students break for the December holidays to allow those who will be travelling to various parts of the country to do so. We pray that God may keep all students and their teachers safe and sound during this festive season till we come together again in January, God willing.

We're praying for everyone who supports the work here, both materially as well as in in prayers. May the Lord bless you all. Have a blessed end year holidays as well as a happy and prosperous New Year.

Continue keeping the work here in your prayers.

Thank you, and God bless you all.

Yours in Christ, 

Francis and Paul. 

Posted on January 5, 2024 .

Kenyan students spread the gospel of Christ

Dear brethren,

This marks the end of first quarter of second year of our 6th intake students at Kenya School of Preaching-Kisumu, in this year 2023. Yesterday we closed the school for December break. The students will be in their home local congregations till January 8th, 2024, when we will continue with the classes God willing. We pray for the student's safety during the entire holiday. 

We began this quarter with Mark Reynolds from Bear Valley Bible Institute, who taught World Missions (short course) from October 2nd - 6th 2023. Mark had enjoyed being with the 19 whom he described as very good and serious Bible students when he left for America. The students enjoyed being with him too. This is the students' and teachers' prayer here, "That the Lord grant to Reynolds, opportunity in every intake, to come teach at Kenya School of Preaching"! Another short course taught this quarter had been the book of James by teacher Phabian Paul who took the entire last week. May the Lord continue to bless the short course teachers so much, we appreciate their time and Bible knowledge.

Regular instructors we have had this time are Charles and Nixon who had taught the students three courses: Greek I, Intertestamental Period and Church History. Other courses had been Romans &Galatians and Wisdom Literature.

Apart from weekly services/helps the students offer at Tieng're congregation, they had as well been invited to attend two gospel meetings at Kakamega and Langi congregations. First, we sent 4 of them to Kakamega gospel meeting as per the request. Second, on November 10th-12th, 2023 all the students went to Langi gospel meeting and spent two days there from that Friday morning till Sunday evening. They were divided into teams and in two days, evangelized the community. They had a chance, in the seminar, to listen to and learn how other mature and experienced preachers from different congregations, answered difficult questions. Four of the students had opportunity and participated in the seminar as well - they gave lessons, helped with language translation and co-ordination. All the work which they had done this quarter had resulted in 9 baptisms and restoration of one whole family of wife husband/children who had skipped assembling with the Langi congregation for 5 years. It was a great pleasure with the students at the meetings!

Below are photo samples of baptisms, students standing with the baptized, students' two trips to gospel meeting by church Van, the gathering under the tents at the meeting place, students with Mark Reynolds and students with local instructors.

Thanks to each and every one who takes his/her time and effort, in one way or another, to support the great spiritual work going on at this preaching school. May the Lord richly bless you all and your loved ones, may the Lord bless K.S.O.P. and the church in Africa, may the Lord bless His work in the entire world!

Your brother and servant, 

Elias Omollo.

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Kenya students do great work while on break

Dear brethren

This marks the beginning of first quarter of second year of the Kenya school of preaching sixth intake students. 

The number of students has decreased to 19 due to dismissal of one called Jared Odhiambo for having committed an infraction. So the report that we give now concerns the work done by the 19 who maintain their commitment to study the Bible.

Mark Reynolds from America, is the instructor who is now in class with the students, teaching Foundation of Missions as a short course. Other teachers in this quarter are Charles, Nixon and Elias. Other courses to be taught are: Greek 1, Wisdom Literature II, Romans and Galatians, church history, The book of James and the Intertestamental Period.

When we closed for September holiday, two students from bordering regions- (Richard from Eastern and Kadzitu from Coastal) had organized gospel campaigns and invited Francis from Mombasa to help them and as a result they baptized 4 and 6 respectively. Among the ones baptized by Richard were 2 denominational preachers and his own wife. Kadzitu on the other hand used the 6 he baptized to begin a new sound congregation since his former church which sent him to school has been liberal all the years and has refused to change her denominational worship.

Another two students from the western region of Kenya - Patrick and Jimmy, also conducted gospel campaigns in their area and baptized 7 souls into Christ and restored 2 back to Lukhuna congregation. Still others reached for lost people, edified and did restoration: Alex one baptisms, Jason three baptisms, Daniel one baptism, David 3 baptisms, Dominick one baptism and others. All the total number of baptisms conducted in the last holiday are 28 while those restored backsliders are 16. They did plant 2 new congregations.

We still hope and request that brethren will continue to pray and support the work at K.S.O.P which is for the Lord's glory. Thanks to each one of you and may the Lord Almighty bless you all.

Your brother and His servant,

Elias Omollo

Posted on October 5, 2023 .

Evangelistic students in Mombasa

Dear brethren,

Greetings in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We believe that the Lord has been good to you and all the brethren. We are all fine and doing well in the Lord, He being our guidance in all things pertaining to His Glory.

The school is doing well, and the program is still running as scheduled on Saturday basis. the students have just concluded the Book of Job as part of Wisdom Literature which was a class taken by Pau and will begin the Class of Bible Geography in the month of October. we hope that the students are going to enjoy the October course as they have been doing to all the others. 

For the quarter that has just ended, the lessons that were taught included: Godhead, 1st and 2nd Corinthians and the Book of Job.

Francis has been helping two KSOP students do evangelism in Kilifi County as well as Makueni County. as a result, two new congregations have been planted. The Kilifi Church is located at Matanomanne and is called Matanomanne Church of Christ. The preacher at Matanomanne Church is brother John Karisa, who's also a student at KSOP. the area is ripe for the gospel of Christ and we will be helping to evangelize the area. Another church planted is in Makindu area in Makueni County. The preacher at Makindu Church of Christ is brother Richard Tumbo Kiema, whose area is also ripe for the gospel and for evangelism. Richard is also a student at KSOP. 

There has been a number of seven baptisms so far to the glory of God. we believe God is going to be with these young souls throughout their lives as they also grow in the Faith. Glory to God!

The Bear Valley Mombasa students are also doing personal evangelism and thus most are studying the Word of God with the prospects. Unfortunately, one of them, Edward, lost a prospect through death. We're really saddened by this, yet we're praying for more souls to be receptive to the saving Gospel of Christ. We thank God for the efforts everyone is making towards the spread of the Gospel of truth in Coast region as well as Makueni County. 

Moreover, together with like minded Churches of Christ, we're planning to evangelize Mombasa for Christ as well as teaching in liberal Churches that are willing to change for the Right Way. 

We thank you for every support and to everyone who supports the work here. May God bless them all. 

Thank you very much and God's blessings be upon you all.


Yours Faithfully, 

Francis and Paul

Posted on October 2, 2023 .

Kenya students plant a new congregation

Beginning on August 25th, 2023, Kenya school of Preaching took a break for September holiday, which marks the end of the 4th quarter of our first year with KSOP students of the 6th intake. This break will be till October 2nd of 2023 when we will again resume classes. We have had 3 instructors who taught regular classes Charles, Nixon and Elias. Again we had 3 foreign short course facilitators, Mike Reese, and brethren Rowand and Ray. All of these 6 teachers are the ones who, in this quarter, taught  7 courses to the 20 current students at KSOP. 

While in school the students managed to plant one new congregation of the Lords church at Ruga in Homabay County. This happened when the school, upon request, had conducted a gospel meeting at the home of one of the KSOP'S former graduates, namely Kennedy Owade. All the 20 students and other local preachers, carried out evangelism in the area. This resulted in the establishment of Ruga Church Of Christ which is composed of 4 families coming together to assemble every Sunday for worship. We ask prayers on behalf of this young congregation for her numerical and spiritual growth.  Much thanks to the supporters of KSOP both in prayers and finances. May the Lord continue to bless you richly both now and beyond the blue!

In His service, Elias Omollo.  

Posted on September 5, 2023 .

Nairobi, Kenya school anticipates graduation


We thank God that it's another quarter full of God's providence that we can have this wonderful time to serve Him. The faculty and students are doing well and serving their congregations effectively. The school has been very instrumental in local evangelism and the newly opened congregations within Thika and the surrounding areas.

Being the first lot of part-time school in Nairobi, we are facing a lot of challenges of an office to keep our stationaries ,some books, and computers. Students had desired to be helping in contribution so we could build a small office, but due to inflation and hardship of life things never went as purposed.

We are in our third year, 4th quarter and so far covered Proverbs, Psalms, Christian Ethics and the Book of Revelation we be covered soon.


We are praying and hoping to have our first graduation before the end of this year, most probably November or December. The exact dates will be communicated soon. The faculty, students and congregations  are so excited for this school and the work being done within Nairobi.

Please keep us in your prayer list so that work in Nairobi can be more effective and productive.

Yours in service

Kennedy Munubi

Samson omutele

Posted on September 5, 2023 .

Entire congregations restored in Kenya

Dear Brethren,

We have resumed classes from July 3rd to  August 25th, 2023. The teachers we have are 6 in number, three regular ones: (Charles, Nixon and Elias) and three American short course instructors (Rowand, Ray and Dr. Reese). These teach 7 courses: (1 Samuel -2 Chronicles, Church Planting, The Gospel of Luke, Ezra -Esther, Leadership, Marriage and the Gospel of John). Students are twenty in number.

This is  K.S.O.P current students  report for June holiday. We rejoice to inform the brethren of good news about 4 local congregations that have been restored by our current students during the holiday. In June 16-18 this year, six students namely Caleb, Nicholas, Dominic, Daniel, David and Emmanuel attended a gospel meeting in response to an invitation extended them by the host congregation in Kericho county. This meeting included 5 different churches that had turned unsound for many years more so because of lack of knowledgeable preachers and elders. The six were given a chance to teach and answer questions in the areas where these congregations had difficulties, which problems revolved around  worship and leadership: hand clapping, use of instruments of music in praising God (drums specifically), solos and choirs and women teaching or preaching in the churches. The students out of love, taught and answered the questions given them in a very clear and understandable style that most of those who were present were convinced and challenged. Preachers and elders from four out of the five congregations that attended the meeting responded positively, confessed to have led many astray. To the student's surprise, one elderly man from the host church brought out two drums which he himself had introduced and used in the church. On that Sunday of June 18th, all  hand clapping and drums were done away with and worship was done in spirit and in truth.

On July 6th, a group of eight older men, all the way from the 4 restored congregations in Kericho county, visited KSOP.  They said that they have heard for the first, about Kenya School of Preaching from these current students. They came to see if surely such a school exists and the  teachers. The delegates were grateful for the training that goes on here. They themselves declared to us how the six students had spoken graciously and convincingly to them in the meeting. They also requested that the school spare them a chance in next intake, for their 3 or 4 approved and recommended preachers from the restored churches. 

They were thankful to have met the very students as well. They wondered at what makes the difference between KSOP and other preaching schools in Kenya. Charles and I took a picture with the eight as is shown in a photo of ten above. 

Without doubt, if there is any community of people with many established congregations of the Lord in Kenya, it is the Kalenjin community (in the former Rift Valley Province). The problem is that there are some, not all, unsound churches. Our prayer and effort is for their restoration and these students have begun it even before they are through with their studies here. This encourages us greatly.

Other students in other communities also gave good reports from their work in 20 congregations where they served during the holiday.  They baptized 11 people into Christ and restored 9 individual backsliders to church fellowship. Below are sample of pictures  of baptisms by the students and that of the visiting brethren from the 4 restored congregations in Kericho county.

 May all be blessed!

Your brother, Elias Omollo.

Posted on July 11, 2023 .

A good second quarter in Mombasa

Dear brethren,

Greetings in the name of the Lord.

We hope that the Lord has kept you safe and sound as you continue serving Him diligently. We are all fine and the students are trying their best to absorb from the instructors.

This is the end of our second quarter as well as the beginning of our third quarter this year. This is our third year since the Bear Valley Mombasa began. In the quarter that has just ended, Paul Taught World Religions Class, John Taught Ezekiel and Daniel and Francis taught the Preacher and His Work class. We're glad that the students are improving their faith as days go by.

Moreover, through the students' evangelical efforts, there have been three baptisms in the last quarter. we thank God for this effort that they are making. Paul and Francis have been doing follow up in some of the congregations here, and three members have been restored so far.

Paul will begin next quarter with the class of Godhead, to usher in the third quarter. We pray that the Lord may guide us through the next quarter. We also pray for the grace of God to guide all the students and give them renewed energy for evangelism. We pray that God may continually guide us in this noble work that we may fulfill our call.

The Teachers are continuing with the teaching and edifying the Church, and we are hopeful for more restorations and baptisms as well. May the Lord be gracious to you all. Thank you for all your continued support and prayers.



Posted on July 8, 2023 .

Kenya students lead door knocking campaign

Dear brethren

Thanks again to God the Almighty to have given us opportunity to update you with student's report for this 3rd quarter of their first year- sixth intake at the Kenya School of Preaching Kisumu.

In order for the students to prove that they love and appreciate the training here, they have maintained their number 20- no one wants to lose his chance. The current students have been very instrumental to the Tieng're congregation that meets close to the school. We had a gospel meeting at this congregation in the first week of May, 2023 where the students were the team leaders in the groups of preachers who went to knock doors in the community around the church and helped baptize those who believed. On two occasions, a group of four students went on their own to visit a local congregation called Wang' Arot where they edified, evangelized and baptized new converts. On Saturdays they would help the Tieng're local church preacher Nixon to evangelize while on Sundays they would aid in church services. The total number of baptisms they had conducted are 12, both at Tieng're and other churches. 

The school has closed today June 2nd for June holidays till July 3rd, 2023 when we will again carry on with the classes. This time, teachers we have had are: Charles, David, John Paul and Elias. They are the ones who have taught 7 courses of this quarter. 

We ask for prayers on behalf of the students that they may reach home safely. Again we ask prayers for the work ahead of them in their home local congregations. We really appreciate the brethren and congregations that stand with us in supporting the work which goes on at this school. We pray for you just as you pray for us. We ask that our God will not forget your tireless efforts directed to K.S.O.P for his name's sake. 

Below are some baptism pictures that the students took and the other which we took together when we had visitors in the school.

Thanks very much and may the Lord bless you all.

Elias Omollo

Posted on June 5, 2023 .

Nairobi school starts strong

We are so thankful to God for His unending love and care towards all. At Nairobi school of preaching we are all doing well, students and teachers.


The school remains part-time school and operates only on Saturdays. We opened on 7/1/ 2023 with one admission to add on the 9 students we had. Brother Fredrick Ramoya began the quarter by teaching Minor Prophets 1, brother Samson followed by teaching Minor prophets 2, and brother Kennedy is teaching the books of 1,2,3 John.

Being a part-time school, students and teachers are in position of doing evangelism in their local congregations.. From January until now, we have had 8 baptisms and many classes established.


We are so thankful for the brethren who are always supporting the school physically ,financially, and in prayers. Your prayers  keep us moving day by day in the Lord.

Yours in the service,

Kennedy munubi

Omutele Samson

Posted on May 5, 2023 .

Evangelism producing results in Kenya

Dear brethren

This is to let you know that we have closed for March holidays till we will resume classes in April. This marks the end of second quarter of first year of the sixth in take students.

We still maintain the 20 students as we selected. Almost all the students are very good and active in class work with exception of one.

This time, we have had one American short course teacher - Dr. Mike Reese and three African teachers - Charles, Paul and Elias.

The number of courses had been 7: Godhead, Christian Evidences, the Gospel according to Matthew, Introduction to Hermeneutics, Pentateuch II, Homiletics II (Expository Preaching) and Writing skills (English II).

The students had done a tremendous job both in their home local congregations and at Tieng're - the congregation near the school. During weekends, they would help evangelize the lost, teach in youth meetings conducted by local churches, edify the saved and participate in all church services. 

This has resulted in 33  baptisms and restoration of 17 individual backsliders.

One of these current students went back to his community and on his evangelistic efforts, found and helped a preacher of the gospel who had planted two congregations but had insisted that those churches be called churches of God in Christ. Richard showed him from Scriptures that there is no difference between the church of God in Christ and the church of Christ as long as the doctrine of Christ is followed. He even added him other biblical names by which the believers are called ( the temple, household of faith, the bride, Christians, vineyard of the Lord and on and on). Good news is that the man took Richard to these congregations to help them correct few of the things not in line with the doctrine of Christ and in that fashion, Richard helped to restore two whole congregations to worship according to the New Testament pattern. 

Below are photos of Kenya School of Preaching students and their teachers in uniform- including Mike Reese, and baptismal photos by students. We pray that they continue with the same zeal and love of the lost during this March holiday. Thanks to all people who work hard to see that these preachers be trained here at KSOP- God bless you!

In His service, 

Elias Omollo.

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

Reaching out in Mombasa

Dear brethren, 

It is our pleasure to write to you, hoping that the good Lord has been with you all along. We thank God for His grace and for being faithful. 

It is also our pleasure to let you know that we began this quarter well. Paul began with the class of 1&2 Peter; John Kimani came in with the Book of Romans and now Francis has gone through Pastoral Epistles which are 1&2 Timothy and Titus. so far all is going on well.

The students are doing evangelism well since we began this year. We've had two baptisms through their efforts. Most of these students have prospects, and so we're encouraging them to follow up every prospect that they have. It is good to note that the teachers and a combining effort of the students helps to see to it that we evangelize together with them. we believe that by God's grace, we'll do more harvesting of the lost souls.

Students like Ishmaale Khadive, Anderson Guyo and Edward Ochieng are doing it great on the part of evangelism, and we thank God for their efforts and commitment to preach the Gospel.

We're engaging some preachers to Mikindani Church of Christ, whose preacher was transferred to Nairobi the company he's currently work for. We're sending some preachers to minister there, but Francis is taking care of the congregation by alternating between Jomvu Church of Christ and Mikindani Church of Christ. 

The next class will be the class of World Religions, and Paul will be teaching this Class. We hope that the students will enjoy it as they do to all other classes. we're pleased to teach generals who will conquer the world for Christ, and by faith, it will be done.

We thank you for your every support materially and spiritually. God bless you as you keep the Lord's work here in prayers.

Thank you.

Yours in Christ

Francis and Paul

Posted on April 10, 2023 .

Souls saved in Nairobi


We great you all in the mighty name of God, Amen. We give thanks to God for this wonderful opportunity and give thanks for your continual support in the kingdom. BVBI Nairobi continues to be a part time school with total of 9 students. 

We are so thankful for the work that’s going on in the villages surrounding the school and within Nairobi by students and faculty who take part in monthly evangelism work and help in doing rotational preaching in this congregations. There has been also internal mission work seminars done by both students and faculty.  We are in our 2nd year 3rd quarter just concluded with Old Testament Minor Prophets.

 The School has just closed for the holidays and we will resume on 7th Jan 2023 God willing We also appreciate for the E-LIBRARY that’s making work easier for the trainers and students too, it has been a great tool to the entire institution.


As we are commanded in the book of mark 16:15-16 to GO in the world, there has been a total of 43 baptisms that resulted to the birth of two congregations, 7 restored souls and 1 restored congregation 

✓ Kimunye church of Christ   [new]

✓ Thika church of Christ     [new]             

✓Brookside church of Christ [restored]


We request for prayers to our students, faculty and all Christians during this period and especially when schools are yet to be opened on January. We also request prayers for evangelism work and ability to send brothers/students to help ministering to this newly started congregations to grow in numbers and spiritually. 


We thank you very much for your physical and financial support in enabling BVBI [NSOP] achieve what’s written in 2Tim 2:2 

Kennedy Munubi Kenne

Samson Omutele 

Posted on January 8, 2023 .