New students in Kisumu, Kenya show great promise

This is to inform the brethren that we,  at the Kenya School of Preaching, have on this day of November 29th, 2024, taken a break for December holiday. This is the first recess of the first quarter in the first year of the 7th class of 2024-2026. We have enjoyed teaching new, fresh students who have shown a great zeal in their studies with no sign of boredom in class. We had not yet sent them out to local congregations for evangelism, except for few who had been invited to attend and help in gospel meetings in sister congregations. They also helped with the worship services at Tieng're, a congregation near the school. 

We waited for them to go through the first courses, especially that of The One True Church and Personal Evangelism. These courses helped them: correct unbiblical views some had towards the new birth and evangelism, see the need for evangelism, and motivated to do it individually. Six of them had been baptized, having realized that what they did before was not the biblical way of receiving salvation in Christ. They are now somehow, to some extent, equipped to begin and advance evangelism in their home congregations during this holiday. 

Thanks to our able instructors Charles, Nixon and Phabian, for their tireless efforts to instil spiritual knowledge into these yearning souls! Thanks to everyone who is concerned and attatched, in one way or another, to the great Lord's work going on at KSOP.

May each be blessed and secured abundantly during this December holiday as we look forward to resuming classes as from January 13th, 2025, with American instructors. Pray for God's will to happen!

Your brother,

 Elias Omollo.

Posted on December 16, 2024 .