Holiday Evangelistic Work in Kenya

Dear brethren,

Know all men that we at KSOP have resumed classes as of April 8th 2024, this being the first week of our second last quarter towards graduation of the sixth class students.

We have got very serious students- for they have all reported at the right time, including David Mibei who had lately lost his biological mother and had done the burial just a few days before the school resumed. GOD willing, all the current students will go all the way to graduation day- that is on August 24th, 2024.

It is with pleasure that I share with brethren the good work the students did in their home congregations during the March holiday: 

They had served 25 congregations, helping with evangelism, edifying the saved and doing restorations. They had joined hands in gospel meetings and seminars.

They had baptized 22 souls into Christ. 25 souls had been restored as a result of their work and 2 local congregations back to sound doctrine. 

In this quarter, we have 4 African instructors: Charles, David, Phabian and Elias.

Regular courses we teach are:

Greek III, Denominational doctrines, 1&2 Timothy and Titus, Minor Prophets I and II.

Short courses are: The Scheme of Redemption and the Book of Revelation.

We love the work going on at  KSOP and pray for its continuity. We appreciate, pray for, and encourage those who are supporting this work, reminding them that it will not be in vain 1 Cor. 15:58. As Dr. Rowand used to say, and I quote, " Only eternity will reveal the quality of the work done at KSOP".. for the betterment of the church in Africa.

May the Lord bless abundantly all you who endeavor to see yo it that the work at KSOP remains intact.

HIS servant and yours,  

Elias Omollo.

Posted on May 12, 2024 .