Mombasa school finishing strong

Dear Brethren,

Praise the Lord! We hope that this report finds you all fine in the Lord. We are all fine here, and the school is going on as scheduled each Saturday. 

We have come to the of our second quarter this year, having satisfactorily completed the lessons that had been scheduled for the quarter. We're now venturing into the 3rd Quarter of this year, being our fourth year. 

We thank God for guiding us throughout the last quarter. the lessons taught were Congregational Development (Church Growth), Advanced Hermeneutics and Personal evangelism.

Moreover, the students have been doing personal evangelism and therefore each is engaged with a prospect and is involved in follow ups. 

the Third quarter will begin on 6th July 2024. The next lesson to start off the quarter will be The New Testament Church. We believe the Students will enjoy the lessons as all the others. 

We plan to have our graduation in the first week of December, though we have not yet settled on a date since we want to engage the students on the date that they will all be available. We thought this is wise sincemost students do travel upcountry for the holidays, yet we had earlier selected December 7th. 

Currently we've begun contacting churches for next year's January intake. We pray that God may guide the churches to provide us with good students and in this, we request your prayers. 

Thank you for all your support for the school and prayers. 


Yours in Christ,

Paul and Francis. 

Posted on July 8, 2024 .