Posts tagged #Gweru

Gweru welcomes new students



The Institute continued its mission, that is, to equip and empower future Christian leaders through academic excellence, spiritual formation, and practical ministry experience. This monthly report provides a summary of key activities and achievements during the month. Enjoy the highlights!

1. Student Progress

We are looking closely at the progress of the new students. Most of the students have demonstrated significant improvement in their preaching skills, biblical knowledge and spiritual growth. We ask for prayers for continued guidance for our students as they navigate complex Biblical and ministerial issues as they grow in their faith and preaching.

2. Guest Lecturer

We are delighted to share with you the impact of our recent guest lecturer, Lovemore Manyanhaire who taught on Personal Evangelism for a week. Lovemore is an experienced preacher with more than 15 years in the preaching ministry. He is a passionate and successful preacher with a proven record of teaching, church planting and growing churches.

The sessions were insightful, engaging, and inspiring, leaving a lasting impression on our students. He established a solid biblical foundation for personal evangelism, emphasizing the Great Commission and the importance of sharing the Gospel. The sessions offered practical guidance on how to engage in personal evangelism, including strategies for initiating conversations, building relationships, and sharing testimonies. The students were fully engaged throughout the sessions, participating in discussions, asking thoughtful questions, and sharing their experiences after practical field work. The teaching also contributed to the students' spiritual growth, deepening their understanding of God's Word and its application in everyday life.

3. Welcome Ceremony

Celebrating the arrival of new students, a welcome ceremony was organized that was attended by all students, faculty members, and the guest speaker. We hosted a renowned guest speaker Lovemore Manyanhaire, who shared his expertise and his insights on various aspects of preaching and ministry.

In his speech, he encouraged students to pursue their calling with passion and purpose. He also emphasized that the role of a preacher is not just to convey information but to inspire transformation, as he said “You are called to be the light in the darkness, the hope in the midst of despair, and the voice of truth in a world that desperately needs to hear it.” New students also appreciated the warm welcome and sense of community. A braai party with delicious food and refreshments helped students connect and relax.

4. Ministry Outreach

Our student preachers on attachment have been sharing the Gospel with passion and dedication, and we are thrilled to report that several individuals have responded to the message and been baptized. A total number of 12 souls were baptized in June.

These new believers are a testament to the power of God's Word and the impact of faithful witness. We celebrate this answered prayer and the fruit of our student preachers' labor. Please join us in rejoicing and praying for these new believers as they begin their journey with Christ. May God continue to guide and grow them in their faith.

5. Empowering Young Leaders

The school recently conducted a youth leadership-training program aimed at equipping young individuals with biblical principles, leadership skills, and fostering spiritual growth and character development. In attendance also were the National Youth Committee and their advisors.The program was held on the 1st of June at the school campus. Key highlights of the program include interactive sessions on leadership, communication, and teamwork; mentor-ship sessions with experienced leaders and group discussions. The youth leadership training program was a resounding success, empowering young leaders to make a positive impact in their churches and communities. We look forward to continuing this important work in the future.

6. Sustainable Agriculture Workshop in Prison

From the 18th to 19th of June, a sustainable agriculture workshop was held at Whawha prison. The prison houses around 1700 inmates. The training was done by brother John Dube of Healing Hands International as part and parcel of the school’s efforts to reach out to everyone.

The workshop came with several lessons ranging from compost making, use of drip system, preparation of beds, planting, disease control, and marketing of crops among many other notables.35 inmates and 15 officers were trained. BVBIZ students have an opportunity to visit the prison and encourage inmates as part and parcel of their training. Great appreciation to Healing Hands International for partnering the school in this endeavor.

7. Graduation Ceremony

On 29 June, the staff members had the privilege of attending the 59th graduation ceremony of 7 student preachers at Mutare School of Preaching. It was a momentous occasion, filled with joy and inspiration. The graduates demonstrated remarkable growth, passion, and dedication to their calling. We celebrate their achievement and the positive impact they will have on their communities and the world. May God continue to guide and bless them on their journey.


Bear Valley remains dedicated to its mission of training and equipping students to effectively proclaim the Gospel and serve in various ministry contexts. With the support of faculty, staff, students, and partners, the school continues to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities. Thank you for your unwavering support, prayers, and encouragement. Your partnership is crucial to our mission.

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Eleven baptisms in Zimbabwe

                                                                                MAY 2024 NARRATIVE REPORT


Activities picked up in May with the arrival of a new class. They shall be with the school for the next 3 years. The 2022-2024 class is currently in the field doing its practicum which has seen 11 souls getting baptized whilst the long awaited classroom and office block had some notable progress made to it. This report shall highlight these issues and others that transpired in the month of May.


The 2024-2026 class arrived on campus on the 13th of May 2024. The number of applications were more but the 14 that were accepted made it to school. The following are the names of the students and their places of origin;

Name                                           Congregation/Place of origin              Province

Gunnet Chitsiku                               Maruru                                            Manicaland

Tafadzwa Matanhike                       Kwekwe                                          Midlands

Blessing Gonye                                Maruru                                            Manicaland

Ndoro   (bro. & sis.)                         Igava                                               Mashonaland East

Bonwell Masango                             Maware                                          Mashonaland East

Shelton Mandongwe                         Maware                                          Mashonaland East

Diner Sumali Hosam                        Mupudzi                                         Manicaland

Makanaka Mekeresi                          Dangamvura                                  Manicaland

Davis Nyirongo                                 Glendale                                        Mashonaland Central

Dzingai Mugova Jnr                          Triangle                                         Masvingo

Chigodora (bro. & sis.)                     Chiware (Rusape)                          Manicaland

Benny Biriati Jnr                               Mutorashanga                                Mashonaland Central

Tobias Mabika Mureyatu                  Mutungagore                                 Manicaland


This class is made up of 15 students (13 males and two females). One student, Benny Biriati Jr. listed above, shall join the class in January next year. He has already completed two terms with us and will be coming to continue with his studies.

The following are the subjects that are being done this term; Old Testament Law, How We Got the Bible, Christian Evidences, English and Writing Skills, Scheme of Redemption, Personal Evangelism 1, Public Speaking, Life of Christ 1, New Testament Church (SC) and Horticulture (SC).                                                                    


The foundation to the classroom and office block was completed on the 31st of May. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for providing part of the funding. The members of the churches in Zimbabwe who contributed funds during the school’s fundraising effort in 2022, thank you. This united effort has ensured the completion of the foundation. The next stage is the construction of the superstructure then the roof.


The 2022-2024 class in currently in the field carrying its final practicum before its graduation in October. To date 11 souls have been converted and one restoration made. The following are the results that came in from the field.

BVBIZ wishes to thank all congregations and preachers who are hosting this students through the provision of food, accommodation and the necessary experience. This program shall continue until the 14th of October. The following pictures are a summary of what took place in May in the field; The effort at Mt Darwin in Mashonaland central has the sole goal of establishing a congregation in the town. A few are coming for worship services and we request your prayers towards this effort.


We were blessed to have Keith Kasarjian, the BVBII director of International schools on the 28th and 29th of May. The purpose was to appraise himself on current developments together with exploring some possibilities for BVBIZ in Zimbabwe. Besides the meetings held, he visited Nhowe Mission for the first time where he met the superintendent, the church leadership, some of the BVBIZ students and departmental heads besides touring the institution. BVBIZ remain grateful for such a visit.


The school received another consignment of library books and tracts from Mission Printing in the United States. The books arrived the Eastern border town of Mutare in a container. Brothers Mutichu and Muchingami went there to receive the consignment. The container other material for other organizations as well. A few of the boxes are already in Gweru with the majority still holed up in Mutare due to transport challenges. Great appreciation goes to both our regional director for facilitating this development and Mission Printing for answering our request. Sakubva Relief Organization is well appreciated as well for facilitating the entry of the container into Zimbabwe.


We praise God for what we were able to achieve in May. Thank you for your financial, material and the moral support we are receiving. Souls continue to be saved, men and women continue to be trained and so much more. To God be the glory!

Posted on June 10, 2024 .

Classes continue in Gweru, Zimbabwe



We always give glory and honour to God who gives us the ability and zeal to advance the cause of His kingdom. We are always grateful when we look back in the month and see the hand of God in a number of areas. To Him, we remain grateful. This report gives a glimpse to some of the issues that transpired in the month in academics, infrastructure and projects. Please find these, hereunder;


Field program shall commence on the 1st of May in various areas. The majority of the students arrived at their stations on the 30th of April. The program shall run until the 14th of October. This is in addition to the various practicums that the students underwent prior to this current one culminating into a one full year of practicum. Each camp has a supervisor supervising it. The distribution of students is as follows;

Congregation                                                            Students

Choto, Gokwe South                                     Lewis and Ruvarashe Chibiku

Mutora (Nembudziya)-Gokwe North             Munyaradzi Muzoma and Zivanai Mubi

Nhakiwa & Chemapango-Murewa                Milton Ruredzo and Dzingai Mugova

Borrowdale-Harare                                          Deron Kuwaza and Zivanai Mubi

Mt. Darwin-Mash Central                               Chris Marunga and Munyaradzi Muzoma

Mazambara –Masvingo                                 Hosea Mushaiwa

Checheche-Manicaland                                  Deron Kuwaza

Nerutanga-Buhera                                         Perspective Zindoga

Ngangu-Chimanimani                                      Mactivish Magadaire


The next report shall detail activities that would have transpired during the first month of the practicum.


Parallel classes proceeded well in April at Nhowe and Gweru respectively. The following subjects were done at Nhowe; Sign Language, Life of Christ, Scheme of Redemption and Personal Work. The following were done at Gweru; Church Growth, Advanced Homiletics, Greek, Church Leadership and Pastoral Epistles. Some of these are still ongoing.


In April, the school planted about 900 cabbages and 300 butternuts. The maize crop planted at the end of March is doing well. These projects remain critical in the provision of life survival skills to students including better nutrition and an extra dollar to the school.


The anticipated foundation to the classroom block began to be worked on the 10th of April using the available funds. To date, the following have been done; setting out, trenching, clearance of vegetation, footing and construction of the box. A further $29 000 is needed to complete the structure beyond this foundation level. Any assistance is highly welcome.


We thank God for the development we keep witnessing at BVBIZ, both within the students and infrastructural development. Such a progress would not have been possible without the sacrifices you have been making towards the school. We remain grateful for your spiritual, moral, material and financial support. To God be the glory!

Posted on May 10, 2024 .

Coordinator visits Gweru, Zimbabwe



The month of March was filled with activities, both in and outside the class. Lessons were done successfully whilst development was registered on the infrastructure side of things as well. The school also had an exchange program that took place March. Besides these, this month we give an update with regard to the upcoming May 2024 intake, parallel classes and upcoming field practice.  

1.0     2024: A DROUGHT YEAR

Crops have generally failed in the country due to the El Nino phenomenon. The president declared the 2023/2024 cropping season a national disaster. BVBIZ is not spared either due to the erratic rains. For the past four years, the school has been self sufficient in terms of maize (the staple food) and beans. It is going to be a different scenario from the month of April until the end of the year. The maize that the school had planted failed as well. This has budgetary implications as the school is now buying buying maize to feed the students. Compared to 2023, food expenses every month have gone up by about 65%.


The school term ended on the 26th of March. The following subjects were done and completed succeffuly during the term; Theology of Missions, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Revelation, Church Administration and Governance, Preacher’s Life and Work, Strategic Management for Churches, Bible Geography, Teacher Training and Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics. Examinations were written successfully during their last week of studies. Great appreciation goes to both teachers and students for making the academic sessions a success.


Classes from the parallel program proceeded well as well. The Harare class did Church leadership and Advance Homiletics (still ongoing) in March whilst the Nhowe class did New Testament Church and Personal Work (still ongoing). Both classes shall do the block classes in April. The following classes will be taught in Gweru; Advanced Homiletics, Church Leadership, Greek studies and Pastoral Epistles The following subjects will be done at Nhowe; Sign Language, Life of Christ, Scheme of Redemption and Christian Evidences. Some of the subjects will be carried over into the next session.


In March, BVBIZ was blessed to have Donnie Estep visiting. Donnie is the  BVBIZ regional director for Southern Africa. He arrived on the second of March and departed on the 9th for BVBI-Lesotho. During his stay, he taught the book of Revelation. We always cherish his visits.

Another visiting teacher who came was Panganai Toperesu. He taught a short course; Community Development and Poverty Alleviation from the 14th to the 15th of March. The subsequent week saw brother Nkosilathi Mpofu visiting as well. He taught Theology of Missions. We remain grateful to all these sacrifices that the visiting teachers make.


From the 15th to the 16th of March, Africa School of Bible Missions’ (ASBM) teachers and students visited BVBIZ for an exchange program. This was a first of its kind for the two schools. ASBM is based in Bulawayo. The visit was characterized by fellowship, games, chapels and Bible quiz. Ndebele lessons were done as well. It was refreshing to both students and teachers.



Floor tiles, ceiling and a solar system were successfully fixed at the teachers’ house. The available funds could not permit painting to be done as the other three developments costed a bit more than anticipated. Painting, therefore, remains outstanding. On a different note, the fencing of slightly above half of the school premises was successfully completed in the month. This covered a distance of about 970 metres (500m being diamond fence and 470, game/field fence).  This fence has enhanced the much needed security on the premises.


The construction of the much anticipated foundation to the classroom block with offices has taken long than expected.  This is due to the delays by the Vungu Rural District Council in approving the plan. Its health department had noted a few changes that needed to be made in terms of its layout. This has since been done and we continue to wait for its approval.


Having completed their classes, 2022-2024 intake is now commencing its final field practicum. The field practice ends on the 13th of October whereupon students will come back for their graduation. The first round of practicum took place in 2023, over and above holiday preaching, weekend preaching and the famous one week campaigns which take place every term. 

Munyaradzi Muzoma shall move from Mt Darwin to Nembudziya during the second half of the program whilst Chris Marunga remains at Mt Darwin. Borrowdale shall benefit from the program during the first half of the practicum wherein the students will then move to other areas specified on the list. It is anticipated that a new congregation at Mutora Growth point in Nembudziya will be established. The whole district (Gokwe North) has only two congregations and if the Mutora call succeeds, the congregations will become three.  Munyaradzi Muzoma and Chris Marunga also have a task of establishing a new congregation at Mt. Darwin. We request for your prayers towards these efforts.

8.0 MAY 2024 INTAKE

To date 15 students (13 males and 2 females) have been accepted for the May 2024 intake.


As reported above, classes progressed well in March, an exchange program took place, and the fence was fixed successfully with the recruitment of students for the May 2024 intake now at an advanced stage. Despite the challenge of drought in the country, God continues to see us through every month. To him be glory and honour, forever and ever, Amen! We continue to appreciate all our partners far and wide for standing with BVBIZ in one way or another. You financial, moral and material support continue to enable the teaching and moulding of preachers to proceed. May God bless you all!

Posted on April 8, 2024 .

Nearing another graduation in Zimbabwe



February was a very busy month at BVBIZ. Since this February was the second from the last month before the 2022-2024 class goes for their final attachment, serious effort was put in classes. Parallel classes proceeded on as well. Progress was also registered on the projects and infrastructure side of things. These and more are reported hereunder.


By the ending of February, several subjects were done and completed. These include; Preacher’s life and work, Church administration and governance, Strategic Management for churches, Teacher training, Bible Geography and Christian Evaluation of contemporary ethics. A few others are still ongoing. Great appreciation goes to both teachers and students for the efforts they put in to ensure the smooth flow of classes. Weekend evangelism continued as well. Some of the congregation that benefited in February include Lot 64, Choto in Gokwe, Shurugwi, Nashville, Kwekwe and Plasworth.


The 2021 class has progressed well in terms of its classes.  Their practicum has also continued in various areas. The October 2023 class has continued on the same path as well. This last class has two batches. The first class is done at Dzivarasekwa in Harare whilst another one is at Nhowe Mission in Macheke. The Nhowe class delayed to start but had its first class in February 2024. Twelve students are expected to make up the class. More details to follow in the subsequent reports.


The women’s fellowship in Harare had been facing a few challenges in their fellowship. Some of these are doctrinal with others having to do with their roles in church. They came up with their program and requested BVBIZ to send some teachers to help them teach and clarify issues. Though this is not at BVBIZ program, the school was willing to assist. Lovemore Manyanhaire, was the first teacher. The venue for the classes is Highfields Church of Christ and classes are done one Saturday per month for 12 months.


The 24th of February was a BVBIZ ambassador’s’ day. Of the 10 ambassadors. 6 succeeded in coming to the school with some arriving on the 23rd whilst others arrived early morning on the 24th for their day. Those who came include brothers Nqobani Ndlovu, Tawanda Chimedza, George Muhura, Lovemore Manyanhaire, Tinashe Mazhambe and Ovious Kufa. The team interacted with management and several discussions took place to shape this important office. The school always appreciates this team for working closely with the school in various areas.                                                   


Projects remain an integral part in the training of preachers. They give the school an opportunity to provide hands on experience to them besides the theory they learn in class. They also enable the school to provide better nutrition to the students including giving an extra dollar to the school when sales are made. In the month of February, sales were realized in cabbages, eggs, tomatoes, okra, covo, maize and green paper.      


There was movement in the area of infrastructure in February. Great appreciation to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for providing money towards some specific needy areas. These areas are reported below;


The teacher’s house had remained incomplete for a few years. Outstanding issues included the floors, solar system, ceiling and painting. The solar system was the one that was installed first. It has 8 solar panels, a 5KVA inverter and lithium battery. The ceiling was next then followed by the floor tiles. Painting could not be done as the first three developments took more funds than anticipated.


Preparations to lay the foundation of the much anticipated classroom block are at an advanced stage. We are currently waiting for the approval of the plan. Work should commence in March. Most of the material needed for the foundation have been acquired and a builder identified.                                         


The school site had remained open since 2018 when we got the land. A great need to protect the investments being made was there for all to see. Both people and animals would walk freely inside the property. Cattle in particular would cause havoc on our grounds and projects. This is becoming a thing of the past as half of the land is being fenced. 500m shall be covered with a diamond fence whilst 470m shall be covered using game/field fence.


Through the assistance from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ, the school was able to acquire 20 quality mattresses. The ones that were in use had been with us since the inception of the school in 2016 and were slowly becoming unusable. Challenges were also being seen whenever numbers increase. This will now be a thing of the past as 20 single mattresses have been acquired.

9.0 MAY 2024 INTAKE

Recruitment for the May 2024 intake is still in progress. From the interviews done, 11 prospective students have been accepted. Four more slots remain.


Having looked at what BVBIZ could do in the month of February, we conclude by expressing our gratitude to everyone who made this possible. Your financial, moral and spiritual support is greatly appreciated. May God bless you all!

Posted on March 11, 2024 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe students continue evangelism



The major goal of BVBIZ is to produce highly qualified, equipped and competent servants of God who will be able to transform communities. This is not a one day job. It takes a lot of effort and sacrifices from both students, teachers and all stakeholders. In the month of January, the school continued to put more building blocks towards achieving this goal. These are seen through the various programs, practicums and subjects being undertaken. Please find these below;


The new term began on the 7th of January successfully. All students returned to school on the day of resumption. The following subjects have already been taught; Bible Geography, Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics and Strategic Management for Churches. The following are still ongoing; The Preachers’ Life and Work, Theology of Missions, Church Administration and Governance, Revelation and Community Development and Poverty Alleviation. Seminars on New Life Behaviour and Chaplaincy shall take place.


BVBIZ introduced a one-month Youth Transit program meant to prepare youths for college, university and adult life by instilling biblical principles in them. It is borne out of the fact that the church is losing youths when they go into tertiary institutions and as they start adult life. BVBIZ sought to stand in the gap and drill the youths toward Christian fortitude and faithfulness. The target was of youths who were waiting for their ordinary and advanced level results. The curriculum was based on the following pillars; spirituality, morality and physical development. This program ran from the 5th of January and is set to finish on the 3rd of February. Five youths went through the entire program. This pilot program was a success and is set to return in January 2025.


As part and parcel of preparing young people for university and adult life, a drug and substance abuse seminar took place on the 27th of January 2024. The seminar was opened to other youths as well. BVBIZ students and teachers were also in attendance. The facilitators were Lavert and Mirriam Zungunde. The model of emphasis was the How To Stay Sober Model. It was a seminar of its own kind and the benefits were there for all to see.


As per the norm, weekend evangelism started in earnest. Congregations that benefited the most in January includes Shurugwi, Kwekwe, Lot 64, Plasworth and Choto in Gokwe. The school remains grateful to congregations that host our students through the provision of food and accommodation.



The school has several crops in its garden and field which includes cabbages, maize, beans, green paper, tomatoes, butternuts, cucumbers, okra, spinach and covo. Towards the end of the month, new sales were recorded for green mealies, green paper and cabbages. More sales are expected in February. These efforts have also improved nutrition for students as well.


Mayfair Church of Christ, through Healing Hands International, drilled a borehole in the Plasworth area to enhance its World Bible School Efforts. The place is about four and half kilometers from the school. BVBIZ shall be making use of the land where the borehole was drilled. The land has better soils as well. The permanent site where the school is too rocky and a bit small. Previously the school would make use of other fields belonging to community members who would avail such land to the school but in small portions. The borehole was officially handed over on the 27th of January with Brother Lavert Zungunde, one of the school’s board members, being the guest speaker. The school is now targeting to plant maize and beans on the land during the next rain season. However, if the school is able to get a drip system and a fence, crops can be planted anytime.


We conclude this month’s report with the words of Paul,Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Phil. 4.8). To God be the glory!

Posted on February 10, 2024 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school celebrates successful year



2023 has come to an end. We, therefore, use this report to appreciate everyone who has made it possible for BVBIZ to reach this far. A few activities that took place in the month will be highlighted. We shall also give summaries of what transpired in 2023 and some expectations for the coming term.


Most of our students were very active in congregations during their December break. Seven of our students chose to forego their holiday and got involved in work. Great appreciation goes to the congregations and preachers who hosted them. During the December break, 29 were baptized and souls were strengthened.


Every school break presents an opportunity for students who are on the parallel program (part time) to come to Gweru for their classes, besides the weekend classes in Harare. Subjects that were done include; Marriage and Family development, Christian Spiritual Formation, Church History, Greek, Major Prophets and homiletics and 1-3 John.


Practicum at BVBIZ is done in the following manner;

1.      Weekend Evangelism (Saturday and Sunday)

2.      One week Campaigns (at least 2 per each term). The school (both students and teachers) is joined in this effort by at least an average of four experienced preachers from Midlands province.

3.      Holiday Preaching (for students who volunteer themselves to forego their break.

4.      Field program (attachment in a particular congregation for 12 weeks after 4 terms and 6 months after 6 terms).

The following is a summary of what transpired in the field in 2023

Total hours                                          2300

Counselling sessions                           55

Bible classes taught                            310

Total prospects                                    1620

Church Sermons                                 320

Restorations                                        31

Baptisms                                             251

New congregations established          4


BVBIZ is making itself known to the people through a number of strategies and programs. In December, much effort was put in advertising the school at the National Youth Lectureship held in Masvingo and the National Men’s lectureship at Nhowe Mission. These occasions saw the school getting some slots to speak about its activities and  recruitment of students. There was distribution of the school’s brochures and selling of regalia (caps and T-shirts).


The following is the tentative calendar for 2024


7/1/2024                      Students arrive

06-14/01/24                 Chinhoyi campaign

06-14/01/24                 New life behaviour seminars-S.Shereni

8/2/2024                      Ambassadors day

12/4/2024                    Term Ends

1/5/2024                      Field program commences


15/05/24                      Students arrival

16/05/24                      Orientation

17/05/24                      Classes begin

21-28/07/24                 Evangelism campaign

9/8/2024                      Classes end



9/9/2024                       Lessons Commence

18/10/224                    AGM

19/10/24                      Graduation

28-31/10/24-3/11/24    Evangelism campaign

8/11/2024                    2025 Planning Session

6/12/2024                    Term Ends



The following subjects are going to be taught; Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics, Revelation, Geography of the Bible, Preacher’s Life and Work, Church Administration and Governance, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Theology of Missions and Phenomenology of Religion. There shall be a seminar on New Life Behaviour and another on Chaplaincy Studies. There shall be a week long campaign in Chinhoyi. The term will start on the 7th of January and ends on 12th of April.


BVBIZ would like to thank many, far and wide, who made contributions to the school. Contributions came both in kind and money. Some provided lessons and materials to use in the learning process. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks church of Christ, our main sponsors. Appreciation also goes to Bear Valley Bible Institute International,  Healing Hands International, Partners for Africa, Zimbabwe Missions, Forestry Commission, Pact Missionaries, World Evangelism among other organizations. The following individuals played a huge role as well; Chirenda family, Manyati family, Mpofu family (K & N), Sande family, Itai Mazambani, Stephen Mazambani, David Walker, Violet Mazambani, Tinashe Moyana, Mlangeni family, Dururu family, Ovious Kufa, Petros Kufa,  Gedion Madyira, Masvaya family, Mudhlozera family, Daniel Chikware, Godknows Madamombe, Joshua Kumunda, Gray Ndoro, James Abraham, Maxwell Chitendeni, Zvishavane Church of Christ, Gokwe Centre church of Christ, Nashville Church of Christ, Buhera Church of Christ, and several others not mentioned by name.

Great appreciation goes to the school Board who continue to provide oversight over the school’s activities and operations. Teachers (both full time and part time), who taught in 2023 including our  ancillary staff and the ambassadors are greatly appreciated as well including students who put in their best to make the year 2023 a success.


As we look back into the past year, we give all glory and honour to God for taking us this far. The progress made with the curriculum, in evangelism, to donations, and projects all show God’s guidance in this endevour. Your support financially, morally or in kind propelled BVBIZ towards the achievement of her goals. This support is enabled the training of preachers for the salvation of many. To God be the glory!

Posted on January 6, 2024 .

Campaign in Zimbabwe results in saved souls



Jesus’ great commission is a focal point at BVBIZ. Since many efforts are taken to equip students for the ministry, the end result is always to efficiently and effectively implement this commission. In brief, BVBIZ exists to fulfil this endeavor. Students, whom we take as Jesus’ foot soldiers continue to be moulded to become useful vessels in the kingdom. BVBIZ continued with this agenda in the month of October. Classes continued, 7 were baptized, 3 seminars took place, Donnie Estep visited the school including several other activities that are reported below.   


Classes continued without any challenge in the month. Great emphasis was placed on the languages, Hebrews, Advanced Hermeneutics, Introduction to computers and Minor Prophets. Great appreciation goes to both the students and respective teachers who put in their best to ensure that the curriculum requirements are being met.


Three seminars took place in the month of October. We greatly appreciate the facilitators who worked tirelessly to get their points home. Their services to the school are highly acknowledged.


Every preacher needs to have his communication acumen up to date and to the expected standard. To this end, BVBIZ invited brother Joshua Kumunda, a journalist, to help both the students and faculty in this area. More effort were put towards report writing. This was an eye opener which has enabled those who can learn to improve on their communication and report writing skills.


The school seeks to develop well rounded products and goes at length to ensure that this fundamental is achieved. Besides its emphasis on sign language, BVBIZ has introduced another component, Theology of Disability. On the 5th of October, Method Moyo, one of our 2022 graduate came to teach the school on this. He presently works at Cure Zimbabwe-a hospital for disabled children in Bulawayo. All attendees were left at another level.


BVBIZ is guided in its operations by a strategic plan (2022-2024). One of the strategic objectives in terms of human capital development is “Capacitated, qualified, resilient, visionary, motivated and quality oriented staff who meet the core functions adequately.” To improve on our administrative processes, in consultation with the Human Resources Committee within the Board, the school has engaged the services of brother Maxwell Chitendeni, an administration expert, to help staff members and the school in general to have a robust administrative system. 


One of the strategic goals of the school is a drive towards sustainability. This takes time. The strategic objective is anchored on strong strategic networks and viable project base. In terms of projects, much has been done on poultry and horticulture. These projects enable the school to get an extra dollar whilst at the same time provide hands on experience to students besides the theory they learn in class. This month we can report on the following;


During the last two weeks of October, the school planted more tomatoes in one of the gardens, a bit of maize, cabbages, lettuce and green paper. This is besides some of the crops already in the garden such as onions, bit root, cucumbers and butternuts.


Harvesting of tomatoes in the greenhouse picked up in the month. The market for tomatoes has not been a challenge. In some occasions, the school has failed to satisfy the market.


BVBIZ takes seriously the practicum component. Besides weekend evangelism, holiday preaching and field program, one week campaigns have now become a regular on the school calendar every term. From the 15th-22nd of October, BVBIZ camped at Kwekwe as we joined hands with a number of experienced preachers to spread the gospel in the area. Such preachers included James Abraham, Gedion Madyira, Ovius Kufa, Tinashe Moyana, Michael Kasimu, Moses Maulani, Partmore Simbi and Tinashe Mazhambe. Some of these have become a regular wherever the school camps. We wish to thank the Kwekwe congregation for providing accommodation and food during this evangelism week. Seven were baptized during the week. We always cherish such partnerships.


BVBIZ celebrates with one of our instructors Ishmael Mutichu upon his graduation on the 20th of October. He graduated with a Masters in Religious Studies. The school wishes him well in his future educational pursuit and career.


Donnie Estep was with the school from the 22nd to the 27st of the month teaching the book of Hebrews. His visits are always a blessing to the school. Students performed very well in his class and the teacher was satisfied as well.


On the 14th of October, the school held its first official general meeting. These meetings shall be held every year beyond 2023. The director, board chairperson, board treasurer and the legal team gave their reports. The treasurer gave the 2022 audited financial reports in the process.  Though attendance was low, the school anticipates these meetings to grow in terms of participation and relevance. Great appreciation to the Board, management and all stakeholders who attended for making this a success.


We thank God for what he has been able to do through BVBIZ in October. This would not have been possible without encouragements we keep receiving from you. Our appreciation continues to go to our sponsors for their unwavering support and to many others for their moral, financial, material and spiritual support. To God be the glory!

Posted on November 29, 2023 .

Well-Rounded education in Gweru, Zimbabwe



God’s favor continues to be seen with the passing of each month at BVBIZ.. September had her share of these. Space may not permit to detail all. This report is a summary of what transpired in September including evangelism (with 34 baptisms and 19 restorations, beginning of a new term, projects, exchange programs, resumption of a new term among some other developments. These and more are reported below.


All students came back from their field practicum on 24 September to begin a new term. The school began with training in entrepreneurship skills development, Advance Hermeneutics, Greek and Hebrew. The following is the full list of subjects and their teachers;

Hebrew                                                                K.Madira

Advanced Hermeneutics                                     K.Madyira

Greek                                                                   K.Madyira

Hebrews                                                               D.Estep

Phenomenology of Religion                                H.Suwari

Entrepreneurship Skills Development                 S.Chiunga

Biblical Counselling                                            M.Muchingami

Marriage and Family Development                     I.Mutichu/M.Muchingami

Minor Prophets                                                     I.Mutichu

African Traditional Religion                                I.Mutichu

Introduction to Systematic Theology                   I.Mutichu


The following seminars and workshops are scheduled for this term

Tree Nursery Management and bee keeping                              Forestry Commission

Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation                             S.Chiunga

Communication: Report writing and Phone Journalism             J.Kumunda

Theology of Disability                                                                 M.Moyo

Administration (for staff only)                                                     M.Chitendeni

Strategic Management for Churches                                            LT Zungunde

Drug Abuse                                                                                  L.T Zungunde

Preachers and leaders who wish to participate in the seminars above are highly welcome


For the second time, BVBI-Malawi and BVBIZ-Zimbabwe embarked on an exchange program where our full time instructor, Ishmael Mutichu visited the school in Ekwendeni, Malawi from the 16th to the 23rd of September.  He went to teach the Synoptic Gospels for one whole week. Great appreciation to brothers Ephron Mbano and Clergyngton Harawa for hosting Ishmael during his stay. We also thank our Regional Director for making this possible. These programs have been important as ideas are exchanged in the process


The school’s drive to inculcate life survival skills to students continued with training on tree nursery management (including budding and grafting techniques) and bee keeping. Both students and staff attended the training from the 29th to the 30th of September through a partnership with the Forestry Commission. Aside from the training, the school is going to be assisted to set up a nursery for fruit trees. Students were taught how they can begin such projects as income generating projects for their families and communities.



Harvesting of tomatoes in the greenhouse began towards the end of the month. It is projected that more sales will be made in October. More sales were also realized through lettuce and butternuts.


The layers projects picked up in the month of September. The last week saw production of eggs averaging between 80-90%. The project has 250 hens. At 55%, the project is able to break even. Students are exposed to this project as well as part and parcel of their training in life survival skills.


The month of September saw the arrival of 10 mushroom start up kits sourced through the school’s projects manager. Harvesting will begin in October.


The goat head currently stand at 17. Here and there, some are slaughtered to provide meat to students. These goats have been essential as students are able to see and be taught on how they can survive through the project.


The field program ended on the 17th of September. BVBIZ wishes to thank all congregations that hosted the students. These congregations were able to provide food, accommodation and transport costs for the students. This was a great partnership indeed. The practicum for those on the parallel program is still ongoing. There were 19 restorations and 34 conversions The following are comprehensive results of the work that was done since the program began.


The school continue to appreciates many, far and wide, for the donations being made. Donations are welcome both in cash or kind. Such partnerships enable the training and preaching of the word to continue. One time donation are welcome as well. This month we would like to thank brother Hezelton and Kudzi Chirenda for their consistent support of $100, Katie and Nkosi Mpofu for their regular $500 and brother Manyati’s $100. May God bless these families.


We thank God for what He has been able to do for His work through the school in September. We look back and see God’s guidance. Furthermore, this would not have been possible without your financial, moral and spiritual support.To the partners and sponsors, may God continue to bless you.  We always look to the future with hope that indeed, through these efforts, the gates of hades will not prevail against the church (Mt 16.18).  To God be the glory!

Posted on October 7, 2023 .

Souls saved in Zimbabwe



Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” BVBIZ is part of the answer to this commission. The school exists to equip and mould labourers for this daunting task. The focus is the field. As a result, this report shall concert itself more on what is transpiring in the field as all students are in the field doing their practicum.


The first few days of July were dedicated to the writing of examinations. These were done successfully. Examinations then gave way to this year’s field practicum. In this report, we focus on the campaign done and the field program proper.


Field practicum for the full time students began on the 18th of July.  It appears students have slowly fitted well in their various locations. We continue to thank the churches that are hosting the students. The following are the statistics from what transpired in the field within the first 11 days of the program. All in all students put in 322 hours, 1 restoration and 17 baptisms (including those done at Checheche).


The school (both students and teachers) together with its usual team of brothers Kufa, Madyira (snr), Kasimu and Madamombe. drawn from our usual experienced preachers descended on Checheche from the 10th to the 16th of July. This was a follow up to one of the school’s dedicated graduates, Mugove Mudhlozera and wife who have been key in the progress currently obtaining in the churches in Midlands. The couple is now stationed at Checheche in Manicaland with both working for Greenfuel in Chisumbanje. They recently started a congregation there and invited the school to descent on the area for an evangelism campaign. The first two days were disturbed due to cold weather accompanied by strong winds and showers. More work was actually done between Thursday and Sunday. Besides evangelism done during the day, evening services were conducted were prospects were invited to attend. The congregation at Mambarangwa just close to the growth point also came to attend the Sunday worship service. Great appreciation to the Mudhlozera family and the congregation for taking care of the preachers.  The team left after baptizing 12 souls with many more failing to be baptized due to the cold weather. Two BVBIZ students remained there to continue with their practicum and to make a follow up on the prospects.


BVBIZ continues to push towards viable projects. The dream, though still far, continues to be slowly realized. The maize crop  in the garden did not do well, as we fought running battles with monkeys. On the other hand, the month ended with the planting off cucumbers, onions, lettuce and butternuts.


The tomato crop is doing well. By the end of July, a few flowers could be seen. We anticipate that by mid-August the majority of the tomatoes would have reached the flowering stage. Trellising of the crop is currently in progress. The area surrounding the greenhouse was also fenced in the month of July. Great appreciation goes to Healing Hands for making this possible.


The school added another project in July, rabbits. The project had a false start in 2020 but has now been resuscitated. The main plan for now is to provide more meat and skills to students whilst at the same time looking at the possibility of providing an extra dollar to the school through sales. We have started with one male and 6 females. The structure to house them shall be worked on in early August.


Following the Sustainable Gardens training that was done by Healing Hands International in May, every student, as per requirement, prepared a 30m bed. Final touch ups are now being done on the beds. When funds permit, a drip system will be installed on the beds.


We thank God for the development we keep witnessing in our students. We appreciate the sacrifices congregations have been making for the upkeep of our students as they do their practicum. To you all for you spiritual, moral, material and financial support we remain grateful. To God be the glory!

Posted on September 6, 2023 .

Jerry Bates visits Zimbabwe

               JUNE 2023 NARRATIVE REPORT


The month of June had its highs and lows at BVBIZ and in Zimbabwe in general. Zimbabwean citizens saw sharp increases in prices of basic goods and services. The school was not spared either. However, in the midst of this challenge, classes continued, evangelism took place while the projects side had notable developments. These and more are reported hereunder.


Several subjects have so far been taught and completed. These subjects include; Church Growth, Church leadership, Christian Spiritual Formation, James, Romans, Major Prophets and Advanced Homiletics. Others are still ongoing.


Evangelism remains a critical component at BVBIZ. Each students participates in evangelism as part of training. We can report on the following


Besides field programs, weekend preaching and holiday preaching,  one week campaigns have been on high demand from several congregations in the country. Unfortunately, the school has not been able to satisfy this demand. This year alone, BVBIZ went to Buhera, Gokwe, Chivi, Zvishavane and in July it will be at Chisumbanje. Two congregations were subsequently established at Buhera and at Chivi near Mashava. The BVBIZ team (both students and teachers) joined hands with other experienced preachers who included Brothers Madyira (snr), Kufa, Madamombe, Kasimu and Chauke. Great appreciation to the Zvishavane congregation for providing food to the team. Zvishavane is one of the difficult areas to work in but the seed was sown. 2 souls accepted Christ whilst a great burden was left on the resident preacher, Tinashe Moyana to make follow ups.


Students on the parallel program entered the second month of their practicum. The full time class will start its on the 16th of July. This is an integral part of training at BVBIZ. The next report shall focus more on events that will be transpiring in the field. However, this month we include a report from one of the students in the field. Please find it at the end of this report.


BVBIZ was blessed to have Jerry Bates from the 25th to the 30th of June. He taught the book of James during his stay. Students were left at another level. Students were also blessed by his presence, as he had to share the hostel with them. Through him, BVBIZ has been a major center for the distribution of World Evangelism books to preachers, congregations and prisons in need of them. Students have also been using the books in their practicums. On the 29th of June, Jerry was also privileged to visit Hwahwa prison where he gave an encouraging sermon to the inmates. The prison authorities were excited with the visit as well.


Preparation for a layers project sponsored by Healing Hands International (HHI) moved to another stage in June with the partial completion of the fowl run. The structure 25m x 3.2  The point of lay hens numbering 250, are expected to arrive in August. BVBIZ remains grateful to HHI for this gesture after having sponsored the construction of a greenhouse and purchase of two by 500 litre extra water tanks.


As an organization, certain challenges creep in which directly affects operations. One such example is that of power. The school’s solar system is currently unable to sustain the school. It is currently overwhelmed. It usually goes off between 8pm -10pm depending on the weather conditions during the day. This is heavily affecting students as they usually make use of the evenings to do assignments and general reading. This issue has become an urgent need within the school. To mitigate against this challenge, we are exploring possibilities.


BVBIZ continues to appreciate many, far and wide, who keep on partnering the school one way or another. Your efforts are not and have not been in vain, as graduates continue to be channeled into the society whilst those in school have been transforming communities through the Word. May God to continue to bless you as you continue to partner with the school in its effort to train many people for the cause of Christ. God bless!

Posted on July 10, 2023 .

Sustainability in Zimbabwe



The month of May was a packed one in terms of activities at BVBIZ. Several developments both in classes and outside the classroom were noted. Besides classes that went on well, training of students in life survival skills and development of the school’s projects base took center stage in the month. These and more are reported below;


BVBIZ aims to be a college of excellence that produces holistically empowered, highly qualified and competent servants of God through a robust training and development program relevant to the community we are operating in. To achieve this, the school continues to inculcate life survival skills in students. Training of students in a number of areas have been a regular feature in the school’s curriculum as we continue to prepare them for life after school. Some of these are reported hereunder;



BVBIZ was privileged to have Brother Tatenda Tizora facilitating a workshop on the 1st to the 3rd of May tagged the One Cock Project geared towards the profitable production of free range (road runner projects). The workshop also dedicated time on goat production.  Students, BVBIZ staff and some members of the community attended this workshop. It remains a talk in both the school and community.



From the 15th to the 17th of May, BVBIZ hosted a Sustainable Gardening Workshop facilitated by Healing Hands International. The workshop benefited both the students and the community. The workshop came with several lessons ranging from composite making, use of drip system, preparation of beds, planting, disease control, and marketing of crops among many other notables.



In order to drive the schools goal of having viable and sustainable projects, staff members needed training in Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation. This training successfully took place on the 17th of May and was facilitated by Brother John Dube. Two guest preachers who had attended the sustainable garden workshop were there as well for the program.



Praise Chiruka who was our projects assistant cum administrator left BVBIZ on the 5th of May. She had been with the institution for one complete year. The school appreciates her contributions to the school including fine tuning our projects drive. The school wishes her well in her future endevours.



Healing Hands International took BVBIZ to another level by donating funds towards three areas that are key in the school’s drive towards viable projects.


Greenhouses are an important component in horticulture. The costs of setting them up is usually prohibitive. A greenhouse has been on the school’s wish list for long. BVBIZ is happy to report that HHI chipped in with funds for its construction. The funds were also to cater for trellising poles, trenching, fencing, laying of drip system, seedlings and initial fertilizers and chemicals. The target was for a 20m x 30m greenhouse. Instead of one, after recommendations and consultations, two were eventually put up with each measuring 10m x 33m. Further to this, a tank stand and 2 x 5000 litre water tanks were also installed.  BVBIZ faculty and all stakeholders are grateful to HHI this gesture. As of the 31st of May, the fence, fertilizers and chemicals were outstanding.


The intended layers project sponsored by HHI started taking shape during the last two days of the month with the arrival of 8000 bricks for the construction of a fowl run. The target is to have 250 hens.




BVBIZ is grateful to many brothers and sisters who continue to donate in both cash and kind to ensure the training and development of preachers continue. These donations, despite the size or level continue to make a huge difference in the school’s operations. BVBIZ remains grateful to the Chirenda family who contributed $110 and the Mpofu family (Ngosilathi and Katie) who donated $500. May God bless these two families and all others who have been collaborating the school one way or another.


Individual members of the alumni wing have been wonderful in collaborating the school one way or another. These members took their support to another level when they mobilized resources and bought a 50-inch Samsung Television set, a TV stand and a decoder for students. This huge gap was filled. The present student body is very happy with this development. The faculty wishes to express its profound gratitude to the alumni wing for this great gesture of giving back to their school.



The conventional class shall start its field practicum in July whilst those on the parallel program began on the 1st of May as detailed in the previous report. The following areas/congregations are going to benefit from our July – September 2023 program;

Mufakose – Harare

Kuwadzana –Harare


Paradise Park-Gweru, Midlands




The following subjects are under consideration this term; James, Church Growth, Christian Spiritual Formation, Major Prophets, Church History, Advanced Homiletics, Romans, Greek and Church Leadership. The following intended workshops seminars have already been done; Sustainable gardens workshop, roadrunner (free-range chickens) production, goat production and lastly Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation for staff members.


Each month BVBIZ endevours to trace the whereabouts of one of its graduates. This month, we focus on Simangaliso Jamela (Class of 2021).

Simangaliso Jamela is married to Synodia chinanga and were blessed with one girl. He grew interest in the word of God back while he was still at primary school when a congregation was planted in his home area. Since then the grace of the Lord has seen him through. He enrolled with BVBI in the year 2018. With the grace of God, he graduated with a diploma in Theology in 2021.

He worked briefly with Sipaba church of Christ in Mawabeni, Matebelaland South, under the work of Zimbabwe missions. He then moved to assist with the work at Amazon church of Christ in 2021 until date. This is a growing congregation that is within the premises of Amazon Christian Academy, a church school that was built by Partners for Africa. Apart from being a preacher of the word, he also teach languages at the school.



We thank God for what he has been able to do through and for  BVBIZ in the month of May. Our appreciation continues to go to our sponsors and partners for your unwavering support and to many others for your moral and spiritual support. Your feedback and suggestions are always highly appreciated. May God continue to bless every one of you. To God be the glory!

Posted on June 9, 2023 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school continues to make an impact



The month of April was a busy month at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. Students were on break for just two weeks but activities continued both on and off campus. The school continues to make a difference in both the church and within the student body. These activities are reported hereunder.


The school began its new term on the 24th of April. The following subjects are going to be under consideration; James, Romans, Church Growth, Christian Spiritual Formation, Major Prophets, Greek, Advanced Homiletics, Church Leadership and Church History. To enhance life survival skills on both the following seminars shall take place; Goat production, poultry production, sustainable gardens and Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation. On the practicum side at least two campaigns shall take place.


The school’s part time program is progressing well. This program takes longer than the ordinary full time program. It has 10 students and we can report on the following.  Classes are held during weekends whilst each holiday students camp at Gweru campus.


Students were in Gweru for their April block. The following subjects were under consideration Research Methods, Personal Work, James, Homiletics, Prison Epistles, Galatians, Wisdom literature and  How We Got the Bible. Some of the subjects are still ongoing. The guest teacher was Lovemore Manyanhaire who came to guide students through personal work theory and practical. Students did their presentations and began their practical by going around the Plasworth area spreading the Word.


From 1 May until graduation in late 2024, these students will be undertaking their practicum in different congregations. Reports of their efforts will be included in the subsequent reports. The practicum will run for 18 months minimum. The following is the list of students and their attached areas;

Nhamo Mandebvu                            Whitecliff

Nyevero Muhura                              Kadoma

Fadzai Kufa                                      Nashville

Witness Masarakufa                          Matove

Wilbert Manyati                               Concession

Maxwell Nyahuye                            Bindura

Rigason Nyakayaramba                    Bakasa

Benny Billiat  Snr                             Mutorashanga

Benny Billiat  Jnr                              Mutorashanga

Sharing the News of Bear Valley Bible Institute

The school has been slowly putting in place an advertisement wing, with its participants working on voluntary bases. This wing works alongside the Ambassadors wing to disseminate information and aiding in the school’s recruitment efforts. Their presence was felt at the Southern Africa International Lectureship which took place in Bulawayo between the 7th and 9th of April. Presentations have so far been done in Midlands, Masvingo, Mashonaland West and Makoni district.  


The Midlands Gospel Meeting took place in Gokwe from the 28th -30th of April. Preachers in Midlands had organized that there be an advance team to evangelize and prepare the area for the meeting. The BVBIZ team was there on ground as well. The campaign approach has been an enabler in helping students gain evangelism intelligence. Tapiwa Madamombe and Ovious Kufa, graduates of BVBIZ have consistently been active forces within this team. Batsirai Tengulachepa (2021 graduate) joined the school as well in Gokwe (25-28 April). The effort saw 12 baptisms taking place. The preachers are highly grateful to Brother Gideon Madyira, the preacher at Gokwe and the congregation for taking care of the team and hosting the lectureship. The Gospel Meeting left attendees spiritually fulfilled. The theme was “Content for the faith-Jude 3.” Three students preached whilst some were active one way or another.     


John Reese, the former World Bible School president visited the school on the 12th of April. This was his first ever visit. He had time of meeting with our part time students who were on ground undertaking their studies. The visit ended with him planting an orange tree whilst the students did the same as well. BVBIZ values these visits.


The school continues to trace the whereabouts of our graduates. This month we carry a brief report concerning Tomson and Victoria Mlawuzi (both 2018 graduates of BVBIZ). Please see their story at the end of this report.


As highlighted above, the month of April was a busy one at BVBIZ. Classes were held, evangelism done, sermons preached, visits made among other notables. May God continue to bless every one of you for playing your part in advancing the cause of Jesus. To God be the glory!


I am are proud to share my story starting from 2016 when grace found me. God works wonders starting from the day one when I enrolled at Bear Valley Bible Institute to start my course together with my wife Victoria. The journey was not easy but by God's grace and the support of the BVBIZ staff I am who I am today. I am a father of two and a minister of the gospel working with Hatcliffe church of Christ in Harare North.

After we graduated, God linked us to Kelvin Mhindirira and his wife where Kelvin was preaching at Hatcliff. I worked uner Brother Mhindirira  as the  junior preacher for six months. After that Kelvin moved to Domboshava to start a new work and left us at Hatcliffe. Hatcliffe church of Christ is a small congregation with a membership of 36 adults excluding children.

Besides being a preacher, I work as a translator for World Evangelism publications. My task is to translate the books and tracts into the Shina language.  I saw this need when I was a student at BVBIZ while doing my field attachment in the rural areas of Julena and Gokwe.  I and my wife used to move around with English tracts and books which were donated from well wishers from abroad. During our door-to-door evangelism most of the prospects requested Shona materials for further studies which were easy for their understanding. So after graduation I did not forget the importance of having materials in our native language. Currently I have translated 17 Tracts into PDF and 10 books. My target is to reach all corners of Zimbabwe with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Books translated so far are:

1. The Church of the Bible

2. New Testament Worship

3. The Gospel of Christ

4. Quran Unveiled

 5. Scriptural Organisation of the churches of Christ

6. Why We Believe What We Believe Volume 1 & 2

7. Jesus Christ Internal Sacrifice

8.  Role of Women

9. Spiritual Summarised

10. Questions About Doctrine of Mormon

Posted on May 8, 2023 .

A new congregation in Zimbabwe



Preachers are not trained in a day. Several building blocks are needed and are laid carefully till we get a quality and competent product. At the end of every month, we look back and see how far God would have taken us in this endeavor. It is our joy to report on the building blocks that we laid in the month of March. God’s favour has been upon BVBIZ and to this, we remain grateful as we do our part in the Kingdom. Furthermore, God continues to use several of you to get us this far. Because of your partnership and involvement, progress took place in several fronts as reported hereunder.


As the terms draws to a close on the 5th of April, the following subjects were taught and completed successfully:

Wisdom Literature 1 (Job-Ecclesiastes)

Islamic Studies

1 & 2 Corinthians                         

Denominational Doctrines II

1- 2 Peter, and Jude

Research Methods

1 & 2 Timothy, 1-3 John                                                       

Greek I.

Examinations are currently in progress.  Classes for next term shall resume on the 25th of April.            


The school board of Trustees held its meeting on site on the 11th of March 2023. The proceedings of the day started with a tour of the site in an effort to appraise themselves on the developments currently taking place on site including projects and infrastructure. Great appreciation to these members for their continued oversight of the school including its activities, finance and programs.


In February, BVBIZ assisted in the establishment of the Buhera congregation. Twenty-four (24) were baptized leading to the establishment of the congregation there. From the 13th-18th of March, the BVBIZ team consisting of students, teachers and 3 alumni members, that is, Brothers O.Kufa, Madamombe and Moyana, camped in the Chivi area in Masvingo, about 12km from Mashava in an effort to plant another congregation. Joining the team were Brothers I.Masvaya, D. Mugova and T.Chihanja all from Masvingo. The program consisted of evangelism during the day and then an evening service between 7-8pm.  The effort saw 23 souls being baptized during that week and a congregation subsequently established. This brings the total baptized within two months to 47 leading to the establishment of two new congregations. These two congregations brings to 14 congregations that the school has established since its establishment in 2016 with over 1300 conversions made.


The school encountered a problem down pump to its borehole. This had began to affect the new crops in the garden. However, great appreciation to brother Hailey Mlangeni of Partners for Africa for quickly chipping in by providing funds to acquire a new pump which has since been installed. Some crops had to be planted again whilst others picked up again when pumping of water started.


Crops in the school garden picked up well in the month of March. Crops that had failed to do well due to water challenges were replaced. By the ending of March, the maize and water melon crops were germinating well. Tomatoes, potatoes and cabbages were also doing well. More cabbages and tomatoes were planted again in the month of March. BVBIZ runs these horticulture projects to improve nutrition among students, provide students with life survival skills and at the same time, help the school to get extra income through sales.


In March, lessons were conducted, conventions made, a congregation started among many other notables as reported above.  We always thank God who makes this possible and for many of you who empower BVBIZ to take another step by your encouragement, suggestions, financial and material support. To all who continue one way or another, to contribute to this work, thank you. Through you, God is glorified, workers developed and God’s kingdom expanded. May God bless you all. 

Posted on April 10, 2023 .

Gweru graduates are making a difference



The month of February saw BVBIZ moving to another level in terms of its activities. It brought new experiences to students as they began their evangelism season. Progress was registered as well in terms of the curriculum and projects. This report, as has become the trend, will also trace the whereabouts of one of the school’s graduates. These and more are reported hereunder.    


Classes continued in the month of February very well. Some subjects have already been done and completed. These include 1-2 Corinthians, 1-3 John, Denominational Doctrines and Pastoral Epistles. Those that are still ongoing this term includes Greek, Introduction to Computers, Wisdom Literature, Research Methods, Islamic Studies, 1-2 Peter and Jude.



The month of February has seen increased activity in the school’s garden. Many different types of seedlings were planted. These include 1200 potatoes, 600 cabbages, 1000 tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers and butternuts. The objectives of these projects is to improve nutrition among students, provide students with life survival skills and at the same time, help the school to get extra income through sales of these crops.


Maize is a staple crop in Zimbabwe. The school places more emphasis on this crop as it dominates students’ meals. Only about 1.2 hectares was made use of as we had challenges with inputs. The growth of the maize crop planted in late November is satisfactory. For the past 3 years, the school has never bought maize due to this effort. We are very hopeful that this will be the case again this year


The school’s Nissan Caravan, which has been down since October 2022 began to be worked on in February. Outstanding issues on it are the turbo, new suspension and labour charges. Close to a $1000 is needed to get it back on the road.


From the 18th -26th of February, BVBIZ team consisting of teachers, students and five past graduates camped at Buhera center. The task was to evangelize and assist in the establishment of  a congregation there. This was the first ever evangelism effort for the school’s 2022-2024 class. Other experienced preachers in the field namely brothers Siwedi, Mashaba, Zvinzvebu, Zimwasha, Abraham and Jongwe borught in a wealthy of experience as well. Great appreciation to the Marenga and Sadzi congregations for providing food to the preachers. Services were done everyday in the evening whilst every household within the vicinity was reached with the word. Within the 8 days, the whole area was reached by the Gospel. 24 were baptized during the week leading to the establishment of the congregation. Blessed Marufu, the school’s 2022 graduate was eventually left as the preacher there. The congregation was officially launched on the 26th of February. Several congregations that came to witness this development include Chivhu, Avondale, Marenga, Sadzi, Muzokomba with other individuals coming in their own capacities.



An attempt was made to trace the whereabouts of the last batch of students who graduated on the 28th October 2022. The following is the list and their whereabouts;

Bongani Sithole- Bongani is now working with Arisvale Church of Christ in Esigodini.

Thomas Musongora- Thomas is assisting with the work at Tsvingwe congregation, Penhalonga, Mutare

Christopher Mutambirwa-Christopher is working with Acturus congregation in Harare

Tinashe Moyana -Tinashe is working with the Zvishavane congregation

Method Moyo- Method is working for Cure Zimbabwe Children’s Hospital as a chaplain and assisting with the work at Nkulumane congregation in Bulawayo as well.

Edson Julius-Edson is the associate minister at Chivero Mission

Simbarashe Chitanda- Simbarashe is in private practice but is assisting with work at Hatcliff congregation in Harare

Thabani Dlamini-Thabani is working with Amazon congregation in Filabusi, Matebeleland South.

Tonderai Kafile-Tonderai is in private practice but at the same time assisting with the work at the Mabvuku congregation in Harare as there is no preacher there presently.  

Isaac Chipendo-Isaac is in private practice but assists with the work at Manyame congregation whilst at the same time worshipping at least once every month with Ziko congregation where he did his attachment during his school days.

Kudakwashe Simemeza-Kudakwashe is in private practice but assists with the work at the Highfield, Harare.

Tawanda Tinofa -Tawanda  works for an organization called Young Africa in Chitunwiza but assists with the work at the Chitungwiza congregation whenever opportuned.

Remember and Melody Mhlanga-The couple is working with the Glenview congregation in Harare

Michael and Samandra Kasimu-The couple is working with the Shurugwi congregation in Midlands.

Blessed Marufu- Blessed is now the preacher at the newly established congregation at Buhera Centre

Eric Mushonga-Eric began to work with Centenary congregation in Mashonaland Central but is moving to Karoi to join the prison ministry and assist with the work there beginning in March


We thank God for what He has been able to do for the school in February. We look back and see God’s favour following us. This would not have been possible without your financial, moral and spiritual support.To the partners and sponsors, may God continue to bless you.  We always look to the future with hope that indeed, through these efforts, the gates of hades will not prevail against the church (Mt 16.18).  To God be the glory!

Posted on March 13, 2023 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school begins new term



January has brought with it new expectations, new hope and renewed effort towards what BVBIZ is set out to do. The year began on a high note with several activities taking place. We can report on the following;


A new term began on the 9th of January. Students returned safely, after a well-deserved rest so as to continue with their studies. The following subjects are being taught this term;

Wisdom Literature 1(Job-Ecclesiastes)        I.Mutichu

Islamic Studies                                             K.Madyira

1 & 2 Corinthians                                         K.Madyira

Denominational Doctrines II                       M.Muchingami

1- 2 Peter, and Jude                                      H.Suwari

Research Methods                                        I.Mutichu

1 & 2 Timothy                                             I.Mutichu

Introduction to Computers                           I.Mutichu/N.Kuchena

1-3 John.                                                       Mark Reynolds

Greek                                                            M.Muchingami



Mark Reynolds, the BVBII extensions deputy director visited the school from the 9th to the 14th of January. This was his first ever visit to the school. During his stay he taught the book of 1-3 John. Students enjoyed the class and were left at another level. His visit was a huge blessing to both the students and the staff.


From the funds that were raised at a fundraising event in Harare towards the construction of a classroom block, 7000 concrete bricks were purchased in January at a cost of $1105. Great appreciation goes to all who contributed during the October event.


One of the major challenges that was confronting the school was transportation. Personal vehicles of late have been used to ensure that the school continued to run smoothly. The overuse of such vehicles had also been taking a toll on them. Great appreciation goes to the Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for providing money towards the purchase of a second hand vehicle with high a clearance. Scouting was done in Harare by both management and a board representative and a mechanic and eventually interest fell on one vehicle, a Toyota Hilux D4D Truck, which has since been purchased. Some major touch ups were done on it so that the vehicle becomes road worthy. The major changes on it included the new injectors, new turbo, new oil pump and other minor repairs.


One obstacle to our evangelism efforts has always been transportation for students. There is a distance of 6km from the school to the main road. It is from this road that students can board public transport. Other students actually cycle 32km to and fro to service the Lot 64 congregation. No public transport reaches the area. Brother Jerry Bates of World Evangelism Publications chipped in by donating 5 bicycles to add to the few that the school is in possession of. BVBIZ remains grateful to Brother Jerry for such a gesture.


BVBIZ now has a special phone and computer application to facilitate communication, learning and interaction between students and teachers then students and the administrator. Teachers can upload material and grades to it. This application shall be linked to the school’s website as well Registration of courses will be through it as well. Students will eventually be able to access their grades, course material and transcripts from there. As an initial step, teachers underwent training on the 13th of January. An orientation shall soon be done to all students whenever some suggested changes are effected. This application will soon be available on Google play store.


The BIBIZ 2022 class has now commenced its evangelism efforts. Students will be distributed in various congregations that would have expressed a need to partner the school in their evangelism efforts.  One-week campaigns shall commence beginning in February and every month thereafter until the month of May in preparation of the upcoming field program . Results from these campaigns will be reported


Every month we trace where our graduates are and what they are doing with the knowledge and tools they were given at BVBIZ. This month we focus on one of our oldest graduates, Lavert Togarasei Zungunde. He joined the school on our part-time program and graduated in 2021. His zeal and that of his wife for spreading the word is unquestionable. This is a couple on a mission. If God adds a few more years to their lives, more would be done for the Lord.


In summary to the above, classes commenced, additions were made to the school’s assets, both students and graduates continue to be active in the field, the ICT agenda is progressing well among many notables. The school remains grateful to you all for your support. We plead with you all to keep remembering BVBIZ in your prayers and planning. May God bless you all

Posted on February 6, 2023 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school trains their students to be self-sufficient

                                                                NOVEMBER 2022 NARRATIVE REPORT


We remain grateful to God for what the school was able to do in the month. Classes progressed well without much of a challenge. Evangelism and projects continued as well. These and more are covered hereunder.


The following subjects are being done this term; Prison Epistles, Hermeneutics, Sign Language, Music, Galatians, Christian Evidence, Horticulture, Homiletics, Books of History, Acts, and 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Most of the subjects were completed successfully. Great appreciation for the teachers and students for the effort put in.  


Evangelism efforts usually reach a climax through our annual field practice. This field program ended in October with the graduation of the previous class. The current class which is in its second term will begin its evangelism efforts next term through weekend evangelism. Currently, however, the class is servicing 3 congregations namely; Lot 64, Shurugwi, and Plasworth. Congregations that wish to benefit from this program have an opportunity to be served as well. 


The school is running the following projects; goat project, layers project, broilers project, and market gardening. This month we report on the maize project and market gardening. 


The school was able to plant a hectare of maize when the first rains fell in November. We had targeted to plant 2-3 hectares but funds to purchase inputs had been elusive. Our harvests in the past two seasons had not enabled the school to buy maize. The school had enough for its kitchen needs whilst some ended up being used for the poultry project without much of a challenge. We also hope to plant about 2 acres of beans in January.


Sweet potatoes were also planted in the month. Planting of this crop will continue as there are no costs involved. Depending with the harvest, If there will be more, the excess can be sold. 


Progress continued to be made in our horticulture projects. Tomatoes, cabbages, onions, and lettuce were sold in the month. Tomatoes could not fetch much as the market was flooded with them. Besides benefitting extra income from the sales and food for the students, the students are also learning life survival skills. 

Towards the end of November, more tomatoes, cucumbers, and butternuts were planted. 


In the next few months, we shall be tracing the whereabouts of our graduates. This month we begin with Takudzwa Chikuni who began his studies with the school in 2018 and completed his course in 2020. Takudzwa went on to graduate in October 2021. He enrolled as one of the youngest students the school ever had. His zeal for the work is contagious and unquestionable. He is both a powerful speaker and song leader. Soon after leaving school and prior to his graduation, during the Covid era, he went to his home area of Maware in Chivhu where he became a full-time preacher for the congregation. He was working under the late Abednego Mugweni. During this time he was being partly supported by Dr. Campion Mugweni whilst at the same time getting income from gardening and having a small grocery shop at the Maware business center. 

Takudzwa transferred to Sharara church of Christ, a rural congregation, in January 2022 and got married to his wife Tanatswa Tania Muromba in March 2022. He went to Sharara to replace another seasoned preacher Damson Siwedi who had moved to Mupudzi Church of Christ some months before. Takudzwa and his wife are happily working together for Christ. Apart from preaching the gospel in the Sharara area, he teaches Family and Religious studies at Sharara Secondary school. In terms of life survival skills, Takudzwa has continued with his garden project, runs a small grocery shop for the community, and has added a road runner (free range) chicken project to the mix. This summer season, he and his wife have already planted one hectare of maize for their sustainability. Soon after joining the Sharara Church of Christ, Takudzwa mobilized resources from the brotherhood in an attempt to extend the church building. This has been a success. Besides this, he has been able to run several programs including a lectureship for the congregation. The young man is blooming in a rural setting and the work is growing. The congregation has an average attendance of 150 people.


When all is said and done, we continue to thank God for what he continues to do through BVBIZ and through your support financially, morally, and spiritually. We continue to see progress in the students, the graduates, and the fulfillment of the curriculum requirements. Thank you all and may God continue to bless you abundantly.

Posted on December 28, 2022 .

An outstanding class of students in Zimbabwe



October was a month filled with various activities at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. It was a month to remember for many students and congregations as they parted with students who were doing their practical. It was a month when BVBIZ started her first ever Preachers’ Retreat and graduation lecture and fundraising program. These and many other issues are covered in this report.


BVBIZ did their practical from June to October. Another practical was done last year besides weekend evangelism programs, one week campaigns each term and holiday preaching. In 2022, students did their practical in the following congregations Mupudzi, Zvishavane, Hatcliff, Chivero, Acturus, Highfield, Ziko, Manyame, Mbembesi, Sipaba, Lot 64, Mutawatawa, Triangle, Shurugwi, Derembwe, Concession and Nhedziwa. Great appreciation goes to these congregations for hosting the students and partnering the school in this training dimension. The highlights of the program are that 3 congregations began during this period. In total there were 59 conversions and 19 restorations. The following statistics from June to October summaries the program;

Total hours put in                     2916

Sermons preached (church)     148

Sermons preached (funerals)   8

Devotions conducted               397

Bible classes taught                 105

Baptisms                                  59

Restorations                             19

Prospects                                  1683

Counselling sessions               48

Hospital visitations                  27

WBS courses distributed         1290

Tracts distributed                      2739

Congregations started              3



The school held its first ever PREACHER’S RETREAT from the 26th -28th of the month. The theme of the retreat was “REST A WHILE.” The event was organized by a committee composed of preachers in the field and a staff representative. The idea is to encourage preachers to avoid burnout.  The preachers were treated to a time out at a resort closer to the school. Some sporting activities also took place during the outing. Lessons were also given in an attempt to encourage and empower the preachers.



BVBIZ’s first ever graduation lecture took place on the 29th of October. The presenter was Dr. Paul Shupikai Chimhungwe, the vice principal of a College in Botswana. The topic was; THE PROBLEM OF EVIL: WHY ARE THE MAJORITY OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST PREACHERS IN ZIMBABWE SUFFERING. The presenter dwelt on possible causes of the scourge and proffered some solutions as well. The graduates to-be were to take note of the issues as they go into the field.  The lecture is code named THE ISAIAH SUWARI MEMORIAL Graduation Lecture. The late Isaiah was instrumental in the beginning of the school but passed away just a few days before the opening date. The school is grateful to Dr. P.S. Chimhungwe for the voluntary sacrifice he made in travelling all the way from Botswana to fulfill this task.


The graduation proper finally took place on the 29th of October. The event went on smoothly. The guest speakers were Dr. Hailey Velaphi Mlangeni, an elder at Bulawayo Central Church of Christ and Paul Gidden of Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. The following graduated on the day;

Eric Mushonga

Bongani Sithole

Remember Mhlanga

Melody Maseko

Thomas Musongora

Thabani Dlamini

Blessed Marufu

Michael Kasimu

Samandra Kalima

Christopher Mutambirwa

Tinashe Moyana

Tawanda Tinofa

Kudakwashe Simemeza

Method Moyo

Edson Julius

Tonderai Kafile

Isaac Chipendo

Simbarashe Chitanda


Several students received awards during the graduation ceremony. BVBIZ would like to thank all those who sponsored the awards. Most of these awards are named after their sponsor.

1.      The Raradza Valedictorian Award    (student with highest grades)          Christopher Mutambirwa

2.      Best Female student (female student with the highest grades)                   Samandra Kalima

3.      Most Improved student                                                                               Blessed Marufu

4.      The Nyahada Leadership Award                                                                Tonderai Kafile

5.      The Kufa Barnabas Award        Bongani Sithole; Kudakwashe Simemeza

6.      ALDN Entrepreneurship Award  (The best in life survival skills)   Simbarashe Chitanda, Michael Kasimu

7.      Borrowdale Church of Christ homiletics award   Remember Mhlanga, Christopher Mutambirwa

8.      Languages award (highest grades in Hebrew & Greek)                              Tinashe Moyana

9.      The Marandure Young Timothy Award (best in evangelism)                    Tinashe Moyana

10.  The Partners for Africa Melchizedek Award (The best oldest student)     Edson Julius

11.  The Isaiah Suwari Memorial award (the best visionary student)               Remember Mhlanga

12.  The Gamaliel Award (the best Bible class teacher)                                    Tawanda Tinofa


BVBIZ was blessed to have Paul Gidden (Missions Committee chairman at Woodland Oaks Church of Christ) and Donnie Estep (the BVBII regional director). They came on the 24th of October and left on the 30th of the same month. The two participated in Retreat activities whilst Donnie, taught Christian Evidences on the 25th and These two brothers were part of the guest speakers during the graduation ceremony, as well. BVBIZ was left encouraged by this visit and remain thankful to these sacrifices.


From the 22nd to the 25th of October, the first phase of sign language training took place. The teacher was Charles Muzambi, a BVBIZ 2021 graduate who was seconded in 2021 to go for an intensive Sign Language training. BVBIZ continues to push so that every preacher from any school receives such training. Charles is available to help.


On the 1st of October, a fundraising program was held in Harare towards the construction of a classroom block with offices estimated to cost around $35000. Many activities took place including a ,marathon, aerobics, Bible quiz, Business expo among other activities.  The following transpired

Total money raised $3025

Total expenses $1414.22

Total Money in hand $1072

Total money pledged $539


BVBIZ always seeks to do its part locally to raise an extra dollar so as to meet its budgetary needs. Projects are part of the strategy. The sale of broilers and eggs from the layers project continued in the month though the price of eggs is currently subdued. A small tuckshop continues to make a difference. Products from our garden continued to be sold as well. The produce includes lettuce, cabbages, cucumbers and tomatoes.


The school continues to welcome donations in whatever form. We continue to thank the Chirenda Family for its consistent support to the school ($100 monthly). The gesture continues to make a huge difference in the school.


The school received $100 towards the layers project from a Woodland Oaks church of Christ member. The money will be a huge contribution towards the much needed fowl run for the layers. About $750 is needed to construct the fowl run. The room currently housing the layers is small and has a detrimental effect on production. The ventilation is inadequate as well.


Bicycles are the mode of transport for students going for evangelism during weekends. The maximum distance that students travel  is 32km (to and fro).  The school has not been able to service a number of congregations due to the lack of bicycles to use. The two bicycles that the school had before have had constant repairs due to over use and were no longer reliable. Great appreciation goes to Partners for Africa for donating 3 bicycles towards this cause. 6 more are needed for an effective evangelism effort

8.3 WIFI

One of the challenges BVBIZ has been having for some time is the lack of internet.  Wifi routers from various network providers had failed to work due to poor network. The only option was the installation of a satellite dish. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ, through Paul Gidden, for providing $600 for this installation.


The words of Paul in Philippians 4.8 may be ideal to end this report. They capture many amazing things the month of October brought to BVBIZ. Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,  think about these things. To God be the glory!.

Posted on December 5, 2022 .

Many good projects in Zimbabwe


Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” BVBIZ is part of the answer to this commission. The school exists to equip and mold labourers for this daunting task. The agenda is to continue equipping faithful men and women for this cause. In the month of September, BVBIZ continued to advance this agenda in a variety ways. Of course, this could not have been possible without the partnership we share with you. This report is a capsule of some of the things the school was able to do in September.


The new term began on the 5th of September. All students came back to school. The following subjects are being taught this term; Homiletics 1, Hermeneutics 1, Acts of the Apostles, OT History (Joshua-Esther), Galatians (SC), 1 & 2 Thessalonians  (SC), Entrepreneurship Skills Development 1(SC), Introduction to computers , Sign Language and  Horticulture (SC)


BVBIZ continues with its drive to have different project on site. Besides providing some income to the school, one of their purposes is to provide life survival skills to the students. The horticulture and broiler projects are ongoing but this month we report on two of the projects


The school had always wanted to have a fish project within its portfolio of projects. The digging of fish ponds has started.


The layers project rolled to life in on the 15th of September. From the funds that you donated, 150 birds were bought from the target of 300. Despite the inability to meet the target, those bought will make a difference. Production is now averaging 110 eggs per day. BVBIZ wishes to thank those who made this project a reality.


Preachers Retreat

There shall be a preachers retreat scheduled to take place from the 26th -28th of October. All preachers are invited to attend this program. Several programs geared towards rejuvenating the preacher and his ministry are on the cards. More details with regard to this program shall be made in the subsequent report.


The school shall hold its third graduation ceremony on the 29th of October beginning at 10am. All stakeholders are being invited to this momentous occasion. The graduation will be pressed by the BVBIZ’s first ever graduation lecture which will take place at 4.30pm on the 28th of the same month. This lecture is code named the Isaiah Suwari Memorial lecture. The intention is to keep on instilling the BVBIZ founding principles alive as the school remembers its pioneer. All are invited.

Sign Language Training

The school shall host sign language training for all preachers from the 22nd -26th of October. BVBIZ’s emphasis in sign language training is bearing fruit as many are graduating with this necessary skill. Everyone in the world has a right to salvation despite any physical challenge. BVBIZ is slowly becoming a panacea in this area. This training will precede the preacher’s retreat and graduation as highlighted above. Each participant will be asked to pay $20.


On the 10th of September, leaders from various congregations in Mashonaland West converged in Kadoma for a leadership training workshop. Over 40 men attended. Almost every congregation in the province was represented. The main concern was church administration and governance. The BVBIZ director was privileged to be the facilitator of the program on the day.


Both full time and part time continued with their evangelism practicum in September. Great appreciation continues to go the congregations hosting these students through their provision of food, accommodation and their general upkeep. 15 were baptized whilst 8 were restored. To God be the glory!

Posted on October 8, 2022 .

Continued progress in Gweru, Zimbabwe



At the end of each month we look back and reflect upon the progress BVBIZ is making in the training of evangelists to be competent ministers of the Gospel. Indeed, we see progress in many areas. Practicum continued in several areas, classes were done, projects continued, infrastructure development continued among other notable developments. Though we cannot report on everything that transpired, the following is a summary;


The Part time class was in Gweru in August for their block besides the other classes. The major focus for this block was music and African Traditional Religion. 14 attended the block.


BVBIZ was blessed to be visited by Jerry Bates on the 23rd of August. He was accompanied by Philemon Raja and his son in law, Kingsley.  The team visited the congregation at Lot 64 where Jerry preached. From there, the team visited the school. This is one of the congregations which began as a result of the schools effort. Students cycle there covering a distance of 32km to and fro. Booklets from World Evangelism has been widely used at this small congregation and many other centers where students go to serve.



In the past few months, BVBIZ was on a drive to mobilize funds towards a layers project. The target was 300 birds. As of the ending of July $900 had been raised. The school subsequently booked for 150 point of lay birds. The birds are expected in the school around the middle of September. Irvine’s, the supplier, will provide the dates for collection. Our great appreciation goes to all who contributed. Those who still wanted to make their contributions as well are still welcome since the target had not been reached.


Our horticulture project continued to take shape in the month. Cucumber and carrots were planted in August. Cabbages, lettuce and tomato are looking good. Pruning and trellising of tomatoes will be done the first week of September. The tomatoes are now at flowering stage. Students are getting a worthy experience in the process.


Early this year, BVBIZ received a consignment of library books from Mission Printing through the efforts of our regional director, Donnie Estep. One of the school’s graduates, Simangaliso Jamela  (2021)well versed in library science has begun a process of ordering and cataloguing of the books. This is a long process but BVBIZ will eventually get there. His work has been hampered due to poor network currently obtaining on site.



One of the missing pieces at BVBIZ is a classroom block. The school will be holding a fundraising event on the 1st of October 2022 at Blakistone Primary school in Harare. Entrance tickets are already on sale and are in different ranges; $10, $20, $30, $50, $100 and $150. Each ticket will provide a person with access to the venue including a good meal on the day. In total, $35000 is needed to complete the structure. Whatever is raised will be put to use whilst further efforts will be made to raise more funds towards the completion of the structure even if takes years. .


5.2.1 Window Panes

BVBIZ wishes to thank brother Kudakwashe Simemeza and his family for donating over half of the window panes needed by the structure.  These have already been fixed.

5.2.2 Septic tank

Construction of the septic tank to the teacher’s house began on the 25th of August. The work will be completed by mid-September. Once this is complete, the main outstanding issue will be the solar system.  When the teachers move into the house, over $150 (going towards fuel) will be saved monthly  


Practicum continued in the month. Both full time and part time students continued with their practical in different areas. There were two restorations and 11 baptisms in the month.

Posted on September 12, 2022 .