Eleven baptisms in Zimbabwe

                                                                                MAY 2024 NARRATIVE REPORT


Activities picked up in May with the arrival of a new class. They shall be with the school for the next 3 years. The 2022-2024 class is currently in the field doing its practicum which has seen 11 souls getting baptized whilst the long awaited classroom and office block had some notable progress made to it. This report shall highlight these issues and others that transpired in the month of May.


The 2024-2026 class arrived on campus on the 13th of May 2024. The number of applications were more but the 14 that were accepted made it to school. The following are the names of the students and their places of origin;

Name                                           Congregation/Place of origin              Province

Gunnet Chitsiku                               Maruru                                            Manicaland

Tafadzwa Matanhike                       Kwekwe                                          Midlands

Blessing Gonye                                Maruru                                            Manicaland

Ndoro   (bro. & sis.)                         Igava                                               Mashonaland East

Bonwell Masango                             Maware                                          Mashonaland East

Shelton Mandongwe                         Maware                                          Mashonaland East

Diner Sumali Hosam                        Mupudzi                                         Manicaland

Makanaka Mekeresi                          Dangamvura                                  Manicaland

Davis Nyirongo                                 Glendale                                        Mashonaland Central

Dzingai Mugova Jnr                          Triangle                                         Masvingo

Chigodora (bro. & sis.)                     Chiware (Rusape)                          Manicaland

Benny Biriati Jnr                               Mutorashanga                                Mashonaland Central

Tobias Mabika Mureyatu                  Mutungagore                                 Manicaland


This class is made up of 15 students (13 males and two females). One student, Benny Biriati Jr. listed above, shall join the class in January next year. He has already completed two terms with us and will be coming to continue with his studies.

The following are the subjects that are being done this term; Old Testament Law, How We Got the Bible, Christian Evidences, English and Writing Skills, Scheme of Redemption, Personal Evangelism 1, Public Speaking, Life of Christ 1, New Testament Church (SC) and Horticulture (SC).                                                                    


The foundation to the classroom and office block was completed on the 31st of May. Great appreciation goes to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for providing part of the funding. The members of the churches in Zimbabwe who contributed funds during the school’s fundraising effort in 2022, thank you. This united effort has ensured the completion of the foundation. The next stage is the construction of the superstructure then the roof.


The 2022-2024 class in currently in the field carrying its final practicum before its graduation in October. To date 11 souls have been converted and one restoration made. The following are the results that came in from the field.

BVBIZ wishes to thank all congregations and preachers who are hosting this students through the provision of food, accommodation and the necessary experience. This program shall continue until the 14th of October. The following pictures are a summary of what took place in May in the field; The effort at Mt Darwin in Mashonaland central has the sole goal of establishing a congregation in the town. A few are coming for worship services and we request your prayers towards this effort.


We were blessed to have Keith Kasarjian, the BVBII director of International schools on the 28th and 29th of May. The purpose was to appraise himself on current developments together with exploring some possibilities for BVBIZ in Zimbabwe. Besides the meetings held, he visited Nhowe Mission for the first time where he met the superintendent, the church leadership, some of the BVBIZ students and departmental heads besides touring the institution. BVBIZ remain grateful for such a visit.


The school received another consignment of library books and tracts from Mission Printing in the United States. The books arrived the Eastern border town of Mutare in a container. Brothers Mutichu and Muchingami went there to receive the consignment. The container other material for other organizations as well. A few of the boxes are already in Gweru with the majority still holed up in Mutare due to transport challenges. Great appreciation goes to both our regional director for facilitating this development and Mission Printing for answering our request. Sakubva Relief Organization is well appreciated as well for facilitating the entry of the container into Zimbabwe.


We praise God for what we were able to achieve in May. Thank you for your financial, material and the moral support we are receiving. Souls continue to be saved, men and women continue to be trained and so much more. To God be the glory!

Posted on June 10, 2024 .