The month of March was filled with activities, both in and outside the class. Lessons were done successfully whilst development was registered on the infrastructure side of things as well. The school also had an exchange program that took place March. Besides these, this month we give an update with regard to the upcoming May 2024 intake, parallel classes and upcoming field practice.
1.0 2024: A DROUGHT YEAR
Crops have generally failed in the country due to the El Nino phenomenon. The president declared the 2023/2024 cropping season a national disaster. BVBIZ is not spared either due to the erratic rains. For the past four years, the school has been self sufficient in terms of maize (the staple food) and beans. It is going to be a different scenario from the month of April until the end of the year. The maize that the school had planted failed as well. This has budgetary implications as the school is now buying buying maize to feed the students. Compared to 2023, food expenses every month have gone up by about 65%.
The school term ended on the 26th of March. The following subjects were done and completed succeffuly during the term; Theology of Missions, Community Development and Poverty Alleviation, Revelation, Church Administration and Governance, Preacher’s Life and Work, Strategic Management for Churches, Bible Geography, Teacher Training and Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics. Examinations were written successfully during their last week of studies. Great appreciation goes to both teachers and students for making the academic sessions a success.
Classes from the parallel program proceeded well as well. The Harare class did Church leadership and Advance Homiletics (still ongoing) in March whilst the Nhowe class did New Testament Church and Personal Work (still ongoing). Both classes shall do the block classes in April. The following classes will be taught in Gweru; Advanced Homiletics, Church Leadership, Greek studies and Pastoral Epistles The following subjects will be done at Nhowe; Sign Language, Life of Christ, Scheme of Redemption and Christian Evidences. Some of the subjects will be carried over into the next session.
In March, BVBIZ was blessed to have Donnie Estep visiting. Donnie is the BVBIZ regional director for Southern Africa. He arrived on the second of March and departed on the 9th for BVBI-Lesotho. During his stay, he taught the book of Revelation. We always cherish his visits.
Another visiting teacher who came was Panganai Toperesu. He taught a short course; Community Development and Poverty Alleviation from the 14th to the 15th of March. The subsequent week saw brother Nkosilathi Mpofu visiting as well. He taught Theology of Missions. We remain grateful to all these sacrifices that the visiting teachers make.
From the 15th to the 16th of March, Africa School of Bible Missions’ (ASBM) teachers and students visited BVBIZ for an exchange program. This was a first of its kind for the two schools. ASBM is based in Bulawayo. The visit was characterized by fellowship, games, chapels and Bible quiz. Ndebele lessons were done as well. It was refreshing to both students and teachers.
Floor tiles, ceiling and a solar system were successfully fixed at the teachers’ house. The available funds could not permit painting to be done as the other three developments costed a bit more than anticipated. Painting, therefore, remains outstanding. On a different note, the fencing of slightly above half of the school premises was successfully completed in the month. This covered a distance of about 970 metres (500m being diamond fence and 470, game/field fence). This fence has enhanced the much needed security on the premises.
The construction of the much anticipated foundation to the classroom block with offices has taken long than expected. This is due to the delays by the Vungu Rural District Council in approving the plan. Its health department had noted a few changes that needed to be made in terms of its layout. This has since been done and we continue to wait for its approval.
Having completed their classes, 2022-2024 intake is now commencing its final field practicum. The field practice ends on the 13th of October whereupon students will come back for their graduation. The first round of practicum took place in 2023, over and above holiday preaching, weekend preaching and the famous one week campaigns which take place every term.
Munyaradzi Muzoma shall move from Mt Darwin to Nembudziya during the second half of the program whilst Chris Marunga remains at Mt Darwin. Borrowdale shall benefit from the program during the first half of the practicum wherein the students will then move to other areas specified on the list. It is anticipated that a new congregation at Mutora Growth point in Nembudziya will be established. The whole district (Gokwe North) has only two congregations and if the Mutora call succeeds, the congregations will become three. Munyaradzi Muzoma and Chris Marunga also have a task of establishing a new congregation at Mt. Darwin. We request for your prayers towards these efforts.
8.0 MAY 2024 INTAKE
To date 15 students (13 males and 2 females) have been accepted for the May 2024 intake.
As reported above, classes progressed well in March, an exchange program took place, and the fence was fixed successfully with the recruitment of students for the May 2024 intake now at an advanced stage. Despite the challenge of drought in the country, God continues to see us through every month. To him be glory and honour, forever and ever, Amen! We continue to appreciate all our partners far and wide for standing with BVBIZ in one way or another. You financial, moral and material support continue to enable the teaching and moulding of preachers to proceed. May God bless you all!