With All My Heart, I Thank You...

Words cannot express how grateful I am for your words of encouragement since the passing of my father just over a week ago. Your words have been a great source of strength during a very difficult time. My mother continues to struggle with the loneliness of not having dad around and I am thankful to be able to be here with her. I know she would greatly appreciate your prayers as she learns how to move forward without the presence of her husband of 60 years.

I have been working to keep up with the development of the various locations of extension training for the past week. The reports contain wonderful news about the development in each location. Learning about the maturation of the students and their efforts to share the gospel within their countries is a constant source of encouragement. The increase God gives strengthens our faith in His power to work through the power of the Word.

I know you will be encouraged this week with the news from around the world. 

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Souls Added In Cameroon: Recent mission work in several villages near Wotutu, Cameroon has brought forth fruit in several souls added to the kingdom.

Diary Of A Recent Trip In Nepal: Gajendra Deshar, along with a few others, visited graduates and was involved in recruiting future students for NCBS.

The Reward Of Preaching The Gospel: The Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan, Nigeria shares the rewards that come from preaching the gospel.

Life Is Always Good On The Mission: Chad Wagner’s report looks at the latest events around the Chimala Mission.

I Love Tanzania Because: The reasons for loving the work in Tanzania are many, but Cy Stafford shares a few of the wonderful reasons. 

Final Thoughts
Thank you again for all you do in support of the Extension program, your involvement in the overall development, and your prayers for my family. I am thankful to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends and a spiritual family that continues to provide encouragement. You truly make it possible to survive even the darkest valley.

God bless

Posted on April 28, 2013 .