I Love Tanzania Because...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

It is our hope and prayer that each of you are well, blessed and serving others faithfully. We are good, busy about His work. There are many things here in Tanzania that we love and enjoy. There are many reasons we like our life as missionaries here in East Africa. There are any number of reasons we consider ourselves blessed to be here, serving our God and others in Christ. Here are but a few....

I love Tanzania because of men like Bernard Elias (graduate of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching). Bernard, after graduating, went back to his home country of Kenya and has been faithfully serving the church. He recently sent out this short note; “Hey brother, thanks be to the Father, we had 8 baptisms at the meeting. I will write more later today. Be blessed, Bernard and Dorothy.” (2 Timothy 2.2 at work)

I love Tanzania because of men like Philemon David. Philemon was here are our home earlier last week talking about the congregation where he is from. Philemon is a second year student at the ACSOP, he told me the village leader had donated several acres of land for the church. He has invited me to come, meet the village leader, the church family and to teach the Good News to his family, friends and his fellow countrymen. He went on to tell me of another congregation about 70 kilometers from his home that he also visits and works with. I asked him how much it cost to ride a bus back and forth, he said he was not sure because he always road his bike! Yep, he rides almost 44 miles one way to serve his brothers and sisters in Christ. (2 Timothy 2.2 at work)

I love Tanzania because of men like Paul Muhendi, who graduated in November of 2012. While at school he planted one new congregation in the hills of Kilimanjaro. As he was getting closer to graduation he came to me and said; “I have a burning desire to take the gospel to my own people, will you please help me.” He is currently traveling each weekend from Arusha to the village of Katesh (234 miles away). He has planted the church and there are now nine new souls in the Kingdom. He travels the 145 miles one way, spends two nights, lodges, eats and returns. What is the help he needed? $31.54 each week. Brothers and Sisters, here is a wonderful opportunity to sponsor a man in a new work, that God might be glorified and souls might be saved. If you or your congregation is interested, drop me a note and let’s talk.

I love Tanzania because of the men and women I am privileged to work with. The list is long and for this I am truly grateful. One family I will mention here is Jimmy Gee and his family. They left today, heading back to America for their furlough after three years. Jimmy has served as the Director of the ACSOP for several years, and has done a fine job if I say so myself. One of the things I love about this brother is our friendship. He has been that friend others talk about, you know, the one you would like to have in your foxhole in time of war. Yes, Jimmy is a genuine friend, co-worker and brother in Christ. Thank you Jimmy, Trina and family. We wish you a very joyful, peaceful and successful furlough. Hurry home, we already miss you guys. Please keep the Gee family in your prayers as they travel.

The list is long, the space too short. We thank you, we love you and we pray God continues to bless each of you in your support of His work here in Tanzania. 

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on April 28, 2013 .