Cambodia Coordinator Chronicle

It is with great excitement that I am able to report to you the good news from Cambodia and the plans for this next year.

We had 8 graduates this past year, 5 men and 3 women. The men have already been teaching and preaching in various parts of the country with success. Each of them now has 2 years of intense Bible study under their belts while maintaining certain benchmarks to pass. We currently have 8 students in their first year of studies.

Church Growth
During 2012 we have seen continued growth in our main congregation of Siem Reap. More male leaders are stepping up and taking leadership roles, with the intent on becoming elders! The membership has increased to about 50 souls. Takam Village continues to be a place of growth and one of our most potential filled sister congregations. We currently have 3 of our past graduates engaged in the work there. This congregation continues to grow and there are plans to start some other congregations in the nearby area. Leang Dai is a place that we have 2 of our graduates working and taking care of those members. This is a farming village and smaller in size but has steady growth. Even though Svay Reng is near the Vietnam border and is small we continue to see maturity and have hope for them.   

New Work 
Two of our recent graduates currently live on a large pontoon boat in the Bos Krolan area on Tonle Sap Lake. These young men will evangelize, study and hold worship services on the boat while also providing purified water with their filtration system to those in the area. This is very exciting and we ask for you prayers in this area.

Future Plans 
In February I will be traveling to Cambodia for 2 weeks to teach a short course for the students.  Another instructor from the Bear Valley Bible Institute will be traveling with me to teach I & 2 Peter as a short course as well. We are already scheduling others to go and teach on the Godhead, Christian Evidence, 1 & 2 Timothy, Evangelism and the Preacher and his family. I am excited to go and report back to you upon my return my personal viewpoint how things are going. Plans also include working to make the students self sufficient, marketing the school locally and establishing a solid Saturday Bible Study program. I will bring more details to these in the next report.

Thank You

2 Thessalonians 1: 3-5
I cannot stress enough how grateful I am to each of you for your support and faith in this work. I believe that training preachers in their native culture is the best way yet to further the spreading of God’s Word. Your actions have brought many to salvation and honor to the Lord by your giving character.

Wes Autrey
Cambodia Coordinator for IBISR
Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver Extension Program

Posted on April 29, 2013 .