Souls Added In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Wotutu and the entire brothers and sisters in Cameroon. I do hope this report will meet you in good health and a sound faith.

The Lord added 3 souls in the cause of our efforts in Dibanda village, even at night. Souls were added like sister Cynthia. After her baptism she worshiped today and was really pleased with the New Testament worship. Keep them in your prayers that the congregation in Dibanda will help nurture them to maturity.

Life is going on well, but with lots of challenges. Keep us in your prayers. We just made our way back to Wotutu after four days of evangelism in Dibanada village where one of our graduates is serving. The work went on well.

Last week in CBIW and the Wotutu congregation everything went on well. The students are doing well in their studies, but not having the best of health. This morning after worship in Dibanda village I was called by my wife that my daughter, Cheercy, collapsed during worship alongside brother Godwin Nwachukwu as they had severe chest pain. They were both rushed to the hospital in my absence for emergency medical attention. Brother Godwin was under oxygen for a while until he was revived. They are both getting better. Keep them in your prayers.

CBIW students stood beside a hired van as they prepared to depart to Dibanda for mission. We are spending too much on hired van. Keep it in your prayers for the Lord to provide to us.

God granted us a safe trip to the village of Dibanda. Our students struggled to raise the canopy for shade, as we are in the rainy season.

The students and staff of CBIW embarked on house to house evangelism, reaching out to the community. Evangelism is our mission and we make sure we meet up with that daily through our radio program at 5 AM daily and also follow up.

I was able to teach to the crowd during our indoor class on the topic that Christians are supposed to be aware of the schemes of the devil.

The Lord added sister Helen as brother Edwin welcomed her after her baptism.

We shall target Batoke now to establish a new congregation by next month. Help us pray. We have been planning to go and we have other commitments that will take us to another area. The whole of the west coast in Cameroon does not have the church of Christ, so if this is successful it will be the very first one and it will spread to other parts of that community.

Many thanks to God for using you to be part of the work here. May God continue to bless you and watch over you to not relent your efforts of saving souls and training men to preach the gospel message.

I pray you share this report with others. God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By his grace Director CBIW

Posted on April 28, 2013 .