As we draw near to the end of the month, Sheryl and I are nearing the end of our travels to see current and potential supporters for the work. It has been a very encouraging month as we share the news from the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver, as well as, the development of the Extension program around the world.
This week we had opportunity to visit with one new congregation, the Crossroads church of Christ just outside of Enola, Arkansas. This congregation may be small in number, but they are large in spirit and their generosity is encouraging. I am always amazed how sacrificial the giving is with congregations that would be considered small in number.
We also had opportunity to visit with the Enola church of Christ. This congregation has been instrumental in financially supporting us personally for several years. We are grateful for their sacrificial generosity as well. They have been a consistent light in helping provide support for our work in Denver, as well as, our endeavors to travel in the Extension program.
Sheryl and I give thanks to God for these two congregations and all the individuals and congregations who share in the development of our efforts and the various schools around the world where men are being trained to preach the gospel.
The reports each week continue to bring exciting news in the development of men who are preparing themselves for ministry. Their efforts are what this work is really all about. The strength of their labors is what needs to be lifted up. They need to be encouraged for their diligent and sacrificial work as they share the good news of Jesus.
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Wes Autrey prepares for his trip to Cambodia for the second graduation ceremony of IBISR. His report can be ready by clicking here.
Extension Reports
Return From Nigeria: After returning from Nigeria, brother Elangwe shares news from activities in the work of Cameroon.
Gospel Chariot Headed For Chimala: One of the wonderful tools used to reach out with the gospel is headed for Chimala, Tanzania.
Reaching Out To Denominations: At the request of several in the denominational groups in Kpalime, Togo, plans are made for classes to teach the gospel.
An Exceptional Day In Arusha: After a beautiful week, the work of the church continues to see the hand of God at work.
The Church Grows In Tanzania: God has given the increase as the church continues to see souls added in Arusha, Tanzania.
Final Thoughts
Thank you for taking time to read the report each week. The news is so encouraging and I pray you are edified by the reports. Thank you for your prayers for those who are laboring so diligently and sacrificially in sharing the news of Jesus. We need to continually lift them up. Thank you for your support. Your generosity and sacrifice cannot be measured. I look forward to heaven when we will all have opportunity to meet one another from every nation, tribe, tongue, and language.
God bless