Greetings Fellow Workers;
We rejoice in the Lord in knowing we have fellowship one with another through Jesus Christ. We are mindful of the fact we are here, able to do God’s will, because you care, you pray and you support this good effort. Thank you!
Today has been an exceptional day for a number of reasons. It was so good to be in worship with Elizabeth our new sister in Christ who obeyed the Gospel yesterday. The new birth of this good sister was made possible by the love of God, sacrifice our our Lord Jesus, Suzanna Weimer and her team from Hoover, Al, the follow up efforts of Stephanie, Jane, Paulina, and Caitlin. Thank you all for a job well done!
Caitlin and Paulina also had a study Fri. afternoon with Hosianna who also repented and was baptized into Christ.
After a great sermon by Christopher two souls repented of sin in their lives and Rosa came forward to be added to the Church through her obedience to the Gospel.
As I began to write this Short Report Jimmy called and said Rahema was being baptized. Abigail and Lindsey had been studying with her for several weeks. God is good all the time! He continues to give the increase and continues to bless the efforts of His faithful.
Our graduate students are arriving and preparing for classes that begin tomorrow. Jimmy will be teaching this week on “The Spiritual Development of the Preacher.” We are so very grateful for the good being done through the Andrew Connally School of Preacher and all who work and support her.
Please keep the East Africa Gospel meeting in your prayers as evangelist from all over East Africa come together to teach and preach God’s Word. This year the meeting will be conducted in Mwanza where our brother Isaac Kusupa currently serves as the local evangelist.
Please also remember Innocent, and his family, the local preacher from Monduli, lost his older brother this past week.
May our God bless each of you as you serve Him faithfully through service to others.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Caitlin