The Church Grows In Tanzania...

Dear Faithful Supporters,


QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  "The best time to do something significant is between yesterday and tomorrow."   

CHURCH GROWTH. We rejoice this week over the baptisms of Bertha, Hosanna and Elizabeth. Chris Akin and Israel taught Bertha while the Akins were here. Then, Ahimidiwe and Israel continued the studies and Bertha was baptized this week. Our long-term visitor, Caitlyn Middleton, (and translator, Paulina) taught Hosanna. Hosanna, who is visiting from Moshi, is the niece of Ahimidiwe. Twenty-year-old Caitlyn (daughter of Alan and Cindy Middleton of Northport, AL)  has been conducting many studies and is spending her entire summer (plus some) helping the church in Tanzania grow. Then, Elizabeth was studied with by Suzanna (with the Hoover group) and Paulina. Caitlyn and Jane (Massawe) continued the studies and she obeyed yesterday. Please pray for these new Christians.

NEW CONVERT'S CLASS. Approximately fifteen students were in Jimmy's class this morning where Christian growth was the topic of study. Among these students were three people who stated that they could not read. This shows the need for at least basic adult education classes where these good people could be taught to read and write. To use the words of the Ethiopian eunuch, "How can I learn God's Word fully if I cannot read?" Maybe that is something we need to consider. Please pray about it that God may open the doors for this need. 

Jimmy begins teaching "The Spiritual Development of the Preacher" to the Master's students this week. There were supposed to be three weeks of Master's classes but the scheduled teacher, Roger Shepherd, was diagnosed with blockage in two arteries (40% and 50%) in his heart. Therefore, he will not be coming, but will be providing assignments for an in-ministry course for the students. Please pray for Roger as he faces possible surgery, whether it be stints or otherwise.

HARE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW. Unfortunately, the class on raising rabbits and tilapia had to be rescheduled. Prayerfully they will take place in late January / early February. Lindsey is disappointed because she's already purchased part of her supplies and we were all licking our lips thinking about rabbit stew, rabbit steak, and looking forward to those soft little slippers we could wear. :) 

The EAST AFRICAN GOSPEL MEETING is scheduled for August in Mwanza, which is in northwest Tanzania. As we have said before, this is an annual meeting that is planned, executed, and paid for by the brethren of East Africa. Each year the meeting is in a different place. Last year, as you may recall, it was in Uganda, where Cy and Jimmy went and Jimmy preached the meeting. Each day there is evangelism in the morning and lessons for the evangelists in the afternoon, then outdoor preaching at 4 PM. Please pray that the meeting in Mwanza will be a great success and the church there strengthened.

BY THE SKIN OF HIS TEETH. The past several weeks we have spent a lot of time in the dentist office.  It began with routine cleanings/exams, then Elijah collided with our solid-wood coffee table (mouth first) which loosened a front primary tooth (which had to be removed), cut his gums and broke off a piece of bone that we first thought was the exposed secondary tooth.  Then while flossing a small white filling fell out of Trina’s tooth.  Then Stuart broke off part of a back tooth (probably while eating popcorn). Never a dull moment in the Gee household! 

"We ought always to GIVE THANKS to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting..." (II Thess. 1:3) for all you have done and for your faith in us and the work going on here. "Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified..." (II Thess. 3:1). 

In His Service, 
Jimmy, Trina and Children

Posted on July 22, 2012 .