Gospel Chariot Headed For Chimala...

Wagner Family Tidbits
We have received word that our shipping container is still in Dar es Salaam. There are several steps which must take place for the container to be shipped out of port. One of the steps was completed this last week and now we are facing a month of port charges at $150/day. Please pray that the port authorities will be gracious toward our plight.

The girls are adjusting well to life on the mission. They certainly are not afraid to get out and about! They are able to ride their bikes all over the mission and they have done a lot of exploring.  One of the things the kids have lately been doing is getting busy on the local basketball court. There are usually several locals on the court and my girls wanted to play.   

We also ventured out to the Chimala market. It is a large open area with various booths and spots to sell anything and everything. We saw fabric, clothing, tools, toys, movies, electronics, food, kitchen goods, bicycles, an auction, etc.  We purchased some material for making curtains as well as some oranges.

Housing on the Mission
The Chimala Mission has several houses where missionaries live. In fact, it is more like a small neighborhood than an African village. The mission itself is fairly secure with guards all over the mission. The kids ride their bikes all over the mission with no trouble.  

Here are some pictures of our house here in Chimala. It is the Mays house. It was build several years ago (and added onto several times). We have recently had it painted inside and out. We were able to move back into the house this week and Rena is busy trying to get the bags/boxes unpacked.   

Preaching the Gospel
At the Chimala Mission, we are actively working toward and getting excited about the Gospel Chariot coming in a few weeks. You can visit their blog here. The Gospel Chariot is a truck with all the equipment for a successful Gospel Meeting in just about any village or town. The Gospel Chariot travels to 11 different African countries. We are blessed to have them come every year to SW Tanzania. We have several villages scheduled in the area where the Gospel Chariot will be at and we plan to do all that we can to help them spread the Gospel. Pictures and reports are forthcoming. 

Closing Thoughts
The work here at the Chimala Mission is challenging but also rewarding. We are all finding ways we can get involved in the overall work of the mission to make a difference in the lives of people. We are grateful to all of you who contribute to this work and this family and for partnering with us.  

Of course, you could always come see yourself. . . :) 


To see the report, complete with pictures, click here.

Posted on July 22, 2012 .