Adding Souls To The Kingdom...

What a great and awesome God we serve! Considering the development of the present schools in the Extension Program, as well as, the potential establishment of future schools, this work gets more exciting by the day. We are seeing requests for additional schools on almost a weekly basis. Some of these requests are not legitimate possibilities, but some hold great promise.

What really makes these possibilities exciting is not adding more schools to the list, but seeing souls added to the kingdom as a result of the work being done within the schools. As you read through the various reports below I believe you will see what I mean. God’s word is being proclaimed, the Lord’s people are being edified, and souls are being won, saved from eternal condemnation. These facts explain why this work is so exciting.

We are also just a little over a week away from on of the most important meetings of the year. Each year in March, all the staff of the Extension program come together to meet for two days in discussion about the various areas of the work. We will be examining what is working well and what is not working well. We will also discuss ways we can improve the overall program of training men to preach in their respective countries. I look forward to sharing more about the result of our time together in the weeks ahead.

I continue to ask you to be praying for the work. Please pray for the men who will be traveling to Denver for this meeting. Pray for the discussion and decisions of this meeting. Also, continue to pray for the work of the program, as we work to fulfill the Great Commission. We know God will bless our efforts in the future just as He has in the past. Our prayer is that all we do will bring glory to Him.

Now on to the reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Howell Ferguson, who is working at the Chimala Bible Institute sent his latest report on the work. To read the report and see a picture of the class, click here.

The Hochdorf family recently returned to Arusha, Tanzania to help in the TZ2000 work. Along with many other responsibilities, Sean and Anita will work in the area of evangelistic outreach and Sean will be teaching at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Click here to read more about their arrival and adjustment.

Extension Reports 

Mondoni Village Is Growing In Cameroon: Over the past month 27 souls were added to the congregation at Mondoni Village. The work in Cameroon is growing.

Green Mambas And Muddy Roads: While the rainfall is good in Chimala, there are challenges to some of the deadliest snakes in Tanzania.

Spreading The Gospel In Ukraine: The local work of preachers and the students at BVBIU take the gospel throughout the Ukraine.

New Sister In Siem Reap: Through a contact on the basketball court, Phanat was able to reach out and see one of the young ladies in Siem Reap become a Christian. 

Battambang Is Growing In Cambodia: The efforts of Chann Lork and one of the students at IBISR are making strides at helping grow a church in Battambang, Cambodia.

A New Bible School Begins In Kisongo: Through the grow and development of the local leadership in Arusha, Tanzania, a new Bible school is beginning in the Kisongo congregation. 

Final Thoughts
Thank you for taking time to read through the report each week. I pray you get as much encouragement out of the work as I do. The development of this work depends on you, the sacrifices you have and continue to make in support of this work. Please know it is not unnoticed or unappreciated. Thank you!

God bless

Posted on March 4, 2012 .