A New Bible School Begins In Kisongo...

Quote of the Week: "It's the pack that gets the job done, not the lone wolf." – Mike O'Neil

COMMUNICATION. Last week, Jimmy thought Trina was writing the report and Trina thought he was. We are sorry about that MISCOMMUNICATION.

PRECIPITATION. “Elijah…prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit,” James 5:17-18. Wow…somebody or many “somebodies” have been praying because the once brown, dry and dusty Kisongo area is now green and very, very wet. This means the "short rains" have started. For the past two weeks, rain has fallen many days and almost every night. In fact, you could say we had a “deluge” today! We are loving the fresh air and trying not to complain about the mud. Our thanks to God and to you for your prayers. In one of the recent thunderstorms, an ACSOP student’s wife was emptying a large barrel of water into buckets. Lightening struck killing a dog only six meters away from her and apparently killed a goat also (found dead in a pen the next morning).

HUMILIATION. While at the fruit stand, we witnessed something brand-“spanking” new: A bus driver getting spanked with a policeman’s billy club! Ouch! A Tanzanian lady explained that the driver had let someone off at the wrong place. These mini-vans (called dala-dalas) are the major reason for extreme FRUSTRATION in traffic because they pick up and drop off riders at any and every point in traffic, swerve in front of others, side-swipe people, you name it.

ANTICIPATION. On March 25, Keith Kasarjian and his daughter, Molly, from Prattville, AL are scheduled to arrive. Keith is the Assistant Director of Extensions for the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver, CO. He will be teaching Biblical Leadership for the second-year students. Molly is planning to volunteer in the Tanzanian Christian Clinic at Monduli. Then, a few days later, Gary Fallis will arrive to teach Denominational Doctrines and Islam to the same class the next week. Also, our friends, Forrest and Teresa Rachels (the okra farmers!) have committed to working here in June. Yea!

EDUCATION. Tomorrow begins the first day for the first class of the Kisongo Bible School. This two-year school was planned, organized and is being carried out totally by the Tanzanians (except that they will invite Americans to teach when needed). Jimmy begins teaching “A Survey of the Bible” tomorrow evening. The Tanzanians are certainly “stepping up to the plate” in leadership and vision. The man responsible for most of the effort is ACSOP graduate (both the Undergraduate and Graduate programs) Ahimidiwe Kimaro, who serves as the preacher at Kisongo, Dean of Students for the ACSOP and Office Manager/Printer. And, who is responsible for his training and education?  Kensington Woods Church of Christ (Hattiesburg, MS) who made a 20-year commitment to train Africans to teach Africans. Who brought his vision and dream to the attention of the KW elders? Cy Stafford. And upon whose work did Cy Stafford build? Andrew Connally, who began evangelizing East Africa long ago in the 1960's. And who is responsible for keeping this work alive and prospering? YOU ARE. Many, many people have been involved in the TZ 2000 Mission work including, but not limited to, supporters (whether individuals or congregations), visiting teachers, visiting American preachers and personal evangelists, missionaries, African evangelists and Tanzanian ACSOP staff (housekeepers, cooks, office workers, guards, etc) “I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” (I Cor. 3:6)

PARTICIPATION. Our children, especially the older ones, love to be actively involved in the many good opportunities that exist here. (And it is the privilege of parents to brag!) Lindsey has taken it upon herself to make vegetable soup every Saturday after cleaning out the refrigerator. Using all the “fresh” leftovers plus a few other ingredients, she makes a delicious soup to deliver to members of the church. Yesterday, she also baked two loaves of homemade bread to give away (although we persuaded her to leave us half of a loaf). Heather and Candace recently volunteered to help clean house and hand-wash clothes for a church member (who, due to her young child’s condition, has very little time to do her work).

DESTINATION. Sean, Anita, and Maddie Hochdorf (along with Sean’s parents, Norm and Alice) arrived safely and have begun to do the “million and one things” that it takes to get settled so they may begin their work. We are happy to have them and know, as previously, they will use their talents to contribute to the growth of the Lord’s church in Tanzania.

LIMITATION. There are only 24 hours in a day and we feel guilty that we cannot do more Bible studies and have difficulty completing the ones begun. We believe in honest reporting and request your prayers that Lindsey, Abigail or Trina can get to the 3 people who have agreed to/requested a Bible study. Tanzanian ladies (Personal Evangelism Class graduates) have been asked to conduct some Bible studies but often fail to do so (may be a lack of confidence, or, perhaps like me, also struggle with “time issues.”)

CELEBRATION. Stuart will turn 10 years old tomorrow and his party was yesterday! He requested a “surprise” party!

APPRECIATION. A Tanzanian was praying this morning and a phrase was translated as “bunches of gratitudes.” While not proper English grammar (and much of our writing may not reflect it either), we will close expressing the same sentiment. Please accept our “bunches of gratitudes” to you and everything you do to help bring glory to God through this work.

OPERATION. A dear friend, John Rice, is having bypass surgery on Monday. We would appreciate your prayers on his behalf. He and several others have come over the past several years and ran Tanzania Christian Camp. We want John to do well in this surgery so that he can return again in December of this year!

Serving Together, 

Jimmy, Trina, Lindsey, Abigail, Heather, Candace, Stuart, David,
Naomi, Elijah and Matthew

Posted on March 4, 2012 .