Battambang Is Growing In Cambodia...

Dear all brethren,

Thank you for your concerning about me and dropping me a message.

The work at Battambang is doing okay, as last week the people stopped practicing their habits in worship and turned to do what the Bible said about worship.

I also expressed to them about what they did to be saved. They told me right as the Bible said one must be baptized to be save.

They really want to do right and we keep going there, especially on the weekend to try and teach them more and Lord's willing when one of our students finishes at school he may stay there and work full time to help the people in that area. Keep praying for this work and our work as well, as we don't know how long that our church 's fund is going to last, because what we spent is more than what we got from contribution.

We also may need some funds for the mission of our students as now I am teaching our second year students on the mission course.

It would help them better if we take them to the mission field and see the needs of the people at the villages rather than just teaching them in the school without taking them to teach and preach to the other areas.  

In His service


Posted on March 4, 2012 .