Green Mambas And Muddy Roads...

Things have been quite interesting here at the Chimala Bible Institute. We ended the first quarter and spent last weekend grading papers, final exams and sermon notes. Then we started the two short courses for the first and second year English students. We are teaching Christian evidences this week while Howell Fergeson is teaching 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. When I returned from teaching about the three major arguments for the existence of God for lunch I noticed my cook and housekeeper were in the back room of the house with one of the mission guards. When I entered the room I saw what all the commotion was about. A five foot long green mamba had decided to visit my usual tranquil house and we had to deliver him to the other world. Yes, they are the deadliest snakes in Africa and after the harsh rains of the past week they have a tendency to want to go into a dry place. 

Speaking of the rains, every weekend we are all taking the students out to evangelize. I and Ezekiel went to Isitu with five students. After a wonderful Bible class taught by William Tembo, one of our students, we preached on the love, joy and peace of the Christian. Immediately after service the rains began. The roads were so muddy we could not return that afternoon, but everyone took it all in stride. Howell and Menard went to Chosi A. where Howell preached on discipleship. Mary and Upendo taught the children. Speaking of children, we went to Lyombogo  last Wednesday night and were able to teach 28 children the story of David and Goliath with Ezekiel. It has always touched our hearts when we go out into the “bush” how many children will come out to hear God’s word. 

Even though he is not a child, one young 15 year old named Stephen came to school last week and wanted to talk about entering the Swahili program sometime in the future. Later we found he was not a Christian. The teachers got together and studied with him the rest of the afternoon and by evening we all rejoiced at another addition to the kingdom. He was sent home with the Bible correspondence course and other materials to help him in his “new life.”

We finished our section on inspiration of the Bible this afternoon. It was a fun day for me for I was able to discuss the role of Bible Archaeology in showing the accuracy of God’s word. The students will have their final tomorrow afternoon. Howell’s class will have a final also and then the students will be taught Christian Ethics and the Gospel of John. I am so proud of all our students and teachers. Everybody is working so hard in class as well as spending time preaching and teaching the gospel on the weekends. Please pray for all the wonder young men as they continue to prepare themselves to be better servants of Christ.

Garry L. Hill
Extension Coordinator

Posted on March 4, 2012 .